Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 323: All illusion

"Jade Luosha!"

Suddenly falling shadows, Qin Shi was shocked, and immediately arrogant anger swept over his face: "Are you crazy?"

"The crazy person is you!"

The jade robes sound cold and sultry, with a blank expression.

"Unrecognized demon girl!"

The serious injury of the snow eagle caused Qin Shi’s emotions to be stirred up by thousands of waves. Unprecedented anger exploded in Dantian. Without thinking, he waved two auras to Yuluo.

 +Pig+Pig+Island+Fiction+www+z+; Hey!

However, the attack under anger is often fragile, and the jade robes are just swaying by the sword, and they are easily swayed by the veil.

call out!

Just blocked the Jianguang, her graceful figure moved, and did not give Qin Shi a chance to think, just like a ghostly galloping out of him, palm up and down, hit two people.


Two thin figures were directly shaken by hundreds of meters.

"Jade Luosha, it really is you!"

At the moment when the two were shot, the black panther flashed and greeted the jade robes, and the two palms produced a raging spiritual flow between the confrontations.

"Fairy, dead!" The palm and the black panther touched, and the jade heart of the jade was stunned with blackness, followed by one hand to the waist, and grasped the hilt of the sword.

"Silent sword?" The black panther is in a tight heart.

The white fox supported the snow eagle and looked at the jade robes and couldn't help but be amazed.


But at this time, a slender finger slammed out and held a sword of silence that was held at the waist of the jade.


Looking back, Yuluo looked at the lime-faced face of Qin, and followed with a scream: "Don't want to die, let go!"

"Jade Luosha, no matter how you chase me before, I am only when you are a female, do not care about you!"

Qin Shi has a low face, and the blue silk blocks his eyebrows, but he can't stop his **** red anger: "But this time, why do you want to hurt?"

Speaking, he slammed his hand with one hand, and pulled the sword of silence from the waist buckle of Yuluo, and let it go away.


The sword of silence was taken, and Yuluo was in a panic.

But then, Qin Shi raised his fist and slammed it toward the forehead of Yuluo.

boom! !

Yuluo’s resentment in the heart: "Bold!"


The power of Wang Ling’s late peaks was like flooding the river, and Qin Shi was imprisoned in all directions, followed by only seeing Yuluo’s magical hand, and he was able to fly him more than ten meters away.

It was this moment, the black panther rushed to the side of the person to make a look, the two figures quickly leaped, palms like the wind to the jade Luo brake to tear down.


With a low bang, Yuluo's palm changed, and the two men's necks were grasped by the left and right bows. The palms pressed hard to the bottom, only listening to the two cracks of the sputum, and the two directly suffocated.

"Do not!!!"

Qin Shizhen’s screaming screams.

The two and his days are very harmonious, and now they look at the two because he was killed by Yuluo, and the anger in his heart rose.

"Jade Luosha..."

"Do you want to say that I am killing innocent people?"

Not waiting for Qin Shi’s voice to fall, Yuluo’s petite body flashed, and he was in front of him like a ghost. He squeezed his chin with one hand: “Look your eyes and see clearly!”


After she finished speaking, she thundered her hand, and a dark, suffocating suffocating air came out. I saw that the air around me caused a few minutes, and there was no scene after the rippling.

Looking at the picture that appeared in front of him, Qin Shi was shocked.

"This, how, how? What is this?" His whole body suddenly softened, and all the grievances turned into horror and disbelief.

Bonfires, fierce beasts, drinks, everything, everything changed.

The bonfire became full of bones, and the beasts became countless dead, and the blood of the drunken adults.

"Who is crazy, who is indiscriminately killing innocent, you see clearly!" Yu Luozha's voice is cold, like a roar.

"How is Kěnéng?"

Qin Shi’s body trembled and the whole person was demented.

What he just ate was not a beast, but a human flesh?

"All you have just seen is a fantasy!" Yuluo brakes the sound of cold and cold.


A strong sense of nausea flooded the mouth, and Qin Shi vomited.

He stared up at the black panther and the white fox, and screamed: "What happened? Tell me, tell me this is not true!!!"

"Oh, what you see is true!"

The scene is illusory, the black panther is a little helpless after the smashing, but still very free and easy to laugh.

A word like a blue sky makes Qin Shi's upper and lower teeth continue to bite. He feels like he is going crazy. What did he do before?


Followed by vomiting.

Until the stomach acid was spit out, Qin Shi tried to keep calm and stay up, staring at the black panther and screaming: "Tell me, why? Why are you doing this?"

"No reason, we usually eat these." The black panther shrugged and said it was free and easy, as if he used it.


"They are the sorcerers."

Yuluo brake stood next to Qin Shi, and a cold road.

"Ghost? One of the three ridiculous?" Qin Shi surprised to hold up the ground, questioning.

When it comes to the sorcerer, the panther is immediately proud: "Yes, we are the sorcerer, the original owner of this ridiculous jungle, all because of your intervention, only to break our calm, should we not eat you?"

"That is human life! Not a mustard!"

"Oh, in my opinion, you and the grass mustard are no different." The black panther seems to change a person, the handsome face makes Qin Shi feel the ugliness unprecedented, the sly face makes him want to vomit again.

"Animals! Are you not human?"

"They are not humans themselves!" Next to it, Yuluo brakes a cold scream, followed by the magical power of seeing her furious hands, and catching the snow eagle.


A loud bang, a brutal spiritual force shattered the snow eagle bones, the painful snow eagle's voice changed, and it became a little sharp, and the body gradually twitched, and the whole body grew thick feathers and turned into a snow. White goshawk.

Qin Shi’s heart sighed: “This, this...”

"The sorcerer itself is the ancient beast. The reason why they are handsome and charming is because they have no real appearance at all. They are all in accordance with the idea, all of them are fake, fake!"

Yuluo brakes some blame, cold and cold: "Now, who is Zhīdào who is a monster, who is crazy?"


The truth is white, Qin Shi feels his heart is very painful.

No wonder, no wonder there is a word of a beast in their name, why didn't you think of it!

Everything happened too fast. When he understood the truth, he couldn’t speak for a long time. All the originals were illusions, the beast was a human being, and the human being was a beast?

Seeing the snow eagle killed by the jade ruins, the black panthers and the white foxes were extremely embarrassed. The black panther angered: "Hey, jade robes, the last time you ran, this time you see how you escape!"

Qin Shi, who is head down, the wounds before Yuluo Brass are all made by the black panthers. The cruel way of locking the shoulder blades is actually them?

"Who is running, it is still undecided!"

For the black panther, the jade robes disdain and scorn, and immediately the jade hand turns over, and slams into the emptiness of the sword that was thrown away by Qin Shi.


But suddenly, the earth under the feet of Yuluo brakes, and only the thick spider webs are inexplicable, so I will wrap them together with the sword and the jade.

When it was too late to hide, Yuluo was directly trapped by the spider web.

After looking down, the beautiful woman looked toward the rear of the black panther, and the jade was a tight heart: "Black Widow?"

I saw a woman with a dark skin behind the black panther. The woman’s arm has been broken into eight, and dozens of compound eyes have been split between the eyebrows.

"Oh, before the Snow Eagle used the power of the eagle eye to spy on the heart of this kid, not killing him is to lead you to the hook, do you think we will not be prepared?"

The black panther smirked: "The black widow's gossamer, even if the mysterious spirit can't be broken, plus no dead sword, this time you can't fly!"


Qin Shi’s heart fluctuated again. Didn’t they kill him in order to attract the jade?

Everything is just a conspiracy and use?

Even the injury on the white fox has already healed at this time, and there are no scars at all. All are disguised disguise!

A constant stream of anger, a constant stream of hatred.

Under his extreme anger, the black panther and several men have moved. There is a blue-haired youth who used to create the environment. Qin Shi remembers that he seems to be called: Blue Bird, and the rushing jade is a fluorescent powder.

"Yu Luozha, this time you are dead!"

The black panther slammed on the ground, and the sleeves between the arms blew open, and the bare black claws were exposed, whistling down.

Yuluo was shocked, and the graceful body was shaking.


However, at this time, Qin Shi Sùdù jumped up faster, and the two arms were stretched out in front of Yuluo, and the chest was torn open by the leopard claws.


A big pain, let him back a few steps.

"Hey, little guy, still want to be stubborn?" The black panther fell on the ground and satirized.

There are some accidents in Yuluo, and it is strange: "Sexual thief, what are you doing?"

"I hurt you, I must save you!" Qin Shi slammed his blood in his chest and squatted on the floor, his head whispering.

The sound was very loud, and the jade robes were smashed, and the screams that followed her voice changed: "Roll, I said, I am not rare for your pity!"

"Not pity, compensation!"

Qin Shi’s look in the moonlight is exceptionally resolute.


This angular face makes Yu Luozha stunned, and can't speak.

"Oh, it's quite a bone."

The black panther followed the unexpected squeaking sound, and then the leopard claws gradually contracted and then rushed to the white fox to wave his hand: "White fox, this kid is handed over to you!"

"Well, little brother, come with people!"

The soft whisper of the white fox Wu Yu softly, one hand on the shoulder to expose the white shoulders, and Qin Shi throws a wink: "Little brother, come!"

The sound tempted to the extreme, ecstasy and bones.

However, the more such a temptation, the more the Qin Shi's resentment continues to breed, looking at the white foxtail exposed on the white fox's buttocks, the fist squeaking: "What is natural, what is not intentional, everything is deceptive !"

"Unforgivable! Unforgivable!"

"Hey, little guy, what's wrong with this? I just woke up, how can I see your resentment, do you want me to help me wake up?"

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