Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 350: Qi Ming double sword

"The fire of the dead bird is reborn?"

Below, Yuluosha and Nangongbing and others frowned.

When the people are puzzled, Xiaomi nodded and said: "Well, the dead bird, although it is a beast, but its ability is not attack and defense..."

"What is that?" The quick questions of the people.

When I mentioned this, Xiaomi was a pretty face with a pale face and no pale blood on her lips. The position of the powder fist was pinched: "Yes...Resurrection!"


&nbs "Pig" "Pig" "Island" novel www.zhuzud.omp; Yuluo took the lead to **** the air.

"Resurrection? How can there be such a metamorphosis in the world?"


In the face of several Xuan group disciples rose and panic and despair.

"It is true, the dead bird, the reason why it is called the immortal bird is the unrelenting resurrection. No matter how serious the injury is, even if the heart is pierced, it can be reborn." Xiaomi Cai is somewhat dignified and sighs. Shake his head.

Be sure, everyone is all stupid.

Can't die, what is it going to do?

The jade hand of Yuluo Brake is pinched, and the teeth of the jade bite gently bite the lower lip: "Don't you have a way?"

"The way, definitely there is."

In desperation, the white pigeon stepped forward from the back wearing a silver-clad robes, saying: "Just, it's too difficult, the fire is reborn, as the name suggests, it needs to be resurrected from the fire, as long as it can destroy the three greens of the immortal bird. , it can no longer be reborn."

"But, it is too difficult to destroy the Sanqing Shenhuo. I am afraid that only the top of the gods who have the water system or the ice system can do it..."

At the end of the day, the sound of the pigeon is getting weaker and weaker, because he clearly feels the lingering despair of the people around him.

Sanqing Shenhuo, is it destroyed?

Even the petrochemicals that have died of the sword have not been able to annihilate it. Who can still do the people or things present?


In the lowness of the people, a loud sound of a mountain banged, and immediately saw Qin Shi in the air, and the body was thrown up by the Sanqing Shenhuo.

In a hurry, the thin black robe hit the ruins, making the rolling wolf smoke rise.

call out!

Next, the blue eagle smashed out like a sharp arrow, and the eagle claws caught the Qin stone in the ruins, causing the space next to the Qin stone black robes to shatter, and the black robes floating down.

Qin Shi, who was arrested, was like a blood man. His hands were not alive, and only the turning heart proved that he was still alive.

"Bad boy, dare to hurt me, you continue to be crazy? Why, there is no card? Then I will send you to see the snake-horn dragon!" Roaring, the blue-carved eagle claws lifted up and slammed into the ruins. His Majesty, the wild power made the Qin stone ribs break, and a hot blood sprayed out.



Yuluo and Xiaomi Cai and others were worried about the screaming, watching the broken black robe, even Qin Shi, who stood up and had difficulty, Xiaomi Cai finally couldn’t stand it, and the silver teeth bite and snarled: "I and him." Fight!"

"Master!" The dove of the pigeons worried.

The colorful glow of the sky rises to the sky, and the whirlwind is greeted by the blue eagle.

"Little rice color!"

Qin Shi, lying on the ground, looked at the colorful shadows, and his heart twitched, but when he thought of his body, his whole body was almost paralyzed, and his calves were not a little bit conscious.

At this moment, the graceful body of Yuluo Brake also jumped up and approached the blue eagle.

Next, snakes.

Duma, Xuan Yun, Bai Ge, Tigers, Nangong Bing, more and more people are in danger, they are ready to let go.

"Damn! Come back! Xiaomi Cai, Yuluo, you give me back! If you don't want me to hate you, give me back!"

Looking at the broken figure, Qin Shi’s painful screams, but no one responded at all, only Yuluo and Xiaomi Cai and others decided to die.

"Let's give it to us later."

Yuluo braked a dumb voice and responded softly.

Trembling, Qin Shi clenched his teeth and violently raised his fists, slamming his blood on the calf, punching, punching, punching, punching, and a dozen punches. "Quickly paralyzed, fast paralyzed, I want to fight!"


On the sky, in the flames under the fire of Sanqing, the colorful rays of light, the blue and blue, the blazing flame, the sacred light, all kinds of attacks, overwhelming like rainstorms.


There was a loud noise, but the next one, the people were desperate, and they only provoked contempt on the face of the blue eagle, followed by the thousands of attacks that he did not hide or sneak, but in the distortion of the body Health.

"how come……"

This time, everyone is desperate. This blue sculpture is like invincible. No matter what kind of attack, it will not kill him.

"Hey, a bunch of rubbish, do you really think that you can kill me?" Once again, the flames of the blue eagle were sneaked out, and the sneer sneered, and then his eagle claws came out. After tearing open the scorpion, they rushed to the people and waved. .


Two attacks, Xiaomi Cai and Yuluosha, were shaken, and they were branded in the dust of the ruins.

Not waiting for the people to look back, the more surging attacks fell from the sky, Xuan Yun, Bai Ge, Du Ma, Hu Qianchang and Nangong Bing, directly blasted out tens of thousands of meters.

The entire barren jungle, full of forest smoke.

The enchanting enchantment of that wave, at this moment, trembled and fell.

"I killed you and went to kill the flowers."

Hit the flying people, the cold light in the eyes of the green eagle eagle can be seen, cracking open the corner of the mouth and then vain to the singular horse, five roads with red light red light, tearing open in the chest of the horse.

The single horse is dead, and the next one is a tiger.

"Old hair, you dare!"

Looking at the man who was devastated by the blue eagle, one of the tragic deaths, Qin Shi’s heart seemed to sink into the abyss of the sea, the fists creaked, and the sound of broken bones carried through the body.

But in addition to his roar, he can no longer do anything.


In desperation, I don’t know if it is a serious injury to Yuluo, or how the sword of the left hand is violently shaking.

Looking at the trembling sword of death, Qin Shi was in pain: "I'm sorry, I am incompetent, I can't protect your master..."


But at this moment, with the tremor of silence, the Nether Sword that fell in the distance suddenly burst into the air, and the evil one was inserted next to Qin Shi’s right hand.

Inserted into the ruins, the sharp blade on the four shots of the black halo, branded on the halo of the mysterious texture, it is magical.

Then, I saw that the halo slowly formed a half-way soul, and the soul alone dragged Qin Shi’s right hand and lifted it to the hilt of the Nether Sword.


This action made Qin Shi stunned.

Immediately, the Nether Sword floated alone, squeezing a few times into the distant green eagle, and bursting into a humming sound.

"You mean, are you going to kill him?"

Qin Shi frowned and frowned, and immediately got a positive response from the Nether Sword, which made him stunned.

Not only the Nether, but at this time, the silence also floated autonomously, dragging Qin Shi’s left hand and waving a few times, pointing to the blue eagle.

"You want to go too?"

Hey! The silence is a response.

Inspired by the determination of the two swords, his heart suddenly stabbed, and immediately he slammed his body and looked at the people who had been destroyed by the silence, and the black scorpion glowed red.

Looking at the corpses, Qin Shi suddenly calmed down. He took a deep breath and raised himself and ridiculed himself: "Oh, it’s really awkward, obviously said to be guardian, but in the end it guards..."

Thinking of this, he looked down at the two sharp edges of the left and right hands, and smiled bitterly: "Well, if you die, I will accompany you crazy."

Followed by him, he read into the sea and found the snake-horn dragon charm that has been burned into the final source.

Holding the magic symbol, he smiled and said: "Finally, help me!"

When the voice fell, only the magical characters in the sea were wrapped up by the wild spirits, and they were only wiped out and disappeared in an instant.


Losing the magic symbol, the spiritual power of the natural environment is quickly lost, but Qin Shi Zhīdào will produce a very powerful force at this moment.

This power is enough to send him to the front of the blue eagle.

call out!

The power that was quickly lost, instantly rolled up the black robes of Qin Shi, and immediately a terrible impulse rose, and Meng Shi blasted out.

Yu Luo brake fell to the ground and was shocked: "Stone!"


Xiaomi's color screamed, and the tears screamed.

Also sensing the approach of Qin Shi, when the blue eagle looked back, the power of Qin Shi has disappeared, only the broken Wang Lingjing later.

"Oh, the devil disappears, do you still want to be stubborn?" Looking at the Qin Shi, which was so vulnerable, the blue hand was laughing.

"Who told you, is the stubborn person me?"

At the distance of 100 meters from the green eagle, Qin Shi’s dawn suddenly opened and closed, and the two arms immediately behind him suddenly extended, the left hand was silent, and the right hand was secluded.


After finishing the speech, Qin Shi worked **** the final strength of the whole body, throwing the silence and the faintness to the blue eagle.

call out! call out!

Two swords light, straight out.

Seeing the two swords that were suddenly stabbed in front, the face of the blue eagle was dignified, but when he returned to God, the sword had been pierced into his chest, and a gray glow suddenly appeared on the tip of the sword, making it hot. The Sanqing Shenhuo began to slowly petrify.

"Silent sword? Damn!"

Even if there is an undead person, the petrified with the sword of the silence, the blue eagle will still feel the pain, quickly cover the whole body's flame on the chest, and the fire will burn. next second petrochemical position Slowly recovering from the fire, the roar of the blue eagle screamed: "Not long memory, you think that silence can hurt me..."


Suddenly, when the voice did not fall, a muffled sound suddenly sounded, and the blue-carved face twitched, and then suddenly looked down and saw the Nether Sword firmly stabbed into his heart.


Nethered into the blue eagle, and immediately saw that the half-sacred remnant of the soul suddenly came out, actually blasted in the air against the blade, in the brutal explosion, a touch of wild corrosion suddenly rose to the sky .

Looking at this scene, the people were shocked at the same time.

The jade of the jade Luoyin silver teeth bite: "The Nether Sword is this... want to blast the half-spirited spirit?"


Qin Shi clenched his fists with a low voice, and he did not expect him to be red-eyed. In the last moment, Nether wanted Xīshēng remnant?

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