Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 975: Are you a messy person?

Haoyue shrugged and nodded helplessly. "Well, what you said is correct. Some things are useless to escape. I have indeed escaped for many years. It is time to take the initiative." ""

Qin Shi nodded with satisfaction: "You can think so best, and then, if I have not guessed wrong, you have one of the Eighteen Swords of Jianzong, and the status of Jianzong is very high?"

"You can guess this wrong." Haoyue smiled and shook his head, took off the lyrical sword behind him, and slowly swung the palm from above, picking the aura that flowed above it, as if recalling it a few decades ago, said: This lyrical sword is not mine. It is my sorcerer. He is a rare genius of Jianzong for hundreds of years, especially on the kendo swordsmanship. He has extraordinary talents and accomplishments, if..." Suddenly, Haoyue's angry clenched fist: "If it is not a group, if he is still alive, he-pig-pig-island-fiction ww.{zhu}{zhu}{} on the kendo, I am afraid that it has reached the point of perfection. Even, in the case of Jianzong, the lord cultivated him as a candidate for the lord...!"

"Is there such a thing?" Qin Shi was quite surprised.

"Yeah." Nodded, Haoyue said: "It is precisely because of this that Jianzong is afraid to hate me now."

Understand the situation, Qin Shi stepped forward and took a picture of the shoulder of Haoyue: "You don't think so. If you really feel sorry for Jianzong, then use your efforts to reward the sword, but you should never avoid it." ""

"Yeah!" Qin Shi ignited the dry wood at the bottom of the moon. He took it seriously: "I figured it out. Even if I went back to the Zongmen, I will die mainly. I will not hesitate to use this lyric sword. Ending my life and paying tribute to the singer, but before that, I will definitely let the squad pay the price."

"That, I am afraid that you want to die. It is a long way to go." He wants to pay for the group. Qin Shi knows that it is not a day or two, and can be done in a year or two, so he laughed: "So Ah, you still have to live well first, then the next sacrifice of the gods..."

"I am with you, the sacrifice of the gods is very important to the eight domains. Any field needs to achieve excellent results. I also want to help the swords, and I want to make up for the Zongmen."

Qin Shi nodded with satisfaction, then he frowned again, because he remembered the old man and the wind, and he said that the sacrifice of the gods is not all the disciples of the eight domains. To participate in the sacrifice of the gods, it must be a sword. Only recognized disciples can do it.

Seeing Qin Shi’s hesitation, Hao Yue smiled: “Do not worry, although I am not as outstanding as the Liu Yun’s younger brother, but I am also the inner sect of the Jianzong, and among the places of the gods’ sacrifices, there is me.”

"This is fine." Qin Shi nodded, then looked at the sunset that was about to fall, and narrowed his eyes: "Time is almost..."

Speaking of this, he suddenly turned back and looked at the jade.

Yuluo Brah has already dried the tears in the corners of his eyes. He stood softly and smiled at him. "Go, you just remember, here is your hometown, you have my hometown, I have been waiting for you!"

"I promise you that day, I will achieve it as soon as possible." Qin Shi nodded.

Wen Yan, Yu Luozha smiled sweetly, and then, she was not talking to Qin Shi, but looked over the head and rushed to Zi Ling, the sound is still very stiff, but with a few prayers.

"Protect him along the way."

"You don't have to say it, I will do it. He is my only friend." Zi Lingsha also responded with impoliteness.

This time, Yuluo Zao unexpectedly did not compare with Zi Lingsha, but just politely nodded: "That, thank you."

"Okay, let's go."

Qin Shi took a deep breath, and he knew that the more he delayed, the bitterness of this parting would become more and more intense. Therefore, as soon as he gritted his teeth, he finally regained his gaze and got up and flew outside the clouds.

Zi Lingsha and Hao Yue glanced at each other, followed closely.

The separation of the three people is so quiet, but the whole red inflammation seems to be in a moment, just like there is a dazzling star, suddenly left in the night, Yuluo Zao’s independence is on the mountain peak. Looking at the shadows that gradually drifted away from the clouds, she still wore the black robes she had hand-stitched, and she lost her heart.

"he left?"

A beautiful shadow from the back holds Yuluo, Yuluo brakes back, and flowers are behind her, she nods: "Well, I left."

"I can't bear it?"

"I can't bear it, I have to be willing." Yuluo brakes in the arms of Huanhuan and sighs silently: "Sister, you said, what will it look like when he returns next time?"

The flower was immersed in the meeting, and even her delicateness could not help but be serious, because she thought that the next time Qin Shi came back, she even dared not think about it.

This time, Qin Shi left, everyone knows that it will be a long time, and because of this, she did not dare to predict, licking the hair of Saitama Raksha, said: "Do not worry, I always have a kind I feel that the next time he comes back, he will reach a very high altitude. At that time, I am afraid that half of the mainland will be shaking because of him."

"He has always done this." Yu Luosha smiled happily, and suddenly made a joke with Hua Zi: "However, how, how powerful, what it is, he is my man, is a golden word. Father, this will never change."

"Dead gimmick, rest assured, he is a man worthy of entrusting his life for a long time..." Huanxiao laughed and then squinted, but the eyebrows flashed a stern color, staring at the disappearing black shadow: "Qin Shi, this life You can't do anything that is sorry for Yuluo, including your life can not be lost, then, Rakshasa will also be sad, if you dare to do anything, even if you are chasing the reincarnation tunnel, I will Grab you out! Then, ask you to pay the price! So, you must come back!"


Above the sky, Qin Shi three people like the wind-breaking arrow, the speed of chasing the stars to catch the moon along the way, causing the curiosity of many people in the hundred tides, but after feeling the strong breath of the three people, suddenly Dispelled the idea of ​​finding out.

In the wild mountain forest, a group of wild animals have lowered their noble heads and left the three people far away, for fear of being affected.

In this way, the three people left the hundred tides and spent two days. After leaving the hundred tides, the three talents deliberately slowed down. In the hundred tides, with the strength of three people, it must be the peak, plus Qin The power of Zong Chiyan is that there is no need to avoid anything, but once it leaves the Baichao, it is different. The situation here is unpredictable. They may encounter extremely powerful energy at any time. They do not need to provoke these people. And the sacrifice of the gods is imminent, there is no need to trouble yourself.

Of course, along the way, Qin Shi still did not stop the search for the Sanye Bodhi fruit, the holy Wu Jingjing, but the results are not satisfactory, these two things are heaven and earth, is very rare.

He also knows this, so he just sighed helplessly, but he didn't have too much entanglement. He continued to walk with the three.

For half a month, where the wind has been sleeping for a long time, although the speed has slowed down a lot, the consumption of physical strength is also very serious. Of course, this is only for Haoyue and Zi Lingsha, but for Qin Shi who has the chaotic domain of the Holy Spirit. Say, it seems nothing.

Zi Lingsha sang the scent from the back, and could not help but scream: "Pervert!"

Haoyue was also very helpless. In the end, he took the initiative to open his mouth: "Stone, it’s better for us to rest, always go on like this, we can't eat it."

However, his voice has not yet fallen. Qin Shi suddenly stepped back and grabbed the wrists of him and Zi Lingsha. Then he turned over and hid behind a hundred meters high ancient pine.

"Stone, what are you doing?" The moon frowned, and Zi Lingsha was unhappy and broke off: "Bastard, what do you do!"

"Hey!" Qin Shi put his finger on his lips: "Someone is coming."

"Well?" Looking at the moon, the look is serious: "Really, I didn't expect to see a living person in this ghost place?"

Zi Lingsha is also feeling, asking: "What is this group of people doing?"

"Two waves of people before and after, a wave of people in front, a wave of people in front, the front of the people is still good, it should be chased, the latter wave, the strength is not simple." Qin Shi with the power is always in control The wind around it is moving.

"What do we do? Do you want to save?"

"First, don't use it, look at it, I don't know what it is, I can't tell the difference." Qin Shi shook his head.

Soon, this group of people rushed into the field of three people, the first wave, there are more than a dozen people, only three people behind, but one strength is very extraordinary, the pressure of nine days of Dacheng is like a dragon and tiger roaring, rolling Press down.

"I see where you are still running!"

The latter three were condescending, one person looked forward, one hand shocked the air, and the first dozen people in front were pressed to the ground, unable to move.

Among the dozens of people, there were men and women, one by one panicked. Suddenly, one of the shadows, the eyes penetrated the pine leaves and fell on the three figures. The black robe was exceptionally obvious, and now the last one is caught. The life-saving straw is as eager to drink: "Friends hidden behind, beg you to save and save, and you will have to pay back to you in the future."

"Is it discovered?" Qin Shi frowned, which is not good to continue to hide, as long as the three people with Zi Lingsha jumped down the pine.

At the same time, I found that there are three people in Qin eyes are cold: "The kid, the road is going to the sky, each side is going, there is a head debt, but please don't be too busy, otherwise, Then don't blame us for being welcome."

It is said that Zi Lingsha does not care much about this threat. On the contrary, she is somewhat unhappy. She is directed at Qin Shidao: "What should I do? You decide."

Hesitant, now time is tight, Qin Shi does not want to get into trouble, not to mention that he is still not clear about the cause of the matter, so it is very indifferent to the three people: "We are just passing by, but remind you, do not use threatening tone Talk to us, otherwise I don’t want to do anything, I’m afraid that the two next to me will not allow it.”

Seeing Qin Shi’s move, the girl’s heart sinks into the bottom, and the powder fist is disappointed and angry.

The three people frowned, and the one standing behind sneered and sneered: "A hairy boy, we talk to you in a threatening tone. What else can you do? You know, what are we? Identity? We are people in chaos, persuaded you to get to know each other and quickly get out of the way, passing by here nonsense!"

Suddenly, the pace that was originally raised was stiff, and Qin Shi’s slight side turned: “What did you say? You are, people in chaos?”

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