Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 915: Virtual image ring

When the Zhao family courtyard was chaotic, the other side.

Headed by Qin Shi, the pace of the agility is continuously emptied, constantly causing ripples in the colorful flowers, and the alarming pink petals, such as fireworks and rain, drenched the earth and formed a beautiful scenery.

Behind him, Xiaomi Cai, and Tong’s three brothers and sisters, as Zhao’s guards said, Xiaomi Cai has already rescued both the children and the young, and Qin Shi is more like a blue sky, a torn space, and a few People policy.

Now, five people have already broken through to the periphery of Zhaojiazhuang, and they are about to rush out of the Zhao family.

Behind Qin Shi, Tong Tong is full of admiration: "Adult, you really care about God."

Wen Yan, Qin Shi smiled confidently, recalling the picture before leaving Zhao Tianyun’s room, Tong Tong and two people followed him. He would tell the news from Zhao Tianyun’s mouth: “Just, I I already know where the children are being held, but things will definitely not go so smoothly. Since Zhao Tianyun knows that I came to Zhao, it will definitely not let me go. If I guess correctly, I should send the other two. The elders came to stop me."

"So, I will give you an opportunity for a while. You two will take the opportunity to leave first. Then, Xiaomi Cai, I will follow you with my soul. As long as you rescue the children, you will break through, no matter what troubles you encounter. Don't be afraid, when it appears, I will appear."

Then, he said to the blood wizard: "The blood wizard, the space transfer thing will be handed over to you. After all, it is impossible to win two nine-day situations at the same time."

In this regard, the blood wizard is also unambiguous, handing a piece of blue ochre to Xiaomi Cai: "Little girl, you are holding this, this is the unique contact method of my emptiness, as long as you hold it, I open up A space tunnel can be transferred from anywhere to your side."

After Xiaomi Cai took over the meteorite fragments, the next thing happened. As Qin Shi expected, Zhao Tianyun sent the news, the elders and the three elders appeared, and then, as he planned, he delayed the two. In the courtyard.

As soon as the picture turned, Qin Shi showed a smile.

In fact, from the very beginning, when he first entered the Zhao family compound, Qin Shi had already confirmed the detention of Tong Qing and Tong Zixin. After all, his scope of knowledge is now 500,000 meters, which means that he can gain insight. It is no exaggeration to go to the whole city that never sleeps.

But the reason why he would deliberately go to Zhao Tianyun to ask, is this moment, otherwise, if he goes directly to save people, it will lead to a huge storm. If at that time lies the great elders and the two elders, perhaps he is sure It’s hard to get the Tong’s three brothers and sisters out of the sea.

The blood wizard smiled: "The little guy, you really grew up. If you put it in the original, I am afraid that it is very difficult for you to think so calmly and deal with the problem."

Listening to praise, Qin Shi did not rejoice, but in his black shackles, there was some slight sorrow, shaking his head: "No way, people always have to look forward, experienced so much, if not moving I’m thinking, one day, one day, I don’t even know how I die.”

Hearing the words, the blood wizard changed his helplessness. He understood that Qin Shi’s words mostly refer to the experience in the chaotic domain. He had to say that in Qin Shi’s experience so far, it had a great impact on him.

That powerlessness is that he no longer wants to realize it.

"With the extra effort, you can leave the Zhao family."

Qin Shi interrupted the conversation with the blood wizard, turned back and shouted at the four people, and accelerated with the pace. There were several guards of the Zhao family in front of him, but under his aggressive and aggressive offensive, all seemed to be vulnerable.


It is also a palm. This time it was the only false hair of Qin Shi, but it was bombarded on the wall of Zhao’s house. The strong walls made by Xuan Tie Ling Jing were split in the palm of one hand. One is not a big hole. Just enough Qin Shi five people broke through.

Followed by the picture in front of you, from the quiet courtyard to the bustling city, people are like a sea.

Tong Tong excited: "We, we really came out."

"Big, adults, thank you for your help, your kindness to my children's family, my childhood copper is hard to report!" Tong Tong is almost a bit, it is necessary to give Qin Shi a slap.

Qin Shi rushed to him and waved his hand: "It is your chance. If there are no encounters in the past few times, we will not meet each other. Everything is fate, and the fate is due."

"You, you are Qin Shi adults?"

At this time, a bitter and bleak voice in the ethereal voice, Qin Shi returned to the head, his eyes fell on the body of Tong Zixin, this is his first time, seriously looking at this somewhat morbid girl, not allowed Not to mention, she really has a bit of beauty, has the color to get rid of the vulgarity, but in the eyes of Qin Shi, who is full of three heavenly immortals, but it is not too attractive, just a smile: "Well, I am."

"More, thank you, you gave me a second life." Tong Zixin excited and breathing, can see that her illness has not healed, immediately she lifted the jade hand, took a very clear jasper from the bracelet Bracelet, hand it to Qin Shi: "Adult, this is the treasure of our children's family, has been a single pass, I want to give it to you, although I know that it may not be very precious for you, But this is really my most cherished, this is the last relic of my mother."

"Zi Xin!" Seeing this scene, Tong Qing was obviously anxious, but before he could open his mouth, Tong Tong stopped him and shook his head. "The child is big, the bracelet itself is left to her by her mother. She It is her own business to be willing to deal with it. If we are brothers, we should not take care of it."

"This...!" Tong Qing struggled for a while, and finally reluctantly sighed: "Okay."

The details of their two brothers, Qin Shi all are in the eyes, he naturally will not accept the bracelet of the boy, but when he wants to refuse, the blood wizard suddenly said: "Little guy, don't refuse, this It’s a baby.”

“Well?” Qin Shi screamed: “What are you talking about?”

"I don't know, but I can feel that from this bracelet, there is a very strong space power. It is a rare space treasure. If I can have it, I will be sure after I break through. , can complete the space array method in the explosion of beads."


Qin Shi’s heart leaps for a while, and the space array in the explosion of the beads has always been his concern. He always has a kind of hunch, which may be his last life card, so he hesitated when the voice of the blood wizard fell.

If the blood wizard is telling the truth, then he really needs this bracelet, but he does not want to see the boy Xin Xin sad, and finally hesitated, suddenly remembered, before leaving the chaotic domain, Kong Xianhui gave the mysterious left He, he will take out Xuan Xuan left, and rushed to the boy Xindao: "Little sister, thank you for your kindness, your bracelet brother really likes it, but my brother will not be white, this necklace, for you, it Can change your breath, trouble later, you run it, and then hide it, even if it is nine days of power, you will never find you."

Boy Zixin was slightly surprised and quickly swayed the jade hand: "Adult, this is too precious, I can't ask for it, you are my benefactor, I will give you a bracelet, how can I...!"

"Well, you are grateful to send me the bracelet. I sent you a necklace that is love, so I decided, oh." Qin Shi licked the hair of the boy, and left Xuan Xuan to take her.

Tong Zixin hesitated, but when Qin Shi’s gentle hand fell, she never had the courage to refuse. She was red-eyed and grateful to Qin Shi: “Adult, you are this life, except for two brothers, Zixin The best person, thank you."

Qin Shi laughed and shook his head without saying anything. After Qin Shi took the bracelet through his hand and turned over the bracelet, which was engraved with a small line of characters, which is the name of the bracelet: the virtual shadow ring.

"Is this the name of this bracelet?"

Qin Shi is whispering, and God seems to be not prepared to give him too much time to think. After leaving Zhaofu, the first crisis has swept inexplicably, causing him to change his eyes and pull the boy down. In the arms, the three people behind me shouted: "Be careful!"


He just said something, it seems that there is a thousand kilograms of wind from the high altitude, a middle-aged man full of anger from the other side of the city, squatting, will zoom in kilometers, directly fly to Qin Shi In front of her eyes, a punch rushed to Qin Shi’s chest.


In a hurry, it is almost impossible to think about Qin Shi. His palms continuously produce gold scales and bone layers, and forcefully collide with the boxing wind.

The shock caused by the two major shocks caused half of the squares to collapse, and countless people were shocked at the bottom of the heart.


With a punch, even if the three-layered star-studded body is continuously activated, Qin Shi is still eroded by tremendous power. Half of the arms are falling down, and the body flies out hundreds of meters.

"Hey!" Xiaomi was anxious to drink.

Climbing up in the rock, Qin Shi coughed a few times, a blush spurted out of the mouth, but he did not care about himself, but anxiously opened his arms, looking at the trembled body in it, nothing to do, He was relieved: "Zi Xin, are you okay?"

"I, I'm fine, just an adult, an adult, your hand...!" The voice of Tong Zixin was sobbing, and the jade hand grabbed Qin Shi's arm.

Looking at the broken arm again, Qin Shi smiled helplessly: "Oh, for half a month, I broke my arm twice. I really have enough of my body."

But he narrowed his eyes and did not rush to heal. Instead, he looked at the black scorpion and stared at the middle-aged man who had just had the fist of the fist.

The wind and sand were scattered, the face of the middle-aged man was exposed, and the color of anger was like a substantial burning. The children in the distance, such as Tong Tong, Tong Qing, and countless vendors in the market were all sluggish.

"Zhao, Zhao Jianjian?"

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