Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 962: Another 3 years

The purple woman gently frowned, suddenly sweet smile: "Do you know it is me?"

Then, since Qin Shidao had already taken the mystery, she did not have the need to hide it. She gently picked up the purple veil, and the look of the city was fascinating. I don’t know how many men would be convinced, and the willow-like eyebrows provoked upwards. , heavy makeup re-dressing, isn't it purple Lingsha?

Although I have already guessed, Qin Shi is still somewhat surprised: "Is it really you?"

"How did you recognize me?" Zi Lingsha's charm was full of smashed hair that was messed up by the veil and fell on the chest.

Qin Shi’s bitter smile opened: “Is this hard to guess? In the people I know, there is a beauty of the world ( that has a beautiful beauty like you. What's more, it is a poison master. I think, under this day, I can poison the people who have a perfect situation, and I can still succeed. I am afraid that is only you? Tiandu female?"

"Hey, you kid, it's smart." Zi Lingsha also believes that Qin Shi is a derogatory or a derogatory, anyway, it is a praise that is praised.

However, she suddenly paused, and quite profoundly rushed to Qin Shidao: "However, if you are in front of you, it seems to lie. I remember Qin Zongzhu, the three women who really love, seems to be one more than one country." Right? Which one is not one of the best women, is there a small number of beautiful women around you? Is this not enough?"

Qin Shi heard the words and suddenly blinked. He remembered that he and Zi Lingsha met last time. At that time, he had not left the northern region. How could Zi Lingsha know that there are three women around him? At the thought of this, he angered: "Do you check me?"

Zi Lingsha smiled and smiled very intoxicated. He said: "Yeah, don't forget, you can still owe me something. If you count it, I should be your creditor. I naturally want time. Follow you."

"You...!" Qin Shi blinked, the heart was angry, but opened his mouth, and finally did not complain, then how to say that Zi Lingsha also saved him, said: "I don't care about you! Besides, who would be too There are fewer beautiful women around me? Although I am a good man, there will be no serious thoughts, but it is always good to raise my eyes."

"Giggle, I haven't seen it for a few years, and my mouth is sweet."

Qin Shi shrugged indifferently, but to be honest, in four or five years, Zi Lingsha was really beautiful. She used to be all over the body, and all of them showed yin and evil. Now, more is enchanting, then It is really beautiful to give people a close-knit, inaccessible enchanting.

Of course, this is just his pure appreciation.

"In any case, you saved me this time, I should say thank you to you."

Qin Shi took a deep breath and recalled the embarrassment of the Han family before, but he was still afraid of the heart. If it wasn’t for the last millennium of Zi Lingsha, then I’m afraid, not only him, but the whole Li family will be annihilated this time. The last force of the Korean family has soared, it is really too strong.

This time, he also told him to learn a lot. He thought he was sufficiently meticulous, but he did not expect to fall into the danger of Han Long. Mimi blinked and said: "It seems that I still need to practice, not every time I am lucky. The goddess will care for me."

"Reincarnation martial arts, four fierce inflammations, and finally the beasts of the people, the strength of this Korean family is simply stunned." He snorted, his mood suddenly is not wonderful, because he is also very clear In the style of Han Jia Han Long, he will never let go of the Li family and let him go.

What's more, Han Long's last words are that he is very jealous. He doesn't worry about the snow heart. The snow heart is in the Qing Xuezong. As a spiritual girl of the eight domains, this Korean family is no longer strong and can not hurt the snow heart. , but ... if, if only, Han Jia really against Bai Chao, against Chi Yan, against Qin Zong, to the strength of Qin Zong now, is absolutely incapable of resistance, it is a unilateral massacre, that is also he can not Tolerant, and never want to see the picture.

"It seems that this trip to the mall is just beginning."

He sighed, and his face was very helpless. Then he asked Zi Lingsha: "Yes, how are you here?"

"Come to save you."

"No, I said it is a mall."

"Yeah, I am coming to the mall, just to save you." Zi Lingsha smiled.

Wen Yan, Qin Shi frowned, he would never believe in the words of Zi Lingsha, but since Zi Lingsha is not willing to tell him, he is not too much to ask, after all, the former has just saved him, is him The benefactor.

He had to shake his head and cross this topic: "If you don't want to say it, forget it. I went back to Chiyan and went to Bishui Hantan to find you. You are not there."

"In addition, about the three-year agreement...!"

"I know, you didn't get the snow cuckoo?" Zi Lingsha suddenly interrupted Qin Shi and smiled. "But I have heard about your troubles before, then you should already know the snow cuckoo." The news? So, no hurry, I will give you another three years, you can get it for me, can you?"

“Give me three years?” Qin Shi was slightly surprised.

"Otherwise? Of course, in the past three years, I will follow you and urge you every day, lest you like the previous three years, and have not kept this matter in your heart." Zi Lingsha's tone has become cold. "Don't forget, what I said to you at the beginning, I know that I use poison. If I want to do it, then it is your Qin family, that is, the current hundred tides will become human purgatory, you Don't force me."

Speaking of this, Zi Lingsha smiled sweetly: "Because, the woman's heart has always been vicious, it is better to offend the gentleman, and not to sin the villain, rather offend the villain, and never sin the woman, the most poisonous woman. The sentence is not a hole in the wind."

Qin Shi’s face was so heavy that it was a fickle woman.

However, after a few moments, he nodded seriously, not blaming Zi Lingsha for blaming him. In the past few years, most of his energy has not been placed on this broken snow cuckoo. Even for a few years, he almost thrown this into the brain. After that, said: "I promise you, even if it is hard and chaotic after three years, I will help you get this broken snow cuckoo."

"That's OK, you don't say so tragic, even if you are really hard at the end, then I will accompany you, rest assured." Zi Lingsha smiled gratifiedly, suddenly suddenly frowning, charming Eyes glanced back, an angry black inflammation shot through the sky, she was cold and cold: "Restored? According to my plan, it is still a lot ahead of time, it seems that the domain is complete, really not so good. Dealing with it."

Wen Yan, Qin Shi can not help but help, joking, the domain is full, but this day, the pyramid is the top of the existence, then there is a good deal?

"We also rushed back to the Li family, the Han family will certainly not let the Li family, this mall, to change the day." Qin Shi serious, then turned over and rushed into the Li family.

His speed is extremely fast. If he is single-speed, he even has confidence and the shackles of the sky. However, under his full speed, Zi Lingsha has followed him without hesitation, which makes him shocked. :"So fast."

Then, observing the aura around the purple Lingsha, the thick nine-day fluctuations, told him to marvel: "I said, I have to remember that yes, you should still be comparable to my strength a few years ago, how come all of a sudden Has it reached nine days?"

"Do you think that only you will have an opportunity?"

Zi Lingsha throws a big white eye to Qin Shi. However, under this praise, she is not a little bit pleasing, but she is a bit stunned, eclipsed, and faint: "However, you are relieved, your future is boundless I don’t have much room for improvement when I get here. Next, I can only rely on my own talents to cultivate. If the qualifications are not enough, I am afraid I will never stop."


Qin Shi is very puzzled by this statement. What is his future, but Zi Lingsha has stopped here? Inevitably, he seems to grasp something, but he still has no idea.

For a time, he remembered the words that Zi Lingsha once said to him.

We are a kind of person.

In the heart, "Ze Lingsha, who are you? What kind of person are you in your mouth? All this, I have to figure it out sooner or later."

He is interested in Zi Lingsha, an unprecedented interest.

Returning to Li's family, Li's family entered the martial law and was unprecedentedly vigilant. Qin Shi's figure was almost just entering the Li government. He was immediately besieged by dozens of Li family's children, and the group trapped him and Zi Lingsha.

When I saw Qin Shi, the leading child was only a glimpse, and quickly sighed with regret: "It turned out to be a Qin Shi benefactor, sorry, the owner of the family had orders, afraid of the Han family to commit crimes, so we took the liberty offense."

"It doesn't matter, I can understand, this is what it should be. The people of Han family are poisoned by people. It is good to be careful. This is very good." Qin Shi nodded and immediately blinked and asked: "Right, how is Li Jiazhu?"

"The family has just woke up, the injury has recovered, and I can speak. I am in the central conference hall and talk with many elders." The younger brother is very respectful to Qin Shi.

Knowing that Li Hong had nothing to do, Qin Shi’s heart was put down a lot. Then he got up and left with Zi Lingsha in the direction of the conference in the conference hall, Li Hong, Li Qi, Li Jianlong and Li’s many talents gathered together, and in each person’s face, they were embarrassed and nervous.

"Qin Xiaoyou, you are back."

Li Hong tried to get up and greeted. Qin Shi quickly stepped forward and stopped Li Hongdao: "Li Jiazhu is not polite. I have been very touched by everything you have done for me before. We must fight against the enemy now, and it is true to fight against Han. ”

"Goddess!!!" Suddenly, the serious atmosphere was interrupted. Li Qi saw Zi Lingsha, violently got up, regardless of the surrounding elders, stepping forward, full of excitement and luster, eyes seem to fall out, looking at purple Lingsha's delicate: "Beautiful, beautiful, more beautiful than I imagined, goddess, I want to marry you, marry me."

Frowning in the audience, Qin Shi patted the brain: "This idiot!"

He found that this Li Qi really belongs to that kind. Taishan collapsed in front and did not change color, but it was not because he had more bones, just because he did not have a long heart.

In this precarious situation, this idiot can still think of the goddess.

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