Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 934: It's him?

Li Qi stared at the silver-white seven-curse magic symbol and blinked. "Da, big brother, have you refining the white bear?"

Qin Shi laughed and said nothing.

"God, this is not true, this is really incredible." Li Qi screamed incoherently, followed him excitedly: "Big brother, let's send it, the magic character in the mall is baby, because there are many big forces will come Here, the search for the magic character, in order to prepare for its own defense and annexation forces, so there are many magicians left in the mall, in order to make a fortune, the soul charm is even more so, then there is no need to say the seven curse this high curse The magic symbol is also rare in the memorial auction."

After the previous auction, Qin Shi’s views on Li Qi have already changed. He is sure that Li Qi’s background is not + pig + pig + island + novel + www + z + van, so he also came to the interest, sincerely asked: "Then you said, If this magic symbol, if you get a memorial auction after half a month, what price can you auction?"

"This, I am not good at estimating, but if there is a commotion, if someone is competing, it is estimated that it will not be less than 30,000 red beans. After all, this high-level magic symbol, one can turn around, it is life-saving. magic weapon."

"For the big guys who come here to auction, one by one is very life-threatening, so once it is related to life, it will definitely have high price competition?" Li Qi's eyes responded positively.

"Three thousand?"

Qin Shi silently remembered, but his heart was a bit stunned.

Of course, if it is learned by outsiders, 30,000 red beans Qin Shi is still not satisfied, I don’t know what it will be, but Qin Shi himself knows that although 30,000 red beans are a rare wealth for ordinary people, that’s It is equivalent to a full-fledged 300,000 yuan, but it is equivalent to a half-month after the auction of the finale of the auction, the tens of thousands of years of blood Ganoderma lucidum, 30,000, too much difference.

"It seems that we must continue to work hard."

"Big Brother, look at this, you are not asking for the blood of Ganoderma lucidum? How about a deal?" At this time, Li Qi suddenly said.


Qin Shi frowned, this is something he did not think of.

Li Qi nodded solemnly, and immediately said: "This way, after half a month, I helped my brother get the snow Ganoderma lucidum for a thousand years, and then the older brother gave me all the magical symbols of the refining for half a month. How do you see it? ?"

"Well? Are you sure?"

Slightly condensed, Qin Shi's breath suddenly heavy, Li Qi said this is not a trivial matter.

Li Qi did not conceal the road: "Of course, I am sure that I am dissatisfied with my brother, the magical symbol, and it has a strong appeal to any power. The family I am in is no exception. Of course, I know that I am doing this and may take up Big Brother is cheap, or else, Big Brother, you open a price, you and I said, I will discuss with my family."

Wen Yan, Qin Shi dared to be sure that Li Qi was not joking. The heart suddenly jumped wildly. He didn’t think about who is cheaper. The value of these magic symbols is not expensive, but it’s really not for him. What, and what he cares about is the 10,000-year-old Ganoderma Lucidum.

But he is still calm, not out of control: "Whoever takes advantage of this does not matter, if you really help me get the Wannian blood Ganoderma lucidum, let alone the magic of this half a month, that is, I am here to give You are refining for half a month, staying up all night, that's fine, but I want to know, you are sure, can you get it for me?"

As for Qin Shi’s doubts, Li Qi’s body has suddenly changed and turned into a unique one. As a domineer of the king’s descendants, he laughed and said: “Oh, that’s natural, in this mall, if I really Whatever you want, no one can argue for me!"

This time, for Qin Shi to be silent.

"Little guy, you can give it a try!" Blood wizard said: "This kid is not like a lie, maybe he really has this ability."

Hearing, Qin Shi took a deep breath and said that he could not see it himself. Li Qi was not a boastful mouth. He had helped Li Qi at the auction before the union. Now he feels like he is, Li Qiruo. Really want to do anything in the mall, no one can stop him.

To this end, he was shaken, and finally he took a deep breath and directed at Li Qi: "Well, then I promise you, I am now on hand, count this seven spells, a total of 150 or so. After half a month, I will at least give you 500 pieces. If you really help me get the Ganoderma lucidum, I will give you more."

"Hey, more is not necessary, are we brothers? I have made a lot of cheap for 500." See Qin Shi promised, Li Qi has restored the stubbornness of the past.

Qin Shi also sighed with a sigh of relief. To be honest, I was used to the problem of Li Qi, a young boy who had just communicated with Li Qi. He really did not adapt.


When the two communicated, a furious beast carried out the mountain forest, causing Qin Shi and the two to converge, and looked at the situation.

I saw that just fifty of the beasts were crazy again, but their crazy goal, not like Qin Shi, and the missing white bear, but like a huge shock, a trembling hair, Without the white bears and the loss of the leaders, they were aimless and fled again in the distance.

Looking at this scene, Qin Shi frowned. "What is going on?"

The blood wizard said: "Little guys, you are careful, they don't seem to be a group. It seems to be gathered from a halfway. Is this the beast?"

"Beast tide?"

Qin Shi was shocked. He couldn't remember when he saw the last wave of the beast. It was in the Qiongzhi volcano, the ancient city, the barren town, or the Qin family. It was a long time, but he knew it well. The formation of a beast tide is not accidental. It must be influenced by external forces. It may be that a treasure is born or it is greatly intimidated.

Only he is not sure, this time the beast is the former, or the latter.

He turned and rushed to Li Qi: "Li Qi, these wild animals, where did you come from?"

"Let's come? Big Brother, don't be kidding. You see my little three-day situation, is there a skill that can attract so many wild animals? It really is that I have attracted it. It is estimated that there is not much, light. It was the big white bear that sent me to the West." Li Qi’s shaking his head.

In this regard, Qin Shi is even more puzzled: "Where did these wild animals come from?"

"This, I don't know." Li Qi's eyes turned, as if recalling something terrible, and he was afraid of the face: "I remember, I was still good before, I am one by one for the big brother." But before that time, I haven’t ran a few kilometers yet. Suddenly I felt the ground shaking, and when I raised my head, I found this group of wild animals, and fled one by one, like what was huge. The fright, I was stunned at the time, joking, this is not good, but it’s going to be dead, so I didn’t even think about it, I ran away, then, the big brother in the back would know, my oh, now I want to I think, I am still worried."


Qin Shi didn't accidentally squint. If this beast is brought by Li Qi, I am afraid he will feel the accident.

He rushed to the wizard and said: "It seems that you guessed it. This is indeed a beast. It just doesn't know what happened in this mountain, it will cause such a big alarm."

"Well, look at the look of this group of wild animals, it is not like a treasure is born, otherwise it will not be so scared, it should be intimidated." Blood wizards are the analysis of the road: "Just, can cause countless days The horror of the wild beast, what strength is it? There are beasts in this mountain."

Qin Shi expressed his approval.


But suddenly, a mammoth that was behind the tide of the animal rushed a few steps, and suddenly the limbs turned soft and fell to the ground, and the whole body was paralyzed.

Seeing this scene, the blood wizard's eyes are poisonous: "This is blood pressure?"

"Blood pressure?"

"Well, this blood is oppressed in the animal world, and it is almost the same as the squatting pressure system of our demon world. It is like this. The high-grade **** wild beast has 100% restraint on the low-grade **** wild beast. Look at him. It should be the blood of the wild animal that has been suppressed, and it will show such panic."

Qin Shi heard the words, his eyes flashed slightly, this mammoth is like he knows, can also be nominated on the ancient beasts list, is the top two hundred existence, even he is suppressed to this extent, then It is conceivable that in this deep forest, what is the horrible existence that exudes this blood force?

At the thought of this, he was slightly excited.

At this time, a colorful and brilliant light broke through the forest, and blew from the dawn of Qin Shi, so that his heart was cold and cold, and his heart snorted.

"Colorful Xiaguang, is Xiaomi Cai?"

Suddenly, Qin Shi Meng thought, all the thoughts were replaced by worry.

Xiaguang is gorgeous, and the blood wizard is also stunned: "Really, why didn't you think of the little girl, with the orthodox blood of his colorful Xiangyun snake royal family, if all were released, then there is really no one in this Cuifeng Mountain that can stop her! ”

The blood wizard said that Qin Shi’s heart was more and more arrogant. He looked up and looked in the direction of the rising sun, and there was a lot of lingering light everywhere.

"Look at this look That little girl wants to fight with someone, and the fight is very intense." Blood wizard.

Qin Shi’s eyes are cold. If the person he cares about is his bottom line, Xiaomi Cai is definitely one of them, and it is a very important one. He fiercely squeezes his fists, and no longer estimates other cold, cold: "Blood wizard, the stone fragments of your family, can still be on Xiaomi Cai?"

"You mean the quenched blue stars? Yes!"

Quenched the blue star, the name of the meteorite fragment, after the affirmation, Qin Shi drink the channel: "Help me open the space array method of connecting Xiaomi Cai, I have to rush over!"

Realizing that the situation is grim, the blood wizard does not delay, a good promise to come down, dry hands, the space cracked, a void wormhole, including Qin Shi.

Qin Shi’s foot stepped in, and his eyes were black. When he saw the light again, it was already on the mountainside of Cuifeng Mountain. It was the delicate body of Xiaomi’s colorful wolf, and not far from her, A shadow has been forced into the foot of Xiaomi Cai, and after seeing the shadow, the black scorpion is getting colder.

"It's him?"

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