Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 851: Decisive battle

"Qin Shi?" The golden pagoda that suddenly struck was called Hongteng's eyes, and the black shadow that had been shuttled from the secluded forest called him the bottom of his heart. The first sentence broke out, like the sui: "You How come here?"

Qin Shi smiled lightly: "Do you think that only you will hit the West?"

Hong Teng heard the words, the heart was violently ups and downs, and spending zero in his eyes may not be enough to fear, but Qin Shi told him that he did not even have the courage to fight. He still remembers clearly so far, he and Yu Su, Ge The three men joined forces and used the secret technique, but they were defeated.

Huan zero eyes saw Qin Shi but smashed his eyebrows: "Not to say, let me irritate him first, how did you suddenly appear?"

+ pig + pig + island + novel + www + z +; Qin Shi smile: "On your fight like this, let alone the Imperial City, after a while, I am afraid that the Holy Wind will be aware of it." After that, he bowed his head to the messy ground. Looked at it, this is only a short moment, the earth is already devastated.

The flower screamed and said: "Isn't you telling me, would you like me to do this?"

"Really, the Imperial City has been alarmed. The Duanmu brothers are gathering forces. Let's solve this Hongteng first. He has no value." Qin Shi said very plainly, as early as when Jin Yan was hijacked, Hongteng In his eyes, it is already like a dead person.

Hearing the light and bleak words, Hongteng’s face was blue and green, and it became clear that from the beginning to the end, the flower zero was deliberately delayed, just to alarm the imperial city. This kind of play called him intolerable: "Boy, don’t you too Too much!"

"I'm going to be a little more. How can you be resistant to me?" Qin Shi smiled coldly, and immediately, he started, his body tilted forward, and a thunder snake broke through the air and grabbed it against the chest of Hongteng.

Hongteng's eyes are red: "If you want me to die, don't look too bad!"

"Silver Saddle White Horse!"

The silver gun in the hand was illusory for a week, and Hongteng slammed it down at Qin Shi.

Seeing this scene, the beauty of the flower flashed a bit of worry, said: "Qin Shi, beware of his silver gun, that trick is the nine-order martial arts!"

"Nine-order martial arts?"

Qin Shi smiled lightly, but there was no tension. Then he suddenly received the palm of his hand, lying in a circle, and successively, it was a layer of ripples. The golden plume grew from his skin, and the silver gun was a palm. .

boom! Hey!

The strong force directly broke the silver gun, and Hongteng slammed back a few steps.

"Hey!" This shot, Hongteng directly squirted blood, and then he just stabilized the pace, when he raised his eyes, a touch of shock flashed through the twilight, I saw Qin Shi do not know when, has chased him In front of: "You...!"


Waiting for his voice to fall, Qin Shi began to fall, the hands of a pair of mortal flesh, but like the unbreakable black iron blade, directly penetrated Hong Teng's chest.


The insults of Qin Shi’s indifference, followed by several streams of light, and the birth of Hongteng will be cut off.

The method of resolutely popular, even the flower behind the zero saw the eyebrows.

Killing Hongteng, Qin Shi's big hand stretched out, and took off the space ring of Hongteng. Like the action in the sea of ​​clouds, he searched empty and smiled.

At this time, Huan looked up at the imperial city of Wangshan, which had already stunned the blood-red light, and several powerful pressures were approaching the two.

She stepped to Qin Shi's side: "There is a reaction on the side of the Imperial City. Let's also hurry, go to the meeting where Lin Yu and their appointments."

But at this time, Qin Shi took her: "Don't worry, leave some gifts for them before leaving. I believe that Duanmu and his brothers will love it."

"Gift?" A sigh of incomprehension.

Qin Shi shrugged without a word, and then he was alone, a leap to the nine, from his palm, a quaint book emerged, when the flower saw the book, a slight horror: " This is, Wangshan Fengluo?"

Qin Shi nodded, and immediately he threw the books into the air. The golden Sanskrit of the line was transformed into him. Immediately, he used the soul to smear the text, all branded in his knowledge of the sea.

After that, he waved his hand and took the cheats in his possession. He sat alone in the air, and the layer of spiritual power was sacrificed from the body. The earth was violently ups and downs. In the middle of the earth, the weather is uneven.


Finally, a huge mountain peak rises from the eight sides, forming a huge mountain road, completely blocking the direction of the Imperial City.

Seeing this scene, the flower zero was directly shocked.

"Just a glance, I can actually play this mountain road to such a degree? What a horrible talent for the horror?" The flower is zero and the lips are dry. When she was in the eastern region, she was sealed by this mountain. The road array was banned, so she was very aware of the horror of this mountain road. It was the passing of the mountain, but it was the array of the time, and it was worse than that of Qin Shi. Several times.

If she said that she had given her some time, she was confident that she could break through the Wangshanfeng road array in the eastern region. At this time, Qin Shi created this array of methods, but she did not have a little grasp.

"This method should be able to block the Duanmu brothers for a while, let's go." The formation will be done well, Qin Shicai and Huaqi get up.

Immediately, the two quickly moved forward. Because of the hope of the mountain road, the two people were not in a hurry on this road. Therefore, Qin Shi set up several seals in the way, in order to prevent the Duanmu brothers from dying in the same way as the clouds. The pilgrimage winds the message.

Doing this well, Qin Shi nodded with satisfaction.

Three hours later, under a heavenly valley in Wangshan, Qin Shihe spent zero stops, and soon the huge army chased them, and the two men were encircled below.

Among the army, the two are middle-aged. The two middle-aged are very similar. One person is dressed in a robes and one is golden, and the two look at Qin Shi’s gaze, full of chill.

"These two people are Duanmuhong and Duanmuyun?"

Spend a little on the top of the flower: "Well, these two people should not be underestimated."

Qin Shi nodded. From the surroundings of these two people, he also felt a bit of a grim color: "Then, there will be a fierce battle."

Duanmuhong stood up with his hands. He didn't know Qin Shi. When he saw the two, he showed a few points: "I don't know when I was offended by the two, so that the two are so killing under the Chinese generals?"

"I don't know? Then I will help you recall, you still remember that you sent Hongteng somewhere, and provoked people who shouldn't be provoked?" Qin Shidao.

"Well?" Duanmuhong frowned, and suddenly he suddenly became serious: "You, is Qin Shi?"

"Oh, remember it? Duanmu emperor is not stupid." Qin Shi did not hide.

I am sure, Duanmu Hongzheng is up, about Qin Shi’s things, he listened to Hongteng’s mention, the one who is one enemy and three, and finally able to stand in the invincible enchanting, and after he understands the identity of Qin Shi, his eyes Looking around from the left and right, Shen Sheng said: "No wonder, since entering this valley, I feel like I am in a wolf group. I am staring at a group of people. Shouldn't you just be two people?"

Wen Yan, Qin Shi stunned a bit, this end of the wood rainbow is indeed much smarter than the cloud map.

"Since it was discovered, don't hide it."

Qin Shiyan, from the valley outside the valley, suddenly opened a vain hole, which is a special isolation space, led by Lin Yu, led the army.

"You are... a year ago, the little emperor of Hongyan's new position?" I don't know Qin Shi, but I have some impressions on Lin Yu and Duan Muhong.

Lin Yu smiled and said: "I can make the Duanmu emperor remember, the younger generation is lucky."

Wen Yan, Duan Muhong's face was gloomy. Then he looked at the army behind Lin Yu and frowned. "Yu Linwei of the sea of ​​clouds? It seems that the sea of ​​clouds has been destroyed by you before us."

"The emperor of Duanmu is a goggle."

"However, if I did not guess wrong, more than a hundred heavens, for the current red Yan, should have been all the family? You do not fear that the whole army will be wiped out?" Duanmu Hong cold road.

Lin Yu shrugged: "This is a big gamble. Besides, I don't think that Wangshan has the ability to eat my bite."

"Oh?" Duanmuhong's eyes were cold, and immediately he suddenly started. The speed called many people did not reflect it. The rushing to Linyu was a void: "Then I will ask you to see, I can't eat the mountain." You are red!"


"Xiao Yuzi!"

A sudden scene called everyone shocked, but at this moment, a black mangling flashed up, a big hand, a gold pagoda directly blocked Lin Yu.


Qin Shi raised his hand and blocked Duan Muhong's offensive.

"Is there some impulsiveness in the Duanmu emperor, too, too, I am not taking it seriously? Your opponent is me."

"Oh?" The sneak attack failed, and Duanmu Hongjiao was interested in looking at Qin Shi. He smiled and said: "The kid can stop me from hitting. It seems that Hongteng is not false, your strength is very strong!"


It is also because his sneak attack ~ ~ called the original still in a state of stalemate, the army behind the Lin Yu all angry, killing Wangshan.

Upon seeing it, Duanmuhong said with anger: "A group of people who don't know how to live, since you are looking for death, then I will bury you in this valley today."

"Wangshan listens, kills!"

"Yes!" The two armies confronted each other and the sand was flying.

I have to say that the strength of Wangshan is indeed very strong, and Yunhai is not at the same level. The amount of natural power is not less than that of red, and the realm is very high, even to some extent, Still better.

This is also called Qin Shi slightly frowning: "Small they are."

And the next one, he rushed to the flower zero opening: "Duanmu two brothers handed me to deal with, you go to help Xiaoyuzi them!"

Flower hesitated, she also found the disadvantage of the red side, nodded: "Well, then you should be careful."

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