Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 739: Lingyun was caught

Hearing the words of Kong Xianhui, Yu Wenxuan relieved and relieved, and immediately silenced him for a long time, saying: "I admit that when I first approached you, I was close to you with a purposeful purpose, and it was for the virtual hole of the chaotic domain."

"The virtual hole?"

After hearing these four words, a few people in the stunned mouth took a breath of cold air.

Qin Shi wrinkled his eyebrows and rushed to ask questions: "Ying Qingge, what is this living virtual hole?"

The secluded green reveals a bit of dignity, Shen Sheng said: "The virtual hole is a disordered area. It is said that the ancient weapon of the chaotic domain: eight wild jade, is in this virtual hole, but it is full of wild soul power. Like the soul + pig + pig + island + novel + www + z + meat grinder, anyone entering it will inevitably fly away, and the world will never be super-born, even if the domain is also the same, so this eight-year-old jade has been quiet for a long time, no It has been published."

"Is there such a thing?" Qin Shi was slightly surprised, and even the soul of the domain can be torn apart. What is the power of terror?

But what he cares about is not this. What does he care about is the relationship between Kong Xianhui and this virtual hole? For this reason, I looked toward the two people.

Kong Xianhui screamed: "You continue to say."

"Everyone knows that the virtual hole is like a soul meat grinder. It is also very taboo for the old guys in the chaotic domain, but you are different. Your system is special. You are an ancient ketone body, and the soul is abnormally forced. With the ability to recover instantly, so the chaotic domain wants to borrow your ancient ketone body, use it to enter the virtual hole of the soul, and get the eight of them." Yu Wenyi sighed.

Hearing, Qin Shi frowned, and Kong Xianhui’s system was special. He had said that he had heard the evil spirits long ago. He only heard Yu Wen’s words, and he was inexplicably disgusted.

Kong Xianhui suddenly realized, ironically smiled: "Oh, so, you deliberately provoke me, deceive my feelings, lie to me in chaos, just for this virtual hole?"

Yu Wenyi heard the words, first nodded helplessly, and immediately shook his head: "No, I admit that I am close to you, but you should also understand me, I am a singer, I step on the ground, if I don't want to do anything, no one can force me, I really like you, so I will approach you."

"Then I ask you, these three years? Where have you been in the three years when I most needed you? Where have you been in the three years when I was born to die?"

"Three years...!" Yu Wenqi’s angry clenched fist, coldly said: "Three years ago, the old guys in the chaotic domain found me and took the initiative to prepare for me to break through the realm of the realm. To be honest, I was really It’s tempting, but I’m not in a hurry to promise them. Later, they promised me three years. They will never ask you to take risks. They won’t let you enter the virtual hole, and I will agree.”

"And, they said they found a way to borrow the ancient ketone body, and this method is Caixia Yunlingzhi!"

"Cai Xia Yun Lingzhi?"

"Yes, they said that as long as there is Caixia Yunlingzhi, you can take risks without you, so I arranged for Beding to stay with you before I retired, and I asked for help."

"In that case, only the giant rock reached the sky, I asked him to help me find Caixia Yunlingzhi, but later he found Caixia Yunlingzhi, only to know that there is no way to borrow the ancient ketone body. Caixia Yunling Ganoderma lucidum can really get them to get the ancient ketone body, but it is to sacrifice your life."

"After knowing this news, Juyan seriously injured three inner-field disciples in the night, and then took Caixia Yunlingzhi to escape from the chaotic domain and ran into the chaotic cemetery. It was also because of this incident that he became the eighth-ranked list. The seven wanted criminals also killed him because of this.” Yu Wen’s sorrow shook his head.

Hearing this statement, Qin Shi’s heart sinks and suddenly remembers what he said to him when he was dying. If it is really what Yu Wenzhao said, then everything can be said.

"In the past three years, I don't know that you have suffered so much. If I know, even if I give up the breakthrough, I will not allow it!" Yu Wenxi's eyes told everyone that he did not lie.

Kong Xianhui shuddered softly, and her body was soft. She looked obsessed with Yu Wenzhao. After a long time, she suddenly shook her head and shook her head: "No, it is not like this. How could it be?"

She couldn't believe that the three years she hated, the truth is like this, the kind of enchanting power that made her whole heart broken.

"Although you don't want to believe it, this is the truth!" Yu Wenxi shook his head helplessly, watching the pain of the Iraqis, his heart was bleeding.

He hopes that the person who bears the pain is him, not Kong Xianhui.

In this tragic truth, everyone is silent.

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it!" Kong Xianhui's mind almost collapsed. He pushed Yuwen's arm open, and he stepped back a few steps and almost fell to the ground.

Qin Shi was in the back of her eyes, and she stepped forward to hold her: "How are you?"

"I, I want to leave here, I beg you to take me away!" She grabbed Qin Shi, and the tears sparked and prayed.

Qin Shi nodded: "Well, I will take you away."

He picked up Kong Xianhui, ignoring the many eyes of the audience, and left in the faraway of the void. Although he knew that Yu Wenzhao loved Kong Xianhui, he would never allow Kong Xianhui to be injured.

A few people in Qingqing shook their heads helplessly, and they also got up and followed up.

Looking at the direction in which several people left, Yu Wenxi showed the painful color. Zhao Xin said with a side: "Big brother, don't you chase?"

"No, tell her to calm down, now this time, tell her to stay with me, but it will bring trouble to her." Yu Wenxuan obsessed and shook his head.

"It's all this time, you are still thinking about her."

"In the past three years, I really owe her." Yu Wenqi spit out, and then his gas field changed greatly, revealing a smothering killing: "So I have to pay for the three years, all the people who hurt her!"

"Do you want to start working on the old side?"

"Well, the old man has grace for us, and although the golden eagle is killed by Qin Shi's kid, but Deng Kai and Xing Mozhen can't get away with this matter." Yu Wenyu's cold words whispered, and his face was slightly As soon as he sinks, his body sways in the same place, turning into a residual image and disappearing into the air.

Zhao Xin shook his head and sighed and followed.

From the beginning to the end, Step Jingxian looked at everything below at the top of Tianzhu, and finally looked at the direction of Qin Shi’s departure, and the old eyes flashed a sorrow and thoughts.


Leaving the black market, Qin Shi and Kong Xianhui returned to the foreign domain.

As soon as she entered the room, Kong Xianhui closed herself in her boudoir. Qin Shi also knew that she needed to calm down. This kind of thing only she wanted to understand.

Back to the room, Qin Shi entered the dark space. Before the confrontation with Sikong Lingnan, he also suffered a minor injury. Although Yu Wenzhao’s timely shot, these injuries are not fatal, but if he does not heal the cure, he will stay. Under the dark.

In the dark space, Qin Shi was sitting on the puffed gold futon, and Lin Linyu was quickly run by him. The green life of the emerald green flowed through the blood, and his blood began to recover.

After three weeks, he was able to restore his dim dantian to a certain degree of luster, and the spiritual power in the sixth thread gradually became brighter, so that his cultivation was refined and refined.

He now, according to the words of the blood wizard, should be regarded as a pseudo-five-day situation, and with his spiritual cultivation, and the great methods of extinction, even if he is the peak of seven days, he also has confidence in a battle.

After all, he was able to kill the short-term seven-day period. He believes that as long as he is practicing, and waiting for the spiritual power of the sixth thread, he can compete even in the early days of eight days, even if he is not. At least it will not be as passive as it was before.

But when things were unsatisfactory, when he was about to continue practicing, a rush of footsteps interrupted him, and he couldn't help but frown.


A fat man rushed into the room with a sweaty head. This fat man was undoubtedly a condensed rain. When he saw Qin Shi, he almost cried. The small eyes that had not been big disappeared completely: "Big brother, you are finally back!"

Qin Shi looked at this wretched fat man and said a strange question: "What happened, you said slowly!"

"Can't be slow, slow down, Lingyun, he will be dead!"

"Well?" Qin Shi black smashed: "What happened to Lingyun?"

"Ling Yun, Ling Yun, he was taken away by Xu Yan!"

"Xu Yan?" Qin Shi’s heart sighed and stood up: "What is going on?"

The condensate rain suffocated a few mouthfuls of gas, only anxiously said: "I don't know, just a few days ago, Big Brother and You Qingge, they just left the chaotic domain, a group of disciples of the creation group suddenly will Lingyun's home Live, Lingyun and Mu Huiquan were all arrested. In these few days, I abolished the boss’s strength and asked them. These were all done by Xu Yan. They shut Xu Yan in the cell of the World Youth League headquarters. Just **** in Xu Yan's room, Xu Yan took off a piece of clothing from Muhui one day. So far, Muhui has only underwear left!"

"What?" Qin Shi suddenly burned in anger.

"The animal also released words, saying that if the big brother wants the two to be safe, then you must go to the creation team!" The screaming screaming screaming Qin Shimeng's clenched fist.


At this moment, another shadow broke into the door, and like the beginning of Ning Yu, he rushed to Qin Shi.

Qin Shi looked up and said, isn’t this shadow filming the leafy parents of Wu Meng?

"Ye Ling, what happened to you?"

Ye Ling said with a sigh of relief: "The fog alliance, the fog alliance was attacked, and Sikong Lingnan was just now, led many disciples to encircle the fog alliance, and injured hundreds of disciples of our fog alliance."


The black scorpion of Qin Shi expanded again, and a raging anger was spurted out.

"Go, let's first fog alliance!"

The situation was urgent, Qin Shi did not dare to delay, the whole body flashed purple and thunder, from the position of the door flashed, and then jumped toward the headquarters of Wumeng.

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