Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 944: Avoid inevitable disasters

The shadow took over the token in Qin Shi’s hand, but he smiled helplessly.

Qin Shi shrugged his shoulders. In this case, he believed that with the savage character of Xiaomi Cai, if it really made a noise, it would definitely be called for everyone.

He moved his gaze to the hail in the distance.

"I am also curious, what a fierce demon can affect the inheritance of the entire family."

"Kid, you have to be careful, this evil is not very simple, the old guy is right, the fierce devil of this evil spirit, the status in the group is also very high-end, I guess, it should be the magic level ""

&n? pig? pig? island? Novel ww.uua.bsp; "Magic?"

Qin Shi frowned, it was in the group outside the group, ranking in the presence of hundreds of people, the dark said: "No wonder, but there is no way, if it is not cured, this old guy is estimated to be really not Let me go, and I have to rely on her to get the blood of Ganoderma lucidum."

The blood wizard paused for a long time. During this period, he always stared at Qin Shi. From the black scorpion, there was a color that couldn’t be said. He smiled a little: "Oh, I’m afraid there is still a little bit, you have no truth to tell it?"

"Well? What?"

"It's you, you have had the same illness."

It is said that Qin Shi suddenly lost his mind, as if the whole person had returned to the same five years ago.

Immediately, he smiled inadvertently: "Yeah, time is really fast."

The blood wizard said it was good. He and the little girl were really pity with each other. He still remembers that when he was detained by the demon five years ago, he was helpless.

However, he is much more fortunate than this little girl. To be honest, he can finally go to this step with the demon, to match his brother, and to meet his fate, which he never expected.

"However, I am not thinking about it now."

Qin Shi calmly looked up and did not go to the hail with more hesitation.

"Let me wake you up."

"It’s also for my jade sister."

Qin Shi snarled in the bottom of his heart, and the big hand gently licked the hail, feeling the chilling chill on the top, slowly closing the upper eye.

The shadow is outside, the body is also slightly serious, sweating in the palm of the hand, and which father does not care about his daughter?

Inside the body of this little girl, Qin Shi frowned.

The situation of this little girl is a bit special. Before he saw a lot of diseases that were invaded by hernias, such as Li Minghao, but they are all just about the sea and the soul is imprisoned, but this little girl is full of meridians. They are all destroyed by suffocation.

"this is……!"

When the field of vision penetrated into the blood of this little girl, Qin Shi suddenly opened the black scorpion, a touch of surprise, and asked him to frown.

He still can't forget that in the blood of this little girl, there is a slight black smash, which is undoubtedly the blood.

"This little girl, because of the inheritance of several generations, has incorporated her anger into her own blood?"

That is to say, this little girl is no longer an ordinary person, but like him, it is between human beings and demons, and the earth and the earth cannot exist.

Thinking of this, he fiercely looked back at the shadow.

Feel the eyes of Qin Shi, the shadow is very helpless shaking his head: "Little friend guessed it is correct, this is why I dare not let outsiders know her existence, Xiaoyou knows that between the world, whether it is a devil, is a person , will not allow her to survive."

Wen Yan, Qin Shi Meng clenched his fists, and this demon has told him many times.

That kind of resonance is getting stronger.

"Kid, you can't save her." The blood wizard said: "From now on, the blood is deep into the body. She is no longer a human being. If you forcibly expel her body, then her body will fester because of discomfort. At that time, even if the Luo Luo Jinxian reincarnation, it is impossible to hook her soul back."

Qin Shi is not willing to clench his fists. He never believes in the fate of shit. He whispered: "Impossible, how can I not save? I am not half-human and half-devil. I am not everyone but what?" Hasn't it been so many years? Why can't she?"

"Why can't she, can I still explain it? You know best." The blood wizard ignored the anger of Qin Shi, faint.

But on the other hand, it was dull, and Qin Shi suddenly woke up and looked stunned.

Yes, he should understand better than everyone else. Why can he himself go to the world with half man and half man, and he has been so bad, causing a big mistake, almost, killing his love, killing the mother of Jin Yan. , Yu Luozha.

Also almost, killing thousands of people in the city.

And in the end, everything is just because there is a woman who is very affectionate to him, even willing to pay for his life, the person who brought back from the time vortex.

However, Xue Xin, there is only one person in this world, and the Emperor is the magic bead. This is the only one between the world. If you want to find the second one, it is impossible.

"However, the method is not without it."

When Qin Shi was desperate, the blood wizard suddenly opened his mouth.

Qin Shi asked: "What is the solution?"

After hesitating for a while, the blood wizard did not rush to respond to Qin Shi, but waited until Qin Shi’s emotions gradually calmed down. He said: “I don’t know if this method is feasible. You have the magic blood of the swallowing demon in your body. Although it is suppressed, but in the invisible, it is constantly changing your system, so the blood flowing in your blood, although it is human blood, but it has a strong generality with the blood, I think, if you Willing to absorb the magic blood from this little girl into her own body, and then inject your own blood into her, maybe, can save."

"You mean, tell me to exchange blood with her?"

"It's almost the same thing, but if it's feasible, it doesn't have much drawbacks for her, but it's a different matter for you. When the new magic blood flows into the body, your body will soon become violent, at that time, even Even the suppressed blood of the swallows will boil. If you can't control it, you can't suppress it. It's very likely that it will cause great mistakes."

In a word, the blood wizard is serious: "Well, you will be enchanted, and you will never be able to restore humanity forever. You should consider it clearly. It is worth it or not."

The words of the blood wizard did not evade the shadow, which called the shadow of the shadows, and stared at Qin Shi with a tangled look.

From a father's point of view, he naturally hopes that Qin Shi will save his daughter. However, from a human point of view, he is not qualified to ask Qin Shi to take the risk.

Finally, in the struggle between humanity and fatherly love, he took a few steps forward and took the shoulder of Qin Shi: "Young man, I know, you have tried your best, if that is the case, then it is not...!"

"I will save her."

Without waiting for the shadow of the voice to fall, Qin Shi has always been erratic and her eyes have become firm.

Hearing the words, the stunned whispered a few times: "You, what are you talking about? I am not mistaken?"

"I said, I will save her." Qin Shi repeated.

"What are you talking about?" The shadow was unbelievable.

Qin Shi nodded, and immediately inexplicably raised himself and ridiculed himself: "Non-human is not a devil, that pain, I know very well that since this day, there is a person to bear this pain is enough, then why What about two people?"

Seemingly free and easy, but the shadow is well aware of how much Qin Shi has to pay, can not help but he looked at Qin Shi's old eyes red, full of gratitude.

He even changed the name of Qin Shi. In the end, he only said: "Little brother, I only say one sentence. Later, you are the benefactor of my Li family. Even if you call us Shangshan, I will not have half of the whole family. Not from!"

"Predecessors, you don't have to do this. You just have to go back and tell Li Qi. This time I forgive him, but the next time, I dare to lie to me. I have to smash him into pieces and throw them into the barren hills to feed the dogs. Qin Shi smiled freely and freely.

"He won't, he himself is also very self-blaming."

Qin Shi nodded with satisfaction, but he did not know at this time, his decision today, in the future, has become an amulet for his accident under the road.

After making a decision, then don't delay, Qin Shi took a deep breath, looked at the little girl, stepped forward, and the spiritual power flashed from the palm of his hand, drawing a **** mouth from his palm.

Seeing that the blood flowed out, it was about to merge with the hail, and the blood wizard couldn’t help but say: "You can think clearly, this is not a joke."

Qin Shi smiled lightly: "I know, but there is no way. In my life, I am bound to be bound with the evil spirits. And the appearance of this little girl, I always feel that it is a disaster in my life, avoiding inevitable disasters."

After that, in his mind, it was his years, all the people he cares about, saying: "I just believe that I will be able to spend it, for those who care about me."

"For this girl, it is also for Yujie."

The blood wizard opened his mouth, he still wanted to persuade, but in the end it was shaken by the color of Qin Shi’s eyes. When he reached the mouth, he swallowed it again and sighed: "Okay, since you I chose, then I have to support you, though, I also believe that your little dog is so good, it will be successful, but if something goes wrong, I will help you."

Unexpectedly Qin Shi suddenly interrupted and interrupted: "Help me? How to help? Will that blood be absorbed into your body, and then sacrifice yourself to protect me?"

After all, his eyes changed, a drop of blood just dropped from the palm of his hand, but when he was about to fall on the top of the hail, he was caught by his other hand, and immediately he read Sanskrit, the handprint flipped. A vain array formed a mountain peak, which was printed on the space ring on the index finger.

"Wangshan Fengluo!"

"Kid, what are you doing?" The blood wizard was shocked.

Qin Shi shrugged: "You will stay well. If I succeed, I will naturally solve this method for you, but if I fail, you don't want to sacrifice yourself. I am not the kind." By my brother's life, I am dying, and I am dead. This method will naturally be solved. At that time, if you have some conscience, help me take care of Luosha, Jinyan, and Qin."

"You let me go!" the blood wizard shouted.

However, Qin Shi has ignored him, the suspended blood in the palm of his hand is scattered, into a very mysterious six-edge array method, violently rotating, forming a huge suction, and the hail is connected.

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