Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 654: Jane 3 brothers

"Kong Xianhui!!!"

Qin Shilei screamed, and the whole body trembled.

"Why are the murderers?" Kong Xianhui picked up the cherry mouth innocently.

"!" Qin Shi shook his head in a panting breath. He was already crazy: "You won, you are so good...! No wonder that it’s called Jane to find me, if it’s outside The people know that you are here with me. I still don’t want this group of people to bury me alive?”

"Jian Fang?" Kong Xianhui Liu Meiwei: "Will the gentleman go to find you?"

"Yeah, or / pig / pig / island / novel www.huuo. You think, how do I know that you are talking outside, you told me not to cause trouble in the chaos, but you have caused me so much trouble. ”

"What happened to you?" Kong Xianhui took two steps.

Qin Shi frowned. "It’s not good, just give him a little lesson."

"You and him started?" Kong Xianhui's jade face was heavy, and he took a deep breath: "There is trouble here."

Rare Kong Xianhui solemn, Qin Shi smashed the cracked mouth: "What?"

"This is a succinct, but there is nothing to care about. A grandiose ancestor, his own cultivation is not high, only two days, but he has two brothers, the second brother is a simplification of three years of slavery in the periphery, is Now the small head in the peripheral enslavement, his big brother Jane is a disciple of the chaotic domain, Xu Yan's men." Kong Xianhui glared at the jade hand, sighed and shook his head: "How are you not careful?"

"Can you blame me for this? I don't know who he is, I will start with me!" Qin Shi’s heart is so embarrassing.

Kong Xianhui beheaded and said: "Forget it, this is also my fault. I should say hello to you early. I don't use the power in the chaotic domain, so I want to rely on you as a shield."

Speaking of this, she sang the scent: "In short, in the future, in the chaotic domain, do something careful, no one of the Jane three brothers is a fuel-efficient lamp."

Qin Shi nodded, but he knew that things would not be that simple.

"In the past few days, you are consolidating and preparing for the breakthrough after seven days." Kong Xianhui did not say much, and when the twilight approached, she returned to the room alone.

In the next seven days, Qin Shi followed the rules. In the morning, the spiritual output of 3,000 yards was completed. In the afternoon, he worked diligently in the guest room. Now Kong Xianhui and the evil spirits cannot be exposed. In the chaotic domain, he can only rely on himself. He must arm himself and make himself stronger.

The seventh day.

In the evening, a banquet was held in the central square. More than 20,000 new enslavements were attended at the banquet. Even the old enslavements of the previous years were also there. This included the simplified second brother and simplified.

Dong Qing and several disciples of the chaotic domain organized everyone in the front position.

Everyone was very happy at this party.

Only Qin Shi can always feel that countless obscenity eyes are walking in the upper reaches of him, which makes him very uncomfortable. He knows that these eyes are all from the pursuit of Kong Xianhui, and once again, he can’t help himself. stand up.

"Let's go, let's talk to Dong Qing's deacon."

In the middle of the banquet, Kong Xianhui rushed Qin Shi and waved.

Qin Shi stood up, but he always kept a distance from Kong Xianhui. Nima was joking. Now, in this case, staying with her is like holding a time bomb that will explode at any time.

The two walked toward Dong Qing's position, but at the same time simplified the standing up, simplifying is a twenty-six-six-year-old youth, looks very handsome, and blocks Qin Shi from the front.

Behind the simplification is the shackles of Jane and dozens of qualifications of more than two years.

Qin Shi frowned. "Is there anything?"

"Big brother, it is him!" Jane was angry and low in the back.

Simplify the ups and downs of Qin Shi, sneer: "Oh, little guy, courage is not small? Just into the chaotic domain, dare to do it with my Jane?"

"You talk negative responsibility, what do you want me to do with your Jane? Kong Yueyue is my childhood, your brother has no long dog eyes, he is looking for me trouble." To simplify, Qin Shi has no good tone, one Pulling Kong Xianhui next to him is very domineering.

Kong Xianhui was flattered, and the delicate body was soft under the strong gas field of Qin Shi. The bird nestled in his arms and did not struggle.

"You fart!" Jane angered.

However, the simplification is obviously more mature than the simplification. One will block the simplification. The smile does not laugh. "You kid, you have the ability, and the people who dare to talk to me outside the chaotic domain have not appeared yet. ”

"Now it has appeared?" Qin Shi shrugged indifferently.

When Qin Shi’s words came out, the surrounding temperature dropped sharply, and a group of slaves who were looking for joy and fun were screaming at Qin Shi.

"This kid, crazy?"

"Who knows, he dared to offend the simplification? In this periphery, even Dong Qing had to simplify the face. It is said that he had already entered the foreign domain, just to support the Jane, and his brother asked each other from the outer periphery. Taking care of this, it was only late to stay in the periphery, Qin Shi is now so openly against him, is not looking for death?"

"Take them, anyway, there is a lively look, it is best to simplify the death of this Qin Shi, and then I can justify the pursuit of the moon, and you said, will the moon and moon look at me?"

"Roll, don't dream, the moon is just watching me, what are you doing?"

"You guys are so fascinated, Qin Shi is not dead this time, certainly will not have a good result, but Kong Yueyue is you can provoke? You do not know Jane is also optimistic about her?"

"Simplified? Hehe, I guess he is playing, is there a small number of women playing Jane? How many women have played since entering the periphery? When he has played enough months, I can just comfort the moon. ”

A group of slavery talked a lot, and Qin Shi was frowning.

Just as the atmosphere became more and more high, and when I saw that several slaves behind me would start to work, Dong Qing did not know when she suddenly went to simplify her body and smiled slightly: "Hey, what's wrong with this? Is it so lively?"

"Dong Qing boss?"

When you saw Dong Qing, the slaves immediately squatted down.

"I have simplified, don't make trouble here. Do you forget the rules of the outside? If there is any private enmity, go to the battlefield!" Dong Qing's voice gradually cooled down. Surprisingly, he did not Simplified, actually talking to Qin Shi?

Qin Shi is also awkward. He has nothing to do with Dong Qing. Even when he first entered the periphery, he did not participate in other gifts.

"This Dong Qing, why should you be facing me?" A mystery was buried in the heart of Qin Shi. He couldn't believe what would be for justice. In this way, who would be willing to give justice for what justice, for what shit? Come trouble?

Moreover, the enslavements just said that the simplification of the forces on the periphery is extremely large, and there are still simple in the outer domain. Dong Qing is offending him for Qin Shi, apparently asking for trouble.

However, Qin Shi is a person with distinct grievances. Regardless of Dong Qing’s reasons, since he helped himself, Qin Shi will naturally remember it.

Dong Qing’s simplification is not good at making it. After all, Dong Qing’s identity is here. He finally took a look at Qin Shi and bypassed Qin Shi.

Waiting for the simplification, Qin Shi's airway: "Dong Qing boss, just thank you."

"Don't thank me, I am not for you." Dong Qing shook his head, and his clear eyes blinked on Kong Xianhui for a moment, sparkling with a strange luster.

Qin Shi’s awkwardness, Dong Qing will not be optimistic about Kong Xianhui, right? He thought about it, but immediately shook his head and denied it. He could feel it. There was no slight frivolity in the atmosphere that was distributed around Dong Qing. Instead, he was somewhat respectful.

"Forget it, don't want to." He shook his head. He looked for Dong Qing and had a business: "Dong Qing boss, I want to take a vacation with you."

"Leave off?" Dong Qing looked blue and cold, cold: "You should be clear, I just said when I entered the periphery, there is no holiday in the periphery of the chaotic domain, unless you are up to the point, you need to break through!!"

But when he said this, his look was condensed, and Qin Shi’s robe exuded a thick wave.

"You touched the thunder of Qitianjing?" Dong Qing was shocked.

Qin Shi laughs without words, which is the default.

Dong Qing stunned, and smiled: "Good boy, but there is a bit of talent, then from tomorrow on, you will go to the outer thunderbolt to break through."

"Thank you Dong Qing boss." Qin Shi hugged his fist.

The leave is good, he and Kong Xianhui go back to the corner to sit down, and the heart begins to figure out the next breakthrough. This breakthrough is very important to him, can not have a little bit of sloppy.

What he didn't know was that after he and Dong Qing were separated, Dong Qing quietly retired in the banquet and went to a dark corner alone.

In the darkness, there was a thin figure leaning against the wall, playing with two sharp daggers in his hand, just coming out of the darkness, revealing a cynical chuckle.


But it is the short two words, from the body of the body surges from the huge waves, that a mighty spiritual power is everywhere through the nine days of the spiritual power.

"You are still the same, you don't know the convergence!"

"With my eldest brother for so many years, I have been used to it for a long time. I don't want to talk about me. What is it? How is the news? Is the message ok?" The figure looks like a hippie smile, and there are no shelves for a little nine days.

Dong Qing nodded. "Well, through these days of observation, both her behavior and spiritual fluctuations reveal her logo."

"So, what happened to the animal farm a few days ago is true?"

" But her appearance has changed a lot, it should be easy." Dong Qing nodded.

"Is it easy? It can be done from Wang Zheng's handwriting, but she certainly can't think of it. Three years ago, Wang Zheng was alive and left the chaotic domain. It was all thanks to the big brother." The eyes turned a few laps in the eyelids and said: "Well, since it is determined, then you take care of her secretly, and check the kid who rescued her at the animal farm to see what background he is."

"You don't have to say this." Dong Qing glanced at him. "But, what are you going to do next? Tell her the truth of the matter?"

"No, don't do anything first, wait until the big brother goes out and say, now tell her that nothing is useless, she must hate the big brother!" Shake his head and immediately shouted: "In addition, you should be careful, don't expose My own identity, otherwise with her personality, know your relationship with your eldest brother, do not know what crazy things to do."

"Yeah!" Dong Qing smiled and promised, there was some downturn in the look: "I really hope that Big Brother can hurry out, this is three years, if you let the big brother know the days she has lived in these three years, I don't know. What will he do?"

"Yeah, I hope I can finish it."

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