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In an instant, Qin Xiao has been in the hunting ground for a year.

It’s not easy for a newcomer to survive for a year when he first enters the hunting ground.

Hunting ground is a world of extremely heavy killing, and the lifespan of survival is very short. Many people went in and were quickly killed. It’s just that the huge base is there, so every day a lot of people will enter the hunting ground.

Moreover, after being killed and coming out to resurrection, you can enter the hunting ground again.

Therefore, the hunting ground is always filled with endless bloody killings.

Endless killing can train a person, hone in the killing, and grow.

10000 The application level of Taoism, comprehension is one aspect, but comprehension is still not enough. Practice from practice, sometimes the effect will be better.

After all, using level is endless, and using level is more likely to be reflected in battle. All kinds of means, all kinds of use of 10000 Taoist power, it is easier to play out in battle.

Moreover, when you play with others, you can also see how others use it, and you can learn from it and get some enlightenment.

The use of hierarchical cultivation is somewhat different from the practice of Dadao itself. The avenue itself is more about comprehending the avenue from the nature of heaven and earth. This realization is even more important.

But use level, because the avenue itself has already been fully mastered, and enlightenment level is enough. The rest is still used in actual combat.

How to use it and how to make Daowei more powerful is the core of the application level.

The guidance of cultivation technique and their own feelings are far from enough. Killing battles often have better results.

And this is also the biggest role of the hunting ground.

In a year’s time, Qin Xiao has gained some fame in the hunting ground.

The 10000 Object Ring is a huge Illusory World, and the information in it is easy to circulate.

Anyone who knows can directly contact with consciousness, and 10000 object platforms can also find a lot of information, of course, you need to pay points.

In the year of Qin Xiao’s hunting ground, there were no less than 400 people killed by him, and more than a dozen teams were killed by him. If there are many people killed, it will naturally be remembered. There are many people who remember, and the reputation will naturally spread.

The name Jianshanhe is also remembered by many people.

In just one year, Qin Xiao scored nearly 500 points, and these points can be exchanged for many rewards.

Of course, Qin Xiao doesn’t want to change the reward. Qin Xiao has no interest in the general reward.

The killing allowed Qin Xiao to find a sense of practice.

Moved towards this feeling, the one who broke through to 2 stars and 10000 objects will not be far away.

Of course, although it feels like it will not be far away, but this level of breakthrough, one layer is 1 Heavenly Layer, a heaven. Every further step is like breaking the sky, too hard and too hard.

It’s too difficult, too difficult to think of from one star 10000 objects to two stars 2 objects.

Even if it is a genius, I am afraid that it will take millions years or even countless years and 100000000 million years of accumulation.

Freeze 3 feet, not a cold day.

Cultivation is not a one-time thing. The higher up, the harder it is.

Pu chi !

Qin Xiao’s sword was very gorgeously crossed from a prey, directly cutting the body of that prey into two and a half, Divine Physique collapsed and died.

This is the application of 10000 Wu Daowei in one point. It gathers 10000 Wu Daowei in one point and bursts out instantly.

“The 500th.” Qin Xiao put away his sword and pouted, this is the 500th prey he has killed since entering the hunting ground.

The first time you enter the hunting ground, you can even kill 500 prey, so I am afraid that it is difficult to look at the entire 10000 object world.

But for Qin Xiao, this is just the beginning that’s all, not the limit.

“En?” Qin Xiao just put away his sword, and a piece of news suddenly appeared in his mind.

This is a message sent by the 10000-item ring to all people. At the same time, everyone in the 10000-item ring yellow area has received it.

After reading the news, Qin Xiao was stunned and smiled helplessly: “What kind of thing is this, even if you want to keep a low profile?”

This news is about Qin Xiao.

The message was written like this: Congratulations to Jianshanhe, who entered the hunting ground for the first time to complete 500 consecutive kills and rewarded 50 points!

Qin Xiao didn’t expect, there will be rewards for completing 500 consecutive kills, and there are news to push the whole area, let everyone understood this news.

This time, isn’t it famous?

The name of Jianshan River suddenly spread in the Yellow Zone, and the heated discussion followed.

“En? Jianshanhe? This is who are you, never heard of it.”

“It’s normal that I haven’t heard of it. It’s a newcomer for the first time in a hunting ground, unless it’s never been in a hunting ground before.”

“Even if you haven’t entered the hunting area before, this kind of fierce person should be famous in other places, but I haven’t heard it at all!”

“Yeah, I haven’t heard of this character in the ring and field.

“En? It’s him. Last time, I fell into this guy’s hands. Didn’t expect him to complete 500 consecutive kills. It seems that I lost.”

“Jianshan River, in the end which city is the monster, don’t you know?”

“No, I haven’t heard it at all.”

“I don’t know. I guess it’s a fake name.”

……The heated discussion kept making the Yellow Zone unusually lively.

Not only is 10000 objects in Taichung bustling, but it is also bustling in reality. People who heard the news also spread it in the 10000 Wuxin World, which caused some hot discussions.

Of course, this heated discussion will soon subside, after all, it is not a very remarkable thing, just a small spread of that’s all.

In a short time, it can cause some sensation in the Yellow Zone, and it will subside after a while.

Anyway, Qin Xiao is bitter at the moment, he doesn’t want to be low-key.

But think about it and be relieved, the 10000 object ring is originally a stage to show itself, and it is originally a very fierce stage.

As long as you have the strength, the 10000 object ring can make you famous all over the world.

Famously, this is probably also the thing that overwhelming majority people are yearn for something even in dreams.

If there is such a good thing for other people, I am afraid to die happily, certainly not like Qin Xiao.

Even if you think about it, since you can’t be low-key, don’t be low-key.

Anyway, he used a false identity. As long as he didn’t say anything, no one knew that he was Jianshanhe.

Fortunately, the identity of the 10000-item platform will not be disclosed and will be kept secret.

No more points can be found for this.

Anyway, it is the illusory world, which has nothing to do with the realization. It is not a matter of being famous.

Sure enough, this burst of excitement lasted only 3 days, and then it slowly subsided.

After all, such fierce people will appear every once in a while, and people who have been in the 10000 object ring for a long time will encounter a lot of them.

If it weren’t because Qin Xiao was entering the hunting ground for the first time, it wouldn’t have caused such a big response. For the first time, it seems a bit more harmful.

After knowing the reward rules well, Qin Xiao learned that every 500 consecutive kills will have corresponding rewards, and the rewards will increase with more consecutive kills.

For example, when Qin Xiao completes 1000 consecutive kills, the reward will become 100 points, and then every 500 will be pushed up, and the points will be pushed up.

1000 consecutive kills, this is a very terrifying number, it sounds like a mission that is completed by impossible.

Especially for the first time to enter the hunting ground.

If it is not the first time, the difficulty will have to be doubled, and the reward will have to be halved.

That is to say, if it is not the first time to enter the hunting ground, then you can get 1000 points for 50 consecutive kills.

Then 2 1000 consecutive kills, then there will be rewards, rewarding 100 points.

and so on go on.

“This reward mechanism is also interesting. If you can continue to kill continuously, the more rewards you get in the future, the more points you will earn and the faster you will be.”

“If you want to kill the yellow list, it’s too hard to kill prey, and it’s very slow. After all, it’s only one point to kill a prey.

“But if there is a reward, then the more people you kill, the more points you have.”

“Interesting gameplay, and as your fame grows higher, the more people are paying attention. The more famous you are, the harder it will be. It is estimated that it will be targeted by some serious people, or Some terrifying teams are staring at it, and that’s a lot of trouble.”

“So, every time the rewards are 10000, the ring will send a message to everyone in a district, just to let others stare.”

“On the one hand, it’s vigilance, on the other hand, it’s about letting the role of the victim to target. And even, there will be some missions to attack you. The gameplay is really very much, and the means are also surprising. You The more harm you get, the greater your reputation, and the 10000-item platform will find ways to deal with you.”

“However, I am very happy to play this kind of gameplay.”

The harder you play, the more exciting it will be, and the more benefits it will bring to Qin Xiao.

Cultivation is not for these benefits. Others, it does not matter, Qin Xiao is too lazy to care about that many.

On this day, Qin Xiao encountered a weirdo.

This is a handsome, jade tree Lin Feng, magnificent, beautiful and not decent man.

A brocade satin, gold silk jade silk, holding a jade fan in hand, arrogant Ling Tian.

The chin lifted lightly, with a slight expression of contempt in his eyes, with a prestigious prestige and a slight glance at Qin Xiao.

A glance at this look made Qin Xiao feel despised.

This feeling is really uncomfortable.

And this person was so swayed that he didn’t have to hide himself. This kind of person is either too arrogant or too powerful and fearless.

So the person in front of me, Qin Xiao is a bit unpredictable, I don’t know what kind it is.

“You are the Jianshan River that has been showing off recently?” The person in front sipped lightly.

In the tone, there is a bit of disdain.

Qin Xiao frowned slightly and looked at the other party calmly, saying: “Yes, it is Jianshanhe, I wonder if you are?”

“Me?” The man in front of him raised his eyebrows, lightly snorted, and said, “You were not qualified to know my name, but since you asked, then this Young Master might as well tell you. Anyway-you are about to die Now, this Young Master should be your last request before you die.”

“Boy, listen to me, this Young Master is a Renowned Jade Young Master Lin. This Young Master will never kill the unnamed ghost under the fan. Now who should you be this Young Master?”

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