Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 505: The seal is caught

"Flock lock!"

Yan Yuan’s eyes were red, and it was obvious that the collapse of the jade was really irritating him. He screamed and then directly spread the arms and the batwing behind him.


His whole person became a big character, and immediately on every inch of his skin, a faint **** texture appeared suddenly, and the texture was full of ancient charms, which faintly flashed from time to time.

In the flashing room, all the lines gathered in his chest, so that his chest seemed to be opened with a big hole, full of endless darkness, full of fury suction, like the door to the abyss.

&n[pig][pig][island] novel www.huhu.mbsp; bang!

His magical body trembled fiercely, and immediately saw a myriad of thick black mist flowing from it. The black and fog intertwined to form a hundred chains, and the squat approached the seal.

"Seal marks!" countless people stunned.

Without waiting for the reaction of the crowd, the chain slams like a sword, and the limbs, shoulder blades, and fatal gates of the seals are pierced.


The pain of the heart covered the whole body, and the seal marks were softened at once, and all of Dantian and Lingmai lost contact.

call out!

Sealed by chains, the seals did not even support the power of flying in the sky, and fell down the height of 100,000 meters.


Qin Shirenren shrank and tried his best to step forward and stand in the position where the seal marks are about to fall. He wants to catch him.

"Oh, innocent! Do you think that the lamb that I have gotten, will I put him back?" The snoring of the sigh of the Yuan, immediately saw his claws waving, grabbing the chain on his chest, and then slamming up .


The seal that was falling rapidly, the chain behind it was tight, and when he and Qin Shi face each other only in a square position, the whole body stiffened and slammed into the air.


Controlled by the chain, the seals did not have any fear, looking at Qin Shi suddenly smiled: "Shi Ge, it seems that in the future, the seal can not be with you."

A heartful convulsion, Qin Shi painfully opened his mouth: "No, don't say silly, I will save you, I will save you!"

"No!" The seal marks his head and shook his head. He said: "I am wearing a magical thing. I have made countless kills in my life. If I am not lucky enough to meet Shi Ge, I should have been condemned for a long time. Don't let anyone else make me Xīshēng... ..."

"Shi Ge, holding the collapsed jade, protecting Qin Zong, can help Shi Ge in the end, I am very satisfied, even if it is for my life, finally do something to make up for it, if there is a chance, help me Telling Tianyue, Yu Xuan, Qiao Er, I can meet them all my life, it is the greatest honor for my seal!"

Hearing the weak words of Qin Feng, Qin Shi’s heart is like a tide, and the feet are fierce, the teeth are bitten, and the blood is stunned in the mouth. The scene he most wants to see is not. Can escape.

"You can't die... you promised me, you have to live!"

Hearing, the seal marks, and he can’t help but choke, and squeeze out an embarrassing smile: "Shi Ge, rest assured, this monster is on me, they won’t kill me easily, I will be like snow. Like my heart sister, no matter how unfair the sky is, I will work hard to live. I promised you!" When he said this, he couldn’t help but glance at the dim totem on his left arm and smiled bitterly: "I just didn’t think, I hate it. After a lifetime, I have to live because of it..."

Deeply took a breath, he looked at Qin Shi's self-blame, weakly said: "Shi Ge, don't blame yourself, you Zhīdào? This nearly a year, you are always an idol in my heart, I believe there will be One day, you will reach the point where the heavens and the earth are trembled. I am proud to be your brother."

"I Zhīdào, I was taken away, Shi Ge will come to save me, but you have to promise me, don't rush, you have Xue Xinjie, and Raksha sisters, they can't live without you, you said You have to guard them."

Speaking of it, the seals tried their best to squat in front of the chest, and pulled out a black-painted flower, which was sent away from the far-reaching Qin Shi: "Shi Ge, you taught me to guard, you lick this Zhu Hemei, I have been guarding it all the time."

"Afterwards, I am afraid that there is no chance. This black rose is for you to keep it for me. Don't let it wither. It is the support of my life. I hope that one day, I can still get it back and continue. Guard it."

"You want to guard me, but you are not Zhīdào, I am the same, want to guard you."

"This time, let me be willful for a while, let me protect you for your protection."

The faint voice, like a soft raindrop, dripping on Qin Shi's body.


The tight chain is finally at this moment, bursting out of the power of swallowing the sky, tangling the seals in a group, obscuring his tender and pale face.

The suffocating air that filled the sky, like a cloud of clouds, was all gathered up in the chest by the shackles, and the seals disappeared.

"Hey, Ling Hui 魄 魄 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Some blood claws, pointing at Qin Shi's eyebrows.

call out!

A straight black mist sword, smashing the distance of 100,000 meters, suddenly approached Qin Shi.

Because of the seal, the Qin Shi left by the disciples, the black scorpion scattered and empty, let the sword struggle, he ignored it, the five senses were distorted in pain, the gods completely collapsed, the hoarse voice continued to sound. Ah, the movement.


One blue and one white, the left and right barriers are generally, and Qin Shi is blocked.

In the book, Yu and Yu Xuexin, the two women leaped in the ruins, and at the same time they were in front of Qin Shi.

沁雪心冲秦天擎道: "Uncle Qin, take the stone away!"

"Want to go? No way!"

Yan Yuan raised two **** hands in anger, and at the same time, infinitely stretched in the left and right directions, stretching tens of thousands of meters in one fell swoop, covering the sky and covering the two women shrouded.


The fierce power, the two women changed their minds, and it was too late to get out of the way, while in front of them launched a white barrier and Baizhang iceberg.


Unexpectedly, the power of the two men was defeated under the oppression of Yan Yuan, and the claws were suppressed without any indestruction. They grabbed the throats of the two women at the same time and shot them down in the rubble.

A chilling flash, Yan Yuan shouted: "Hey, just because of the collapse of jade, let you two lives, since you still want to find death, then I will complete you!"

"Snow heart! Shantou!"

Qin Yongfeng's people are sinking at the same time.

Now that the seal is defeated, no one can resist the Yuan.

"Is it true that Qin Zong really wants to die here?" Ling Xiao was a few times old, and under the pressure of Yu Yuan, he could no longer struggle.


When it was said that it was too late, it was half a breath, and the two arms of Yan Yuan just wanted to force, and a fierce force went straight to the green, and the resentment was better than the hundred times.


On the earth, the smashing smashed a few gullies, and Qin Shi’s whole body trembled, and the demon totem that was always dim on the left arm overflowed with a trace of suffocation.

Since the imperial devil's magic beads have entered the body, the suffocating gas in Qin Shi's body has been blocked. He also strongly restrains himself, and does not touch the taboo.

Nowadays, the seal is caught, he can't take care of it any more, just want to become stronger, just want to take back the seal.

The Emperor's magic bead swayed under his dantian, and he forced a glimpse of the magic blood and mobilized it.

The suffocating ritual, Qin Shi's eyebrows, a subtle imprint, like a closed eye, the eyes of the scorpion are all swallowed by the darkness, and the sly is swaying toward the sin.


A loud bang, I saw that the arrogance was like a sword, and the two claws were under the edge of the blade, as the grass mustard was as unbearable, and the slammed sound was cut off.

"Amount!" Indifferent pain transmission, Yu Yuan quickly took back the two broken arms and screamed: "Damn, this power is swallowing?"

When I noticed this scene, my heart changed and revealed a little fear. Under the suffocation of Qin Shi, his magic trembled, like the suppression of his life.

"I didn't expect that your resentment will be swallowed up. Even if you are lucky, don't think that this is the end. One day, I will repay the broken arm. If the group is looking for you in the future, even if it is God helps you, and you can't escape!"

"There will be a period later!"

In a word, the look of the Yuan Yuan turned, the blood claws grabbed a crack from the space behind him, and the vain space was full of strange stars.

"Don't go! Return the seal back!"

In the collapse of the gods, Qin Shiyi slammed, leaping from the ground in one fell swoop, stepping on the suffocation of the group, the high altitude of 100,000 meters was fleeting, and the ambiguous ambitions were captured.

"Hey, want to save people? Then come to the group, haha, hahaha, goodbye, Xiao Yan, I am waiting for you in the group!" Looking at the rapidly approaching Qin Shi, Yan Yuanxiao laughed The body was gradually buried in the cracked air, disappearing bit by bit, not seen.

"Do not!!!"

The roar of the rise, Qin Shi will gather his hands on his chest, countless suffocation can not stop overflowing, even the collapse of jade is blinded beside him.

"Ghosts are shining!"

"Great relics!"

All kinds of martial arts, bombarded with the disappearance of the pilgrimage.

Countless fireworks exploded in the air, and the eyes looked at the disappearance of the scorpion, and the crack of Qin Shi’s eyebrows revealed a shocking bloody, little exposure.


"Stop him, he is going to collapse."

"Bad, can't let the stone activate the magic blood again!" Under the worry of countless people, Yu Xuexin was shocked. He jumped to Qin Shi's side and worried: "Stone, you calm down, if you want to save the seal." Traces, you have to live to live, only you become stronger, will not let the seals white Xīshēng! You do this, will only make the group happy, will only let the group look contempt, do you accept this life Yet?"


One word of life suddenly caused the Qin Shi to tremble, and the wild suffocation was also a little stable.

Qin Yongfeng, Qin Tianqing, Ling Xiao and Pu Quan, looking at the painful Qin Shi, can't say what it is, the power of Qi Yuan and the final result completely beyond their imagination, this In the past few years, they have been very familiar with Qin Shi. For Qin Shi, the pain of being taken away by the seal is far better than the life of his life.

Ye He and other disciples who died in Tianzong, at the same time they escaped, also showed the color of despair, and now they lost the envy of Tianhua, such as the tiger who was smashed.

Ye He Zhīdào, burning Tianzong to the Qin family, has already made Qin Shi and Burn Tianzong unable to reconcile, not endless, and this time, the Yuan Yuan will take the seal away, and the resentment will be intensified again. Qin Shi decided not to Will pass the burning Tianzong.

"Yes, I can't die, I only have to live, I can save the seal."

After a long time, Qin Shi gradually calmed down, the blood of the eyebrows retreated, and the surrounding suffocation was suddenly suppressed, revealing the black hair, and it fell to the front of the brow. The whole person was extremely indifferent, and the coldness of the sound was Snow heart, can not help but feel the chill.

His black cockroaches suddenly condensed, circling the blue hair of the snow heart, and suddenly looked down at the burning Tianzong.

"Seal marks, no matter what the end of the earth, I will certainly save you, and before that, all these debts must be repaid!"

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