Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 983: The sacrifice of the gods opens

"Purgatory Token?" Qin Shi looked at Zi Lingsha with a weird look: "Are you a disciple of chaos?"

"Yeah, why not? You are a disciple of Jianzong, can't I be a purgatory?"

Zi Lingsha's high-spirited look suddenly called Qin Shi without temper, but shook his head helplessly: "Don't you like a mad dog? I am just curious, when did you join the purgatory?"

"When is it? Last year? The year before? Oh, this does not remember, anyway, it is to join the play, don't take it too seriously." Zi Lingsha Yingying smiled, but called countless people to be ashamed, joined a giant in the human world's top eight giants One, the result is actually just playing? If this word is passed out, I am afraid that I will be mad at countless people.

&nb[pig][pig][island] novel www.huhu.msp; Qin Shi also jumped on the eyelids and gave a thumbs up at Zi Lingsha: "Well, you are really good."

"Of course! Hey!" Zi Lingsha's arrogant snoring, immediately retracted the token, and asked the elder to ask: "How, can I go in now?"

"Since it is a purgatory disciple, that's fine." The elder smiled and let him open. "But, you guys have to hurry up, and the time of the opening of the gods is only half a day long." If you miss it, you can only wait until ten years later."

"Half day?" Qin Shi mouth gently pick: "Enough."

"Let's go."

He raised his hand and took the lead in leaping into the center of the cemetery, the most magical and mysterious place among the human world: the sacrifice of the gods.


In the center of the chaotic cemetery, the quiet mountain forests in the past are slightly noisy at this time. The usual empty space, the county no longer exists, and the disciples of the eight domains occupy every inch of land here, with a total of 8,000 people. .

In the center of the crowd is an extremely sacred pillar of light. The pillars of light shine like the light of the earth. When everyone faces the light, they can't help but flow out of piety.

From the center of the Holy Light, there is a crack, the crack from top to bottom, almost traversing the Scorpio, perseverance between the clouds and the earth.

It is not difficult to see from a distance, the crack is still spreading all over, from the center of it, forming a vain space enchantment, the enchantment should be just a prototype, but it has already produced a strong force.

"Look at this, the sacrifice of the gods is about to open." On a high platform, here is the gathering place of the eight-level high-rise, each of which is the presence of the mainland, full of gas.

"Oh, yeah, ten years, and finally have to open again, you said this time, which domain can win the championship?" A middle-aged man embraced a smile.

"It's hard to say, this time, there are too many black horses this time. All major domains have their own cards. No one will spread them first." Another female elder, Yingying smiled, and immediately tempered his hand, saying: "However, I am still more optimistic about our snow heart, her strength in the eight domains, should be the best, I said that you should have no opinion on this?"

"The shadow dance elders are correct. The Western Region Qing Xue Zong Ling female 沁 snow heart, has the reputation after the Qingxong sect, the secluded woman, is indeed the elected person, but our wasteland can Not necessarily lost to you."

"Well, don't argue, in the eight domains, each has its own strengths, what is the competition?" Under the hustle and bustle of the crowd, suddenly, someone is holding the gas field, is a long-time old man, if Qin If the stone is present, he will recognize him at a glance.

"Yuan Yu protects the law?" Shadow dance, and everyone who talked before saw that the old man was frowning, Yuan Zhen, the head of the three major protection laws in the chaos, also has a very high status in the eight domains, one person is polite: "No I thought that this time the sacrifice of the gods, even the Yuan Zhen protection method appeared in person?"

"Yeah, what's wrong, it's hard to be this time, the chaotic domain also wants to intervene in the championship position?" Shadow dance has no curious cold cry to this Lantern.

Unexpectedly, Yuan Zhen arrogantly smiled: "Really, this time the champion position, we are really interested in chaos."

"Interest is interest, I am afraid that I can only be interested in the end, first look at what I am doing, don't look down on the high hand, and finally lift the stone, and find your own feet!" Shadow dance cold.

"You...!" Yuan Zhen blinked and took a deep breath, only to laugh: "Oh, shadow dance, I don't care about you as a woman, we are finally walking."

"Let's walk and walk!"

The two were very uncomfortable, but at this time, a figure that was equally familiar was falling, and the old sands were still in the fluffy costume, and they coughed twice.

"Well, the elders of Yuan Zhen said that there is really nothing to fight for. The sacrifice of the gods is only half a month long, and the command is between the bombs. When the results come out, it will be clear soon?"

"Oh, the old sands?" The old man’s eyes were cold. The last time he was in a chaotic field, he still hates it now: "You are really calm, but it’s no wonder, the sword is not flowing, the gods The sacrifice for you is just a walk away, of course, don't care."

The old winds frowned, but he was very calm, just smiled: "I said, is it a walk, wait until the results come out, everyone will know."

"Then I will wait for your results!"

The elders of all major domains are not saying much, and their eyes are turning to the central light crack.


Suddenly, the cracks in the cracks were crisp, and a thunder fell from above the nine miles. The attack on the thunder was very strong, and even the old guys in the eight fields frowned.

"To open it?"

"The swordsman disciples are ready!"

"The wilderness disciple is ready!"

"Forbidden domain disciples are ready!"

"Purgatory disciples are ready!"

"The wind domain disciple is ready!"

"Chivalry disciples are ready!"

"The chaotic domain disciples are ready!"

"Qing Xuezong, disciple is ready!"

"After three seconds, start to enter the enchantment!"

In an instant, the scene became severe, and the major domains began to maintain their disciples. This time, unlike this time, the disciples came from all directions and the order was chaotic.

Three seconds, the blink of an eye disappeared, and the rip broke open, and a dim picture emerged. The people looked from the distance to the center, and the enchantment of the Zhengyuan was already formed.

"Entering the battle!"

Eight major domains, eight thousand disciples, flocked like a frenzy, and entered the central light at a very fast speed.

This holy light enchantment will only last for a short quarter of an hour, and the next time it is opened, it will be half a month later, so this time, once you can’t enter the disciple, you will completely lose this domain. The opportunity of the sacrifice.

Under the crowd, the entire chaotic cemetery is crazy.

The fastest way to complete the entry of thousands of people is the chaotic domain. This point is called a lot of high-rises frowning. Looking at the Yuan Dynasty, Yuanxiao is very pleased: "Oh, I said, this time we are in chaos, that is Going to the championship."

In this regard, the people did not speak, one one only concerned their respective disciples, the second one was the wasteland, then the wind domain, the blazing domain, the forbidden domain, the purgatory, the Qingxuezong, and finally, only the Jianzong domain The delay has not been completed.

Can not help but wind and sand frowned: "This kid, what's the matter? Will not give me the chain?"

Yuan Xiaoxiao, he looked at the sand: "I said, old guy, what's wrong, now you Jianzong, even thousands of people can't get it?"

The wind and sand blinked slightly, but when he was irritated, he sneered and carried out the Scorpio, as the Sanskrit sounded from the center of the chaotic cemetery: "Yuanxiao old dog, less there is a dog's eye to see people low, my sword is not a thousand People, what about 10,000 people? The last person, here!"

The cold snoring sound is very crisp, so that countless high-level people can see clearly, everyone raises their eyes, Qin Shi alone bears the hand in the air, perseverance before the holy light enchantment, the mouth gently rises.

"Bad boy, are you?"

"It's me, the old dog, the urgency, the hatred between us, the resentment of me and the chaotic domain, there will always be one day, I will be all liquidated with you!"

"you wanna die!"

Yuan Zhen was angry in the fire. He was almost in an instant. He raised his hand and wanted to rush down Qin Shi, but his movements were still slow. Qin Shi proudly screamed, his body slowly retreated, and gradually disappeared into the holy. Among the light, only a few words of sedge are left, but as the tomb of the ancient tomb echoes in the hearts of everyone.

"Chaotic domain, wait, my Qin Shi once again vowed that the day will always come."

Who can believe that a teenager is so discouraged?

The most important thing is that just after the wild words, after the people on the scene heard the words, there was no one, and they had the courage to regard it as a joke. No one can forget the final look of Qin Shi.

"Who is that kid?"

"I don't know, but I can make it a bit like this. This kid is also a bit of a skill."

"Really, at a young age, there is such timidity. Maybe there will be big troubles in the chaotic field in the near future."

"I don't know if I am in trouble, but I am curious. When the swordsman has become so many more talented, this time the variables of the sacrifice of the gods are really too much."

" This time the sacrifice of the gods is interesting."

"There is a icy ice girl in the Western Regions. It is also a card in the chaotic domain. The wilderness area is better. But I heard that the domain lord of the wilderness also participated in this godhood sacrifice, and it has a weapon, and purgatory. This is the case, the thousand mountains and secluded women, the reputation of these years has risen, and now there is more such a kid in Jianzong. This year’s sacrifice of the gods is afraid of a fight.”

The apricot eyes of the shadow dance shimmered, and a few whispers: "Qin Shi, Qin Shi..." Suddenly, she laughed out: "It turned out to be him."

The appearance of Qin Shi, also called the heart of the sand hanging down.

"This kid, I really didn't let me down..."

"Oh, little guy, I heard that you are saying one thing, then, I am here waiting for your good news, but don't default."

The wind sands go back and, like many elders, gather their gaze into the light of the center, because all of them know that after the next half a month, it is a moment of honor.

The sacrifice of the gods was completely opened.

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