Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 833: Hate and concern

"Spiritual, soul fusion?"

Ge Han’s eyes sank, and a touch of fear flashed from the corner of his eyes: “Bad boy, have you been good?”

In this regard, Qin Shi indifferently shook his head: "It is too much for you. Since you dare to invade my red inflammation, you should be ready to die."

"I want to die, I don't think about it!" Ge Han roared, his hands turned into talons, and immediately he was crazy, constantly attacking the surrounding void.

boom! Hey!

However, the fault of spiritual power and soul power, that is, even the domain sees the island > the novel www.zuzud must be in the right color, that power is formed by the two completely impractical forces intertwined between the heavens and the earth. The power, even the power of space, how can Gehan be able to break free?

Seeing this scene, Xiaomi Cai jumped in joy below: "How? See you? I said, I shot, this old dog is about to die!"

A group of people looked at each other with a glance, no one spoke, not that they didn't want to, but they were stunned. This Qin Zong's lord is too strong, too?

Hao Tian was also stunned from the national wall and looked horrified: "Hey, terrible power...!"

He and Ge Han had a hand, so he was very aware of the strength of Ge Han, Ge Han Zhiqiang, he was like an ant in front of him, but now, Ge Han was so trapped by Qin Shi? Just one hit?

"One year, this Qinzong's lord has reached this level of enchantment? Is this still human?" A year ago, he was only an empire lieutenant. At that time, he had heard of Qin Shi, but he had never seen it. Now I saw it with my own eyes. It was really shocked. It is more exaggerated than it was heard a year ago.

"No wonder, he will be called a legend...!"

The tiger cub heard the words and smiled from the side: "Don’t worry, this is not the end of our lord. He will stand in a higher place in the future. He and we all said that they want to lead Qin Zong and stand on this continent. The peak."

"The peak of the mainland...!" Ge Han’s mouth twitched a few times: "The height, but I don’t even dare to dream when I dream."

"Yeah, if it were me, I wouldn't dare to dream, lest I wait for myself to wake up and call myself hurt, but under his leadership, I dare." Tiger smiled: "We all believe him. ""

A few words, called Hao Tian suddenly silenced, Hao Tian looked at the tiger's head and tiger head, and finally shook his head: "I finally know why, for thousands of years, the four regions have never been one, but eventually Qin The sect is unified, and this cohesiveness is really rare."

"Well, he gave it to us. He is like a huge magnetic field, which touches the hearts of all of us in Qinzong. Even if he is not around us for a long time, every time he appears, he will bring us Hope, tell us, we are one step closer to the end."

"Actually, he is really tired. He has too much burden on him. We all want to share it for him, so we must make ourselves stronger."

When the tiger cub said this, it was very stubborn, but in his eyes, it was so hot. Even the sky was infected by him. He nodded seriously: "I am gradually convinced now, maybe I can really have one day. No matter where I go to this continent, I will be crowned by Qin Zong.

Ge Han was charged, and the ground gradually calmed down that day.

Gale, wrong, it should be called the holy wind now, and the army of the holy wind suddenly became instigated, and suddenly lost the main bone.

The Qin Shi black scorpion swept through the army of the holy wind of more than tens of thousands. In the end, he shook his head and provoked the tree vine in his hand to smile: "Why, little guy, can't you finally get it?"

"Yeah, they are just victims of being caught in the war between the two countries. Although I am not a good person, I am so hurtful, but it is somewhat unbearable." Qin Shiyi sighed.

"Become a major event, informal, your heart is not good, you want to do big things, you must have something to give, there is always something to sacrifice." God pregnant tree shook his head.

"So, what is the difference between me and the Mozu? Everyone has the stubbornness of everyone. Gehan is under my control. This group of people has lost their hearts. I am afraid that it will take a long time to disperse."

"But, let's follow you, maybe you are like this, you can also create a day of your own, and a day that is different from the giants who have stood at the top of the peak." Shen Shenshen tree smiled and said: "Everyone, are Being ambition-oriented, you are being promoted by those many concerns, and it is impossible for me to be curious. How can you achieve this kind of choice that goes against the destiny?"

"I don't know how high, but I know, no matter who, don't think, can't hurt me to guard." Qin Shi is very sure, very decisive opening, since returning to Chi Yan, his heart This is the case. As Shen Shenshu said, he has been promoted by many of them, but it is because of this that he will have today.

"In fact, sometimes, care is far more exciting than hatred. After all, hatred is only a moment, but care, but it is a lifetime." Qin Shi smiled: "So I do not regret my choice."

"It’s true that this is true. Anyway, this holy wind has been hit hard. An eight-day situation is enough for them to have a painful period of time. Within a short period of time, they should not be shooting against Chiyan, but they don’t know the two. Guy, how hasn't appeared yet." God's pregnant tree is light.

And his voice did not fall long, Qin Shi’s black scorpion suddenly became serious, his eyes squinted at the east and the west, and smiled: “Oh, don’t worry, it’s coming!”


And he just said that there was a shock in both sides, and the two extremely strong pressures fell from Jiuyi. The two figures were like sharp edges, and they were stabbed by the faults formed by Qin Shining.

"Gehan Guoshi, inside and outside, we will save you!" The two forces are not others, not the Eastern region, and the Wangshan national division in the Western region: Susu, and Yunhai general: Hongteng.

The two jumped out, and the big hand slammed against the ground, and a huge rock with a thousand feet was lifted up by him and turned into a mountain, hitting the fault.

On the other hand, Hongteng held a silver gun, reflecting the faint moonlight, and slamming into a round and a half moon.

boom! boom!

Two consecutive forces directly penetrated the fault, and at the same time, Ge Han jumped in the bow, and the two hands manipulated the wind, and the virtual palm hit dozens of times in succession.

boom! Hey!

Suddenly, there was a sudden burst of sound, and finally there was a crack in the fault. He slammed, and a crack appeared. Gehan jumped out.

The two looked at each other and quickly supported Ge Han: "How about you, Holy Wind?"

"I don't care." Ge Han's old face shook his head palely. "How about the Eastern and Western regions? Is everything going smoothly?"

"Well, not the national teacher expected, most of the disciples of Huazhi and Qinzong were led to the East, and I set a few levels in the middle, even if they want to come over, at least three hours or more."

"In the Western region too, the Red Army has all been led to that side."

Wen Yan, Ge Han’s thief’s eyes flashed a bit violently, and he sneaked his head: “Okay, everything goes well!” Immediately, he glared at Qin Shi: “Then, the three people joined forces and killed this kid together. But remember, be careful, this kid has a ghost, even I have a big loss in his hands, no one should harden with him for a while, must have three people join hands."

Wen Yan, Yu Su and Hong Teng saw Qin Shi's eyes. From Qin Shi, they could only feel the fluctuation of the four-day situation. This fluctuation, even they could easily be crushed in five days, the heart could not help but rise a few points. Do not understand, but Ge Han is very noble among them, so they nod their heads: "Good!"

Suddenly there were two five-day strongmen. The people who called the scorpion, the tiger cub and the red sultry were nervous. The sky frowned. "No, the military commander rumors, not that these two people should be in the eastern region and Western region? How come here?"

"They are running for me." And in the crowd, only one person, calmly, that is Qin Shi, he looked up and looked at the two people who smiled and said: "Oh, three After abolishing such a great effort, I split the power of Chi Yan into three parts, and then deliberately gathered together to deal with me. It seems that I am in a big position in the hearts of the three."

"Kid, do you know?" Wen Yan, Ge Han frowned.

Qin Shi shrugged indifferently. As soon as he rushed to the southern region, the **** of the gods suddenly gave him a voice, asking him to be more careful, and told him about the situation in the east, the west, and the two regions.

"Otherwise, do you think that you will have the opportunity to start a big fight against Hongyan?"

Xiaomi Cai followed: "Hey, three old dogs, I tell you, I have been here since, and I am here to wait for you to appear. I am afraid that if you kill him, you will be two old." The dog is scared away!"

"Well?" Wen Yan, Ge Han three people were shocked, even Yan Tian and Tigers are wide-eyed: "Does the Sovereign want to eat the three together?"

"哼 I am so daring, I want to know, you can eat three of us!" Susie was furious from the side, he had an old bone, but his movements were very spiritual. Force, a boulder is thrown out, and it is shot at the Qin Shi.

"I am coming too!" Hongteng followed the silver gun, and the silver gun waved toward Qin Shi. It swept the army of thousands of troops, and the silver gods smashed into Qin Shi.

And during the simultaneous exertion of three people, Qin Shi moved.

But this time, his spiritual fluctuations suddenly changed. The power of Susu and Hongteng had not touched Qin Shi. He was shocked back by a huge deterrent, and the three men were shocked.

"God word!"

"Quenching the body!"

"The chaotic domain of the Holy Spirit!"

In the three consecutive law rulings, Qin Shi’s whole body burst into a glare, and his gas field was thick and varied, and the people in the audience were shocked.

"Since the troubles are all over, let's solve them together!"

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