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This origin world is called Atoso world, a very strange name.

In the ancient language, Atoso means Demon God. Therefore, the name of the original world reveals a smell of evil spirits.

After entering this World, I learned some things about Atoso World, and Qin Xiao’s brow wrinkled slightly.

“His Royal Highness, this is a source world with a very high degree of belief. All creatures believe in the great Demon God, and there are statues of the Demon God everywhere. The faith of the Demon God has spread for millions of years in this source world. Reached such a high level of faith. There is nothing strange about this, but Demon God is not the originator of Atoso World.”

Tong Jian Mighty God was puzzled, and after thinking about it, he said again: “Don’t you say that this Demon God is a Mighty God? So let the master of Atoso’s original world surrender to him and help him wantonly in this world To spread faith and collect strength of Faith. But simply relying on a source world to collect faith is not very useful for a Mighty God?”

Qin Xiao nodded said: “Strength of Faith is almost useless to Mighty God. It is helpful, but it is also minimal. And, it requires a huge strength of Faith to help a little. It’s so laborious. Things, the average Mighty God is not willing to do it.”

“Moreover, excessive collection of faith will also leave many causes and consequences. Once the cause and effect are engulfed, the consequences will be even greater. So, basically no Mighty God is willing to do so.”

Tongjian Mighty God nodded, he is also Mighty God, he also has Avatar outside to have power and dominate the side.

But he never thought about collecting strength of Faith in the past, which might be more harm than good for him.

Strength of Faith is a double-edged knife. For Spiritual God and Heavenly God, it may indeed have many benefits, which can help increase strength.

But there are also disadvantages. Once the Spirit of Faith Spiritual God is attracted, it is almost impossible to become Mighty God anymore. That is to say, if the strength of the moment is improved, it will pay the price of never having the chance to become Mighty God.

Of course, these costs do not care for many Spiritual God. After all, I want to be Mighty God, that is too difficult, too difficult, let alone ten thousand li pick one, millions and millions li pick far more than one.

Therefore, Spirit God of the overwhelming majority will still not think of becoming Mighty God. For them, the methods that can enhance their strength, even if there are some evil, they will try.

Collecting strength of Faith is a very common method.

In this 300,000 years, Qin Xiao has traveled more than 100 origin worlds. In each origin world, there will be people spreading beliefs, which is not a rare thing.

Just like the Heavenly Dragon continent, there are also people who spread faith.

However, it is very difficult to spread faith in the source world. Once the Spiritual God is limited by the source will, once it becomes, it will be rejected from the source world and enter the realm soon.

After becoming a god, you can spread your faith and build your own incense, but once you ascend, you will never be able to return to within the realm. Therefore, once Spiritual God leaves, it is difficult to maintain his faith. After a long time, it will naturally disappear.

Therefore, it is very common that the belief spread in the source world is very scattered.

But this Athoso world is different, the belief is very strong, all creatures have the same belief, this situation is generally speaking only Universe Lord can do it.

Just like Qin Xiao in his original world, he is also a creator. Even if he didn’t deliberately spread faith, the creatures on the mainland of Heavenly Dragon still worship him, believe in him, and are very pious.

However, it is far from reaching the level of Atoso world.

Tong Jian Mighty God said again: “His Royal Highness, I feel that it is strange. That’s weird. It feels like there should be no more support from Mighty God. I want to spread his faith here. The Lord of Origin It’s not the source of faith. What is the origin of this Demon God?”

Qin Xiao shook the head said: “I don’t know what it is for now, I just checked some of the situation of this Atoso origin world. The place we are in now is located in the territory of the black sand collar Moyun, this piece of Star Domain belongs to 9 Jianmen.”

“And speaking, when we came, we saw that there are a lot of buildings all around the Atoso World, and there are a lot of Legion stationed here. Obviously, this source world is owned by 9 Jianmen, and all the troops are guarded here. . Even if the 9 Stream Gate has everything that can surrender to the original master of Atoso World, only the Mighty God of 9 Stream Gate is.”

“The strength of 9 Jianmen is not so powerful, but in Moyun Mansion, it is still one of the very best, with 2 Mighty Gods. One is 9 Jiansect master and the other is Jianfeng Old Ancestor.”

“But it doesn’t make sense.”

Qin Xiao is also looking at the head, looking thoughtful.

Tong Jian Mighty God also found the problem, nodded and said: “Yes, Your Highness, it is really still unthinkable. If the Demon God who spread the faith is really 9 stream sect master or Jian Feng Old Ancestor, then they There is absolutely no need to change to the title of Demon God. If they want to spread their faith, they will use 9 stream sect master stream peak Old Ancestor, isn’t that better?”

“Otherwise, it may be that this Demon God is not the 2 Mighty Gods. It may be an identified member of the 9 Jianmen. Maybe his talent potential is not enough, so let him collect the strength of Faith.”

“Apart from this, I really can’t think of other possibilities.”

Qin Xiao nodded, this speculation he thinks is still a bit credible.

But Qin Xiao still feels that there may be something wrong with it.

This Demon God’s way of spreading faith is also very crude and evil, not just and honourable. Probably because of this, he claimed to be Demon God.

Such an evil way should not be done by the people of 9 Jianmen, after all, the Temple of Recklessness is not allowed.

Although this is sneaky, Demon God has millions of years to spread his faith, can he keep hiding from the sky?

To say that there is no deliberate protection of 9 Jianmen, it is obviously impossible.

So anyway, this thing is obviously not very good.

“Let’s go, let’s go to see what is going on, and understand the situation before we talk about it,” Qin Xiao said.

Tongjian Mighty God nodded, so 2 people became incarnation and became a “believer” mixed into a Demon God Temple.

Demon God Temple is the place where Demon God uses to spread faith. There are countless Demon God Temples in the entire Athos world. As long as there are people, there must be Demon God Temple. All creatures are living around Demon God Temple. Every day, everyone needs to spend a lot of time at the Demon God Temple to bow down and pray to the Demon God, praying to be blessed by the Demon God.

In contact, Qin Xiao learned some daily life of the believers of Atoso World. In Atoso World, Demon God is everything. It is the greatest existence. It is the only Spiritual God of all people in mind. It is 10000 things. The creator of is the ancestor of life and the source of everything.

Everyone will be nurtured and brainwashed when they are born. Therefore, the greatness of Demon God will be deeply rooted in everyone’s heart.

All creatures feel like walking corpse, and have become a believer in Demon God, and no longer have their own ideas.

When a person’s mind is completely controlled, it is a very terrifying thing.

This kind of belief spread is simply destroying a source world.

Believers who have lost their self-thinking will become very weak in cultivation. Therefore, it can be seen that among these believers, even the holy monarch was not born, and the emperor was also poor. The only few are Demon God’s minions, which manage this World for Demon God.

Becoming a complete believer, it is difficult to achieve even the king. In the long run, one day, all creatures will lose the ability to cultivate, no longer cultivate, from birth to death, are ordinary persons, only know how to believe in Demon God.

Therefore, such a move is completely destroying a source world.

Once the source world feels the crisis, I am afraid that the source world will destroy itself.

Therefore, this form of spread of faith, even the origin of the origin, dare not do it, and it should be stupid enough to let others do it.

A source world, I am afraid it can’t withstand the devastation of countless years. If this is the case, I am afraid that it will be almost destroyed in a few hundred million years.

This kind of belief spreading can be called vicious faith spreading.

This is different from Qin Xiao in the origin world. Qin Xiao not at all spreads his faith deliberately, which is completely spontaneous. Because of Qin Xiao’s contribution to the World of 9 Continents and the contribution to Human Race, because of Qin Xiao’s greatness and Qin Xiao’s personality charm, many people will naturally spontaneously believe in him.

This spontaneous belief will not affect anything, and even the strength of Faith will be more pure.

It’s just that Qin Xiao has never collected these strength of Faith. Once these strength of Faith words are collected, there will be some causal connection with those believers, and then there will be some causation.

Therefore, Qin Xiao never will not want to collect strength of Faith.

After some investigation, Qin Xiao identified a situation: “This Demon God is definitely not simple, there must be a situation in it. Although it is said that this black sand collar is not my jurisdiction, but since this matter has been encountered by us, That also has to be controlled. This kind of evil must not be allowed to breed.”

Tong Jian Mighty God nodded and said: “Yes, our shrewd temple is Holy Land, and it can have the light of the great shore. Within the territory of our shrewd temple, such a breeding of evil cannot be condoned.”

“If the 9 Jianmen is to be sheltered, then even the 9 Jianmen will be guilty.”

“His Royal Highness, what should we do now?”

Qin Xiao said: “This matter is easy to handle, let’s go directly to the master of the source. This matter, only the master of the source is the most clear. The Demon God, I believe I will not stay in the source world within the realm. Wait a minute. I directly caught the Lord of the Origin into the virtual within the realm, and then isolated everything so that he had no chance to notify Demon God.”

Hearing Qin Xiao’s words, Tongjian Mighty God was slightly surprised.

Such a means, he certainly does not have.

However, he believes that His Highness Qin Xiao can certainly do it easily.

The virtual world is a heavy protection, and Qin Xiao’s mental world is also a heavy protection, and then using many means to isolate the void, it can be completely isolated.

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