Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 663: Inner barrier


Qin Shi was a little excited, and rushed forward to raise the holy spiritual spring. This holy spiritual spring is very rare, only three small drops.

Qin Shi left a drop, and the remaining two drops were all entered into the book of burning. The burning book, which was originally not only burned, was infected by the Holy Spirit Spring, and produced a faint glow at a time.

But the halo flickered, the jade in the book did not wake up, Qin Shi could not help but pouted: "Can't you?"

The evil spirit smiled and shook his head: "Little guy, you burned the book very much. It is probably the baby nominated on the list of gods. It is full of majestic power and I feel shocked. You think it can be said that let her recover and let her recover. Ah?"

"The list of the gods?" Qin Shi frowned.

"Well, the list of the gods is an ancient period, a list of the objects of the gods, the magic weapon nominated on the list is born in the sky, produced in the earth, born in the heavens and the earth, the existence that extraordinary people can touch." The demon said This reveals a few condensed weights: "On you, there is a fetish nominee on the list of gods, and it is still the second highest superficial object."

"What?" Qin Shi blinked: "I have this baby on my body? Why don't I know?"

"Blood jade, collapse jade is on the list of the gods, the second-ranked gods, the real activation of the collapse of jade power is endless, otherwise the Emperor will not rely on mortal flesh, and I and the heavens against each other. "The demon stunned.

"Is there such a thing?" Qin Shi was shocked. He first heard this: "What is the number one god? What is it?"

"I don't know, the first thing in the list of gods is always a mystery. Some people say that it is the spirit of the ruined mainland. Some people say that it is a super artifact. But since the birth of the wild land, no one has seen it." The demon shook his head. Then I pointed to the burning book in the hands of Qin Shi: "I started to think that the burning of books in your hand is extraordinary, but the energy is very subtle now. I can’t feel what it is, but I think it should be God. Nothing on the list, and the ranking is not too late."

Qin Shi screamed, did not expect to have so many treasures on him? It turned out he didn't know.

"The artifacts on the list of gods are damaged. Every restoration needs a huge number of years. Take the example of the collapsed jade in your hand. The serious injury of 30,000 years ago is still there, and it has not been completely 30,000 years old. Fix it." The demon stunned: "So, it is not easy for your burning book to be repaired. Although it is not used for 30,000 years, but for hundreds of years, for the instrument without time concept, It’s normal.”

"Hundreds of years? Thousands of years? Are you teasing me?"

Qin Shizhen's big eyes, he can't wait for so long, let alone whether he can live to that time, even if he can never let this happen, he will be mad by the thoughts of the jade in the book.

He can't wait to see the jade in the book now.

"But you don't have to worry. You are different from a few years ago. Although you still can't reach the top of the Jinta Tower in this continent, it is already a backbone. You just need to prepare more treasures to heal the soul. Can help this burn book to be repaired." The demon persuaded.

Qin Shi nodded. He has always done this for a few years. He will continue to do so in the next few decades. He will not give up until his jade sister wakes up.

"This is what you take." The demon suddenly reached out.

Qin Shi smashed, and the demon had a reel in his hand. He did not explain the result of the reel: "What is this reel?"

"This is 30,000 years ago, I originally wanted to leave it to the Dan Fang of Fuling Cangyan Dan. Our system of magic is very similar to the spirit. Now my injury has recovered. You take it according to the spirit above. Look for the grass, if it is refining, maybe you can repair your jade sister." The demon licked his mouth and looked over his head: "Don't thank me."

"Who wants to thank you? But it is a Danfang, and it is not a remedy!" Qin Shi did not take it for granted.

The demons slammed back and angered: "Bad boy, what do you say? Do you know? This is the Danfang of the reincarnation of Cangyan Dan, which was only 30,000 years ago when I put on my life, this is God. Dan Fang of Pinnacle! Do you think it is the ordinary Dan Fang you see?"

"Shenzhen Danfang?"

"Of course, this is the Dan Fang above the nine products!" The evil demon took a look at Qin Shi and shook his head. "Forget it, I don't know if you said these things. I will give you a popular science. The gods are the best medicine." Is this the best quality medicine in the mainland, should there be only nine products in your concept?"

Qin Shi nodded, and this is true in his concept.

"I know that this is the case. In fact, like martial arts, there are three grades on the top of the nine products, which are the local products and the gods. If you exchange them according to the martial arts grades, the gods have already It is equivalent to the martial arts of extinction. It is the most precious existence in this world!" The demon is depressed in the heart.

"Is there such a thing?" Qin Shi held his breath and converges a lot.

He really didn't know. Before he took Dan, he didn't take it seriously. After looking at it seriously, he discovered that the Danish book recorded the ancient Sanskrit and was very luxurious.

"Do you know now? It’s just Danish. Do you know how valuable this Dan is? It’s no exaggeration. If you take out the auction in your world, there will be countless refining pharmacists willing to set the eight fields for you. Only for this one Dan!!" The devil's arrogant haiku.


Qin Shi sipped his mouth, so it seems that this Dan Fang is really expensive, and the heart can not help but flow a little warm.

He opened Dan Fang, looked at the medicinal herbs needed above, and blinked his eyes for a time. The light was the same, which made him tremble: "The animal of the wilderness of the domain gods?"

The domain, that is what he is now, looking up to the height that he can’t see.

"This animal of the wild animal of the wilderness is still good to say, after all, as long as your cultivation is upgraded, go to the beast world to find a field of wild animals to hunt, it is the last six things is the most troublesome thing." Laughing.

Qin Shi shrugged, and this made the demon say, as if the domain was the same as the cabbage in the vegetable market, but when he looked back, the heart sank completely into the bottom, and suddenly felt the evil words very reasonable.

"The ridiculous heart, the nine-turned chalcedony, the wanian blood of Ganoderma lucidum, the big leaves and the fallen leaves, the three-leaf Bodhi fruit... This, what are these?"

In the next six cases, Qin Shi has never heard of it.

"These six kinds of spirit grasses are all encounterable and incomprehensible. The world is rare and true to the treasure. Even if it exists, it is in the hands of heaven and earth. I know why I just said that the domain beast is good to get it?" Say something.

Qin Shi nodded bitterly, and he knew that things would not be that simple.

"But anyway, there is a way to be better than nothing. These grasses will one day sooner or later, I will gather them together."

"Jade sister, waiting for me, I will call you wake up soon."

Qin Shi meditation in his heart.

"Demon, thank you this time." Qin Shizhen said.

"Oh, don't be tempted, let's squat inside. Since there is a holy spiritual spring here, there must be some treasures." The demon waved his hand.

Qin Shi nodded, and he did not expect that in this ridiculously long stalactite cave, he would lead so many secrets, and curiously leapt into the inside.

The deeper the depth, the lighter the blue light on the wall, the more intense it is. Each of these lights has a point. Qin Shi’s knowledge of the sea is painful. He feels like there is a strong force that is tearing in his sea of ​​knowledge. Like the crack, let him not be able to say it.

"what on earth is it?"

Qin Shi shook his head hard and restrained himself.

In this way, I went forward for half an hour. Qin Shi had already flowed cold sweat on his forehead. Fortunately, the front suddenly flashed a blue radiance, and the demon shouted: "I will end soon."

"Is it finally? If I can't, I'm afraid I can't keep going." Qin Shiyi said that his soul is much stronger than ordinary people, but even if it becomes so painful, no one can come here. Practice in the stalactite cave.

Walking through the re-export, the cliff of the stone cave has been covered by azure star. At the end of this starburst, it is a blue barrier that is invisible, and there is a strong soul fluctuation on the barrier.

"What is this?" Qin Shi frowned.

"I don't know, but there is a very ancient force on the barrier. This power is not an ordinary spiritual power, but a force that specifically restrains the soul. It is quite similar to the sorcerer's knife that was originally under the wild night. "The demon interprets the sentence.

Qin Shi nodded, and he had already felt it.

He endured pain and walked to the front of the barrier, and the big hand gently passed over the barrier.

"Little guy, don't touch!"

The demon spoke, but it was obviously late.

Qin Shi’s palm touched the barrier, and a moment of intense pressure gathered at the moment, suddenly swallowing Qin Shi’s arm.

Qin Shi’s black scorpion slammed hard, and it felt like it was in the middle of millions of wild animals. Millions of wild animals were staring at him with **** red eyes, and they would swallow him.


Qin Shi clenched his fist and tried to withdraw his hand, but his brow was The strength of the arm didn't even sound, and he couldn't pull his hand away from the barrier.

Moreover, the blue fluorescent light on the barrier erodes Qin Shi, Qin Shi feels that his sea is suffering from severe pain, his head is about to explode, and his soul is gradually decomposing under the fluorescence of the color.


The demon was anxious beside him, his magic eyes screamed, and he tried his best, and the slamming impact hit the position of the blue barrier and the Qin Shi arm.


Suddenly, a fierce force, such as a volcanic eruption, rebounded from Qin Shi’s arm, and immediately the blue barrier slammed, splitting a half-human high crack, but at the moment the breach formed, the power of fury rebounded sharply. , swooping Qin Shi.

Qin Shi blinked, and even the reaction did not work. The body was directly exposed from the control.


A loud and shocking sound was shocked by the mountains on the outskirts of the chaotic area. There were hundreds of cracks in the mountains, and the cracks of tens of thousands of meters were broken. The wolf smoke of the sky rose from the sky.

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