Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 992: Win

Suddenly, a disciple screamed and everyone looked back at the strange, but behind Hu Tianxiao, it was still a black robe squeaking in the wind. Qin Shi’s five fingers hit the five dragon **** in the middle, and Hu Zhongxiao was in the middle. After the heart.

boom! Hey!

Hu Tianxiao didn't have time to dodge, and with the inertia of his attacking forward, his body flew out uncontrollably, and the most incredible thing was that he actually penetrated the body from the Qin Shi body that was almost distorted by his punch. At this time, the Qin stone spread out from the air and disappeared.

"Is it a avatar?"

As an eight-domain disciple, they have a unique eyesight, and they suddenly see through the incident + pig + pig + island + novel ww.zhom's original, slightly surprised.

"Bad boy, I want to kill you!" When Hu Tianxiao jumped up again, his five senses were almost distorted, and the anger of the Qin stone screamed.

Pause in midair, Qin Shi alone looked at the remnants of the five fingers: "Is not enough power? It seems that if you want to overcome the natural conditions, it is still not possible with my own strength."

He had some helplessness at one time. Before that, he was not without the experience of confronting the heavens, but he also won, but they all relied on the power of evil spirits.

Although, according to his current speed and his mind, in the hands of Hu Tianxiao, he has the confidence to be in an invincible position. However, the physical strength of the heavenly world, with his current lethal power, cannot break his defense. .

He looked around and the black scorpion was slightly heavy.

However, in this sacrifice of the gods, he really does not dare to use the power of evil spirits.

Here, the eight-domain giants are gathered, and the power of the evil spirits is used here. It is really a digging of the self-immolation. What should I do?

He is a little embarrassed.

"Kid, are you scratching me? Hahaha!" Hu Tianxiao screamed, his body slammed forward and slammed into Qin Shi.

Black and cold, Qin Shi Meng took a step back.

The purple rushing under his feet seemed to dominate the entire sky. He continued to pull away from Hu Tianxiao. He had found that his power was not enough and he was not rushing for a while.

"Tianlei property, this kid's talent is extraordinary."

"Well, Hu Tianxiao wants to win him, it is not a simple matter."

Three times and five times, Hu Tianxiao lost his hands one after another. No matter what he did, he had no advantage in speed. With the arguments of thousands of disciples around him, he was completely irritated for a time, and he whispered: "Boy, Your speed is good, but you have been running like this, don't catch it, otherwise I will tear you apart!"


In other words, he landed on a boulder with a hundred feet high, and his foot was smashed, and the megalith was trampled into a powder, and the fierce rushed out like an arrow.

Qin Shi always maintains a high degree of vigilance. Under the control of the power of mind, he evades and attacks. Suddenly, he is retreating from the wind, and the cold wind winds up the black robe, and his afterglow falls on the long-burning book.

A memory hidden in the depths of his mind was suddenly excavated by him, and his body suddenly paused.

"Want to tear me apart? I'm afraid you don't have that chance."

"Hmmm?" Qin Shi suddenly stopped. This is called Hu Tianxiao, but he stunned his god. Immediately, his eyes changed. He saw Qin Shi’s body swaying, and he actually got up and rushed to him.

"Kid, if you always escape, I may not be able to help you, but you are now rushing to death? Then don't blame me!" Hu Tianxiao eyes stunned, his fingers swelled, at his fingertips, condensed Strong suffocation, I want to grab the head of Qin Shi.

Qin Shi’s movements were so sudden that even Yu Yueyue and Zi Lingsha were slightly frowning. All the people expressed their incomprehension and shook their heads with regret.

"This kid is too unsettled, so he and Hu Tianxiao are facing each other. He may not be able to walk in one face. This choice is too unwise."

"Overestimate him, originally I thought, even if he is not Hu Tianxiao's opponent, at least he will delay Hu Tianxiao for a while, so that when the mausoleum is opened, we can also grab the opportunity before Hu Tianxiao."

A group of people reveal the little ninety-nine in their hearts. In the sacrifice of the gods of the jungle, they will only consider their own interests.

But suddenly, the sorrowful color rose from the hearts of the people. Those who thought that Qin Shi would be defeated, and the disciples who had to give up watching were all mentioning the spirit and the fault of the face.

"How can this be?"

"What did he do?"

"Is this the battle?"

Rising up, I saw it in the eyes of everyone, on the desert sand dunes, suddenly rising up and shining, along the Qin Shi body, as if the stars in the night, flashing.

The starlight shrouded Hu Tianxiao, and immediately his tiger's body trembled fiercely. His eyes suddenly rose into horror. It was almost a blink of an eye. Qin Shi directly ambushed him, but his palm slammed like that. A move can also be moved.


The two words spit out from Qin Shikou, and Hu Tianxiao was temporarily shackled.

This method was originally found in the mall, Qin Shi in the freedom and restraint, but only that time, he was used to break the line, and this time, it is his first time, used in actual combat.


A cyan ray, as if it can break the world, rises from the foot of Qin Shi, and violently runs through Hu Tianxiao.

boom! Hey!

Suddenly, Hu Tianxiao, who seemed to be invincible before, was torn in thousands of times under the blue light, hehe! A muffled sound, his skin, was directly broken through the huge blood mouth, deep visible bone.


The blood is not over. When Qin Shi broke the word, the power of the ban was suddenly disappeared. A penetrating force called him to be like a cannonball.

"This, is this true? The kid, won?"

All of this came too suddenly, and many people did not see clearly the original, one by one stunned in the same place.

The blow was obvious. Hu Tianxiao had already been defeated. He was completely defeated. He struggled **** the ground. When he stood up, his whole body was trembled and weak.

Qiu Yue and Zi Lingsha were relieved at the same time, and Zi Lingsha smiled comfortably: "Sure enough, he did not misread him."

Qin Shi landed and used it. He also fell into a period of exhaustion, but he did not show it. Otherwise, the eight-domain disciples around him would inevitably be shot for him because of the temptation of points.

In the sacrifice of the gods, you must not carry the innocent thoughts.

I tried to keep my tone steady and pointed to Hu Tianxiao: "You lost, you do it yourself, will I help you?"

"You...!" Hu Tianxiao's face changed for a while, anxious, a blood spout.

"Big Brother!" The disciple who followed Hu Tianxiao quickly stepped forward and nervously supported Hu Tianxiao. When one person rushed to Qin, he said: "Bad boy, don't deceive too much, my big brother has already been defeated. What do you want?"

"I am willing to gamble and lose." Qin Shi faint.

"Would you like to gamble and lose, you are not afraid to offend our flaming domain, and there is no way to go in the sacrifice of the gods in the future? Don't forget, my eldest brother, that is the chief disciple of our fierce domain!"

"What about that?" Qin Shi shrugged and asked him a name. It was definitely useless. Before that, he had already offended the dragon group in the forbidden domain. Now he will care about a chief disciple?

"You...!" The disciple suddenly became dumb, and he did not expect that Qin Shi would be so calm.

Suddenly, Hu Tianxiao pushed the disciple away, staring at Qin Shi with a gaze, saying: "If you lose, you lose, you can't use it, I can't afford it, I will come by myself. !"

After all, he pulled out his sword on his neck and saw that many people were surprised at this scene. Even Qin Shi was very surprised. He did not expect that Hu Tianxiao was rude, but he was still a trustworthy person. ?

There was even that moment, and he felt a bit of unbearable thoughts in his heart, but he did not wait for him to open his mouth. Hu Tianxiao’s arm waved and blood stained the river.

call out!

When the blood stained everyone's vision, a crisp wind broke out and saw the distant figure. Everyone present was a glimpse of the eyes, and the eyes were unspeakable.

I saw the disciple who had just supported Hu Tianxiao, who was unbelievably stiff in his place. From his neck, it was a shocking blood. The bright red color of the blood-stained Tianhe was from this blood. Squirting out.

Hu Tianxiao, while the crowd was stunned, dragged the wolverine body and escaped.

Looking at the picture in front of him, Qin Shi Meng’s fist.

He never expected that Hu Tianxiao would actually use his own life to make a blind eye in order to survive, and he had just been so unbearable.

"This beast! Even the hands of his own hands are gone?" The low-burning sizzling in the anger of Haoyue, immediately he jumped up and wanted to chase up: "I am going to kill him!"

"You can't catch up with Zi Lingsha interrupted Haoyue from the side of the indifference, and the beauty was also flashing chill.

"This is damn!" Heyue heard the words, swiftly waved the sword, and suddenly the boulder in the front 100 meters was smashed.

At this moment, Qin Shi’s brow, which had never been open, wrinkled, and looked up at the distance. A familiar shadow was smashed through the sea.

This made his clenched fist slowly loosen.

"He doesn't run far, naturally someone will pick him up."


Wen Yan, under the confession of the crowd, a stream of light suddenly flashed out of the forest, and finally paused in the secluded half-space, the graceful shadow of the world is independent, the hand throws, a wolverine figure will fall down, finally Heavy falls in front of everyone.

Everyone was shocked and rushed to the shadow of the person, only to find that the miserable figure, actually just fled Hu Tianxiao, but at this time he was pale, motionless, there is no sign of life.

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