Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 515: Heaven

Thundercloud dissipated and Qin Zong gradually recovered his former calm.

On the next seven days, Qin Shi has been retreating in the four elephants, and there has never been a movement. So many people have begun to worry about this.

Every day, there are all kinds of people coming to visit the mountains. Here, Qin Tianqing is turned into a forbidden place for Qin Zong. Before Qin Shi did not go out, all disciples are forbidden to approach the four-image sky.

Xiaomi Cai took the white sleeves of the jade in the book, and the pretty face was covered with the color of worry: "Jade sister, I broke through the heavens, but it took half a day, and this eyes are all over the past seven days. I haven’t gotten out yet, won’t it be something?”

In the book, Yu Xin [Pig_Pig_Island] novel w.zhhuo.m has no end, although the breakthrough of Tianjing is very cumbersome and troublesome, but most of the time is in the extradition of thunderbolt, once the thunder robbery falls, success or failure It was decided almost in an instant, but the situation like Qin Shi was never seen.

To this end, she also had to comfort herself: "It should not. The thunder of this stone extradition is unusual, and it takes more time to absorb it. It is not an exaggeration."

"I hope so."

Xiaomi Cai Yan pulled a small face.

Four elephants in the sky.

Here, regardless of the sun and the moon, Qin Shi is placed in the knees, and the two big hands are placed on the knees upwards, and the weak thunder is faintly visible on his fingers.

This sitting is seven days. In the seventh day, he did not have a little movement. Only the chest was slightly ups and downs. Every time there was a spiritual force in the mouth and nose, the air inhaled and spit out.

In his dantian, the nine spiritual veins firmly included the spirit crystal, and the left and right sides deposited an unusually terrible spiritual power, like a wild animal, which made people fear.

If you look carefully, you will find that there is a slap-sized thunder snake on the spirit stone of Qin Shi. This thunder snake flashes a faint thunder from time to time. Although it looks subtle, it is like the power of the winter thunder. And the thunder of the previous mouth is also not too much.

The Razer swims in Dantian. Its goal is very clear. It is one of the nine veins that include Lingjing. Every time you swing a small snake, it will cause a thunderous shadow, and then it will rush to the periphery.狠狠 Bite.


Since the breakthrough to the spiritual environment, the nine spiritual veins will be spiritually sacrificed in the spirit crystal, just like the petals of sunflowers. When they can withstand such fierce lightning, a spiritual pulse is broken, and soon Dantian's abdominal wall fell off.

A spiritual vein fell off, and the thunder was like a wandering for a long time and suddenly found a place to live. He took a break from the spiritual crystal and thundered into the middle of the vein.

Invaded by the thunder, the violent convulsions of the pulse, a few times, the pain of Qin Shi abdominal pain, and this pain did not last too long, about half a tea time, gradually subsided.

When the pain is dissipated, the pulse is curled into the shape of a seed, and then it is tightly attached to the crystal, and the golden light is shot on the crystal, and then the endless ocean, the seeds of the veins are swallowed.


Dantian blasted and the Thunder rolled.

The moment after the fusion of Lingjing and Lingmai, the interior is like a violent turmoil that has been raging in the sky, and suddenly there is a terrible tension in it. There is a sudden crack on the surface of the wave, and it is crystal clear. The brilliance of the brilliance, the veins of being swallowed are in it, and then, like the result of the flowering, a crystal clear palace is suspended from the inside.


The palace is condensed, and the next four-image array directly produces fierce blasting power, and a force like Jiang Hong is shot from the inside.


In the book outside, jade and millet color, still Wèilái got back to God, with a golden thunder, just Yu Wei will force the two to retreat.


Emei, the jade in the book is a wonderful hand, and the white light rises from the four corners of the four elephants: "Four elephants, condensate!"


Even so, the white light just emerging under the thunder shadow, only persisted for a short time, and was directly crushed by it.

Xiaomi Cai Jiao said: "What a terrible power, what is this about Yujie?"

"Not Zhīdào, stop this power quickly, this power is no small matter. If the four elephants are destroyed, this mountain may be razed to the ground." The book does not dare to scream, and then turns back to look far away. The disciple shouted: "Go and inform the elders of Ling Xiao, let the disciples of Qin Zong evacuate."


At this moment, there was a glaring golden light in the sky above the four elephants, and they actually shattered their barriers and rushed to heaven.

Lei Guangsheng, straight to Jiuyi, accompanied by wild laughter resounded through the heavens and the earth: "Haha, hahaha, this is the power of heaven, my Qin Shi finally succeeded!"

The laughter was exhausted, and the thunder of the beast suddenly seemed to be summoned, and suddenly it was quickly gathered up over the sky.

Thousands of Thunder are constantly compressed, and then turned into a strange armor, armor exudes a glaring golden color, which has a thin figure, proud of the crowd above the Scorpio, overlooking all beings.

On the figure, it is a familiar face. The jade and the millet of the book are trembled at the same time, and the excited sound is broken: "Stone! Hey!"

I heard the two joyful sounds from the bottom, Qin Shi’s black scorpion moved, followed by the corner of his mouth, and leaned down: “Jade sister, Xiaomi Cai.”

"Miyazaki, stone, have you succeeded?"

"Yeah, I said I will succeed." Qin Shi smiled and grabbed his head, then turned back to the already ruined four elephants, and said: "Just, this law seems to be It is necessary to trouble the Yu sister to rebuild."

Shaking his head, in the case of Shuzhong Yu, as long as Qin Shi can succeed, let alone build another one, that is, she will build another one to do four elephants.

"Look at this appearance, should it be metallic?" The jade in the book touched Qin Shi's armor, and at the moment when the jade hand touched it, there was a naked flash of light shining from above, which made her inevitably: " Hey, is this power not just metallic?"

Smiled and nodded, Qin Shidao: "Hey, I really can't hold up Jade."

"what on earth is it?"

Qin Shi pinched the fist, and a touch of Lei Guang gathered in the palm: "I am not very clear, I have a lot of golden phoenix blood in my body. It is reasonable to say that the metal is right, but when I extradone the thunder, suddenly It’s changed like this.”

"Hey..." I took a breath of cold air, and the lips of the jade in the book were opened, and the sound was louder: "If I guess it is correct, it should be a metallic derivative, Ray attribute!"

"Derived attributes?" Qin Shi's incomprehensible question.

"Well, the derivative attribute, which is different from the ordinary five-line attribute, is derived from the five elements. The ice attribute like Snow Heart is one."

"It turned out to be like this?" Qin Shi suddenly realized.

Looking at Qin Shi’s disapproval, the jade in the book is angry and laughing, and the heart is rolling, and the half-sounding smiles: “You, I really don’t know what to say, what is your good, your luck is too bad. Something, it is difficult to find one of the thousands of people in the Zhīdào derivative property."

Knowing the uniqueness of the derivative attributes, Qin Shi was not too surprised. He shrugged and smiled: "The luck and strength coexist, is the survival of the strong."

Qin Shi’s words are correct. There are countless people on the mainland of the wild, and there are only a few people who can finally reach the highest level. This is luck.

In order to become a real hegemon, talent is important, but luck is also an indispensable element. Qin Shi believes that he coexists, so he can come to today, and he is also convinced that he must Will succeed.

Feeling the gold armor and the thunder and light of the armor, his glare is blazing, indifferently looking down, the heart is long and difficult to calm.


The realm that Qin Shilian couldn't even think about, is now in the middle of it, and he is different in Zhīdào, heaven and spirit, and there is a fundamental difference.

To reach the heavens, it is the beginning of cultivation. As for the mysterious spirit, perhaps it is a master in the Blazing Empire. It can be seen in the whole continent, but like the ants, the weak dust.

However, Qin Shi is not complacent because of this, because his Zhīdào is a natural world. On this vast and innocent land, he can only be called a backbone. If he wants to fight against the group, he still Poor too far, too far.

We must work harder and become stronger, so that we can protect the snow heart and save the seal.

call out!

Under Qin Shi’s own thoughts, dozens of figures leaped from the clear skies in the distance, led by Qin Yongfeng and the elders of Qin Zong and others.

The people fell in front of Qin Shi, looking at Qin Shi's appearance can not help but screamed, the golden armor with Qin Shi, is like the heavenly **** of war, no doubt.

"Shier, have you broken through to heaven?"

"Yeah, after so long, it is finally reaching this height." Qin Shichong Qin Yongfeng smiled, and then waved with one hand, the armor was scattered.

He has not forgotten the words of Xue Xuexin. Before he reached the three-day situation, he should try to use the power of the palace as little as possible. Otherwise, if he hurts the pulse, he will lose more.

Ling Xiao’s eyes were a bitter smile, and each recalled that when they first met Qin Shi, Qin Shizhao was a little worse than all of them. He couldn’t help but say: “It’s really enchanting.”


Under the horror of all, Qin Shi’s brow suddenly wrinkled, and his eyes suddenly had a bit of killing, and he stared at the main hall of Qin Zong through several people’s bodies.

Since the breakthrough of the heavens, his perceptual power has also increased sharply. From the main hall of Qin Zong, he felt several extraordinary spiritual fluctuations. This spiritual fluctuation is not held by Qin Zong disciples. For this reason, he has been silent for a long time. After turning around and rushing to the cold: "Oh, Elder Ling Xiao, it seems that during my retreat, I seem to have mixed in a lot of uninvited guests."

The sudden change of the style of the language has made many people stunned. Ling Xiao has only returned to God’s bitter smile: "The lord is really a supernatural power, I am going to report it to you."

"Say Who is here?"

Hesitating, Ling Xiaodao: "It is an empire!"

"Oh? People in the empire?" Qin Shi frowned, and immediately asked with interest: "What did they come to Qin Zong?"

"It is about the new king's ascension. I hope Qin Zong can represent the northern region to participate in the election, and intends to draw us." Ling Xiao said that at this time, it would be a bit smug: "The once empire, to us Qin Zong However, it has never been so friendly, and it has always been ignored. However, after the self-burning Tianzong was destroyed, the attitude of the empire was changed by 360 degrees."

Hearing this statement, Qin Shi laughed and said nothing, he saw more of this kind of thing, nothing more than a defeat of the king, a silence for a while, with a bit of ridicule: "Yes, I don’t know the imperialism. Who are you coming from?"

"The head of the national division is Xue Bin."

"Xue Bin?" Daddy, Qin Shi's breath changed greatly, and the black man in the black scorpion swiftly gathered. After a long time, the corner of his mouth rose upwards, revealing a **** murder. He said: "Oh, this is really a narrow road." what."

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