Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 510: Apprentice

Qin Shi’s injury has been restored, and joy is filled in the crowd. Now Qin Shi is the main heart of Qin Zong. It can be described as a miracle in their hearts. In fact, it is called a miracle. It is not excessive. After all, the world is coming to the north. Speaking, overthrowing the burning of the heavens, and ruling the northern region, this is something that ordinary people can't even think about, but because of Qin Shi, let such a miracle happen.

Feeling the concern of all people, Qin Shi is also sincerely delighted. After a greeting, the rushing Qin Tianqing, who looks like a serious look, said: "Hey, how is the situation of burning Tianzong?"

"You just retired, burning Tianzong announced the dissolution, but after all, it is the foundation of the millennium. There are still many things to deal with inside, but I think that for up to seven days, the Burning Heavenly Peak will become an uninhabited wilderness. In the future, the Red Emperor Empire never burned Tianzong again."

"Call, this is the best, I really don't want to go to that place again." Qin Shi bitterly bowed, burning the three words of Tianzong, really accompanied his three years of hatred, now it is finally At the end of the day, it seems quite easy to be physically and mentally, and consider it: "Qin Zong? Burning Tianzong dissolution is an excellent opportunity for my Qin Zong strong."

Qin Tianqing was blazing and said: "Well, several elders of Ling Xiao have already arranged it. Everything is much smoother than imagined. In the half-month of your retreat, the burning of Tianzong was forced to be dissolved. The whole empire, and the fact that this time did not kill the burning Tianzong, the outside world is full of praise for my reputation as Qin Zong, and the strong people who come here are still in a state of stagnation. But it has never been."

"It shouldn't be that simple? Even if the burning of Tianzong is dissolved, Qin Zong's qualifications are only two years. If there is such a large piece of fat in the northern region, is there no one to be jealous?" When the look turned, Qin Shi wrinkled and frowned. In the past three years of tempering, he has already seen through the law of survival of this weak meat. He does not think that someone will be respectful to you because of your kindness. On this wild land, only the fist is hard, and the king is king.

This needle of blood, Qin Yongfeng several elders glanced at each other, could not help but smile: "You are right, I started to worry about this Wèntí with you, my grandfather, Qin Zong's qualifications are too shallow, the news of the dissolution of Tianzong dissolution After the outbreak, the southern region overlord: Lushan Zong, the western region: Qing Shumen, the two forces sent people to come, want to get a glimpse of it, almost handed over, but in the Oriental area, suddenly People come to the door to give gifts, and admit that Qin Zong is the hegemon of the northern region, which makes the people in the two regions of Southwest China retreat."

"Huan Temple?"

Qin Shi suddenly realized that the corner of his mouth could not help but screamed: "Oh, it turned out to be zero, this time it was thanks to her."

"Flower zero? Chiyan first person?"

"Shier, do you know the master of the Xuan Dian?" Listening to Qin Shi's muttering to himself, Qin Yongfeng's several elders stunned.

Smiled and nodded, Qin Shidao: "Well, before in the Eastern region, and the Xuan Temple has a relationship."

I was affirmed, everyone was shocked again, and my heart secretly picked up. What did Qin Shi know about this person, and what did it go through this year?

In the face of this boy in front of them, they are more and more invisible, even Qin Yongfeng and Qin Tianqing, both grandfather and father.

Staring at the astonished appearance of the people, Qin Shi laughed a few times, immediately after the eyebrows, flashed a touch of smashing, rushing to Ling Xiao and Coach two people: "Two elders, now Qin Zong's general situation has been completed, even if there is a hall From the help of the middle, there will be people who can't stand the temptation. If someone comes to make trouble, no need to ask where they are, let them come in vertically, and go back and go, let the outsiders ZhīdàoZhīdào, my Qin Zong though The qualifications are shallow, but they are not soft persimmons."

The two men opened and closed, excited: "I can't wait any longer. If it is not because the Sovereign is hurt, I will never let them leave so easily."

"Oh, 崂山宗, 卿鸾门?? No hurry, this time I will write them down first, and there will be opportunities to settle accounts later." Qin Shi's voice is so cold that many people tremble.

Qin Shi’s embarrassment, the people present in the scene have all seen it, and the person who has sinned that he can be hospice has not appeared before, and he can’t help but feel sad about this mountain sect and Qing dynasty. They should not provoke this. Little guy.

call out!

At this time, a figure galloped forward, Park Quan walked through the green outside, smiled and said: "Oh, little guy, Bùcuò, suffered such a serious injury, only half a month to recover? Young is good Ah, far from my old bone shelf."

In the face of Park Spring, Qin Shi kindly bowed his head and licked his nose and said: "Hey, how, the predecessors finally served old?"

"I don't accept the old, this is my only excuse. Otherwise, I will tell you that your boy is out of blue for a year, and I don't have much face?" Park Quan cynical smiled, and the hand was about to dry up from the robe. In the middle, there was a thick magical symbol, and at least hundreds of pictures were visually inspected and handed to Qin Shi: "No, you take it."

Staring at hundreds of magical symbols, Qin Shi puzzled and asked: "Old guy, what do you give me so many magical symbols?"

"You are still very embarrassed to say that you have been so badly hurt, and then you have to keep up with the promise of hundreds of people to exaggerate their words, saying that you have to give each person four devils with ten strokes and five devils with a reward. This is not for you. It’s easy to say.” When it comes to this, Park Quan will push the hand and push it toward Qin Shi. “I can’t train the five-grain magic. You can’t give them any of them.” Although Qin Zong now has a firm foothold in the northern region, most of them are because of your reasons. With my understanding of your kid, you will definitely not stay in the Zong for a long time. In the future, you must have He Yan and the dead lights. Help, don't lose faith."

In a few words, Qin Shi’s nose was sour, and the warmth in his heart flooded.

To tell the truth, there is really no deep friendship between him and Park Quan. Even if he had not done anything for Park Quan, Park Quan was able to do this for his selflessness. It is rare.


The trembling voice came from Qin Shi’s teeth.

The sudden two words made Park Spring and a lot of people stunned. Park Quan said: "Bad boy, you...what have you just called me?"


No response, Qin Shi directly rushed to Park Spring's empty space, the look is very strong, said: "Pu Chuan seniors, please accept me as a disciple!"

Accept me as a disciple!

These four words are deliberately reinforced by spiritual power, like the sacred voice of Hongmeng, long and empty, for a long time.

Many people frowned. I didn't expect Qin Shi to suddenly make such a thing.

Pu Quan did not expect it, and he was half-sounding in the same place.

Qin Yongfeng took the lead in returning to God. Wen Xiao’s pushed down Pu Chun: “Quickly promise, do you want my grandchildren to look down on this?”

Silence was broken, everyone smiled on the face, with a few expectations of Park Quan, especially the Qin family, this year, Park Quan did what the Qin family did, everyone looked at the eyes In the heart, remember.

In the eyes of the public, Park Spring’s old eyes were stunned, and he shook his head helplessly: “Oh, little guy, if it was a year ago, I would definitely accept you as a disciple, but now it’s a good old man, no matter You are far more than me, spiritual or mental, and I have nothing to guide you."

Qin Shi is unwavering and determined: "There are still many who can teach me in the predecessors. It is as simple as non-spiritual and spiritual power. It is the so-called teacher, and the preaching is also confusing. Just now, the predecessors are not in Qin. In the development of the sect, do you raise my points and confuse me?"

Again, Park Spring’s old eyes are red: “Are you serious?”

"Cangtian thick soil as evidence, my Qin Shi life, the only master is you." Qin Shi raised three fingers, swearing.

"Good, good, good."

With three good words in the road, Park Quan couldn't help but raise Qin Shi: "Good deeds, good deeds..."

Seeing this warm picture, everyone around me laughed.

Qin Shi’s exit was quickly spread throughout the northern region, and He Yan, the dry lamp, and the purple potato and the rest of the northern sects of the northern region immediately came to the wind.

Under some chills, Qin Shi handed over the magical charm of Park Quan refining to you, and promised: "The rest of the part, Qin will be served within half a month."

"Qin Zong is very polite."

After receiving the magic charm, all the people are laughing and closing their mouths. To Zhīdào in this barren northern region, how precious the four-character magic is, they want to see them all the time, there is nowhere to look.

After that, Qin Si talked with the people about the development of Qin Zong, and he intended to draw a few people, although Qin Zong is now called the hegemon of the northern region, but he himself is indeed Zhīdào, this However, it is illusory. If it is not the power of the 50-year-old spirits brought by Qiu and Qiu, Qin Zong’s backbone is too fragile, but if there are a few people sitting in the town, the situation is different. Moreover, the names of several people in the dry lamp are in the northern region, but it is as loud as burning Tianzong Yan Muhua. If they can join Qin Zong, it can be said that it is a hundred miles without harm.

"I don't know where you are, how do you feel about Qin Zong?"

Sudden words made the dead lights unprepared and stunned the gods: "The Qin Zong today is not only broad and innocent, but also full of spiritual power. It can be described as a holy place of Qin Shixiao Laughing, I hit the railway hotly: "If you don't give up, then you will stay in Qinzong. I will arrange for you to seal." ”

In this regard, several people were silent at the same time, He Yan took the lead to return to God, said: "My Association of Refining Pharmacists, I want to find a clean place, this Qin Zong is quite comfortable, is it right?"

Someone spoke, Huo Caidie and Zhu Shanqing looked at each other. Now that the Huo family has been completely destroyed, the two have nowhere to go. Together with Qin Shi, they helped them to report their great hatred and nodded.

In the end, only the dead lights, bagpipes, and Luohe Eight blame, this group of people over the days of idle clouds and wild cranes, for fear of restraint, Qin Shi is also very polite, for several people to seal the position of the elders.

After some busy work, Qin Shicai was idle, and after all the people dispersed, he suddenly thought of something, directed at Qin Tianqing: "Hey, snow heart? Why didn't you always see her?"

Referring to the word Xue Xin, Qin Tianqing's face suddenly embarrassed, and Tieqing did not speak.

Realizing this, Qin Shi’s nerves were fierce and taut: “Why don’t you talk? Is it snowy, she’s having an accident?”

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