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When I guessed before, Qin Xiao has been deeply shocked. Now, listening to the reckless Palace Lord’s own words, I can’t calm down for a long time.

What is the way to go to the universe to catch people?

You know, the general Universe Lord simply does not dare to enter the sea of ​​endless universe. Even if it enters, it will always wander in the sea of ​​endless universe, and will not find the direction of the universe.

Not to mention, go to other universes to catch people.

And this reckless Palace Lord also confirmed that the reckless Palace Lord also let an Avatar enter the sea of ​​endless universe, but he soon lost contact with Avatar, now how is his Avatar, the reckless Palace Lord is basically do not know. But what is certain is that even if it is not dead, it must be lost in the sea of ​​endless universe.

Before Qin Xiao talked with 100 Chuanfu Su Senior, they were also in the same situation. They wandered in the endless universe sea for endless years and countless eras.

That kind of power can only be wandering, lost, unable to find the direction of his own universe, and there is no way to enter other universes.

So think about it, you can know how the Lord Death Valley’s means is against the sky.

Not only can you enter other universes, but you can also grab people from other universes and return to the Hongmeng universe. Think about things that are unimaginable.

So, Qin Xiao is also quite shocked in his heart. How strong is the death valley master?

“The power of Lord Death Valley is by no means imaginable. His power is too much beyond us. Lord Death Valley, I am afraid that it is absolutely stunning in any era and any universe. So, he can cross Great Thousand Worlds, and even find legendary Sacred Domain.” Speaking of Lord Death Valley, the Temple of Recklessness is also a face of respect and a face of worship.

Since Ancient Times’ Number One Powerhouse, the undisputed era Number One Person.

Lord Death Valley, for the reckless Palace Lord, has left a lot of Legendary.

Many Legendary have become rumors, and even the reckless Palace Lord has no way to determine its authenticity. It can only be played slowly from it, as close to reality as possible.

Death Valley Lord, there are too many Legendary, but there are very few records left.

The place where you can learn the most about Death Valley masters is in these 9 Death Valleys. So these 9 Death Valleys have always been things that the Great Holy Land wants to study thoroughly.

However, Death Valley only allows realm below Sovereign to enter, even the Universe Lord does not dare to enter by force. Of course, there is no way to force entry.

You know, the strength of the Pass Defender lone swordsman in the 4th Death Valley is no longer under the reckless Palace Lord, let alone the strength of the first three Death Valley Pass Defender.

Therefore, I am afraid that even the Lord of the Celestial Court will not dare to break into Death Valley.

Because of this, Death Valley has always been one of the core secrets of Hongmeng universe. Even Qin Xiao who ran through 2 Death Valley didn’t know these secrets.

Outsiders, it is even less understood.

Some of the information about Death Valley in the community did not mention these situations.

“Death Valley Lord can freely enter other universes, and it can also be seen from the situation of those Pass Defenders. The Death Valley Lord has definitely entered a lot of universes before he has selected so many evil Defenders. . 9 Death Valley add up, there are a lot of Pass Defender, so to say, the number of universes that Lord Death Valley has entered, I am afraid that at least it is more than 100.”

“In the endless universe sea, the distance between the universe and the universe is incomparably huge, unimaginable. Lord Death Valley, it is so incredible to be able to reach other universes so easily.”

“It’s just that I am very puzzled by what means did Lord Death Valley use to enter other universes? Isn’t he not excluded by the original will of other universes?” Qin Xiao expressed a lot of doubts in his heart.

Universe Source will reject the guests from different universes, which is as everyone knows.

Unless it is a person who entered the universe by chance, such as Erow patriarch, otherwise it will be rejected by the will of Universe Source.

The stronger the strength, the greater the repulsion of the original will.

Universe Source will have a sense of self-protection.

This is the most basic common sense, as strong as 100 Chufufu, and there is no way to break through the original will of the Hongmeng universe.

The reckless Palace Lord nodded said: “Yeah, in theory, it is indeed true. The original will of the universe has a strong protection consciousness of its own universe and will not let external forces threaten the universe.

“Once a threat is felt, it will be directly rejected.”

“If only a Sovereign enters a different universe, then Universe Source will not exclude it. After all, a Sovereign poses little threat to the universe. If Sovereign is below, it will not be rejected at all.”

“Qin Xiao You are also the master of the origin, you should know this.”

Qin Xiao nodded, indeed.

For example, the Heavenly Dragon continent, Spiritual God has no way to descend on the Heavenly Dragon continent, but Van Ling can enter the Heavenly Dragon continent, and will not be rejected by the original will.

This is also a self-protective force of the original will.

The reckless Palace Lord continued: “Taking your native world as an example, the general Spiritual God really has no way to enter your native world, and Heavenly God cannot enter. But Mighty God level, it can be forced to come. Not only It can come by force, or even directly destroy your original world.”

“You should be able to understand this.”

Qin Xiao nodded, he certainly understands this. In terms of his current strength, it is too easy to destroy a source world.

When the power reaches a certain level, then the rules can be broken.

Hearing this, Qin Xiao also understood something.

“Is it said that the strength of Lord Death Valley has reached the point where it can break the rules of the universe source will? Can you ignore the will of the universe source and force into the universe? How powerful is this?”

“To achieve such a point, it means that there is power to destroy the universe. Destruction Universe? How powerful should it be?”

If you think about it, Qin Xiao is shocked.

Destruction Universe?

How powerful is the universe?

It is as powerful as the Universe Lord, not to mention Destruction Universe, it is impossible to destroy God World, and there is an endless sea of ​​darkness.

It is unthinkable that the strength can reach the Destruction Universe level.

The reckless Palace Lord also shook the head and said: “Yeah, it is indeed unimaginable. How powerful Death Valley Lord is, we have no way of knowing it. It is really amazing, even beyond, if we infer from these circumstances. Our imagination, so that we dare not determine whether these are true.”

“It sounds like a fake. But the existence of 9 Death Valleys seems to confirm this point. Therefore, we have discussed countless times, and we have not discussed a reason, and there is no final conclusion.”

Qin Xiao said with a straight face: “If this is the case, then Lord Death Valley may have entered the Sacred Domain. Otherwise, it has been 8 cosmic eras, and Lord Death Valley has not returned to the Hongmeng universe. Come on. So, the legendary Sacred Domain also really exists.”

“Great Thousand Worlds, what is it like?”

“Sacred Domain, what exactly exists?”

The Mangled Palace Lord’s expression is also a little more serious, saying: “Yes, our consensus is that Sacred Domain does exist. Great Thousand Worlds, countless universes, but the core or Saint domain. Sacred Domain, is in Above all universes, is the true master of Great Thousand Worlds.”

“Sacred Domain is where true powerhouse is, where it is truly eternal, and where our Universe Lord should pursue.”

“Of course, at present, all this is just guessing that’s all. The exact existence of Sacred Domain, no one can be sure. However, this does not hinder our pursuit of Sacred Domain.”


Speaking of the reckless Palace Lord here again, the head: “With our strength and potential, it is almost impossible to take this huge cosmic universe, let alone to pursue the Sacred Domain. Our cultivation path may be already It’s broken.”

Speaking of the last, the reckless Palace Lord even showed a trace of sadness and loneliness.

As strong as the Palace Lord, it will be like this.

Qin Xiao also bowed his head in silence.

However, one can also think of the mood of the reckless Palace Lord at this time.

After being silent for a while, the reckless Palace Lord regained his mood and continued: “However, there is always some hope. Even if it is slim, it is worth our pursuit.”

“And now, you are a little hope for me on my way.”

“Me?” Qin Xiao frowned involuntarily, and looked at the rash Palace Lord with a puzzled expression. Is this too heavy for myself?

Will I be the Palace Lord with a little hope?

The reckless Palace Lord has a solemn nodded, said: “Yes, don’t be surprised, you will understood when you listen to me slowly.”

“The next thing I want to say is some real secrets about Death Valley. And these are also important to you. You have to listen carefully and make good choices.”

“This choice may affect your future path, and even our future path. I have been looking forward to this day, and you have not lived up to my expectations. I have seen a little hope all day.

Qin Xiao’s expression was more dignified and puzzled, but vaguely guessed something.

Suddenly, I felt that the burden on my shoulders was much heavier.

This matter is absolutely extraordinary.

Palace Lord looked towards Desolate World, the eyes are extremely deep.

Qin Xiao did not speak, and the atmosphere seemed a little tense, making Qin Xiao feel a little suffocated.

He was waiting, waiting for the reckless Palace Lord to speak.

The reckless Palace Lord seemed to be lost in contemplation, even for a while.

So, let the atmosphere become very suppressed.

It took a long time for the reckless Palace Lord to look back and look towards Qin Xiao again. It’s just that the eyes in this meeting are very solemn and very contagious.

After being looked at by this look, Qin Xiao involuntarily cheered up and looked at the reckless Palace Lord.

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