Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 384: 0 magic


In the Qin Shi black scorpion, he appeared in the light, and then he ignored the seal and jumped directly to a steep cliff about two kilometers away.

"Hey, big brother!"

The seal screamed, thinking that Qin Shi didn't want him, and he chased him up when he spread his legs. The desperate look was like the wild horse of Satan.

He just chased two steps, Qin Shi waved a black robe from the cliff, and after a golden flash of light flashed, he steadily fell next to the stream.


& (pig) (pig) (island) (fiction) www.zhunbsp; Qin Shigang stood firm, the seal directly into his arms.

Hey, Qin Shi rushed to push the seal away from his arms: "What is your kid doing? Brother, my sexual orientation is not Wèntí, don't engage in the foundation!"

"Don't you don't want me!"

"Who don't want you? You see clearly!"

Staring at the appearance of the seal and grievances, Qin Shi’s beard and his eyes are really not Zhīdào. He should laugh at him, but he waved his left hand, and in his left hand was holding a spirit snake.

The seven-inch place of the spirit snake was firmly penetrated by Qin Shi, and the ground level of it did not have the strength to compete and struggle in front of Qin Shi.

The seal was relaxed, and after blinking, he asked: "Big brother, do you catch the snake? Is it necessary to take it to the auction?"

"Who said that he wants to sell it, can it sell a few dollars? The beasts and the snakes are not necessarily expensive for the auction!" Qin Shi snorted, then ignored the complaints of the snake, an invisible The spirit of self-knowledge is sacrificed in the sea.

Spirituality rolls up the halo of lavender in space, forming an invisible net.

"Six-angled spirits!"

Qin Shi **** condensed in the chest, and then saw him with a single hand and a wave, a touch of water like a cockroach spread out, like the audio generally occupies the hexagon, suddenly the snake is firmly locked.

Locking the snake, Qin Shi is satisfied with the point. I have to say that this six-legged spirit is really a good thing. It can not only suppress the animal and spiritual power of the wild beast, but also be more than the former triangle on Sùdù and consumption. Wherein dy

Qin disposed not to blow, with this six-angled spirits, the refining of the five-character magic symbol for him, almost 90% of the grasp, and even some wounded heavenly wild animals, plus the magic blood pair The repression of the wild beast, he has a certain grasp of refining.


With a bang, the snake mourned in the invisible spiritual spider web, and then the snakes on the surface began to fall off, and after a little twist, they gathered into a three-character charm.

Staring at the magic symbol, the seal marks suddenly realized: "Big brother, I understand, you mean to refine the magic to auction?"

Qin Shi grabbed the magic symbol, and then glanced at the seal and couldn't help but smile: "Oh, your kid still knows the magic charm? I don't think you know it!"

"Hey, I haven't eaten pork, can't see the pig running!" The seal marks the head and grabs his head. When he gets along, he is no longer as embarrassed as he started.

Qin Shi stared at the change of the seal, and showed a few satisfied smiles on his face: "Well, the snake is not worth the money, but the magic symbol of its refining is not necessarily!"

"Big brother, I don't think you are like a poor person. Why do you want to refine the magic character and take it to the auction?" The seal marks go forward and thinks and asks questions.

When I mentioned this, Qin Shi’s eyes were cold.

The seal marks are correct. He really does not lack money. Even if he has left it to Qin Zong a lot, he still has more than 500,000 top grades of Lingshi, and there are just 300,000 from the Shangguan cold pit. It.

Add up, a total of 800,000 top grade Lingshi, which for some small families, are huge assets that sigh.

But about Xu Qiao's things, Qin Shi is not sloppy, and 800,000 Shangpin Lingshi may be very large for ordinary people, but he is not sure about Xuan Dian.

It’s always good to be prepared to be more in case.

Thinking of this, his twilight opening and closing revealed a trace of sorrow: "Oh, someone wants to play, I will accompany him to have fun!"

The sound of the seal, the seal can not help but take a step back, just in the moment, he sensed a very clear murderous from Qin Shi's body.

That murderous feeling is like a real dragon against the scales, and it is dead.

"very scary……"

Of course, he is not Zhīdào, there is a saying that Qin Shi has not said that it is to dare to hurt the people around him, must die!

In the past, when Xiao Qiaoyue learned that Xu Qiaoer was persecuted, Qin Shi had already equated the so-called Xuantian power and death in his heart.

The reason why he refines the magic character here is that he does not want any accidents. He can't make any surprises about Xu Qiao's affairs. He still remembers that he promised Qin Yueling's agreement that he must safely bring Xu Qiaoer back to Qin.

"Go, continue!"

A cavity of anger is boiling in the chest, Qin Shi is not in nonsense, directly expands the mental power along the way, sweeping every gap in the bottom of the valley, no matter what level of wild animals fall into his spiritual power, a They were not spared, and they were all made into magic charms.

time flies.

Qin Shi and the seal marks stayed under the canyon for two days.

These two days have almost become the natural disasters of the wild animals. Qin Shi spends all his time on capturing the wild animals and refining the magic charms. It must be said that the wild animals under the canyon are indeed quite a lot. In the end, he is fully refining. Made hundreds of magic charms.

Among them, there are ten pieces of five-grain magic, fifty pieces of four-character magic, and three kinds of magic characters of three lines and two lines.

The warm sun at dusk is scattered across the earth.

A golden glow, like the ears of wheat harvested in the autumn, mottled the earth.

Qin Shi washed his face beside the stream, and smashed the water droplets on his hand, and the hundred magical symbols in the ring of the inner space, a sense of accomplishment poured into his heart: "These magical symbols should be enough?"

"You just wash it?"

Looking back, Qin Shichong shouted a cry.

"No, no, you wash it, I will forget it, don't fall in!" The seal quickly shook his head. He had an inexplicable fear of the stream, and he stood still in the position of tens of meters.

In this regard, Qin Shi could not help but want to laugh.

Everything is ready, just wait for tomorrow's no-door auction.

Qin Shi does not believe that hundreds of magical characters are more than a disciple of the Xuan Dian?

"Qiaoer, Yujie, I will see each other soon. I miss you for more than half a year. Do you miss me?"

Qin Shi took a deep breath, then he looked up in the direction of Qinglian City, and a wave of anger in the heart has made him unable to bear.

The long-term parting, the feeling of missing is self-evident.

In excitement, he took a seal on the shoulder, then got up and jumped toward the upper end of the canyon: "Go, find a place to take a break!"

But as soon as he got up, there was a cry of sorrows and sorrows.

"Big Brother! Don't go, bring me! I won't fly!"

Hearing, Qin Shi almost did not fall directly from the sky.

"What the **** is it!"

He forgot, this seal is a wonderful, but he had no choice but to fall into the bottom of the valley again, roll up the body of the seal and step on the cliff.

Leaving the bottom of the valley, it was dark.

Due to the accident in the cold city, Qinglian City actually prohibited outsiders from entering at night.

Qin Shi stood in front of the gate and couldn't help but swear, and then he could helplessly settle in the bustling town in the outer ten miles.

The village is named after the day, a very literary name.

But I have to say that it is indeed worthy of the three words at this time. At this time, it is already full of stars, but the village is still brightly lit, and the market is full of exquisite goods.

"Oh, it’s really lively."

From the barren jungle, Qin Shi especially liked this lively place. For this reason, he also deliberately paused in front of the market stall selling a hairpin, and pulled the mark: "Wait a minute, I will give you a donkey." Pick a hairpin!"

The hairpins on this stall are very beautiful, although one is not a spiritual device, but the craft is absolutely nothing to say, meticulous and exquisite, beautiful.

To this end, Qin Shi is prepared to give Xue Xuexin, Yu Luozha, Xiaomi Cai, Shuzhong Yu, Xu Qiaoer, and even Liu Yanbing, Yin Mo, Zhou Qin, and his mother Qiong Shuyao, who are far away from the sky, and his side. Every girl brought a copy.

Add up, there are more than a dozen.

Put away the hairpin, Qin Shi nodded with satisfaction, each one is the result of his careful selection, especially the one that gave the snow heart, is a blue snow: "If the snow heart sees, it must Would you like it?"

But when he was complacent, the seals came together leisurely and said: "Big brother, do you buy so much, all for the donkey? How many scorpions do I have?"


Qin Shi stunned his tongue. When he just wanted to speak, he felt that the people next to him all stared at him with strange eyes, so that he could sew into the heart of the seam.

"Less nonsense, go!"

Grab the seal and pull him to the central inn where the town does not fall.

Entering the inn, Qin Shi opened two rooms and then ordered some drinks.

His room was on the east side of the second floor. After he went to the second floor, he did not let the seal back, but the seal first entered his room.

Entering the room and closing the door, Qin Shichong sealed the mark: "Take off the clothes!"


Just sitting on the bed The seal marks a high jump, then instead of undressing, the chest is wrapped tighter: "What are you doing?"

"..." Qin Shi blinked, and he was helpless: "Can I do it? Of course it is healing you, speechless, what do you think every day? I told you that I didn't have a sexual orientation!"


The seal was relieved first, then said: "No, I have recovered!"


Qin Shi frowned, and then a touch of golden light into the silk line from his five fingers, suddenly pierced into the skin of the seal.

"Hey? Really healed?"

Unbelievable blinking, Qin Shi originally called the seal to help he heal, but did not want to look inside the seal again, where is there a little bit of wound?

Moreover, all the bodies are normal, even the dim nucleus is restored to brightness, and the spiritual power of the mysterious spirit is calm, even to some extent, it is even stronger than Qinshi.

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