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At this time, the place where Qin Xiao is located is a huge open space, all around the Qishi strange forest, and there are a lot of strange scenes.

This all around, but it is more lively, a diverse group of people scattered among them.

Some three were in groups, talking and laughing there. Others are single-shadowed, standing silently and sitting side-by-side, looking thoughtful there. Some of them depended on the strange rocks, and they drank alone, their faces covered with vicissitudes of life.

Some of them looked very disoriented, sitting there with their heads down and depressed.

Others are gleeful and dancing.

Some of them are very cool and bright, and they are dressed in the beautiful Battle Armor. Others are very ordinary, sackcloth.

The weapons carried by many people are also very strange and unique.

After Qin Xiao glanced around, he finally found that there was a huge city gate not far away, which was very magnificent and superb in thousand zhang. The city gate is extremely guarded.

Although the city gate is open, there are very few people entering and leaving, and I don’t know what the situation is.

Qin Xiao has just arrived at this time and has no idea what is happening here.

No information was received, so Qin Xiao knew nothing about the strange world in front of him.

“Isn’t this the 10000 world of things? The world you want to enter, but it’s not the same as the real world. I can’t feel it at all. This is the world in mind. It’s worthy of the 2 things. Dao Field is really extraordinary. Office. It’s just the means of the 10000 object-centric worlds, and it’s enough experience.”

Qin Xiao felt this World attentively, and had to sincerely admire it.

“But my body is not my own. This is a very ordinary Divine Physique. All of my powers no longer exist. And the rules here are obviously more perfect for perfection, the true meaning of power, and the power of my mind. The method was used again.”

The 10000 object center world, as it is said by Mighty God, can only use the power of 10000 object paths, and no other power can be used.

Therefore, in the 10000 Wuxin world, Qin Xiao’s strength is naturally greatly reduced. Divine Physique is gone, all the treasures on the body are gone, you can’t use the scholastic, and you can’t use many methods.

And because the body has become an ordinary body, the strength of Qin Xiao is probably similar to that of the Spiritual God.

And this World also has a great suppressive effect on power, so Qin Xiao has a feeling of returning to the spirit.

“This is really a very strange world. I’ll learn about this World first.”

Qin Xiao pouted and started to act.

After Qin Xiao looked around, he walked towards a person not far away. This is a normal-looking man, without much expression. A person stands there in a defiant manner, not knowing what he is thinking about.

“This brother!” Qin Xiao walked over and greeted him with a punch.

But the man just looked at Qin Xiao indifferently, then turned his head away, simply didn’t care about Qin Xiao.

Such indifference also made Qin Xiao burst into a helpless smile. Ignored by this feeling, Qin Xiao can’t remember when he has ever been.

In God World, he was a great character who changed the wind and rain. Didn’t expect in this 10000 world of things, even an ordinary person directly ignored him, which really made Qin Xiao helpless.

But who let him enter a strange New World now, and there is no strength, so it can only be a low-key.

This person could not ask, Qin Xiao could only look at other people and walked towards the other person.

But before this time Qin Xiao spoke, the man suddenly turned into a bad face, glared at Qin Xiao, and waved fiercely: “The newcomer quickly get away, don’t make Lao Tzu blame.”

That look, with a look of abandonment and a threat of taste, is very bad.

Qin Xiao’s brow furrowed slightly when he looked at this savage man with bad face.

If God Sovereign exists in God World, I dare not talk to him like that?

But didn’t expect that he had just come to 10000 Wuxin World, and he would be murdered by an ordinary Spiritual God. This feels really uncomfortable.

However, in this World, Qin Xiao can only do nothing. After all, this World is just a little less troublesome.

The urgent task now is to clarify this World first, and at the very least, we must know what situation we are in now and what situation we are in.

After asking two people in succession, they were ignored, Qin Xiao scanned all around and found that all around people had several points of indifference.

secretly said in one’s heart, and then ask these people, I am afraid it is difficult to ask what results come out. Being ignored for 2 times, Qin Xiao didn’t want to come again, it would be really uncomfortable.

So after thinking about it, Qin Xiao walked over to the city gate.

This city gate is ancient and solemn, filled with a sacred and inviolable atmosphere. This feeling is like an ordinary mortal seeing Spiritual God. Just a glance, you will feel a sense of fear involuntarily. It is this kind of fear that makes people dare not make trouble here.

Such feeling, Qin Xiao has not been in a long time.

Rao is that he has a very high state of mind and extensive knowledge, but at this time he also smelled a dangerous breath, a breath of oppression, and a trembling breath.

Just a city gate, didn’t expect is so majestic.

At the gate of the city gate, the soldiers standing in 2 rows of black Battle Armor were shrouded in black, which seemed even more strange.

The body of these black warriors also exudes an extremely dark atmosphere, terrifying people do not dare to be close to them.

“What a strong feeling!” Qin Xiao turned out that these black armored soldiers were very strong.

But in fact, if put in God World, these black armored soldiers should be more ordinary.

But here, stronger than Qin Xiao has become ordinary, but he has no way to completely substitute himself into that’s all.

“10000 Wuxin world is really different from what I imagined, and I don’t know what this world is like.” Qin Xiao secretly hooked the head, which was far beyond his imagination.

He also envisioned how the 10000 psychic world looks like, but the situation in front of him is indeed something he never thought of.

Sometimes fate is like having a big joke with you.

“Stop!” Qin Xiao just walked to the city gate, a black armored soldier was coldly shouted, and his voice was cold.

The voice contains a powerful murderous aura.

very powerful murderous aura.

This terrifying murderous aura is enough to deter people, enough to make people feel fear.

Qin Xiao said: “I want to enter the city, this city gate is wide open, can’t I enter the city?”

The black armored soldier glanced at Qin Xiao coldly, waved his long sword impatiently, and said, “What kind of hilarity are you coming from a newcomer who has just arrived? Walk around and stay cool. Is this a city where you can enter if you are a newcomer? Where are you supposed to be?”

Qin Xiao frowned involuntarily. What do you mean?

Newcomers who have just arrived are not even qualified to enter the city?

What the hell is this?

Qin Xiao is indeed confused, he really doesn’t know anything about this World now.

“Can you ask, how can I get into the city? Is there always a condition?” Qin Xiao asked in a humble manner.

Listening to Qin Xiao’s question, the black armored soldier suddenly looked a bit uncomfortable. Fiercely plucked Chun Xiao’s glance, and the sword moved towards Qin Xiao’s body, falling to Qin Xiao’s eyebrows, a cold man The sword energy is coming, and the killing intent is very good: “Where is that kid’s nonsense, you are so tired and crooked? A word of verboseness, I want your head to land, get out!”


Qin Xiao frowned deeply, so fierce?

I’m just asking a question that’s all, why is it so fierce?

What happened to the people of this World, how could each and everyone be so fierce?

If in God World, someone would dare to talk to Qin Xiao in this way, I am afraid that a slap shot would be enough to easily shoot the other person to death.

But here, Qin Xiao really lost his temper.

If he really dared to work with this black armored soldier, it must have been killed.

If you die inside, it means that the road of 10000 things is broken, and such a price can’t be paid by Qin Xiao.

Besides, Qin Xiao also knows that this is the 10000 world of things, which is a world where ideas come, not a real world. Therefore, everything here is out of mind, and it is not necessary for me to put my great future into the battle for meaning.

“Okay, black bar, what is so fierce to a newcomer. People have just arrived, indeed many things are unknown.” Suddenly another black armored soldier said.

It seems that the prestige of this black armored soldier is quite high. After he spoke, the black armored soldier of Qin Xiao just now stopped talking.

Qin Xiao glanced at the black armored soldier and gave him a fist to show his meaning.

The black armored soldier made a slight rush to Qin Xiao nodded, said: “Little Brother, it is inevitable that you don’t understand the rules when you first arrive. We are a star city. If you want to enter the city, you must meet some conditions. It’s not all who can enter, there are great restrictions.”

One star city?


Qin Xiao did not interject, and continued to listen patiently.

“First, become a star with 10000 objects, and then pay a stone with 10000 objects to enter the city.”

“Second, pay 2 pieces of 100 stones and stay in the city for 10000 years.”

“Third, add 3 Legion, become a member of 10000 Legion, and you can freely enter and exit the city.”

“Fourth, become a servant of 4 stars, you can enter the city with 10000 stars.”

“Apart from this, there is no other way. If you want to enter the city, you can consider the three of one 2 4 and 3, you don’t have to think about it. It’s not something your newcomers can think about. If one 3 2 can still think Yes. But for the time being, your foundation is still very thin, you need to fight it first and then come back.”

Qin Xiao asked: “Senior, what is a one-star city? What is a one-star 10000 object? What double is a 10000 object stone?”

Qin Xiao is not interested in 3 4 2 at the moment. If one is 2, you can still consider it and try it out.

In terms of Qin Xiao’s feeling, this World seems to be a very hierarchical world, and it also looks very cruel.

I am in this World, it seems that I need to be more careful, so I need to figure out the situation of this World. Otherwise, the two eyes are black, and they don’t even know East, South, West, North, which is a terrible thing.

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