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The more you look at it, the more shocking it is, and the more it subverts Qin Xiao and Alaska Celestial Emperor’s understanding of the mechanical family.

2 people shocked, I don’t know how many times.

2 people did not appear in a hurry, but watched secretly in this World, and looked at every place. This look actually took 100 years.

In 100 years, Qin Xiao and the Aral Sea Celestial Emperor 2 have almost secretly understood some basic conditions in this World.

In terms of their strength, they can infiltrate silently into the consciousness of some armored warriors, steal their memories directly, and learn more.

Of course, ordinary armored warriors must be like walking corpse, and they simply know how much it is.

So in more cases, it is still Qin Xiao who took the time to slowly look at it, slowly disturbing, and carefully scrutinized it, and then came to confirm it and get a conclusion.

Generally speaking, it is very complicated, so it took two people 2 years.

In terms of their strength, they can do a lot of things in 100 years, but in this World they act very cautiously, and they dare not carelessly.

“I really did not expect that the civilization of the mechanical family is so novel. I am really unheard-of. Tsk tsk, I feel that I really entered a new world. The same civilization as our Hongmengyu, really It’s completely different. And I think their civilization seems to be very advanced. It feels very advanced.” Alaska Celestial Emperor twitched.

It is indeed very rare to be able to praise this one’s ancient Sovereign existence.

It is also enough to see how much shock this World has brought to the Alaska Celestial Emperor.

The Aral Sea even Celestial Emperor is shocked like this, Qin Xiao is not much better, it is also a shocked face, full of surprise.

Qin Xiao was also talking for a while, and said, “Yeah, it’s incredible. The mechanical civilization is indeed very early, very advanced, and it has subverted our imagination.”

“We only know how to practice, only know how to perceive the avenue, control the avenue, and mobilize the power of Grand Dao. So it feels that everything we have learned from the avenue is given by the avenue.”

“But the civilization of the mechanical family is very advanced. They have created many technological things. Such as electric lights, such as spaceships, such as battleships, such as Xingyao, such as electric pulse guns… etc., iron knots made of steel , Rare beast, it’s a disaster.”

“Science and technology civilization, they know how to use a lot of things. They can draw energy from the darkness, they can draw energy from the light, and they can even draw energy from our Divine Stone Divine Crystal, and from heavenly materials earthly treasures. . In short, all things with energy can be absorbed by them.”

“After drawing energy, you can then activate and urge those steel rare beasts to make each and everyone stronger.”

Alaska Celestial Emperor nodded, these 100 years, he almost spent in shock.

100 years, let him understand the mechanical family.

He does not belong to Holy Land Sovereign, so naturally there is no well-informed news like Holy Land Sovereign. For the mechanical family, Alaska Celestial Emperor did not know much about it before.

This is no way, he does not stand in line, so the news of Holy Land will naturally not tell him. Moreover, the Celestial Emperor of the Barren Sea has always been very low-key, almost no barren sea, he completely closed his barren sea.

So a lot of news is difficult to spread into the barren sea, not to mention the God World’s most confidential thing of the mechanical family.

In 100 years, Qin Xiao and they figured it out, this World was indeed made by the mechanical family, and it was made by the mechanical family a long time ago, grabbed some Fanling, and then purified their thoughts, let them reproduce . Instill new ideas into future generations.

In this way, generation after generation, year after year, the endless years have passed, all Human Races of this World regard themselves as the people of the mechanical family.

The endless years of reproduction have also brought the population to a huge number. Lou De must be a lot more than Qianlong.

The huge population will make this World building a very prosperous situation.

But all of them have become armor warriors. They do not practice avenues, but learn technological civilization. It is worth mentioning that the training methods of mechanical civilization and the cultivation of the avenue, the cultivation of strength, and the cultivation of mental strength are completely different and completely different.

The training of mechanical civilization focuses on learning, understanding, and creation.

Mechanical civilization is to make your thoughts stronger, so that your people become stronger.

Use technology to transcend everything, break all rules, and break the shackles of time.

The power division of the mechanical family also incorporates the name of the hierarchy of the Hongmeng universe, from Spiritual God Armor Warrior to Heavenly God Armor Warrior, and then up is Mighty God Armor Warrior, Sovereign Armor Warrior.

The highest, of course, is the Universe Lord.

However, for the convenience of calling, the general armor is not used, just call the warrior.

The so-called armor warrior, the main strength is on the armor. This armor was created by technology.

The higher the armor level, the greater the corresponding strength.

The armor level is also divided into Spiritual God level, Heavenly God level, Mighty God level, Sovereign level.

What’s more terrifying is that even ordinary ordinary spirits, if they wear the corresponding armor, will also have the corresponding strength.

That is to say, if an ordinary person gets a set of Mighty God-level middle armor, it will have the strength of Mighty God, and think about how terrifying it is.

Of course, this is not absolute, and there are still some premises.

If you want to control the armor, it is naturally not so easy. Only in theory, it is possible to achieve such a point, but it is too difficult to really do it.

The higher the armor level, the greater the difficulty.

Therefore, it is too difficult to control the armor of Mighty God, which is far from what most people can control.

“Qin Xiao, if I’m not mistaken, this World is used by the mechanical family to mass-produce their combat armor, as well as some combat weapons, as well as battleships. Together, it will make the armor warrior change It is very powerful. If the mechanical family manufactures in large quantities, the accumulation of endless years may also reach a very powerful terrifying number.”

“I really didn’t think that the mechanical family actually secretly engaged in these methods. Once he was really successful, it was very terrifying.” Alaska Celestial Emperor said.

Qin Xiao’s solemn nodded said: “Yeah, it’s really terrifying, too terrifying.”

“We all need step-by-step cultivation in order to have strong strength. But the mechanical family can make powerhouses and mass-produce. If you can really manufacture Mighty God in large quantities, it is indeed very great. terrifying.”

“But I think there should be no such easy thing. Mechanical civilization does have its uniqueness, but it may not be able to overwhelm our civilization.”

“In this case, we don’t necessarily need to worry about anything, maybe it’s not worth mentioning. After all, it’s the cream of the crop that really determines the fate, that’s all. Spiritual God Heavenly God , Is useless. Even speaking, even ordinary Mighty God can’t be used in any way, and it is also a life of cannon fodder. Only with the power of the real Peak level can you decide what to turn around.”

Alaska Celestial Emperor nodded, this is indeed the case.

If the real disaster comes, let’s not mention Spiritual God and Heavenly God, even Mighty God is a cannon fodder.

Only the extremely dangerous Mighty God can come in handy.

Ordinary Mighty God, I am afraid that it will be useful to form an array.

The real decisive force depends on Sovereign, and the treasure of the universe.

Of course, the battle of luck is also very important.

“Alaska Celestial Emperor, I don’t want to think more about this issue, but what I want to know more is that the countless channels that connect to this World. Many channels have a lot of spaceships in and out, and these spaceships seem to be carrying The red scarlet stone mined. Should they use red scarlet stone to forge a large amount of armor? This incomparable gigantic red scarlet stone mountain has become a treasure for the mechanical family.”

“It is so huge and of infinite value. The mechanical family has been mining for so many years, and it has not been finished.”

Qin Xiao is again.

Alaska Celestial Emperor has a serious nodded look: “Well, that’s true. According to the situation we currently control, this is the case. The division of labor in this World is very clear.”

“The outermost area is connected to those passages, and the spacecraft continuously enters and exits, and then passes through this outermost area, and then passes to the central area step by step. Each area has different responsible projects.”

“The outermost part is only responsible for mining and collection. After the collection is returned, it is sent to the next area. In the next area, it is responsible for smelting and purification, and then enter the next area.”

“Further down is preliminary refining-just like this, step by step toward the center. As far as we know, I am afraid that there are as many as 9 procedures. After the 9 procedures, they will reach the most central. The management area is then uniformly scheduled by the management area.”

“The operation of the entire world is orderly and strictly prohibited, forming a very strict industrial chain and pipeline operation. Such efficiency is very high, high terrifying, and scary. Compared with some of our The thinking is indeed much better.”

“For so long, I don’t know how much crimson stone has been mined from the mechanical family, how much armor has been created, how many battleships have been produced, how many weapons have been produced. What laser guns, pulse guns, stars Bullets, etc. The formidable power of these weapons is very large, the weakest can kill Spirit God, the strongest can even kill Mighty God, threatening the existence of Sovereign.”

“It is completely a manufactured weapon. Formidable power can achieve such terrifying steps. I can’t imagine it. I really don’t know how the mechanical family made it.”

Qin Xiao is also very curious about this problem and very puzzled.

However, this is a mechanical civilization, a new civilization.

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