Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 809: Space storm

When Qin Shi entered the space tunnel, the crack gradually contracted.

The wind and sand were dry and the hand was held, and the giant sword in his hand was thrown high by him. Immediately in midair, he smashed hundreds of swordsmanships. The swordsmanship was intertwined, forming a huge array, and the field was transmitted. The influence of the law immediately began to turn rapidly.

When he did everything well, he took a pause in the clap, and smiled with satisfaction: "This little doll, I don't know what it would be like to return to Chiyan this time."

"His experience is not too small, especially in that place."

"Do you mean red inflammation?" The wind sand turned his head.

Step Jingxian nodded very seriously, and immediately seemed to flash through the thousands of years in his eyes. Countless memories came to mind: "Red Yan, the place where the ancient emperor was born, is also the ultimate emperor." The place, although it has been gone for thousands of years, but there is no shortage of things."

I heard these, the wind and sand fiercely clenched the fist, the voice with a bit of suffocating swearing: "Yeah, these thousands of years, the group has not relaxed the vigilance for that place, the last news of Qi Qing, It also disappeared there."

"Where is the rain road end of the world?" Step Jingxian smiled coldly. When he said this, from his eyes, he saw a few waves, and this wave was so fierce: "Life Turning, I am afraid that the group should have an action, and this time the little doll will be involved."

"Yeah." Sandstorm nodded unexpectedly.

And here, the two old men were silent for a long time, and they thought about different things. Step Jingxian suddenly turned around and asked very seriously: "If this little doll is really the son of that fate, you are sure for one year. After that, let him participate in the sacrifice of the gods?"

"Of course!" The sandstorm nodded confidently and looked toward the distant East: "I believe him, and will surprise us a year later, a small godland festival, it is hard to beat him."

The confidence of the sandstorm is called Step Jingxian’s slight glimpse, and he nodded with a smile: “It’s true that nothing happens to him.”

In short, he paused and asked again to the wind and sand: "What do you mean by the martial arts? Is that martial arts?"

The first side of the wind and sand, and Bu Jingxian looked at each other for a moment, and nodded deeply. "Well, that martial arts, this is the creation of Qi Qing. Since it has been recognized by Qi Qing, then this martial arts should naturally return. He belongs."

"18 swordsmanship, but the year has alarmed the entire human world, and it has not been published for three thousand years. If you think about it, it is a little expectation." Step Jingxian supported the long smile.

"Oh, well, my mission is over. This time, there is no big contradiction with the chaotic domain. I have to go back to Jianzong first, so as not to jump into the wall."

After the wind and sand, he waved his hand at Step Jingxian. The giant sword in his hand waved hard, and the void behind him was torn apart, gradually engulfing his figure.

After a while, with the void gradually dissipated, there is only one person in the house, and there is only a vicissitude in the darkness.

Suddenly, he spread his hands and stared at the wrinkles that were covered with a deep breath.

"Old man, millennium, I thought I could forget it, but it turns out that I still can't forget it. Then your hatred will let me report it for you." After all, the atmosphere around him changed greatly, even the whole seat. Eagle City was violently undulating in that moment.


In a dark space, there are occasional patches of light blue flashing around.

call out!

A microcosm rushed past, and at the foot of the steps, it flashed a hundred meters.

"Rahshao, I will be back soon." The microcosm looked straight ahead, and the corner of his mouth was gently whispered, and it was certain from the look of hope that it was not the Qin Shi who quickly rushed back to the Chiyan Empire.

In the field transmission, his eyes always detached from the left and right. From the time he entered the space tunnel, he only used half an hour before and after, but the distance from the Chiyan Empire was reduced by half, which made him tolerate I lived and sighed.

"This area is really good."

"Hey, little guy, know the power of space is great?"

The voice of the blood wizard sounded, and Qin Shi shrugged his shoulders: "Really, if I can reach the Dacheng domain in the future and master the transmission in this field, even if I am in a distant place thousands of miles away, I want to go back. Isn’t it a minute to go to Raksha and aunt?”

"In fact, you don't have to wait until the Dacheng domain, there is me, I am a vanity, I want to use the power of space, isn't it simple? But...!"

"However, I have to release you first, and then help you to refine the body. Isn't it? Without these, you can use the power of space?" Before Qin Xueshi said, Qin Shi immediately reacted. The opening interrupted his blood wizard and stunned, and immediately smiled and said: "Hey, you all see it?"

"On your point of thought, can you personally see it?" Qin Shi shrugged, and then very decisive: "Of course, I advise you to interrupt this mind early, want me to let you out?" Daydreaming!"

Hearing that Qin Shi was so determined, the blood wizard was anxious and said: "Why? Don't you want to use the power of space, often come back to see your family?"

"Thinking is thinking, but I don't trust you in your identity." Qin Shi was a direct smile, and then a lot of positive breath, said: "Not to mention, I am a man, since ancient times, a man is in the Quartet, It’s hard to be a big thing when I think about it. Now I have a family mission. I still have a lot of heavy responsibilities. Before I can solve everything, I often go home, but I can’t solve their love of Acacia. Maybe it will hurt them. There is no such necessity."

"Well?" Hearing Qin Shi's explanation, the blood wizard stunned. He even forgot the mistrust of Qin Shi in front of him, only to be surprised.

In the end, I shook my head helplessly: "But, you don't trust me anyway. You'd better not ask me later, I won't help you."

"Hey, I want to ask you?" Qin Shi smiled lightly, did not put the words of the blood wizard at all, and directly responded to the blood wizard with action.

That is his dynamism, knowing the slightest flicker in the sea, and a little bit of fluorescence. The power of a powerful soul is directly injected into the heart and heart inflammation. The shaking blood wizard trembles fiercely and screams: "Bad boy, you have to do it." what?"

"I just let you know who is asking who."

"I beg you, I beg you, you will stop, let your disgusting soul stay away from me!"

Qin Shi is now a six-curse magician. The soul is repaired as a high-blooded wizard. Too much blood and blood between him and the demon, his blood pressure is very strong, as long as a little effort, blood The wizard will be into pain.

Listening to the blood witch screaming for a long time, Qin Shi was nodded with satisfaction, palms in the sleeves to force a grip, the soul to receive the sea.

In the latter half of the hour, he walked like a light bird, and quickly leapt in this time and space.

Seeing, the red and beautiful mountain river emerged in front of the eyes, the excitement of Qin Shi’s heart could not help but swell out.

"One year, my Qin Shi is finally coming back."

The fine mans flashed from the scorpion, and his foot slammed hard, and the body slammed out like a sword again.


But at this moment, one of the blue starbursts flickering around the tunnel suddenly trembled and the whole space shook.


Qin Shi was shocked, almost subconsciously dodging, but in this way, it was still affected by that huge force. His body slammed into the space wall, and the space wind blade directly shredded his left arm.

"Amount! What happened?" Holding the left arm, Qin Shi's incomprehensible dark voice.

The blood wizard quickly swept away, staring at the swaying space wall, the look changed: "This... this is a space storm! Little guy, run!"

"Space storm?"

Qin Shiren’s violent squashing, he knows a little about it. Space is the most ethereal force in the world. There are thousands or even hundreds of millions of space on this continent, and these spaces will be overwhelming every day. The change, this change is the space storm, it is an irresistible force, like a flood of beasts.

Once a space encounters a space storm, the space that greets this space must be destroyed.

"This is trouble!" Qin Shi also realized the seriousness of the situation. If this space is shattered, he is likely to be blocked forever in the mezzanine of space.


Turning up, Qin Shi palms with a wave of force, all the body's power is ejected, and the footsteps quickly fly toward the tunnel exit.

But let him be faster and faster than the space.

The space storm was like a tiger, and the fierce and sharp claws rushed into him.

"Can't hide!"

During the respite, the storm rolled the blue whirlwind, and as the harvester approached behind Qin Shi, he had shredded his tight black robe.

"The desert is deserted!"

Forced to helpless Qin Shi almost backhand movements from the five thousand ridiculous lines, quenching the body of the body around him, turned back into the space storm.


But he is still too naive. His full blow can only make the space storm stop for less than half a second. What's more, his injury has not yet healed. Five thousand ridiculous lines are like ants, and they are divided into minutes. Severe whirlwind to kill.

"Little guy, flashing to the left!" The blood wizard was eager to speak.

Qin Shi clenched his teeth, and regardless of the three seven twenty-one, he listened to the blood wizard and then pulled away from his body.

Unexpectedly, at the moment when Qin Shi turned, the space storm actually moved. At the same time, he turned to the left side and approached Qin Shi again.

“How could this be?” This time, Qin Shi’s retreat narrowed, and a desperate color gushed out.

The blood wizard is even more shocked: "No, this is not a space storm. Some people are maliciously controlling. Some people want to ruin this space!"

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