Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 612: Illusion

After that, it was the seal, the snowy scorpion, the jade in the book... all kinds of kinds of people, the most important people in his life, constantly flashing in front of his eyes, every scene is a picture that makes him unhappy.

Those who can never make up for it in his life.

His heart was broken, and his pain was on the ground. He hated his incompetence, hated his uselessness, and hated that he could not protect these cherished friends.

Outside the enchantment, everyone saw that Qin Shi’s madness was shocked. They could not see the illusion that Qin Shi saw, but what they could see was the mad attack of Qin Shi’s three-day world. Every attack made the whole battle. The enchantment is shaking.

Pig-Pig Island-Fiction: "This Qin Shi, what did you see? Did you make such a big reaction?"

"I don't know, but this illusion has a stronger impact on the people who are richer and full of stories. It seems that the body of the Qin sect is full of stories that make him unhappy."

Lin Wei and Fang Xin three sisters, looking at Qin Shi's madness, and the painful desire to live, the heart of the inexplicable feeling distressed.

The jade hand is pinched, and the joints are slightly white.

"This little guy, what has been experienced in these years, I really can't imagine how he survived."

No one knows how badly Qin Shi’s years have been.

That time, life and death are different.

The most important thing is that in this case, he is still able to maintain his heart and not lose his heart in the process of cultivation. This is a very valuable thing.

"Look at Longbai, he has overcome the illusion and moved toward the inside of the enchantment."

"Well, this is sure, Longbai is from small to large, and he is respected in the dragons. He only needs to concentrate on cultivation. There is no painful experience, so these illusions are useless to him."

Long Bai entered the enchantment, and all the obstacles were invisible in front of him. The first qi was already found by him and he began to look for the next goal.

Before he left, he couldn't help but sneer at the painful Qin Shi: "Hey, fight with me, I will let you know what is known as not self-reliance."

In the illusion, Qin Shi’s mind has begun to collapse.

There are some pictures that he knows to be false, but he is willing to indulge.


At this moment, a fierce humming sound resounded from Qin Shi’s knowledge of the sea, Xuantian Guzheng’s dramatic rotation, scattered glare to the surrounding golden light, all the illusions under the golden light suddenly swayed, for a time Qin Shi’s eyes collapsed.

Make his crazy body a stiff, stop in place.

At this point, he was sweating and suddenly returned to reality to make him feel endless emptiness.

No one can understand the pain of seeing the close friends of life and death once again disappearing from their own eyes.

However, at this time, a scene different from the previous illusion, from the center of the mysterious Bible, like the osmanthus package in March, full of spring bathing in Qin Shi.

call out!


In the illusion, the first three people in his life, the jade in the book, the snow heart, the jade robes, the later Shilan, Luo Xueyan, the seals, Lin Yu and Su Ming brothers, and All his friends and relatives.

"Stone, the poor blue falls on the yellow spring, you said you will come to me."

"Knowing me, feeling pity, this situation has to ask the sky."

"I am waiting for a day, one day can put down all the responsibilities, be a happy woman behind you, you promised me."

Snowy heart, gently holding Qin Shi's cheek.

"Smelly stone, is it a sleepy sister, do you have a bad girl? I told you, give me a good performance, or wait until I wake up, I want you to look good."

"Give me all the cold arrows behind you."

"Stone, hurry, this is our child. You said that you will be with me on the day the child is born. You have to do it." The gentleness of the jade is like a light moonlight.

"Stone, your end point should not be here."

"Stone, insist, you said you have to guard, you have to guard everyone."



"Big brother, stone brother...!"

Countless calls, endless tenderness.


Under this illusion, Qin Shi cried, and he cried very embarrassedly. The former fluctuating mood gradually disappeared, such as sinking in the deep sea of ​​10 million meters, surrounded by endless calm.

"Yeah, my end is not here."

Wipe the tears in the corners of the eyes, Qin Shi's gas field changes.

"Everyone, I am sorry, I am wrong. It was just that I was wrong. I will never again. I said that I want to protect the people. I said that I want to save people. One will not lose faith. Everyone, please. Trust me again!"


Homeopathic, the illusion in the enchantment swayed violently, and the life was dispelled by this horrible atmosphere.

"This time, I will not let you down again."

The black scorpion suddenly opened, and the illusion in front of Qin Shi dissipated, and the picture in the enchantment again appeared.

Qin Shi is not crazy, so that everyone outside the enchantment is surprised: "He, he actually overcome the illusion?"

"How is it possible? What a terrible will this is?"

Lin Wei’s beauty is red: “I knew that he would not let us down.”

Qin Shi took a deep breath and smiled bitterly. He found the Xuantian Bible from the sea: "Little guy, this time, thank you."

He knows that the last illusion is not the illusion caused by this enchantment, but the Xuantian Bible is unfolding from his knowledge of the sea through the counter-current enchantment. It is a true feeling.

He looked around in the enchantment: "The delay has been so long, then it is time to do a big job, if a hundred million gambling money is won, it should be able to help the evil spirits recover a little!"


But at this time, his gaze suddenly stagnated, looking in the direction of the left side, passing the suffocating suffocation in that direction.

"The power of horror." At the bottom of my heart, Qin Shi stepped back a few steps, and immediately his look changed, a graceful body, is sinking in the illusion: "Is she?"

That's right, this Jiao body is exactly Guo Danyang of Guo.

Illusion, as I said before, its degree of strength depends entirely on the individual's experience, that is, if the newly born baby has not had any experience in the world, the illusion will have no effect in front of him.

But on the contrary, for those who are frustrated in life, as long as there is such a painful point, this point will be magnified infinitely, just like Qin Shi.

Obviously, Guo Danyang is the same.


Guo Danyang’s madness in the place, the beauty of the big has already appeared fainting, showing how horrible she saw her horror.

"It should be the three years, so that she can't get out?" Qin Shi silently scorned, remembering the pain he had just had, and sighed: "Although this gimmick is always against the present, it is also how to say it. A girl, this young man will not remember the villain, help her."

With a big hand and a wave, a touch of golden light into a hurricane-like shape will dispel the illusion around Guo Danyang.

Homeopathic, Guo Danyang's beauty stagnation, smashing on the ground, breathing a few mouthfuls of scent, the body constantly trembled.

"Are you okay?" Qin Shi went up to help her.


At this moment, Guo Danyang fiercely looked up, **** red beauty stalked Qin Shi, an unparalleled killing whistling.

Qin Shi frowned, and he really felt that Guo Danyang really wanted to kill him, and it was the kind of killing that originated from the beast.


In the loss of Qin Shi, Guo Danyang fiercely got up, and the jade hand tightened the throat of Qin Shi, so that Qin Shi suddenly changed his face, and his hands quickly gathered, trying to break away from Guo Danyang.

Unexpectedly, Guo Danyang's strength has increased several times. This power gives Qin Shi the feeling, even as much as the dragon white. It is hard to block Qin Shi's struggling arm and put Qin Shi on the ground.

The crowd in the stands was shocked: "Stone!"


Qin Shi was hit **** the ground, and a bright red blood spurted out: "Damn, where is this gimmick?"

Qin Shi clenched his teeth, and Guo Danyang’s attack approached again, which made him dare not turn up quickly and jumped.

"Hey, are you finished?"


A word of killing, so that Qin Shi was shocked, he suddenly remembered something.

"This feeling is a demon?" This scene, Qin Shi is very familiar, has been reflected in his body, and the body of the seal.

To this end, his black scorpion, a touch of soul power deep into Guo Danyang's skin, but he was once again shocked that he looked for Guo Danyang's body, but did not find anything about the magic.

"No? How is it possible?"

Qin Shi’s heart is messy, and at this time Guo Danyang simply does not allow Qin Shi to relax, such as the speed of ghosts plus the power of terror, and the whistling point to Qin Shimei.

"Damn, she has lost her mind. It seems that she can only use the evil spirits of her devil to stop him. I hope that the evil spirits will come back and turn my face!"

He can't take care of that much, and he has lost his life in the fall.


A smack of suffocating gas rises in the left arm, and the homeopathic entangled Guo Danyang.

Sure enough, Guo Danyang just touched her anger, and the crazy body suddenly relaxed, and the blood in the beauty gradually faded and returned to black.

"I, where am I?" Guo Danyang collapsed in the ground.

"Are you okay?" Qin Shi sighed and took the suffocation back: "You just happened, what happened? I almost killed my life!"

"You saved me?"

"Otherwise?" Qin Shi did not have a good cold.

"Thank you, thank you." Unexpectedly, this time, Guo Danyang did not bicker with Qin Shi, but it was very sincere, Qin Shidao thanked, can be seen that she was really scared.

Qin Shi stunned the gods, and at one time they were at a loss.

"Forget it, can tell me, what is the magic of your body?" Shaking his head, this is what Qin Shi cares about.

Hearing this statement, Guo Danyang panicked: "What, what is the magic?"

"It’s what made you unconscious before."

"I, I don't know what you are talking about, these are not related to you!" Guo Danyang voice cold road unusually vigilant staring at Qin Shi: "You, stay away from me later! Do not think You can save me once and you will be able to approach me!"

In a word, she is like a cat who has been trampled on her tail.

I left Qin Shi alone, but my heart could not be calm for a long time.

Regardless of how Guo Danyang concealed, he was able to confirm that in the three years when Guo Danyang was closed, he must be separated from the Mozu.

"This matter, when the evil spirits come back, they must check and understand, maybe they will be related to the scorpion group." Qin Shi decided silently in his heart.

Next, he didn't think much, but looked up at the depths of the enchantment: "But now, the first thing to do is to win this game, a billion stone, this power should be enough."

In other words, the invisible spiritual power overflows again, filling every corner of the enchantment.

"Is it already been found so much?" Inductively only about eight hundred red spots left, Qin Shi smiled lightly.

"Next, the mopping begins!"

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