Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 365: Sealing

call out!

The black scorpion was condensed, and Qin Shi’s subconscious mind moved three steps backwards, and then saw the gray light in front of him. The skinny figure was wiped directly in front of him, and he slammed into the **** heap next to him.

The figure, the head of the head hooked on the ground, the whole body is gray and the head is very dirty, the most important thing is that on his skin, often see the bright red blood, the wolf is extremely good.

"Brother, are you okay?"

He fell out this way, and Qin Shi had some responsibilities. For this reason, he took a few steps toward the **** heap and pulled the young man up.

&nb[pig][pig][island] novel www.huhu.msp; "咦?"

But at the moment when the young arm was pulled, Qin Shi suddenly squinted and looked at the young man in an incredible way.

In this young man's body, he actually felt a terrible black-and-white spirit fluctuation?

The spiritual power fluctuated, and even now he feels jealous.

But Wèntí is, this youth seems to be deliberately pressing this spiritual power, causing the spiritual power to be like a bundled dragon, no matter how roaring it is, it cannot break free.

"No, no, I am fine."

Was pulled up by Qin Shi, the young man quickly rushed to break the Qin Shi bow.

Just in such an instant, Qin Shi caught his appearance, is a very handsome boy, age should be comparable to Qin Shi, a fiery red hair, five features clear, angular.

But when he saw the movement behind the youth, Qin Shi narrowed his eyes.

He found that in this young man, there is a feeling of inferiority that is extremely incompatible with his age and cultivation. Even from the beginning to the end, he never dared to look up at Qin Shi, and when Qin Shi was puzzled, the youth found out. Qin Shi’s hand sleeves were stained with some dust, and immediately squatted down and took the dust to Qin Shi.

While taking pictures of the dust, the young man apologized: "Yes, sorry, I didn't mean to dirty your clothes, don't hit me, beg you not to hit me."

"Why am I going to hit you, I was wrong, I should be..."

"No, I am not right!"

The young man’s head was deeper and he immediately robbed Qin Shi’s words.

Hearing, Qin Shi’s face was dark and not Zhīdào. Why did he look at the young man’s appearance, he always reminded him of the year he lived in the desert town.

"Come on, the madman is here."

Just when Qin Shi thought about it, a group of screaming wows came, and only a dozen of his sons, who were similar in age, screamed out of the lane.

This group of sons, one by one, wore gold and silver, and the face of the fatter oil exposed the appearance of the dude. The three hands of the leader waved the lupins. They looked like they didn’t see Qin Shi, and they swayed to the youth. .

These three sons stood in front of the youth, and they barely reached the chest of the youth, but one by one was arrogant and arrogant, and the same way as the two thousand and eighty thousand.

Next to it, Qin Shi looked at the group of cousins ​​who were condensed, and the strength of this group of sons was also Bùcuò, one in the early middle of the king's spirit, if it was placed in a small place in the ancient city, it could already be regarded as a hegemon.

The leader of the trio was a little dwarf with a sharp-nosed monkey. When he stepped forward, he grabbed the young man's chin and picked up his chin. He then sighed and said: "Brothers, don't you see? Let's beat him like this. No injuries, it is a living target."


The other few people stepped forward and pinched together on the face of the youth. After seeing that there was no wound, they laughed loudly. "Haha, that’s great. If you practice martial arts in the future, you don’t have to face the wood piles at home. Doesn't this have a ready-made live target?"

"Come on, let me try first. I just learned a fifth-order martial art from me."

Next to the little scorpion of the sharp-nosed monkey, a spurred son stepped forward, and immediately saw him raise his hand and throw it into the foot, and the palm of his hand rushed into the fire.

The fire rushed into the sky, the **** red light hit the nine cymbals, and then the loud bang was a huge meat ball, which suddenly splashed and spread out the wings, forming a full-fledged phoenix.

"Feng dance nine days!"

The thorn-headed man screamed, and the phoenix was like a resurrection of the fire, waving the wings of the fierce fire, and screaming and shouting down the wolverine youth.

But the accident is that under the hot baking, the wolverine youth not only did not have anger, but the horrified eyes were blurred, but they sat on the ground and hugged their heads and screamed: "No, don't, beg you not... ..."

call out!


The fire immediately fell, but in the moment, a black light shadow blocked half of the sky, and in the blink of an eye he swallowed his phoenix.

Qin Shi was in front of the wolverine youth, and his anger was erratic in his expression.

There are two points that make him angry. The first point is that this wandering youth clearly has a mysterious spirit. Why don’t you fight back in front of these exaggerated sons?

And still begging for mercy?

The second point is that this group of sons, Qin Shi felt empathy in the barren town that year, a person's inferiority is not born with them, all of them are forced out by this group of animals.

The fire was swallowed up, and several sons and brothers smashed at the same time, and immediately the martial arts son of the martial arts angered: "Fucking, where is this the country? How dare to stop this..."


Before he finished speaking, he only listened to a crisp applause, and then his face on the left side was directly branded with five red-hot fingerprints.

"You, dare you hit me? I killed you!"

Covering his face, the son of the son slammed into the top of his head, and raised his fist without thinking, waving to the chest of Qin Shi.

But before he came forward, a black light swayed in front of the meteor, causing his small abdomen to twitch and directly turned into a deflated ball and flew hundreds of meters.


A loud bang slammed into the wall of the alley, and the violent impulse shattered the wall.

This sudden picture stunned the rest of the son, and several people looked at Qin Shi with timidity: "You, who are you?"


Excavating a word in Qin Shi's teeth, followed by the pressure of the Xuan Lingjing, such as the flood of rivers, galloping down.

Enshrined by the spirit, several sons stunned and stunned, one by one, frightened, half a breath, and the little dwarf who began to lead, screamed, the first turned and ran.

The leader is running, who is still reluctant? One is running faster than the other, like a wilderness like a street mouse.

Looking at the crowd that ran away, Qin Shi spurned the shattered screams, and this time he went back to the gods and looked at the wolverine youth. The young man still held his head and kept screaming.

As soon as he saw his wolverine look, Qin Shi did not hit a place and replied: "Don't shake, they are gone."


The young man looked up and saw that the group of brothers really ran before they suddenly stood up and shouted at Qin Shi: "Thank you for your help, thank you for your help, thank you..."

The young man like a repeater suddenly angered Qin Shi, and he screamed angrily: "Rely, how is it better than Han Zi?"

"I ask you, what is your name?"

"I?" The young man snorted, and immediately whispered: "I, I will seal."

"Seal marks?" Qin Shi whispered, and then a very loud question: "They just hit you, why don't you fight back?"

"Respond? No, I can't fight back. They just want to hit me. I don't want to kill me. I can't fight back." As soon as I heard the words, I just got a little bit of a seal and immediately became as crazy as I was. Shake his head back.


Qin Shi’s heart is shaking a few points. How long has this been oppressed, will he be so inferior?

Looking at the appearance of the seal, Qin Shizhen is not Zhīdào what to say, he Zhīdào he said that it is useless, if you want the seal to get rid of this inferiority, only by himself to heal from the roots, like the original self.

To this end, he is not talking nonsense, just repressed and shouted: "The seal marks, you remember, people are deceived by people, Ma Shan is being riding, if you want to stop being bullied, you can only make yourself stronger, you Be good at it."

After finishing the speech, Qin Shi did not stay, wrapped in a repressed mood and seals staggered, and walked toward the distant restaurant.

He felt that the clear sky was covered with gray ash.

Looking at him to leave, the seal was faintly raised up, under his clear heart, it was flashing a light and shadow that could not be said clearly.

But no matter what the light and shadow is, the only thing that is certain is that it is not inferior.


Go back to the restaurant.

The feelings of Qin Shi all the way are very heavy. There are many people in the world who want to seal marks, no matter where they are.

He can help one, but he can't help. If you want to change this situation, you can only rely on their own efforts to get out of the shadows little by little.

Just entering the restaurant, the shop's second child immediately draped with a vaginal tape: "Hey, son, what are you doing this morning? Have you had breakfast? If you haven't eaten, I will arrange for someone to get you." ""

After that, he did not wait for Qin Shi to agree or not, and turned directly to the kitchen.

"come back!"

However, at this time, Qin Shi’s five fingers found out the black robe and grabbed the store’s second child.

"Male ~ ~ son, what is the order?" Shop Xiaoji was shocked.

"Don't be nervous, ask you something."

Qin Shi’s helpless laughter, and all the night passed, now is the time to do something right: “I asked you, recently, outside the cold city, there is a village that was slaughtered by you Zhīdào?”

"You mean Chaoyang Village?"

"Which village is not Zhīdào, about a hundred miles from the cold city."

"That is the Chaoyang Village, hey, mention this, I think the son is still not to ask." Shop Xiao Er first nodded, then shouted.

Sitting next to a chair, Qin Shi sat down and played the tea cup on the wooden table, frowning: "Why?"

Looking around in a circle, see no one after the store second, only to lower the voice: "Unhappy with the son, that Chaoyang Village, is already in the eastern region, the 30th village that was slaughtered."

"What? More than thirty villages?"

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