Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 855: Huge sword strike

"Awesome power...!"

A few people from Linyu looked at each other with a burst of horror. From the naked eye, they dared to conclude that the giant sword in the hand of Haoyue had at least a thousand pounds, but it was such a heavy sword. Actually shaped like nothing, swaying freely, madly rushing to Qin Shizhen.

"What is this powerful hand strength?" The sword and the sword were so amazing.


The offensive of Haoyue is very bold and fierce. Every hit is the kind of shocking, the existence of the weeping ghost, and several times the confrontation with Qin Shi, called Qin Shi Meng bite his teeth, the tiger's mouth has been completely numb, but this Not yet the island > novel www.zuzud called him shocking things.

The tiger's mouth is numb, that is because he lacks strength. After all, Haoyue is the peak of nine days. The difference between the two is too big. In fact, it is also three realms. Therefore, even if there is a star, it is difficult to be flat.

What he was really surprised about was that under the hundreds of encounters of the electric light and flint, he found several subtle gaps on the blade of the broken water sword.

"A good and fierce sword."

Qin Shi sucked a cold air, knowing that the water-breaking sword is not as good as the ancient weapon, but it is also the ultimate name of the top grade. It was in the foreign auction house of the chaotic domain that was paid for by the army and the contribution of more than one million. Come, this kind of existence is not as great as the giant sword in the hands of this month?

Doesn't that mean that the quality of this giant sword is higher than that of water?


One after another, on the battlefield of Glen, the blink of an eye has become a one-man show of the two, whether it is the side of the red Yan Yu, or the Wangshan Duanmu brothers, they are unable to intervene.

This level of confrontation is too strong.

Lin Yu and others are anxious from the bottom. Xiaomi color is a beast of the gods. It is extremely sensitive to **** smell. Her nose is gently snoring, and she immediately notices the wound at the mouth of Qin Shihu. Nervous: "He hurts him!"

"What?" Wen Yan, Lin Yu several people suddenly worried.

Since Qin Shi returned to Baichao, he has not been hurt so far. Even the three men of Gehan were not the opponents of Qin Shi. Is he actually injured here?

"What month is this person?" Su Ming gritted his teeth.

Lin Yu shook his head. For Haoyue, he investigated for a long time, and almost launched all the dark parts of Chiyan, but still Liao had no gains. For them, the origin of Haoyue is a mystery.

"No, you can't go on like this!"

"We joined hands and went to help the stone together!" Yin Mobei bite the red lips, and the beautiful flashes of a few worries of color, heard her words, the people next to each other glanced at each other, but also nodded.

"Just do this, no matter what, the stone can't go wrong, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable!"

Now Qin Shi is their main heart, and they know that if Qin Shi is defeated, it is not necessary to say that it is a moon, just the Duanmu brothers, it is enough to annihilate them here.

"Red Yan disciple, start!"

Lin Yu’s snoring, the first to jump into the sky.


But unexpectedly, the two figures, such as the eagle, broke through the air, and slammed it. The tacit understanding of Lin Yu blocked him. Duanmu Hong sneered and said: "The little emperor, wanting to help in the past, it is too much to miss our brothers. Put it in your heart?"

"Damn!" Suddenly blocked, Lin Yu roared.

"Two old dogs, give me away!" Xiaomi Cai flashed a colorful glory, turned into a giant scorpion, swinging the snake tail, they want to break through the encirclement.

But she did not give her a chance. Duanmu Hong waved her hand at the bottom. The Tianjing army of Wangshan rises up and becomes a huge Tianluo network. It seals everyone like Linyu.

"Condensing, stop me!"

Duanmuyun issued an order, and the army of Wangshan suddenly moved and stacked, layer by layer, eventually forming an enchantment similar to the illusory giant mountains, and the fingerprints were connected.


When the big one came out, the crowds inside the red-hot group were stunned, and the jade hand of the zero-yellow eye was squeezed: "This is, Wangshan Fengluo?"

"Hey, you know?" Duanmu Hong was shocked, and immediately said: "Oh yes, I have forgotten. On the way, the kid seems to have also made a look at the mountain road, saying To be honest, the law is really good, and every detail is handled very well and integrated. If you are personally cohesive, it is difficult for me to reach that level."

"However, if it is, then it is the real skill of my mountain road closure, it is really too small, we look at the mountain, and the mountain road is a road, it is a million years ago, the ancestors of our generation passed down It is the ultimate martial art of Wu Jing, the four elephants and six ties, and the Taiji gossip. Nowadays, this mountain is bounded by a group of seven and forty-nine Tianjing disciples. Not to mention these little shrimps, even that. The kid is trapped in it, and it is difficult to escape!" Duanmuhong screamed and laughed. This is called Lin Yu and others.

At this juncture, they are blocked by this law, which is undoubtedly a frost on the current red inflammation.

"I forgot the roadblock of Wangshan old dog." Lin Yu and others yelled in their hearts. Suddenly, all kinds of martial arts were thrown out in the brush, in the imaginary mountains. Form a splendid fireworks.

However, those martial arts are all short-lived, and when they first touched the mountain, they were stranded by the violent resistance.

"Call me!" Xiaomi Caixiang swelled up, the body of a thousand feet was extremely embarrassed, and a spurt of blood spit out a very sharp lightsaber from her mouth. The snake tail swayed and smashed at the mountain. Go on: "Auspicious cloud sword!"


I have to say that Xiaomi is a beast of the gods, and her full-strength blow is indeed extraordinary. That strike is really strong, and the array that has always been as stable as Zhoushan has shivered a few times.


A fragile sound, the countless people who called Chi Yan flashed a happy color: "Successful?"

"This breath is the **** of the gods? In the red inflammation, how can there be such a thing?" Duanmu brothers saw this scene frowning, the list of fierce beasts in the hundred tides caused by the fluctuations, that absolutely No less than a famous device, especially the existence of the top position like Xiaomi Cai.

But the crack just emerged, Duanmuhong's palm turned over, a golden Sanskrit like a curse, slammed, and made up for it.

"Even if you are a **** of the gods, it is not so easy to run out."

"Can't you?" Su Ming is not willing.

"I can't do it once, I use it twice, I can't do it twice. I use it three times. I must crush you this shit!" Xiaomi painted her teeth, and her snakes appeared in the eyes of the snake. Rushed into the mountain again.


Immediately, an earth-shattering bang slammed the valley, and the loud noise just came out, and the earth was shaken a few times. The red squad, trapped in the roadblocks, felt amazed after the turmoil, and then could not help but reveal a few Wisdom: "So big fluctuations? Is it successful?"

In the surprise, Xiaomi Cai's colorful snake body has landed, smashed, she turned back to the human body, Lin Yu and other people have come up and down: "Small rice color, broke open? In which direction?"

The loud noise caused a huge wind and sand, and the visibility of the people was less than ten meters. It has lost the ability to distinguish the direction.

But Xiaomi Cai’s next words, they called the unsettled hi color suddenly sluggish, I saw the Xiaomi color beauty in the stunned, hesitantly staring at the sky, half a voice whispered: "That, that loud noise, not caused by me ""


Hearing the words, everyone suddenly sighed: "Not what you caused? Are you kidding?"


"I didn't make a joke. The second time I attacked Xiangyun, I didn't attack the roadblock. I was shocked back." Xiaomi Cai said seriously, this one called everyone frowned. , Lin Yu several people have more understanding of Xiaomi Cai, although Xiaomi Cai often temperament, but because of the influence of Qin Shi, she will not lie, and still in this precarious, Qin Shi was under crisis, She will never be joking.

That is to say, Xiaomi Cai said it is true, but the loud noise is not caused by Xiaomi Cai, who is it?

Suddenly, Lin Yu’s clear pupils contracted into a point, and a bad thought came out from the bottom of my heart: “It’s not Xiaomi Cai, is it him?”

At the thought of this, he jerked his eyes high.


Immediately, in the huge wind and sand, there is a sword-and-shoulder-wide world with a width of a kilometer. It seems that even the Yuyuyu will be cut off by it, and it will roll from the sky.

"Good horror...!" Everyone was shocked to see the sword.

Under the stagnation, Yin Mo suddenly screamed: "Stone!"

"Right, what about the stone? The stone just stood there. Is the track where the sword mang is walking, isn't the direction that the stone just stood?"

"Don't you say that the sword mang, was penetrated from Qin Shi?"

Suddenly, everyone is as awake as a big dream, one after another, all one is foolish in the same place, then Jianmang has been forced to the front of Wangshanfeng Road at this moment, but there is no point in their faces. Fear has only pain and no desire to live.

When you think about it, everyone is crazy.


In a moment, the sword mang has been shrouded in the roadblocking method. The firm array of the law is like an ant under the sword, and it is directly cut off and turned into a cloud of smoke, no longer exists.

Breaking away from the blockade of the roadblocks, Lin Yu and others are mad, roaring and rushing to the sky, watching their urgency, the Duanmu brothers ecstasy from a distance: "This sword is also difficult to resist in the nine days. That kid is dead this time."

The moon hangs over the valley, and the ruins in front of it are shaking his head: "This sword is what I have learned all my life, and I can die under this sword. It is also a respect for you."

In a word, he screamed, but when he thought that everything would end, when he wanted to gather the giant sword, Lin Yu and others mourned, and the rolling wolf smoke was finally exhausted.

However, it is not over. In the chaotic wolf smoke, it seems that there is a thin figure in the hands of the empty, faintly, from which he can see his rising mouth, it is so calm and self-confident.

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