Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 807: Join Jianzong

"Yeah, I didn't think that this little doll has already been a teacher, otherwise I want to put him under my door. After all, I have no children in my life, no disciples." Sorry for shaking his head.

In the face of the dialogue between the two, Qin Shi’s heart was awkward, and he was robbed by two powers who were in the world of human beings to be accepted as apprentices. As a result, people who are still unwilling, I am afraid that only the whole human world will be able to Did you do it?

But he is right. His principle is too strong. Since he recognized Puquan as a teacher, he said that he only recognized one master in this life. Even though he recognized Puquan as a teacher, Park Quan did not. He taught him anything, but in his heart, he is very respectful to Park Quan and has always been treated as a teacher.

Although Park Quan also said that - pig - pig - island - small - say - www - if there is a chance in the future, Qin Shi must seize the opportunity to worship a person who can really help him grow up, and the two The old man is a suitable candidate, but he has chosen to refuse.

"But it, nothing!" Fengsha sighed and waved: "The strong twisted melon is not sweet, this teacher's business should be your kid, forget it."

“Thank you for your understanding.” Qin Shi knew that after the wind and sand helped him in the chaos, he also changed his respect for the wind and sand. He has always been a person with distinct grievances.

"But!" But the tone of the wind suddenly changed, and the corner of the eye exudes a strange luster: "You can rely on you for the teacher, but you must also promise me one thing."

"what's up?"

Qin Shizhen squeezed his eyes, inexplicably felt a little uneasy, Bu Jingxian also frowned, thinking about what the old guys have to play tricks?

"You have to enter my swords and become a disciple of my sword."

"You asked me to join Jianzong?" Qin Shi surprised and stunned.

The sand swayed his head and nodded: "Yes."

Under this time, Qin Shi was silent, and silently read: "What kind of medicine is this old guy selling in the gourd?"

To be honest, a chaotic domain is enough for him to have a headache. He does not want to be involved in the eight-domain dispute. After all, the expected date of Yuluo is already imminent. He must hurry back.

It seems that Qin Shi’s hesitation, the wind and sand began: “You can rest assured that our swords and chaos are different. When you come to Jianzong, you will be promoted directly to the inner domain disciple and enjoy all the privileges of the inner domain disciples.”

"In addition, I feel that joining Jianzong is also a rare opportunity for you. After all, you have to think about your family. Although you are leaving the chaotic domain, but in the influence of the chaotic domain in the human world, I want to find out that you should still be very easy."

"Of course, you can hide in the black market. I want to have old ghosts. I don’t dare to come here in chaos, but it’s easy to find your family in chaos. As you said, your wife is now During pregnancy, if you do something crazy in the chaotic domain, you can't afford the consequences." The sand has a threatening tone.

Qin Shi suddenly sinks his face, and Fengsha said it is good. With the influence of chaotic domain in the human world, it is easy to find out the details of his bottom. It is not just Yuluo, I am afraid that Chiyan, Qinzong and Qinjia It must be dangerous.

Compared to the chaotic domain, red inflammation is just like dust particles, very small.

"But, you are not the same when you join the sword. I can assure you that as long as you are willing to join the sword, as long as I am alive, the chaotic domain will not dare to your family." The sand suddenly changed its tone, this is The standard hit Qin Shi a slap and gave him a candied date to eat.

Qin Shi was silent, and Fengsha said that he was right. With his current ability, he was not enough to counter the chaotic domain. If he wants to resist revenge in the chaotic domain, I am afraid this is his only choice.

Qin Shi shook his head helplessly, and nodded to the sand. "Well, really, you forced me to join the sword?"

"It's almost like this." The wind shook the dust on the shoulders, but it didn't hide.

Qin Shi smiled bitterly: "Oh, I don't want to understand, this is a ruin of thousands of people in the mainland, why do you want me to join the Jianzong? Can you tell me?"

"Do you want to know?" The wind sand picked a brow.

Qin Shi can't set aside his hand: "Yes, Jianzong is an eight-domain. It is one of the eight giants in the human world. There are countless disciples who want to join the sword. I always know why you want me to join. What?"

Speaking of this, he deliberately paused, and the voice became serious. "Of course, you don't want to say anything because of how talented my talents are, and those who are too false. In this ridiculous continent, there are countless talents. Isn’t it a minority that is rejected by your eight domains?”

“Oh?” Fengsha and Bujingxian felt a bit of an accident. The sand was a big laugh: “Oh, it’s really interesting. The first time you met you, others want to join the swordsman’s head, and you call the kid. Joining Jianzong, you are still vigilant, as if you are afraid of being fooled, like 100,000, why are so many problems."

"No way, it is because of this that I have to ask, what you think in the old guy’s head is not something I can touch. I don’t want to know how I died." The corner of the mouth.

"Well, you want to know, then I will tell you, you will know sooner or later anyway." Fengsha shook his head, and the old eyes paused on the sword-shaped pendant of Qin Shi's chest, saying: "It is because of this."

"Because of this?" Qin Shi frowned. "Isn't that simple? If it's just the spirit of the sword, you can take it back to the sword, why bother to call me to join the sword? In this, you should still Is there anything else?"

"Really, it will not be so simple, but you only need to know now, I want you to join the swordsman because of the spirit of this sword, and I will not harm you. As for other things, now is not the time you know. I will tell you when the time is right." The sands hesitated, and the deep things did not say.

Qin Shi opened his mouth and finally closed up. He did not ask more questions, because he knew that he would ask the results several times and it would be useless. If the sand was unwilling to say it, he could not ask.

What's more, in his heart, he has already decided to agree to the sandstorm. There are two reasons. First, it is the wind and sand. He wants to consider the red face, and the revenge of the chaotic domain cannot be prevented.

Second, he wants revenge. He said that if the three old dogs in the chaotic domain are not allowed to die, then he must have a huge force to back it up, and Jianzong is undoubtedly the best choice.

To this end, Qin Shichong sand nodded: "It is not impossible to call me to join Jianzong, but you have to promise me two things."

"The first one is your wife who wants to give birth?" Fengsha smiled without surprise. "I can promise you this, I can see it, if you don't call you back to your wife." Next, I am afraid that Da Luo Jinxian will not be able to stay."

Qin Shi shrugged with a smile: "I promised her."

"Well, this is not a problem. I don't just promise you. I can also help you to expand the field. You will give me the geographic coordinates you want to go. I will help you link the space and send you back." Tao, then look a lot of color: "Just I really want to know, what is the second thing you said?"

Step Jingxian overslept, and also looked at Qin Shi with curiosity. There are not many people who dare to raise conditions with Jianzong. He also wants to know what the little guy wants to agree with.

"The second one...!" Qin Shi black screamed suddenly across the road to call people cold cold, sneer: "One day in the future, I want to revenge in chaos, to pay for the three old dogs in the chaos By that time, I need the support of Jianzong."

Words, Sen Han, air coagulation.

The wind sand and the step Jing Xian were slightly shocked. At that moment, the two saw a few points from the eyes of Qin Shi, even the killing of them.

"Oh, this time in chaos, it really caused a lot of trouble." Step Jingxian couldn't help but laugh.

The wind sand laughed from the side: "Haha, good boy, dare to find chaos in the chaos, do you know what you mean by this?"

"You just have to say, can you promise me?" Qin Shi did not respond to the wind and sand, blunt questions.

"you are serious?"

"Of course, I Qin Shi, say one thing." Qin Shi smiled, it is the kind of cold that seems to be able to freeze even the air.

Under the wind and sand, I couldn’t help but sneak up. Even Jingxian did not dare to despise. He can see that Qin Shi’s determination at this time is so decided, and who can make this decision as a joke?

Amazingly patted Qin Shi’s shoulder: “Oh, good boy, have strength.” After that, he paused: “But, this thing, I can’t promise you now. After all, the opposition between the two domains involves too much. thing."

I heard that Qin Shi was disappointed, but the sand immediately said: "However, I can promise you that, on the day you want to take revenge, I don't mean Jianzong, I will use myself. Support you."

Qin Shi squatted and looked at the wind and sand.

"Don't look at me, I see that the three old dogs in the chaotic domain are also very unhappy. This time I even dared to play with me." Fengsha waved the giant sword in his hand and said: "There will be opportunities in the future. Find your teeth."

Under this, what reason does Qin Shi have to refuse?

Qin Shi took a deep breath and snorted, nodded: "The seniors of the sand, thank you."

"Don't thank me, remember what you promised me. From today, you are the disciple of my swords. This is the waist card of the disciple of Jianzong. You must hold it first." The sword-shaped waistband formed a parabola in the hut and fell into the hands of Qin Shi.

After picking up the waist card, Qin Shi played a circle in his hand. This thing is the same as the waist card in the chaotic domain. It is only the waist card that he got directly in the sword. The daily contribution value is very large, and his eyes are not helpless. There are several golden lights flashing.

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