Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 926: Back to the city

In the darkness, the first light, like the dawn of hope, fell from the gully, and the earth was scattered, dispelling the darkness.

Li Tan and other thousands of people, in the morning sun bathing are shocked, and the light is out of control, and when the void is gone, the streets and lanes of the city never fall into the eyes of everyone.

Li Tan is almost a whimper of choking: "Really, really broke open? The curse that has plagued the city for three years is really solved?"

Undead is also a happy smile: "This way, it is considered to have failed to live up to the emperor."

"Little brother, you are the benefactor of my city that never sleeps, I... I, I really don't know how to be grateful to you. "Pig", "Pig", "Island" novel" Li Tan excited language incoherent.

In this regard, Qin Shi was a light smile, and after this time he met with the Yuan, his heart seemed to have raised another layer, shaking his head: "The city owner is in a hurry, we will return to the palace first, I To help Minghao Shaojie solve problems."

"What?" Li Tanxi is more than words to grasp Qin Shi: "You, you mean, Ming Hao, Ming Hao, he also saved?"

Qin Shi smiled without saying a word, and when he saw this scene, Li Tan’s old body trembled constantly, even though he had the identity of tens of thousands of people, but for a person who is half a year old, nothing can call himself. The recovery of the descendants is even more important.

At this time, Zhao Jianjian also ran from outside the city. When he saw this scene, the whole person was ironed down and bitten his teeth: "Damn, it was really completed by this kid."

And Zhao Jianjian, Qin Shi Lingji moved, and looked at the undead old road, as if the latter also agreed with his thoughts, told him to say: "Right, the master of the city, before that, I want to solve first Under the contradiction between Zhao and Zhao, after all, this is always stared at by the Zhao family. I have no confidence in my heart."

“Hmmm?” Li Tan squatted, and looked up proudly, and turned back to Zhao Jianjian: “Zhao Jiazhu, what else do you want to say now?”


"What are you, these years, have you really been stupid? Since the accident of Minghao, Zhao Tianyun has claimed that it is the first city in the night city, bullying male and female, do you think I don't know these things?"

Li Tan’s voice was severe. When the king’s breath was released, Zhao Jianjian quickly bowed in front of him: “City, the city owner, the little one is wrong.”

"That is not an apologizing to the Qin brothers!"

"I...!" Zhao Jianjian hated in his heart, but because of the oppression of the city owner, he was still unwilling to bow his head and bite his teeth: "Before, my Zhao family was wrong, and I hope that Qin's younger brother can not remember small people." People have passed, don't have a general knowledge of my Zhao family."

Wen Yan said that Qin Shi’s heart was so happy that he was satisfied with the clap, and swaggered toward the city government. The Li Tan and the undead old man in the rear looked at each other and quickly followed.

Only Zhao Jianjian, who was full of resentment, slammed his fists. He never expected it. It will eventually be the result. This time, he really lost his wife and lost his soldiers. Presumably, he is a Zhao family, and it is very difficult to be in the city that never sleeps.

"Kid, I won't let you go!" Zhao Kongjian's resentment rose to the sky.

Half an hour, the city government.

A few people from Qin Shi and Li Tan returned to the government, and Xiaomi Cai jumped out of the hall with beauty: "Hey? Why are you going?"

Qin Shi is full of black lines, and the feelings go to life and die. This little girl has been playing from start to finish, but he is not aware of it? Oh, it’s really a pity for the parents, and this is not the most exaggerated. The most exaggerated thing is that under Xiaomi’s paintings, Xiaomo’s pitiful look at the undead old man’s grievances, Qin Shi’s eyes are all distressed.

"This little girl!"

Qin Shi helplessly looked at the old road.

Undead old road seems to be used to the same, bitter smile: "Hey, I have done a lot of Qin brother, you don't have to say more, you can cure Minghao, let my old buddy eat bitter and eat bitter, just bitter. I am an old man."

"I will go, I will go." Qin Shi laughed a few times, and took Xiaomi Cai from Xiaomo's body and rushed toward the corridor: "Dead hoe, walk with me, and then You settled!"

"I don't go, I am having fun, why are you catching me?" The rice scented, Xiaomi Cai was still not happy.

Qin Shi felt helpless. In the end, Li Tan reached out and blocked it. He smiled and said: "Qin Laodi, go, this little girl gave me, I will arrange a few maids to accompany her, you can rest assured."

"I...!" Qin Shi's roots trembled. This little girl was really open-minded. Regardless of it, he took a look at Xiaomi Cai: "When you are finished, I am doing well with you."

"La la la!"

Xiaomi Cai did not care about the small waist, and spit out the tongue at Qin Shi.

"It’s really mad at me."

Qin Shi tried to restrain himself and told himself not to have a general knowledge of Xiaomi Cai. Then he turned and walked toward the promenade not far away.

When he passed the ridiculous heart ru, his heart was inevitably excited.

"When I come back, I can get this third herb for Jade."

"Well, it's over here. If you count it, the auction of the mall will be held as scheduled, so the fourth medicine will fall."

"I hope to be successful, and don't have any accidents in the mall."

Qin Shi’s worries are not groundless. The experience of these few times has already told him that nothing on this continent is easy. Everything is difficult. A city that never sleeps has already called him too much.

But this is also good, at least in his current state, he dares to say that no matter how difficult it is in the business district, he can face calmly and calmly.

"Well, look at what you can't wait to go, wake up Li Minghao's kid, and then rush to the business district." The blood wizard smiled.

Qin Shi smashed his head, and this will take back the gaze on the ridiculous heart ru, and follow the foot of the foot, like a sharp arrow, and swim to Li Minghao's room.

After three days, the hole that was previously caused by Qin Shi had been repaired, and the door was pushed in. Li Minghao was still in a coma, and next to him were three maids who took care of him.

"Qin Gongzi."

One of the three was a maid who had led Qin Shi before. She saw Qin Shi quickly got up and greeted.

Qin Shi reached out and gestured her to be polite, and looked at Li Minghao: "Well, you all go out, give it to me."

"Yes." The maid cleaned up and left the room.

When the three left, Qin Shi waved a breeze and closed the door. Then he walked to Li Minghao, Li Minghao squinted on the bed, his face was still innocent and tender, no After the dust of the dust, it is so clean.

For a moment, Qin Shi even thought, is it that his soul is like this, has been sleeping deeply, has been so clean? Why do you need to wake up and suffer from this worldly intrigue.


But suddenly, as soon as the blue light rose from the bed, it was very soft to hold Qin Shi, called Qin Shi slightly eating, looking down, that Qingguang, actually extended from Li Minghao's body: "You are Want to tell me, you want to wake up?"


The blue light became extraordinarily fierce, as if it was responding to Qin Shi.

This is called Qin Shi's frowning, and even the blood wizards are surprised: "This kid, the strong and persevering force, the scented lungs of the sacred demon statue has just been dispelled. He has been able to control the soul and establish a very small connection with the outside world. What is this belief?"

"His conviction comes from the kindness, the dawning people of this city that never sleeps." Suddenly, Qin Shi’s long sighs, because in the blue light, he actually saw a somewhat blurred illusion, and Among the pictures is the bustling city that never sleeps.

In the picture, the city is quiet and quiet, and there is trust between people. Everything is so harmonious. It seems that countless people are looking forward to it, but it is against the world of humanity. If it is said that the current dust is like purgatory, then it is green. The world outlined in the light is heaven.

"Well, since you are so eager, use your kindness to benefit this world. I hope that if the future is in chaos, the city that never sleeps will make this kind of dust, the last paradise." Shi Xin felt a whisper, and then he finally raised his hand, and his mind jumped out of his fingertips and poured into Li Minghao's eyebrows.

Li Minghao’s knowledge of the sea is still the sea of ​​purgatory that is dim and dark, but this time, under the pressure of no smelly lungs, Qin Shi’s light road is broken and the fire is found, and the prison of Li Minghao’s soul is found.

Outside the prison, Qin Shi was running from the star to the hegemony, Jin Can's chicken feet were forced to explore, and the wind was rolled up from the cage, and the impact was repeated for dozens of times. The cage was finally broken at the speed visible to the naked eye. Cracked, turned into powder.

In an instant, the darkness was dispelled. Li Minghao’s soul was so pure and pure. Even Qin Shi’s eyes were a bit dazzling, and he was so eager to leave the sea.

When he put away his mind, Li Tan and others have already followed the room, and he is full of expectations from behind him. When he sees Qin Shi’s eyes, he is eager to ask: "Qin brother, my son. How is he?"

"Yeah, what happened to Master Li?"

“Is it recovered?”

I have a sentence next to my ear, and the true ones of Qin Shi have some sentiments. He turned back and smiled: "Do not worry, I don't want to wait for a long time. There will be one in the city that never sleeps. The heart is kind to the convincing Ming Jun. ""

"Really, really?"

A short sentence has already indicated the meaning. Countless people have a big face. Li Tan does not take the identity of the city owner and rushes forward to hug Minghao.

The eyes of the old eyes of the undead old road are also marked with tears, and look up: "The old man, have you seen it? Heaven and heaven, Minghao he recovered, Minghao he recovered."

Under this feeling, when everyone expected Li Minghao to wake up, Qin Shi turned and left, walking to the promenade that could not be seen at the end, the mood in his heart was constantly ups and downs.

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