Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 717: Sikong Lingnan appearance

When I saw the puppet, Su’s body was frozen.

This puppet is very simple, but it is engraved with two deep and delicate handwritings: don't give up.

Su did not leave the palm of his hand slowly, a puppet of a certain appearance was taken out by him, and the puppet in his hand was engraved with the word.

Never give up.


The sky is slightly dim, next month.

The drizzle drizzle in the ruins of the business district {pig}{pig}{island} novel www{zhuzhu][}, adding a loneliness to the absurd business district.

Like the original beast, Su’s face is screaming at Liu Ming’s screaming: “How can this puppet be in your hands!”

"Oh, surprised? I said, she is not dead, now believe it, but you want to know where she is right? You can rest assured, I will never tell you, I just want you to die like this, want you to compare I am more painful, haha, hahaha!"

"Why, why are you doing this...!"

"No reason, can only say that your life is not good, everything may be destiny, just like I am going to die here today, your destiny is also destined to separate, eternal separation!" Liu Ming raging mad, his voice is like The ancient tomb of the morning bell, the word-and-word hit in the heart of Su is not separated, the defense line of Su is completely broken.

Qin Shi saw the clues beside him and seized the shoulders of Su: "Su will not leave, you don't do this, he may not be true!"

But in the face of Qin Shi, Su did not shake his head and shook his head. He held two lonely puppets in the rain: "You don't know, these two puppets are me and do not give up the tokens, in which we have our blood. If you don't give up, the puppet will disappear. I searched for a long time, but I didn't find it. So I decided that I wouldn't give up, and he was killed, but now the puppet appears, the puppet is still there. , then prove that he is right, do not abandon and live!"

Qin Shi reveals a few surprises, holding the puppets of Su’s abandonment on his hands, and using his energy to look at it several times, he actually realized a few touches of vitality, but this vitality is unusually weak, no branches. According to it, drifting away.

"Don't be like this, this should be a good thing. As long as you are alive, as long as she is still alive, one day, you will find her and save her. Don't you love her? Then in order to find her to continue to live, I will help. You!" Qin Shi seriously said.

Su did not tremble, and the heart of death was provoked by Qin Shi. He suddenly looked up and flashed a few different faces on the face wet by the rain.

"Yeah!" he nodded.

"You help him? Haha, hahaha, it's a joke!" At this moment, Liu Ming's piercing laughter sounded again, his **** eyes glaring at Qin Shi, with a bit of joke: "Qin Shi, you still help him. Do you really think it is over? Innocent, I admit that I am defeated, but you don’t want to live today, not just you, the whole fog alliance, come to me to bury it, or how long it will be you and the fog. The death of the alliance!"

Qin Shiwen’s words frowned, and looked back at the direction of the confrontation between the two armies. He looked at the chaotic battlefield and made him feel a bit puzzled.

The fogmen and the disciples of the creation group fought against the sky, and the heavens and the earth seemed to be bleak. However, due to the awe-inspiring battle of the army, Xu Yan was completely suppressed, which made the fog alliance gain a certain advantage and gain the upper hand.


At this time, Ye Ling dragged on the colorful dress, stepping on the fascinating shadows of the shadows, behind her are thousands of fogen disciples.

"Head, we are here!"

It can be seen that the disciples of Wumeng are very respectful to the army. When they first came to the business district, they rushed into the battlefield. The disciples of the next generation group completely collapsed and lost again and again.

But somehow, Qin Shi did not feel any joy when he looked at the fog alliance that was about to win.

He listened to Liu Ming’s words, and he didn’t feel bored. He always felt that there was something in Liu Ming’s words, and things would not be as simple as that.

"What do you mean?"

"What do you mean?" Liu Ming's breath is getting weaker and weaker, and there is no more blood on his pale face. He fights hard and finally sighs at Qin Shi's ear. "Hey, look carefully, Don't you think that the creation team is missing one person? Is it important to be able to turn things around?"

"Well?" Qin Shi's brow wrinkled, and the black scorpion quickly looked around from the battlefield below, and when he saw Fu Jun's one-eyed eye, a person's name came to mind: "Situ Lingnan?"

"Haha, hahaha, do you think of it? Hahaha, idiots, you are all calculated. Do you really think that the creation team has only such forces? Do you really think that you can win? The joke! You It’s going to die. The strength of that person is not what you can imagine. Here is your graveyard, Qin Shi, don’t worry, I am waiting for you below, come with me on Huangquan Road!” Liu Ming’s crazy laugh, laughed the last Take a breath.

For Liu Ming's pleasant laughter, Qin Shi only felt that his heart was crushed by boulder, and he clenched his fist slightly, and the black scorpion swept away from the clouds.

There is a pressure that cannot be said, and it is irrigated from afar.


From the distant sky, a layer of invisible air waves suddenly crushed and fell, and the gas field was like a huge claw, and the commercial area was caught in it.

In the moment when this force surged, the heavens and the earth were solidified, and Qin Shi’s Huanren suddenly shrank, and a thin figure stood up and secluded.

The figure is wearing a robe, wearing white gloves on the left hand, and walking in the sky above the commercial area. There is a sense of skill. He did nothing, and the atmosphere on the field changed instantly, and a horror of color spread across the eyes of everyone.

And he smiled lightly, on the very handsome face, there was a pair of deep and delicate eyes, and the heart was full of self-confidence from the beginning to the end, calm and calm.

"Hey, it’s so lively here."

The figure was a faint smile, just a few words, the people on the field suddenly trembled, even Qin Shi was a heavy brow, a pressure from the bottom of my heart.

Fu Jun’s forced gas field was shattered by the students, and the lonely right eye flashed a bit of surprise.

"Situ Lingnan?"

That's right, this figure is the head of the creation group, the mysterious Situ Lingnan.

This is the first time Qin Shi saw him. He dragged a long silver hair and fluttered in the wind, giving people a kind of compulsion.

"Eight days of the sky...!" Qin Shizhen's pinching fist.

"It is the head of the creation team!"

"I didn't expect that even he appeared. He hasn't been in the world for a long time. He doesn't participate in the foreign domain. It is said that he will enter the inner domain. I didn't expect to show up today!"

"The fog alliance is not playing!"

Lin Xing is also slightly sinking in the distant phoenix eye.

"Fu Jun, do you do this, is it too bully? Get thousands of disciples here, do you want to annihilate our creation team?" Situ Lingnan smiled calmly and looked around. Thousands of figures on the field, but did not reveal the slightest worry, but it was exceptionally easy.

Fu Jun saw Situ Lingnan, an unprecedented killing in the right eye: "Less nonsense, we have long been dead, it is better to make a break today."

"Just rely on these people? Not too good enough."

Situ Lingnan shook his head, and just as his laughter was not falling, a natural force disrupted the clouds, as if the Scorpio had collapsed. Thousands of Wumeng’s disciples were stiff and painful. .

Qin Shi was slightly shocked, and a sinister fire flashed from his heart. If it was not his mature mind, and his strong body, he was already seriously injured.

However, thousands of disciples in the Wumen League can shed blood without his ability.

When I saw this scene, everyone was shocked.

"What, what happened?"

"One hit? Just a blow? And even the hands have not moved, thousands of Wumen disciples have been broken like this? Is this the strength of the head of the creation team?"

"Awesome power...!"

In the minds of the disciples on the scene, there is an extra measure.

Fu Jun saw this scene of chaos, and he picked up his teeth. The power of the peak of seven days quickly and forcefully shot to Situ Lingnan.

"Situ Lingnan, want to hurt them, you have passed me before!"

"Three years ago, the defeat of your hand, abolished one of your eyes, it seems that you can not call you a long memory, your opponent is not me!" Situ Lingnan shook his head and smiled.

With the rise of his mouth, the wind and sand of the sky rolled, Xu Yan burst into the air, and rushed to attack the army from behind, and hit the sand palm seriously injured in the back of the army.


Fu Jun’s chest undulating, and instantly felt the blood in the body rushing, quickly pulled out and fired the fire dragon to the rear: “Get out! You can’t break it!”


The party trembled, and Qing Qing and Shen Fengchun glanced at each other. At the same time, they burst into the body and the wings behind the vibration rushed toward Xu Yan.

But before they came forward, Situ Lingnan shook his head frivolously: "It is not a good habit to disturb others." Immediately, he made a big hand, and the fire of the sky was full, and the half-walled business district was burned.


Qingqing, Shen Fengchun, and even Dunhuang, who are good at defense, failed to make a blow under the fire. The entire disciples of Wumeng were all shaken. Under the power of this horror, countless people were desperate.

The black scorpion of Qin Shi is low to the extreme.

A person, just a person, broke the deadlock like this?

Situ Lingnan’s cultivation is far higher than he imagined.

Seeing the injuries of a few people in Fujun’s heart is in chaos, and the anger is ejected from the right eye.

"The burning eyes burn!"

Fu Jun’s eyes ignited the fire of burning the sky, fiercely spurting Xu Yan, Xu Yan was caught off guard, and quickly rushed back toward the back, and Fu Jun did not give him this opportunity, Sheng Sheng chased the front, splattered on the palm of his hand Such as the heat wave of magma, a fire tiger composed of flames is directed to Xu Yan's chest.

Xu Yan was shocked and a fear flashed through his heart.

At this moment, the space around Xuyan was slightly distorted, and there was no fire spontaneously burning up. The high temperature lifted like a sea of ​​boiling, turned into a more horrible tiger's mouth in a vain vortex, and the ferocious counter-phasing to Fu Jun .


The impact melted the rocks below, and the army was fiercely shaken hundreds of meters away.

In succession, Fu Jun’s figure emerged from the flame and smiled lightly: “If you want to make a break, you will be able to complete it today. From today, the fog alliance can be removed from the foreign domain. ""

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