Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 865: Counter meter

"Oh, is it amazing?" Qin Shi waved his hand, and Qin Shi, who was sleeping on the wine table, suddenly turned into a cloud of smoke, disappeared, and he smiled. "Do you think you are really poisonous to me?" That's just my avatar."

"So, you deliberately pretend to be poisoned? Then, is that flower zero?" The store Xiaoji understood, and suddenly he realized what he was, and looked back fiercely.

However, everything was late. When he turned around, his eyes were already sluggish. From behind him, a slender jade hand like a sharp blade stabbed his neck.


Before and after, but the film [pig ^ pig ^ island ^ novel] [www]. [zhu] []. [] carved Kung Fu, the disciple directly cut off, the flower is beautiful, the chill is very cold, it is natural to put the jade on the hand The blood stains are erased. It doesn't feel like killing an individual. It is like slaughtering a single animal.

This is called Qin Shi, who saw this scene, rolling his throat, and secretly thought: "This kind of means, the difficulty is always called a niece."

“What to do next?” asked Zero.

Qin Shi was silent for a while, and then his knowledge of the sea expanded for a thousand miles. Suddenly, he called his familiar and angry old figure to appear in his perception, and told him to smile strangely: "No hurry, we continue to sleep, The old dog is here."

Qin Shi returned to his seat, and took two people to hold his breath, deliberately pretending to be in a coma.

call out! Hey!

Soon, the winds and valleys in the valleys screamed, and several figures fell across the cliffs.

Ge Han headed, striding into the tavern, when he saw the sleeping Qin Shi, the old face was a little distorted: "Haha, stinky boy, I can't think of you today."

"Come, come and set up a enchantment for me."

Several figures were jumped from behind Ge Han, and then the round table where Qin Shi and Hua Zi were located was blocked with spiritual power. An extremely strong Feng Ling enchantment shrouded the two.

Under the influence of the enchantment, spend a little frowning inadvertently, knowing that now with her five-day strength, the ordinary enchantment is useless to her, but at this time she is in this spirit In the enchantment, she did not feel the fluctuation of spiritual power. She was somewhat uneasy because she was the master of the temple.

At this time, a soul-sounding voice suddenly sounded from her knowledge of the sea: "Don't move, don't worry, let this old dog go crazy for a while, I naturally have a way to deal with them."

Wen Yan, the beauty of the flowers opened a small gap, the weird look at Qin Shi, I saw that Qin Shi is still the performance of the most vivid, it seems that it is really coma, that acting, called her It is awe-inspiring, and this is to endure the fears in my heart and continue to play.

When the enlightenment was completed, Ge Han set up several defensive arrays from Qin Shi, in order to prevent Qin Shi from escaping, and excitedly laughed: "This time, this kid is also difficult to fly." Come, come and wake me up, let me know that he is dead, let him know that he is planted in the hands of my Gehan!"

"Yes!" Two holy disciples agreed, stepping forward, pouring a bucket of cold osmanthus wine to Qin Shi.

After being chilled by cold water, the two men opened their eyes. Qin Shi was very embarrassed. First, he opened his eyes and squinted: "Where is this?" After that, he suddenly saw Ge Han, sitting fiercely from the chair: "Ghanh old dog? How are you here?"

"Hey, boy, I am here, are you surprised?" The more surprised Qin Shi was, the more he was afraid. The more excited Ge Han was, the more ridiculous: "You shouldn't know it? This valley The pub is also the jurisdiction of my holy wind. It was only three years ago. It was not declared to the outside world. Your kid thought that our holy wind is the same waste as Yunhai and Wangshan? You To attack our holy wind, this news has been noticed by you when I was outside my holy wind last night. You have no chance."

Wen Yan, Qin Shi’s pretense was a surprise, and he took this opportunity. He glanced at the pub door and glanced at it. It was just the position that he had just relied on. On top of it, a sachet was hung, and then his palm was behind him. A meditation condensed and bent, and the sachet was penetrated.

No one noticed this action, but when these were all done, Qin Shi suddenly smiled and sat down from the chair with confidence: "It turned out that it was such a thing, Ge Hanguo was really painstaking to catch me."

"As long as I can kill you, I won't suffer. I said, I must pay for it." Ge Hanjun's voice.

"Noisy!" For his actions, Qin Shi ignored it. Instead, it was easy to take out a golden medicinal herb and hand it to the flower next to it: "You should take it first."

The flower smashed the eyebrows, but she did not ask too much, and swallowed the medicinal medicine in one bite, but Gehan saw the old eyes and cold, and said: "Bad boy, what did you give her?"

"Good things, how?? Elder Gehan also wants to taste it? But ah, there are only two things, and the other one I have to eat myself, so there is no more, sorry." Qin Shi took out again. Golden Dan, swallowed in the belly.

After being played by Qin Shi several times, Ge Han was furious and shouted: "Hey, stinky boy, you are all dead, and you dare to be hard here. Well, I am managing what you are eating, you are now Just send you on the road, you can taste it yourself on the road!"

"Give me a hand, start the battle, and destroy them."

"Yes!" Several disciples answered and raised the blade of the hand one by one, and they wanted to sneak at Qin Shi.

Among the four sides of the song, the flowers are tense, and the number of disciples brought by Gehan is not much, but all of them are above the heavens, and there are even two days of five days. It is not weaker than her. What is important is that she is still in the enchantment of the enemies. If she is to fight with people at this time, she will lose.

She looked at Qin Shi urgently, but when she looked at the whole person, she was sluggish. I saw Qin Shi in the sword and sword, even laughing? And laughing is so free and easy, is he crazy?

Huanwu thought this way, but considering Qin Shi in the past, he couldn’t understand it: "No, this is not his style. With his meticulous mind, he will never make fun of his own life. Do he have other cards? ?"

It’s not just the flower zero that comes to mind. Gehan’s appearance in seeing Qin Shi’s calmness is also frowning. Shen Sheng said: “Boy, die to the end, what are you laughing?”

Qin Shi heard the words and looked up: "Yes, it’s dead, so of course you have to laugh, because ah..." When he said this, he suddenly pulled up the long tone and deliberately took a few steps toward Gehan. From the ear of Gehan: "The person who died to the head is not me, but you!"

"What are you talking about?" Ge Han fiercely looked up.

Qin Shi waved a hand and laid a document on the wooden table. This document is the holy wind material that he had obtained from Lin Yu before. There is a map with a clear mountain, which is marked on it. Red, green and green markers.

Qin Shi reached out and pointed out from the map: "Come, you are here."

Gehan bowed his head, but when he saw the map, his face suddenly changed. I saw that the map clearly depicts the valley, and the tavern, and from the side of the pub, there is a row of small red text. Marked: the holy wind field.

"You already know that this pub is a holy wind site?"

When Ge Han saw these words, the old face was exaggerated and surprised. Immediately, he quickly retreated a few steps and opened the distance with Qin Shi. This added a lot of peace of mind. After the last battle in Chi Yan, He is really full of fear for Qin Shi.

Then, he remembered the defeat of Yunhai and Wangshan, and Ge Han directed at the disciples next to him: "Come, this kid is extremely embarrassed, go outside and have a look, is there a red-blooded disciple following him, if there is If the horse sends the sound to the empire, the empire will send more reinforcements. Don't let him succeed."

Upon receiving the order, several disciples jumped out of the pub. After a while, a disciple ran back: "Returning to the country, it has been determined that there is no trace of redness in a thousand miles."

“No?” This is called Ge Han’s complete relaxation. He sneered at Qin Shi: “Oh, boy, even if you know, how can you do? There is no one who is red, you are here. Pretending, I know, you just want to delay the time, right? But I tell you, it doesn't work."

Qin Shi ridiculed and smiled: "Oh, Ge Hanguo, do you think the same way, will I use it three times in a row? And still in the case you know? You are too, too small, my IQ?"

Ge Han frowned Qin Shi is so calm, the more he told him that he had no bottom, this kind of suffering, he is going crazy: "Boy, what are you going to do!"

"Do not do anything, just like you are to my eyes." Qin Shi’s eyes suddenly became hot and cold, and said: "You want to die!"

"I want to die? Nowadays, the people trapped in the enchantment of the enemies are you, and the people surrounded by you are also you. Even if you have great ability, now it will not help?"

"No, no." Qin Shi suddenly shook his head, his face mocked, and immediately, he pointed at the sachet hanging on the door beam behind Ge Han: "Who told you, I want you to die, you have to I started? There is a famous saying, called the way of his people, and healed his own body. Do you know if Elder Gehan has heard it?"

“Well?” Ge Han heard, suddenly smelling a scent of the nose, which made him look forward to the plan to poison Qin Shi in the pub, and his face was gloomy: “Boy, you are poison ?"

Qin Shi laughed: "Haha, it seems that Elder Gehan, there is no stupid to the point where there is no medicine to save. You are now using the next spiritual test to try? See if you will feel the pain of the heart?"

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