Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 901: Small ink

Feeling the undead old, Qin Shi was relieved.

After a while, in the old eyes of the undead old man, the trace of the **** color suddenly retreated, and was replaced by a hollow and vain.

"This, what is going on?"

Undead old man suddenly shocked, apparently he has recovered his mind.

And this action of his, in the view of Xiaomi Cai, is the standard stuffy stupid, Jiao said: "Hey, old guy, what are you confused? You just hurt me, and want to kill me, Don't you pretend not to know, do you want to clear the relationship?"

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As soon as he did, Xiaomi was even more angry, but Qin Shi suddenly took her from the back, because Qin Shi knew that the old road was not in the clothes, his eyes were slightly condensed, and said: "Look, you can't remember it? It is already three years ago."

"Three years ago?" Unbelievable.

Qin Shi shook his head: "Forget it, since I can't remember, let me help you."

In other words, Qin Shi’s palms waved, and the index finger gently landed on the undead old eyebrows, followed by connecting the two people’s knowledge of the sea, and brought him to the memory of the city that never sleeps, and passed it to the undead old way in the form of soul Sanskrit.

Among them, it also includes the description of the Tongshi brothers' undead old road. When this is clear, the shadow of the undead old screams violently, and it is obviously stunned. He is sluggish: "This, is this true?"


Followed by, his whole body is very painful, Qin Shi’s memory seems to open up the undead old way hidden in the sea of ​​knowledge, the deepest memory gully, all the things that happened during his three years of sleep, all excavated, if If you change to an ordinary person, you may not think about it. After all, those things happen after he loses consciousness. Even if the spiritual power is high, it is impossible to detect it, but for a magician, especially the soul. It is not difficult for a powerful soul spell to be a magician.

After all, although he lost control of his body in the past three years, all actions will be recorded in his knowledge of the sea. Those memories are like the crazy tides and tsunami in the sea, fiercely sweeping into him. The mind.

"Amount!" He screamed, his eyes violently trembled, and a great pain grew from his old face: "This, these are all I did? In the past three years, I have killed so many disciples who never sleep in the city?" How could this be?"

Seeing that the old road is recovering, Qin Shi shook his head helplessly and patted his shoulder: "You don't have to blame yourself too much. It is not your own idea. Otherwise, I will not forgive you. After all, you hurt. Xiaomi Cai’s business really makes me angry.”

However, Qin Shi’s persuasion has no effect. It’s hard to let go of the old road. After seeing this, Qin Shi has not said much. He also understands that this kind of thing happens to anyone, and it’s hard to accept it.

However, it can be seen that the undead old man is still a free and easy person. After a long time, he shook his head helplessly. After that, he succumbed to his chest and smashed three shackles. It was a memorial to those dead souls. Stone looked away, and for a moment it looked a bit vicissitudes: "Little brother, did you save me?"

Qin Shi shrugged, and then he said: "Not too much, I just wake up your sea of ​​knowledge, your body's suffocation has not dispelled, this is also what I want to ask you, what is going on?"

Undead old man shook his head: "I don't know, I only remember three years ago, I lived in the bamboo forest of Litan, and Li Minghao was seriously ill."

"I have a fate with the little guy. When he was a child, he strayed into the bamboo forest. Later, when I saw that his qualifications were good, he accepted him as a disciple. He also lived here for a long time. When I heard that he was seriously ill, I I rushed to the city's main house overnight and wanted to see my little apprentice. It was only when I entered the city's main house that Li Tan was falling to the ground with powerlessness, and I felt that things were serious."

"After learning from the mouth of Li Tan, Li Minghao's kid's illness, even he could not be cured, seeing Li Minghao's life is not as good as death, painful and unbearable, and for a moment, I didn't think too much, I wanted to shoot. Treatment."

"Just, in the process of treating him, I was suddenly affected by the huge evil power of the stock. The evil power was very savvy. At the beginning, I was able to compete with one or two, but then the evil force became extremely strong and suddenly countered. In one fell swoop, my eyebrows are broken, and in the future, my soul is oppressed by the evil force in the sea. At the beginning, I can barely compete with it and control the initiative of the body, but in the future my power is seriously depleted. I don’t remember anything, or you told me, I realized... In the past three years, I have created so many obstacles."

"Is this the case?" Qin Shi heard the words, and he was shocked. He understood that the so-called evil power of the undead old man means that the fierce devil is arrogant, but the ordinary people have never touched the evil spirits, and they do not know what the suffocating thing is, and secretly: " In this case, then I guessed it well. The old guy’s arrogance is really due to the treatment of Li Minghao’s illness. It seems that Li Minghao’s illness and this fierce devil are also difficult to escape.”

"Well, now I think about it. Before I saw that kid is crazy, it really seems to be caused by the smashing of the sea."

Undead old man did not know Qin Shi and the blood wizard said, he suddenly looked up and cared: "Right, little brother, my apprentice, how is it now? In the past three years, someone cured his illness?"

Qin Shi’s eyes twitched slightly and sighed: “Well, his illness has been cured, but he has lost his mind and gone crazy.”

"Insane?" The old man's eyes shrink, and the grief is very obvious: "Why, how can this be? The little guy, the world, the very kind, how can it end up in such a way? Heaven, it is too much Fair."


Qin Shi stunned, and could not help but satirize. In his opinion, there are too many things in the sky, and there are too many things. The good people don’t live long lives, and the evils live for a thousand years. Is there such an example in this world?

Therefore, he never thought about it. He relied on his own efforts to create everything that belongs to him and to protect the people he cares for. If the sky blocks, then it will be better.


Suddenly, the body of the undead old man trembled violently, and the old eye that had just recovered a few glosses twitched, and again, a blood spurted out of the abdominal cavity.

In the blood, there was a bit of black and silky suffocating suffocation. I saw this scene of Qin Shi’s eyes faintly cold: “The suffocation in his body has begun to be unstable?”

"Well, although his mind has been awakened by you, but he does not find out the source of his anger in a day, he will be controlled by suffocation sooner or later." The blood wizard nodded.

Qin Shi realized that the situation was serious. He did not speak much on Li Minghao's topic. Instead, he said to the undead old man: "Older generation, your injury has not healed. You know where the source of the evil power in your body is?" ”


Undead old man thought for a long time, but also looked inside, but his body has long been observed by Qin Shi, Qin Shi did not find out, he did not understand what is suffocating, how can there be any result?

"I don't know." He shook his head.

This time, Qin Shi's face is embarrassing. If he can't find the source of the undead old man, then he will soon be suffocated to take up the spirit and change back to the original.

Moreover, he found that the suffocation that accumulates in every undead old body will be stronger than the last time, so that going over time, it may turn into a situation that is difficult for him to control.

"Hey, little guy, the source of this suffocation, it should not be in the body of this old guy. You look closely, this suffocating in his body, although seemingly compatible, but mixed with some unusual spiritual power, this spiritual power Not belonging to this old guy, I think, the master of this power, should be the real host of suffocation."


Qin Shi heard the words for a moment, followed by the dilated pupils, and penetrated the undead old road with invisible gas. Immediately, he could not help but frown. At this time, Dan Tianzhong, who is not dead, once again appeared subtle suffocation, and carefully observed, in these suffocating As the blood wizard said, in addition to the spiritual power of the undead, there is still a spiritual power that is incompatible with the undead old.

"Really?" Qin Shi was shocked and followed him to the shoulders of the undead old man: "Older generations, next, may hurt, but please hold on, don't move! I will help you dispel evil power, otherwise It’s all too late.”

In other words, he does not give the opportunity to respond to the old road, find the right time, find out the hand, and never let go of the soul of the old road. Grab the suffocation in one fell swoop, the pain of that moment is almost called Undead old fainting past, but fortunately his bones are hard enough, but the cat is down, and there is no shouting.

At this moment, Qin Shi’s palms were retracted. In his hands, there was a constant struggle of suffocation, and he told him coldly: “Hey, still not willing to follow suit? Then don’t blame me.”


The demons totems flashed, and the suffocating suffocation in the hands of Qin Shi was swallowed in the blink of an eye. Following Qin Shi’s manipulation of mind, the unusual spiritual power of this group of qi was separated.

The spiritual power, the blue color of Dan, was struggling by Qin Shi in his hands, and he could still make a few sharp bird hums when he was not in time.

This is called a sneak peek, followed by his old eyes flashing a little surprised, said: "This, this is, is my little ink?"

"Little ink?" Qin Shi frowned, said: "Older generation, this little ink, but the master of this spiritual power? Do you know him?"

Undead old silence for a moment, this is very helpless long sigh: "It is more than knowing, this little ink, it is my life of Warcraft."

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