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But now that you have come in, let it be safe.

Taking a step back and saying that no one has a map, everyone has to work hard. At this point, it is at least fair.

If luck is really bad, I am afraid it will be eliminated.

It’s just that this analysis puts it. In this time Core Disciple’s assessment, the luck component still accounts for a lot of factors.

This makes Qin Xiao somewhat unclear. Since the 10000 Temple of Things has taken so much effort to come up with an unprecedented selection of Core Disciple, it feels quite fair before, and there will not be many accidental factors.

But why is there so many foreseeable accidental factors when it is really critical?

I don’t understand. I really don’t understand.

Since I can’t understand it, Qin Xiao can only simply not think about it, thinking that many has no practical meaning.

Rather than thinking about it, it is better to think about the reality, to get up and prepare to hunt the devil is the right thing.

One star demon 2 star devil is Qin Xiao’s prey.

With a move in his hand, Qin Xiao held the sword directly in his hand, advanced quickly, and ran in the forest.

According to what Qin Xiao knows, there are mainly three kinds of life in Alcatraz.

One is the native demon, one is the ominous beast, and the other is the sinful man who was exiled.

These three kinds of life are now called demons.

Shasha—Qin Xiao’s ear moved while running, and heard some movement coming from the dark.

When I glanced at my eyes, I saw that two figures were following me in the dark, and a demon appeared.

It’s really fast!

Qin Xiao’s mouth suddenly evoked a cold and evil smile. It seems that the number of demons in Alcatraz Island is still quite large, so there is no worry that no demons have killed.

Qin Xiao didn’t stop, so the pretend didn’t find me in general and continued on.

The two demons seemed to be finally unable to bear, and then made a sharp, unpleasant cry, and culled from the dark.

The wind was as fast as the shadows, and the murderousness with a burst of murder was instantly killed in front of Qin Xiao.

2 strands of nether glow were killed directly, and Qin Xiao was cut into pieces.

Just here!

Qin Xiao glanced at his eyes, and then he clearly saw what the sneak attack looked like.

From this look, it is known that it is a native demon. It is very ugly and ugly. Although it is humanoid, it does not have the appearance of Human Race.

There is thick hair on the body, a hard horn on the head, two long fangs are exposed, and the eyes are red. The claw is like a sharp knife, very long.

Qin Xiao has never seen anything like this.

This is completely different from the abyss demons in God World. The demons in Alcatraz don’t have a sense of complete evolution.

These two demons are all one-star demons. They are like ominous beasts, and the deterrent is not small.

“Dead!” The sword in Qin Xiao’s hand moved instantly, and the sword edge burst out, one after another, and the sharp edge directly crossed from the two demons.

The incomparable sharp edge directly penetrated the bodies of the two demons and cut the two demons under the sword.

These two heads are just ordinary one-star demon that’s all, the strength is still relatively weak.

Qin Xiao is now a 2 star 10000 object, and his strength is naturally strong. It is normal to kill these 2 one-star demons with one sword.

“This home-grown demon feels a little inhuman, and the amount of defensive power of the body is not small. The same is true for one-star demon, then the two-star demon is even more severe. In this way, the two-star demon is bad It’s dealt with. If you really encounter a three-star demon, it is estimated that you can only escape.” Qin Xiao slightly hooked the head.

Although it was easy to kill these 2 one-star demons, Qin Xiao can also see some problems.

Moreover, the most terrifying thing in Alcatraz Island is actually not a native demon, nor an ominous beast, but a person who is exiled and a sinful person.

Generally speaking, one star 10000 objects are not eligible for exile. Only 2 stars 10000 objects, 3 stars 10000 objects, and even 4 stars 10000 objects are eligible to be banished.

Alcatraz was originally made out of the 10000 Temple of Things, and the purpose of the 10000 Temple of Things to get out of the Alcatraz Island is to let future generations come in and experience, so that the discipline of the 10000 Temple of Things can come in and hone yourself.

Therefore, some wicked people, wicked and evil people, 10000 Temple of Things generally will not kill, but exile them to Alcatraz Island, let them be trapped in Alcatraz Island for life, and then be killed by people.

This exile is more valuable than killing it directly.

To put it bluntly, Alcatraz is a terrifying tempered place specially created by the 10000 Temple of Things.

People who can be exiled come in, at least the strength is not bad, or even this qualification is not.

So, the most terrifying thing is to meet these exiled people.

Qin Xiao went on and started his life in Alcatraz.

The killing is just the beginning of that’s all.

The killing in Alcatraz Island is not comparable to the hunting ground in the 10000-world World, where there is the illusory killing world, but here is the real killing world.

Real killing to hone people, the effect will naturally be better.

10000 Wuxin world, the end of the world, in the center of 10000 things, a magnificent temple stands there.

10000 things haunt, all Heavenly God’s prestige shrouds, the center of 10000 things lies.

Exists in this World, but does not exist in this World.

Without the guidance of the 10000 Temple of Things, there is no way to find this place, even the powerful 5-star 10000 Things.

Deep in the temple, there is a Divine Stage, where three people sit. all around illusory, with no foreign object visible.

The three silhouettes exude a strong breath, all of which can make this world surrender, the sun and the moon sink, and 3 things, mountains and rivers are at their feet.

From the eyebrows of 3 people, it can be found that these 3 powerful silhouettes are actually 5 stars and 10000 objects.

3 5 star 10000 objects, enough to make the entire 10000 object-minded world shake.

5 Star 10000 Objects, but revered as the Sovereign, this World’s Sovereign, manages the entire 10000 Object Heart world. aloof and remote, standing for 9 days, in charge of World’s All Living Things.

3 Venerables, this is Supreme Existence.

You know, the lord of the palace is only 4 stars and 10000 objects that’s all.

And the master of the house, the 10000 Wuxin world has only 9 that’s all.

His Holiness is the most powerful force in the 10000 Wuxin world, and the Sovereign power of the 10000 temple.

3 Venerables in different forms.

The Venerable on the far left looks relatively young, maintaining the appearance of about 30 years old. Quite has several points of personable, pampered young master fan.

The Venerable in the middle attacked white clothed, silver hair jade face, solemn appearance.

Don’t be angry and see enough to be intimidating.

The Venerable on the right is a beautiful woman, elegant and poised, unstained.

In front of the 3 Venerables, it is the situation in Alcatraz.

2 More than 1000 geniuses from various government departments who participated in the test were all seen by the three Venerables. Their actions and actions were carried out under their eyes.

If anyone knows, the Core Disciple assessment at this time, even the 3 Venerables who attach such importance, I am afraid it will start to fall the chin?

This little thing, it would surprise the 3 Venerables, it is indeed unusual.

“Brother, what is the meaning of Master? Unprecedented to open a Core Disciple selection is that’s all, why do we have to be so kind? We insist that all three of us should stare here, and let us pick one out in secret. Little Brat came out to train.”

“There is no master and disciple name, but it is necessary to secretly practice the master and disciple. I really don’t understand.”

“I have never received a recipe for so many years, and there is really no interest in teaching it.” The young Venerable on the left said.

The white clothed sage in the middle took the head and said: “7 leaves, Master has always been found mystery, how can we get it out?”

“Since it’s the Master’s life, we just need to do it well, don’t ask that many other things.”

The young 7 Ye Zun said: “Brother, that is so, but it always feels weird. Anyway, I am quite unfathomable mystery. Venerable Mother White, are you the same?”

The elegant and poised white mother Venerable glanced at 7 Ye Zunzhe and said, “It’s a little strange, but Master has his own arrangement, we don’t think about it anymore. Let’s stare at these Little Brat. Otherwise, At that time, don’t choose anyone.”

“Sister White Mother, my elder brother and I are a bit difficult to choose, but you are a good choice. Needless to say, you will definitely choose Ziyue Princess. In the little girl, she is the most qualified, so it is not necessary to choose Pick it.” 7 Ye Zunzhe said the head.

The white mother Venerable laughed, differed expression.

Indeed, she didn’t have to worry about anything. She already had her favorite candidate, and she was the only one, so there was no need to make comparisons.

7 Ye Zunzhe said again: “Brother, at present, the descendant of Gucheng is called Tiemu, there is also 1000 Xiaojun, there are red scorpions and drunks, and that Qin Xiao Not bad. Of these Little Brat, it is also the most prominent for the time being. Brother, how do you say these Little Brat?”

White clothed His Holiness said indifferently: “It’s just a temporary performance that’s highlighting that’s all. It’s just the beginning, and you can’t see what’s wrong. There is still 1000 years to go before time can test a person.”

“There must be a lot of Little Brat who have not shown their strength at all, and the more they will be the more exciting.”

“I wish I could have more choices, which also represents the prosperity of our 10000 world of mind and genius.”

“Hehe, what Big Brother said, I still have to look at the performance of these Little Brats.” 7 Ye Zunzhe laughed, and said: “It may be really boring for a long time, a little boring. So, ah, these Little Brat is a little bit interested.”

“Really don’t tell me, brother, I’m inexplicably a little impulsive to accept the recipe.”

“The Little Brats of this generation are generally still there, with a few good seedlings. It is also possible to grow up with good health.”

“Especially the descendants of the Lord of the Lonely City, it is indeed good. But it is just too unreliable, but it is easy to pass, too arrogant, but not a good thing.

“But I’m more optimistic about Qin Xiao’s Little Brat. This Little Brat came only 1000 years ago, which shows how evil the talent potential is. I think this Little Brat may be a different number, there may be Some unexpected performance.”

White clothed His Holiness glanced, without expression, and said plainly: “Different numbers also represent variables. This Little Brat’s character is also hard enough, not a good cultivator. Take a look first, don’t Anxiously conclude. Until the end, everything is still unknown.”

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