Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 979: Toxic attack

"Yeah, wait until the Chaos Cemetery, you know, of course, you may have to wait until the end before you can see her."

"Why?" Qin Shi smashed.

"Because the speed of Xue Xinjie is fast, she is the front team of Qing Xuezong, so she must have entered the sacrifice of the gods before us."

"Although I know you, I definitely miss the dead snow sister, but there is no way. The sacrifice of the gods can only be attended by the disciples of the eight domains. Anyone other than this is impossible to enter, so you still Don't think about it." Yan Ling said this, a playful smile: "You still have to bear it."

Wen Yan, Qin Shicai 恍 + pig + pig + island + novel + www + z + ran Dawu, he forgot that Yan Ling did not know that he is a disciple of Jianzong, but since I do not know, he did not break, just a very plain smile Laugh: "That's fine. If you wait a few years, it's not bad."

"But you can rest assured that Xue Xinjie is the red man of this god's sacrifice. It is also the first person to be deserved by Qing Xuezong. The representative figure is one of the few in the eight domains. She will definitely go out smoothly. You don't have to worry about this, maybe she can win the championship for Qing Xuezong."

Yan Ling is excited and dancing, as if she is talking about herself.

"I have always known this." Nodded with a smile, she still knows very well about Xuexin Qinshi. Her unusualness is innate. She is born to be a proud woman.

Then, his thoughts could not help but fly away. Some people couldn’t wait to see the snow heart, and the pace at the foot also accelerated.

Along the way, for three consecutive days, everyone was walking. Qin Shi, who was not in a hurry, knew that Xue Xin would also participate in the sacrifice of the gods, and finally couldn’t help but feel a little anxious.

"What kind of poison did they plant? How has it not been solved for so long?" Qin Shi asked the incompetent Chong Zi Lingsha.

Zi Lingsha squinted: "If I didn't guess wrong, it should be the blood of hundreds of kinds of poisonous insects, and then extract the poisonous abdomen poison of the spiritual refining period."

"Hundred poisonous abdomen poison?"

"Well, this is a very unique kind of poison. According to common sense, this kind of poison will not harm the human body. It will only disturb the spiritual power of the human body with the power of a hundred poisons, so that they can not cope with the world in a short time. The aura of the relationship establishes contact, but as long as they give them some time, they will be slowly dispersed after a long period of washing between heaven and earth. You don't have to worry too much."

"How can you not worry, there is no way, can you dispel the toxins in their bodies earlier?" Qin Shi urged.

Zi Lingsha will sink into her head and shake her head slightly: "It's very difficult to do. The poison they planted in the body is a very unique poison. I can't see it at all."

"You can't see it?"

Qin Shi reveals the color of disappointment. He feels that even the poison that Zi Lingsha can't see in this world is almost equal to the fact that there is no medicine to save.

"However, there is no way."

"Well?" Suddenly, the caller called Qin Shi had a lot of spirits and looked up fiercely: "What is the solution?"

"Through poisoning!" Zi Lingsha said very seriously: "There is no poison in the world, just like the world is not broken. Everything in the heavens and the earth has reincarnation. There are causalities. I want to take you. The understanding of the enchantment of the law should be very clear. Heaven and earth have their own conclusions, everything is in harmony with each other, so they want to solve the poison in their bodies. In the absence of antidote, they can only suppress them by another kind of poison. The current poison in the body."

Picking up the eyes, Zi Lingsha said that the world is good for all things. Qin Shi really knows this, but I don’t need Zi Lingsha to say that he also knows the danger. It is called a human being. Erosion, a small mistake, it is fatal.

"Are you sure?"

"Not less than 50%." Zi Lingsha is very honest: "This method is inherently dangerous, and 50% is already a very high probability."

Qin Shi suddenly became silent. Although he was very anxious, he could not wait to arrive at the Chaos Cemetery, enter the sacrifice of the gods, and see the snow heart.

But he will not forget his promise to Fio, and he will not be gambling with more than a dozen disciples of Qing Xuezong because of his private affairs. Otherwise, no accidents will be fine. If there is an accident, then the snow The heart will not forgive him.

"Qin Shi Big Brother, I am willing to try!" Suddenly, Yan Ling's sweet voice sounded, I do not know when it appeared behind Qin Shi, just his dialogue with Zi Lingsha, she is also a word in the ear.

Qin Shi Meng looked back and saw Yan Ling and couldn't help but squat down. Then, he squinted at Zi Lingsha, he didn't notice it. First, because of his concern for the snow heart, he was lost. Second, he Back to Yan Ling, but Zi Lingsha is impossible to not know, her words are clearly deliberately said to Yan Ling.

He shook his head: "No, it can't be a joke."

"I am not kidding." Yan Ling looked at Qin Shi very seriously: "I know that Big Brother wants to go to the chaotic cemetery earlier, hoping to see Xue Xuejie, but we are also anxious in our hearts, from the sacrifice of the gods The time is only ten days away, but from us to the chaotic cemetery, even if it is a full-speed flight, it will take seven or eight days, let alone this kind of walking. I am afraid that I will not be able to get it in half a year. The poison, we know for ourselves, there is no ten days and a half, it is impossible to solve. Before we left the sect, we all swore in front of the sect. We don’t want to drag the sect. Legs, so, big brother, let us try it."

"Yes, Qin Shi's big brother, Qin just let us try it, we also want to make a small contribution to the Zongmen!" Yan Ling opened her head, more and more Qing Xuezong disciples stand Come out, one by one is very determined.

Qin Shi frowned, he wanted to refuse, but when he saw the eyes of Yan Ling and others, he did not know how to open this mouth.

He can see that they are all serious, not as he said, they are jokes, and they shoulder heavy responsibilities on their shoulders.

"Call...!" Qin Shi sighed, staring at Yan Ling and others for a long time, and with his gaze on the shot, no one was dodging, even the white Yi was actually infected, and his heart was reluctant. Staring at Qin Shi, this is called a slight accident. I can't think of any reason. I refused them. I couldn't help but say: "You really think about it? This is not a joke, a careless word, but it will Lose your life."

"Think better!"

Yan Ling smiled like a silver bell, and responded without thinking.

Their final color finally touched Qin Shi. He couldn’t help but sigh: "Well, since you are determined, try it, but one person, if there is an accident, I can do it in time. The help of the shots will at least save you a life."

"Then I will come first!" Yan Ling came forward. At first, a few people wanted to block from behind, but they were pressed back by Yan Ling’s words: "Don’t forget who is the school sister, I have the obligation to open this. head!"

"Well, Big Brother Qin Shi, let's get started."

She did not give everyone the opportunity to refute, she directed at Qin Shidao.

Qin Shi looked at this little girl very much: "Are you really ready?"

"Well, I am ready!"

After receiving a response, Qin Shi looked at Zi Ling Sha, and reached out to show her to start, and he also rolled his palms and exerted the power of running the thunder, forming a trace of mysterious array of ways to protect Yan Ling.

Zi Lingsha took a few steps forward, her jade hand waved, a blue-violet medicinal herb was sacrificed by her, and there was a stinking smell of disgusting, and went to Yan Ling: "This is before me." The Baidu Dan, which is refining, is just a collection of hundreds of poisonous grasses. It is yang, toxic and bursting, and your body's poisonous abdomen is a hundred kinds of poisonous insects, which are yin and toxic. There are some huge differences. If you are inhaled at the same time, it will cause huge fluctuations. You must hold on and stick to the past, then you will win, but if..."

"No, if there is, if I will, I will also protect her, you can do it with confidence." Qin Shi interrupted Zi Lingsha.

"I am afraid that when you want to protect her, everything is too late." Zi Lingsha licked her mouth, but she did not say much, and handed the poisonous Dan in her hand to Yan Ling.

After taking the poisonous Dan, Yan Ling’s delicate hair also flashed differently. It was fake if she said that she was not nervous, but she only hesitated for half a second. When she looked up, she swallowed poisonous Dan.


Suddenly, Yan Ling’s whole body flashed, colorful, and the body suddenly rushed out two extremely fierce forces. Even Qin Shi stood outside, and could not help but frown, and took a few steps back.

Yan Ling seems to be blasted, the pink skin continues to swell a few times, Qin Shi can not help but be shocked from the outside, feeling distressed for this girl.

But suddenly the next picture, called many people are surprised, Qin Shi is even more squinting, revealing a bit of relaxation in the black.

Originally, under the collision of two forces, Yan Ling has already appeared to burst, and Qin Shi is also ready to save her in the back, but when she bites her lips, suddenly her The skin actually recovered, and everything seemed to start to develop in a good direction, and it calmed down a little bit.

"Oh, it's really interesting. The two toxins had to explode in her body. I didn't expect it to be suppressed by her light with simple perseverance." Even Zi Lingsha's poison tongue can't help at this time. Amazing.

Qin Shi is also gratified to nod. "Well, if this is the case, she should be able to survive this robbery. This little girl is not simple."

"You want to say, is it your friend who is recognized by your little lover?" Ziling Ling shaved Qin Shiyan, and he was not angry.

I was careful to see that Qin Shi suddenly grabbed his head and was embarrassed to deny it in the mouth, because he really thought so.

Because he believes that the people around him are extraordinary, and the people around his loved ones will certainly be extraordinary.

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