Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 996: Yulong Yuhu

Dumb, Qin Shi smiled and looked up, and then he moved in the footsteps, like a ghost, looking forward, squatting, into the shadows, arrived at the disciple, arms out, a hand Struggling to hold the disciple's neck, forcefully hold it, the disciple did not even have a chance to return to God. His stunned stalemate was in the same place, and he was shattered by the heart.

噗通! Everything happened between the electric and the flint, and it happened too quickly, and the disciple fainted to the ground.

Thousands of disciples in the distance can't help but use them to be shocked.

A seven-day situation, one hit and kill one Scorpio, is this true? Finally, those disciples did not despise Qin Shi, but instead showed seriousness in their faces.

&[猪_猪_岛]小说w.zhhuo.mnbsp; Qin Shi always keeps the wind and the light and calm, he looked up at the look of everyone, this is a satisfactory smile: "very good, look, we I should be able to talk about it."

"Boy, you just said, do you have a way to break this law?" Qin Shi showed his strength, and his previous words finally touched many disciples, one who looked at the youth who had an extraordinary status in the wind.

Qin Shi shrugged by default: "Really, I do have a way."

“Really?” Qin Shi once again affirmed that more and more disciples are excited.

"You didn't lie to us? If you lie to us, then you won't have a good end. You have to know that we don't waste like the cheap."

Some of the disciples threatened the rushing Qin Shi.

Qin Shiwen’s words frowned, and the honesty should be the disciple who was killed by him. He smiled and said: “You don’t have to scare me. I am not the kind of person who will be caught, if you are better now. The way, then you broke the law yourself."

"You...!" I wanted to get a few high-ranking disciples from Qin Shi here. Qin Shi blocked his mouth and was slightly angry.

However, they looked around and circled, but they did not dare to be angry with Qin Shi. Of course, this is not because of fear of Qin Shi, but because of Qin Shi’s words, it has obviously said that many disciples have been present. A guy with a very high status in the domain.

For example, the young man in the windfield just looked forward to Qin Shi, and he smiled and said: "In the wolves, you can still be as stable as Taishan. You can’t be shocked, some are timid, boy, I appreciate you, you say, you Is there any way? What do we want to do?"

Qin Shi was also very speculative about this young man, smiling at him politely: "That, I will thank you first."

"Polite, if it really breaks, it should be our thanks to you." The youth is very bold, directed at the disciple next to him: "Li Yan, you rate the disciples, to help the little brother, everything is obeying him. Order it."

"Big brother, this...!"

"I told you to go when you go, there are so many nonsense."

"Well... I know." Li Yan was reprimanded and closed his mouth, screaming at the back, and hundreds of disciples followed him.

I saw this scene and smiled from the side: "Oh, I didn't expect that he would help you like this, then I think the rest of the disciples who are present should not have any objections any more."

"He?" Qin Shi squatted, and immediately wanted to understand that Haoyue should refer to the young man in the wind, asking: "Why, you know him?"

"I heard some." He nodded. "He is not simple. He is the second disciple of the wind: Yin Bingming, who is second only to the big disciple in the wind: Confucius, and he is very derogatory, in the eight domains. They are all well-known and popular."

"Oh?" Qin Shi looked curiously at Yin Bingming. He did not expect that this person had such a status in the eight domains.

The two looked at each other, Yin Bingming rushed to Qin Shi and smiled. Qin Shi naturally responded politely, but he did not say anything more. He didn't want to be misunderstood by others. He was climbing high.

Although, he is very temper to this Yin Bingming, but if something has a fate, it will naturally come to fruition. If you don't have a chance to climb, you will be self-defeating.

"Little brother, you say, what do we want to do? We all listen to you." Li Yan took hundreds of disciples in the wind and sincerely to Qin Shidao.

Qin Shi nodded gratefully, then he swept around the black scorpion, and finally settled on the two jade dragon jade tigers, squinting and said: "If you want to break this battle, the key is not in this hole, but in this Among the two jade dragons and jade tigers, these two jade dragons and jade tigers are the eyes of this array of law."

"Oh?" Many people looked at the curiosity.

Li Yan also did not expect: "What do you mean, as long as we destroy these two jade dragon jade tigers? This method can be broken without attack?"

"Smart." Qin Shi nodded and said: "It really means this."

"Okay, I understand." Li Yan did not talk nonsense, and turned to the wind disciples to give orders: "Destroy the two Jade Dragon Jade Tigers."

"Yes!" The disciples of the winds are united.

But suddenly, Qin Shi reached out and stopped Li Yan: "Wait a minute."

“Hmmm?” Li Yan frowned. “Little brother, what happened?”

Qin Shi shook his head helplessly: "Don't you want to kill this jade dragon jade tiger by just a few hundred of you?"

Li Yan was questioned, obviously unhappy, and sneered: "Then I will not worry about the little brothers, you just have to watch us how to destroy them."

"Brothers, do it!"

The execution of the wind domain disciple is very strong. This is what Qin Shi did not expect, so when he was trying to block it, it was obviously too late.

There are three hundred disciples in the windy area, divided into two dials. At the same time, they are getting up in the jade dragon jade tiger. In their palms, it is a hurricane of the dragons and tigers, very fierce.

The disciples who watched from a distance frowned and were shocked by the power of the wind.


Suddenly, the hurricane was inexplicably fading in the eyes of everyone. In the 100 meters with Yulong Yuhu as the dot, two extremely strong barriers were suddenly unfolded.

If the barrier is empty, the 300 disciples will be shocked, and for a moment, they will be vigorous, like a wild animal, and they will rush to the crowd.

"How is it possible?" The disciples were shocked. Li Yan jumped from the distance, and the power was too fast. Even he felt chilly.

"Do not!"

The desperate snoring sounded from the barrier.

Qin Shi’s heart was cold: “Damn, I said it, I just don’t listen!” Under the urgency, he did not have any nonsense, black gaze gazing at the Yulong barrier.

However, he has only one person, even if it can block the Yulong barrier, what should the jade tiger barrier do? Suddenly, he turned to look at Kong Xianhui: "Harmony...!"

"Don't say, give it to me."

Kong Xianhui smiled lightly, and immediately she stepped up and rushed into the jade tiger barrier. The shadows of the colorful butterflies danced seductively, and the green light of the chest was rising.


The green light turned into a huge stone plate, firmly in front of the disciples in the wind, when the violent force hit, the stone plate violently trembled a few times.

"Hey!" This tremor lasted for about half a second. In this half second, the hearts of the audience almost stopped beating. Finally, when the frenzy was forced to retreat, Yin Bingming was relieved and grateful to Kong Yinhui. .

"This woman can stop this kind of attack? It's terrible."

"That is... Emerald light dance?" Among the thousands of disciples, there were always some sharp eyes, and at a glance, they recognized the green light on Kong Xianhui's chest and could not help but exclaim.

“Emerald Light Dance? One of the Eight Elements?”

"That said, is this woman... is the daughter of the domain owner of the wilderness?"

"No wonder... can stop this kind of attack." Many disciples secretly sighed, and immediately inexplicably thanked Qin Shi.

Can't help but think of the previous Zi Lingsha, what kind of monsters are these little boys following?


However, the short-term relaxation did not solve the crisis. The other party’s deafening humming sounded and touched everyone’s mind. Suddenly, everyone looked at the direction of Yulong. Although the disciples among Yuhu were saved, But the disciple in the Yulong, will be swallowed up by the fierce Guangyu.

"No!" Yin Bingming screamed, and Li Yan regretted that his intestines were green.

"This half of the wind and rain disciples are not saved."

"However, it is lucky to be able to live half, and this method is too horrible."

The disciples of the other eight domains sighed with sigh, but suddenly, one person’s shackles were different, and they reached out to Yulong’s direction: “No, you look at it, what is the figure?”

The incomprehensible side of the crowd suddenly saw a very special figure from the front of the 150 disciples. Because the windfield disciples were very uniform, they were all in the wind, and the figure was A black robe is particularly glaring.

"What happened to this person? He was so dangerous that he dared to rush. Do you still want to die?"

"No, you look closely, how familiar is that figure?"

"Familiar?" Some disciples meditated, suddenly their eyes lit up and exclaimed: "Yes, this is not, isn't that kid?"

Qin Shi stands alone in the Yulong barrier, and the black stern is severe.

The frenzied impact of the eye was about to pounce on him, his fists were not tight, and there was cold sweat.

This time but it is not the same.

Haoyue, Zilingsha, Xueyan, and Kong Xianhui, who had just separated from Yuhu, were all cold sweats for Qin Shi.

"What is he doing? Is it... Does he want to stop the shock wave in the Yulong mouth by his own power?"

"Impossible, he is only seven days old, even if it is a domain power, there is no absolute grasp? Unless ... unless he also has eight weapons."

"But that's impossible. In addition to the wilderness and the Qingxue ancestor, even the sinister domain was lost a year ago. How could he have it? Is he crazy?"

Everyone shook his head and didn't look at Qin Shi at all.

After all, how Qin Shi’s performance is strong cannot change the fact that he only has seven days.

In the Yulong barrier, Qin Shi suddenly lowered his head slowly, and the shock wave was close at hand, and he sighed deeply.

"The eight wild, it seems that you have to trouble you again."

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