Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 659: Inner domain

Kong Xianhui stunned. She rarely saw Qin Shi revealing such awkward appearance. Her heart could not help but raise some concerns, but she was not persuading what Qin Shi had. After this incident, the relationship between the two went. Later, she smiled and said: "Well, if Jane and Liu Ming really find it, I will be with you by your side."

Qin Shiyi overscores: "Are you not afraid to be exposed?"

"If I choose one in your safety and exposure, I would rather choose to expose, you are my friend, the only one who will not betray my friend, I can't lose you." Kong Xianhui Mawei, sweet smile Road: "But also, even if I expose, the chaotic domain does not dare to hurt me, at most, is to strip my soul, and then put me under house arrest, big deal is that you save me once again, will you come to save me? ?"

&nbs+pig+pig+island+fiction+www+z+; Qin Shi ate for a while and smiled: “Yes.”

"That's right." Kong Xianhui moved the fragrant red.

At this time, Dong Qing walked up to the two people. Qin Shi looked at Dong Qing and hugged his fist: "Dong Qing boss, I thank you just now."

"Thank you, I don't have to, you have already thanked you with your actions." Dong Qing raised his contribution card and shook it at Qin Shi.

"Well? What do you mean?" Qin Shi frowned.

Kong Xianhui whispered aside: "Just now, he also gambled that you won this, and also gambled a thousand points of contribution, you should win three or four thousand, if it is not his words, we will win more."

"What?" Qin Shi screamed, his face immediately pulled down.

Nima, that is his hard work, so he was exploited by others?

But he didn't say much, but he had to shake his head and sigh his own hardships.

"Forget it, anyway, twenty-five thousand is enough to enter the foreign domain." I comforted myself, Qin Shi looked sullen, and Dong Qing asked: "Dong Qing boss, foreign field assessment, what procedures are needed?"

"The procedure is not necessary, but you have to wait a second. The foreign domain assessment is once every six months. There is still one month from the next foreign domain assessment. I will inform you after one month." When Dong Qing said this, his eyes were always on the hole. Yin Hui body, silent for a long time, helpless shook his head.

"That will trouble you."

Qin Shi nodded and he was not in a hurry to enter the foreign domain. He still had some things to do before entering the foreign domain. One month was just enough.

At the end of the farce, Qin Shi and Dong Qing bid farewell, he returned to his room alone.

Looking at the two people who left, Dong Qing shook his head beside the martial arts field: "This stinky boy has troubled his ass, thinking that it is so impossible?"

Thinking of this, he shook his head helplessly: "Forget it, simplifying hurt her, it is damn, otherwise let the big brother know that I am not taking care of it, I guess I have nothing to eat, since this kid helped me solve the problem, I am helping this kid."

He leaped in the direction of the outer domain.

On the evening of the same day, several streams of light ran from the outer domain. Among them, Liu Ming was standing behind Liu Ming. There were several foreign disciples who stood in front of Liu Ming. Among these disciples, one of the disciples was awkward and the five senses. The anger that can't hide his heart is simple.

In the Jane's younger generation, there is a spiritual card that symbolizes his own breath. At noon, it simplifies the accident. The simple sign of the hand is mapped out. He is still unbelievable. After a day of investigation, he is sure that he is now The heart of Qin Shi has lived.

"Kid, dare to hurt my Jane man, I want you to die today!"

He called all his friends around him, including Liu Ming, the general deacon of the foreign domain.

With him, Jane can be slaughtered on the outside.

call out!

Unexpectedly, when a few people were several kilometers away from the periphery, a thin figure fell from the sky and blocked several people to go.

This person is full of stubbornness, and the two daggers in his hands are tumbling up and down. Isn’t it just a private meeting with Dong Qing in the past few days?

"Who are you?" Jane's cold question.

"Hey, who am I? You want me who I am. I am here to tell you that the little boy named Qin Shi is the person I cover under my hand. If you don't want to die, it is better now. I will withdraw it immediately, otherwise I don't mind letting you go to Huangquan Road to play.” The figure fluttered in the air, but the command in the voice was very rich.

Jane and Liu Ming frowned at the same time, and their status in the foreign domain was very high. They were Xu Yan’s direct men. When was this kind of grievance?

To this end, Liu Ming sneered: "Is it a big tone, depends on you?"

"With me? No, no, no." The fingers of the figure shook, and then quickly swayed, a waist card appeared in his fingers.

This waist is full of gold, the majesty is like a god, the golden grain is very mysterious, and the center is engraved with a sly inner word.

"Inner domain?"

Liu Ming’s brow wrinkled and his look became severe: “Are you a disciple of the inner domain?”

"Do you know that you are not going to retreat quickly? Do you want me to go to Xing Mozhen old ghost and talk?" The figure shrugged and smiled.

Affirmed, Liu Ming did not dare to make a second. His power in the foreign domain is certainly not small, but compared with the outer domain and the inner domain, it can be said that every day, even if Xing Mojun sees the inner-field disciples, he must be polite. What's more, they are.

"Damn, how did your brother offend the disciples of the inner domain?" Liu Ming slammed the voice of the voice.

"How do I know!" Jane's fist squeaked: "Does the inner domain not always care about the outer periphery? What happened this time?"

"I don't know, it seems that I can't go on any more today, otherwise I really angered the inner-domain disciples, and Xing elders can't keep us."

"Then my brother died so vainly?"

"There is still a lot of time. It is called Qin Shi's kid. It is necessary to enter the foreign domain sooner or later. In the outer domain, it is a way to fix him. Why is it necessary to rush to this time? If you can't bear it, you will be confused!" Liu Ming angered.

Jane's bite broke the lower lip, and finally it snorted and looked back.

Liu Mingchong figured and laughed a few times: "This brother, we are a few of us who have lost it. I don't know Qin Shi is your person. We will leave."

After all, Liu Ming’s eyes turned, and he saw that Jane was really far away. He also wanted to tie up this figure. Before that, the power of the outside was gone, and the face of the face was gone: "To the brother, I am Liu Ming, in the future, if you have any need, you can send someone directly to me. I promise to make it clear to you."

The figure was stunned and freed and smiled: "Well, my brother, I may have to go to the foreign domain after a while, and I am with a younger sister, and you will take care of them in the outer domain." At this point, the gas field of the figure suddenly changed. The pressure of the nine-day situation was like the collapse of Taishan Mountain. The crushing of the dead body was on Liu Ming’s body. He said: "Don’t think that you have not heard what I said, if my brother and sister are in chaos. If the domain is a little wronged, then you should measure your life by yourself."

Liu Ming was shocked. The nine-day situation was overwhelming. Everyone suddenly gave birth to a cold sweat. He said: "The teacher, the brothers are relieved. If anyone in the future dares to hurt your brother and sister, it is with me. Correct……!"

"It's almost the same, let's go!" The figure showed a smile.

"Hey...!" Liu Mingxi’s mouth vomited, and his heart regretted that his intestines were green. He thought he could climb the high branches of this figure, but he actually trapped himself, and this time he waited until Qin Shi entered. In the outer domain, if there is really a long and two short, then waiting for him is sure to die.

"Mom!" The heart roared, and he quickly retired with this figure. The repressed emotion could not stop coming out of his mind. What should I do next? Is it really necessary to protect Qin Shi?

In that case, how do you explain it to Jane?

In the end, he can only hope that this Qin Shi will enter the foreign domain later, which will calm down the anger of Jane.

When Liu Mingyuan squatted, Dong Qing’s figure floated down from the secluded forest and was placed next to the figure. He smiled and said: “Oh, that is, you can make Liu Ming so obedient.”

"How? Exhausted?"

Dong Qing nodded: "It's really venting. Since I have suppressed my spiritual power, I haven't suffered from this stinky boy since I came to the Outland. That is, my temper is good. If I change to you, I guess I have to slap him eight times a day! ”

"Eight times? If I change to me, I have already killed him."

"You, this temper should be changed. This is why the second brother chose me to come to the foreign domain and not choose you. Now the news of the blind man has been detected, just wait for the big brother to leave the customs." Shake his head.

"Fortunately, I chose you, I can't stand this kind of venomous day." The figure shrugged and patted Dong Qing: "Three brothers, I will do this for you, and I will hand it over to you." , protect the big brother, wait for the big brother to go out, let's reunite Your kid is also, our four brothers, it is your kid's smallest, when the big brother is in, you have trouble trouble big brother can Supporting you, now the big brother is gone, you have to be sensible, do you know? Tian Yang."

This is Dong Qing’s first time, shouting the name of this figure, called Tian Yang.

Tian Yang smirked and grabbed his head: "Well, I know, I am also a big boss. I also want to share the burden for my older brother. If there is a big brother in this life, I am still only Wufu who is walking in the animal farm."

"Know it." Dong Qing shook his head, as if recalling the deepest memory in the bottom of my heart: "Big brother has grace for the three of us. He is the head of the four of us. Although he is rude and unruly, it is true to our brothers. Nothing to say, this time is his danger. This time, the old guys in the chaotic domain have completely prepared to sacrifice their big brother for the sake of the virtual hole in the chaos. We must accompany him and spend the time with him. ""

"Well, I only hope that after I know the truth of the matter, I can understand the big brother's feelings, as long as they can be happy, I want to know how to do it." Tian Yang long sighed.

Dong Qing shook his head in grief: "Hope."

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