Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 571: Red Yan Emperor

"Hey, let's hear the voice of the deity? Yes, let's talk to the deity, can these days dream of the deity when dreaming?" The demon laughed roughly.

Qin Shi is full of black lines, and quickly said: "I dream of your sister, dream, since I woke up, I will give it to me, help me solve this trouble, I will die for a while, I am not finished with you!"

"Nonsense, if you are dead, how can you still finish with me!"

"You...!" Qin Shi was dumb, full of anxious and brought a cry: "Big brother, don't make trouble, now it's not a joke, are you kidding, look at the occasion, you see I have been holding the jade for so long, and I haven’t activated the collapsed jade. Should you save me?”

"Have you got the jade?"

"Crap, I haven't got the collapse of jade, can you get so much trouble!" Qin Shi is almost crazy.

"To do this, I really should thank you, but you have to think about it. If you really activate the collapse of jade, now I guess it will be suppressed by the power of the collapse of jade, and it will not help you, right?"

"I...! You!......!" Qin Shi was messed up. This looked at the emptiness of the spear. He just nodded quickly and said: "Yes, big brother, you are right, you can’t go out first, I will really His mother is dead!"

"Okay, don't tease you!" The demon smiled and couldn't help but smile a little. He immediately surprised the blood wizard's breath: "Hey, the Nether Devil? It's really amazing."

"The Void Mozu? What is that?"

"It's a strange branch of the Mozu. Don't underestimate the Nether Demon. They have the power to control the space. Any enchantment is invisible in front of them." When it comes to this, the demon can't help but be curious: "However, How do you offend this guy, even though this guy is not afraid in my eyes, but in your little empire, is it enough to be everything?"

"You are still very embarrassed to say that it is not all because of the collapse of jade, because this broken jade, I have been chased twice by the group of people, and my brother was also caught by the group!"

"Well? Hey group?" The demon is indifferently dignified: "So, the sky has begun to move? Have they caught your brother? Oh, what makes you interested in the sky, your little brother should Is there one of the seven shades of heaven?"

"Yeah." Qin Shi did not hide the road.

"No wonder, when I was slumbering, I felt a bit of a sigh of relief. Did your kid steal my power and then give your little brother a crush on the sky?" The evil spirits were angry.

Upon hearing this, Qin Shizhen smiled and said: "Hey, hey, suddenly, don't be angry."

"Hey, the deity doesn't care about you first, wait for me to solve the emptiness of this vain demon, and find you in the account!" The demon screamed with a sigh of relief, and immediately stared at the blood wizard: "Just Wake up, my stomach is hungry, this guy will be my good meal!"


The voice did not fall, and the evil spirits suddenly rose.

I saw that Qin Shi’s arm suddenly shot a strange halo, and the halo overflowed into the sky, such as the black ocean, and the eyes cleared the sky.


When the suffocating gas came out, it was as strong as a rifle, and it was stiff in the air. The demon's suffocation entangled it from the eight sides, and it collapsed in the blink of an eye.

"Well? What happened?"

Suddenly, the people were stunned: "What is this suffocation? Actually, all the horrible attacks have been blocked?"

"Good, this Qin Shi, is there a card?"

Countless people went to the Qin stone through the sullen air.

Yuluo brakes aside: "Is that guy?"

She knew the demon. She was in the ridiculous jungle. She also played with the demon. That is, if it was not the silence, she would almost stab the death of Qin Shi.

When the suffocating gas came out, the most horrified thing was the blood wizard.

"Is this power, is it a swallowing demon?"

The huge magic eye, the blood wizard is like a frightened rabbit, the previous pride is gone, and the tens of thousands of meters fly to the sky.

"Want to run? Not so easy!"

The demon's cold laughter, roaring sighs roared out, like a sharp spear, hitting the blood wizard's chest.

The spear is approaching, and the blood wizard is like a lost soul. He quickly flutters the claws and tears the space: "The broken air dissipates!"


Half of the wall is fragmented, Qin Shi loses his voice: "Be careful, this trick is very strange!"

However, his good words reminded that in the eyes of the demon, it is somewhat redundant: "Hey, this kind of worming skill, it is okay to deal with the little guy who is not arguing against you, can't turn a wave in front of me!"

In other words, the demon does not retreat into the blood wizard.

The demon's arrogance is very strange, with the supreme power of engulfing, this Qin Shi has long known, but what Qin Shi does not know is that the devil's suffocating even the space can be swallowed up?


The suffocating air, the cracks in the space that had been broken before, were exhausted under the shackles of the demon, and suddenly disappeared.

The blood wizard is sinking: "Damn, it really is the power of swallowing!"

"Blood wizard is it? Don't do unnecessary resistance, do food for the deity!" The demons greedily licked their lips, and more and more suffocating jumped out like a knife and fork to cover the blood wizard.

The same as the ancient fierce demon, swallowing the sky is the ancient demon statue, the absolute demon of the ordinary fierce, as the original seal used to cover the soul of the heavens, the absolute suppression of the fierce.

And to a certain extent, the suppression of swallowing the sky is even stronger. After all, if you swallow the sky, you will be seriously injured. However, compared with the one that covers the sky, he still has to force too much.


A positive blow, the suffocation directly shrouded the blood wizard.

Qin Shi looked at the dramatic change in the sky, and could not help but smile: "Oh, I thought I would confess here today. I didn't expect the demon to suddenly wake up. I don't have to worry about it."

He knew that the evil demon woke up, and he won the battle in this battle. He also began to rejoice in his heart. He did not activate the collapsed jade.

However, another problem has also come to his mind, that is, now the evil spirit wakes up, how can he face the demon?

Will the demon be like the jade in the book, after killing the blood wizard, he will swallow him and win?

"Hope, you won't be willing to report it."

With helplessness, Qin Shi shook his head hard. He knew that what he thought now was a white thought. Everything waited until the blood wizard was killed and he would reveal it.


The suffocating shackles, the blood wizards became more and more fearful, and under the entanglement of suffocation, he almost mourned: "Let me go, let me go, my ah!!"

"Dooms of the Last Day!"

The blood wizard smashed the space and evoked a thousand rifle, and stabbed it at the smoldering demon.


The two forces confronted each other and suddenly produced a fierce Yu Wei.

The confrontation between the two great monsters is far from the ordinary spiritual power. This whole city has become a ruin. The earth trembles violently and continuously, and the life collapses hundreds of meters.

Even the mountain outside the Imperial City was swept by an invisible wave, and it was split into two halves.

The murderous rifle had just been thrown, and the blood wizard turned his head fiercely and fled in the distance without hesitation.

"Hey, I want to run again. I saw such a disobedient meal for the first time!" The devil said nothing, but he screamed and screamed at the blood wizard.

The demon chased out and left Qin Shi to smile in the same place. He had to say that the character of the demon is very similar to him. It is the kind of cynicism.

"Stone!" Yuluo suddenly jumped to Qin Shi's side and cared: "How are you? Have you been injured?"

After returning to God, Qin Shi looked at the Yi people who could not help but feel sad: "Nothing, just a pity, Nether and silence them...!"

Speaking of this, Qin Shi choked.

Yu Luozhan lost the bite of the lips, but immediately comforted: "Nothing, Lin Yujie has sent people to bring them back, and when this is over, they will find the best gods and repair them. ”

"Well, I hope I can fix it." Qin Shi lamented and shook his head.

Yuluolu raised the dagger, and the worried demon and the blood wizard looked in the direction: "Stone, don't you care?"

"Do not worry, there is him, this blood wizard can't run." Qin Shi affirmed, and then his eyes flashed a few minutes: "Next, we have more important things to do."

"Well?" Yuluo braked his eyebrows: "What?"

"Clean the portal!"

Four words, powerful, Qin Shi's black scorpion swept the audience, such as a sharp dagger, sharply fell to Fang Heng and Xiao Chong and other people.

Lin Wei, Lin Yu, Hua Zi, a group of people stood behind Qin Shi.

Opposite, it is Fang Heng, Xiao Chong and many Wenwu Baiguan.

Everything seems to return to the original point, and once again the situation of confrontation between the two sides, but no one can see it at this time, the fate is more biased towards the Qin Shi side, this gamble is here, the ending has been set.

"Xiao Chong Queen, your last refuge, this time is also chased by the wilderness, do you still want to fight and die?" Qin Shi cold smile.

Xiao Chongyu's face is red, and the blood wizard's defeat has already been destined for her ending.

"Lin, this time, I loved the pet!" Xiao Chong screamed and exhausted, and Meilu suddenly fell into the ruins, a sharp sword.

After stopping for a few seconds on the sword, she squeezed the jade hand hard and picked up the sword. "But all these plans are controlled by me. I am self-sufficient, I am willing to pay back with my life, but these balances Nothing, you are also a mother, I know you can understand my mood, I hope you can let go of the balance!"


After all, Xiao Chong’s wrist slammed hard, and a touch of blush flowed out of her jade neck.

"Mother!" Fang Hengyu wants to split.

Qin Shi and others are also wide-eyed, and they never expected that Xiao Pet would be so embarrassed.

For a time, the people fell into silence.

"How to sever, you can make a decision." Qin Shi was a little depressed in his heart, rushing to the road.

Xiao Chong is wrong, not as a mother's duty, she is really done, everything from beginning to end, she is for the balance.

Who can say her, not a great mother?

Deeply took a breath, Lin Yu was not very good, and finally shook his head at Fang Heng: "Let's go, I won't kill you."

"I am not rare for your charity!"

Fang Hengyi’s roar, a robbed sword from the hands of Xiao Chong, got up on the neck and wanted to decide.

At this time, Qin Shi suddenly said: "This is the opportunity that your mother will fight for you to create. If I were you, I would not die. If I die, there will be nothing. There is at least hope of living."

Smell the sound, the sword that is going to scratch the skin suddenly froze, and the whole person trembles Finally, he pinches his fist and holds the body of Xiao Chong, rushing Lin Yudao: "Lin Yu, this time I lost, this king of the Red Empire is you, but you remember, you remember, the wilderness is very big, this red empire is just the tip of the iceberg One day, one day, I will let you pay a heavier price!"

After all, Fang Heng did not want to live, and got up and flew away from the ridiculous imperial city.

Listening to the harsh threat, Qin Shi smiled: "Oh, really bold enough, this time to let go, then we are not afraid that we will not let him go?"

"Go with him." Lin Yu helplessly.

Qin Shi nodded, and the black scorpion gradually became embarrassed, sweeping through the presence of the civil and military officials: "How are you prepared?"

Many Wenwu officials looked at each other and wondered who was the first to return to God. He slammed on the ground and bowed his head to the court: "See the Red Emperor!"

Next, hundreds of people crouched down.

"See the Red Emperor!"

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