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The Hao Jian each and everyone palace introduced Qin Xiao to them and took Qin Xiao to introduce them while walking, which also made Qin Xiao quickly familiar with the cultivation area.

Along the way, I also encountered some Senior Brothers.

Some are more friendly to greet Qin Xiao and their nodded, some are directly ignored, and some even have cold eyes.

It seems that the interior of the 10000 Temple of Things is not as peaceful as imagined, nor as friendly as imagined.

No matter where it is, strength is always king, and it is always dignity.

From the situation of these temples introduced by Hao Jian, Qin Xiao also felt that the 10000 Temple of Things still wanted to maintain a competition between the disciplines, so he designed many things that could allow the disciplines to fight.

Maintaining a competition is actually a way to promote the discipline.

This method is not uncommon for Qin Xiao, and many forces in God World will also deliberately use this method.

How to say this method, there are disadvantages, but there are some advantages there.

As for how to think about whether the harm is greater than the benefit or the advantage is greater than the harm, it is not easy to say, it still depends on the individual’s ideas.

Qin Xiao doesn’t matter, no matter what kind of environment it is for him, it’s the same anyway. He won’t stay in the 10000 Wuxin world for long, he is just a passer that’s all.

108 Hall soon, Hao Jian gave Qin Xiao their introduction. Each hall has its own characteristics and differences. 108 Hall, but contains all aspects, it is all-inclusive.

There are only a few halls that impressed Qin Xiao most, one was the sermon hall.

In the preaching hall, every ten years there will be a 4-star 10000 object preaching there. Sometimes, even the Venerable will come out to preach.

Able to reach the level of 4 stars and 10000 objects, they all have a very deep understanding of the use of 10000 objects. It is naturally beneficial to preach with their specific experience.

The sermon hall, equivalent to There are many Masters teaching you, Qin Xiao also thinks that the sermon hall is still better, so I paid more attention to the sermon hall.

One is the virtual battle hall, similar to the Illusory World like the 10000 object ring. However, the virtual battle hall is different from the 10000-item platform. The 10000-item platform is the cultivator entered into it, and it is the confrontation between the cultivators, and the information is all transparent and open to the public. 10000 things in the world are more complicated and involve more things.

The False Fighting Hall is different. All False Fighting Halls are illusory, and all opponents are illusory.

Therefore, when you enter the Unreal Hall, outsiders will not know your situation, you don’t have to think about other things, you just have to fight endlessly.

The virtual battle hall allows people to hone themselves and improve themselves in actual combat.

If you want to compare it to the world of 10000 things, in fact Qin Xiao prefers the model of Xudou Temple.

He likes to be low-key, but he doesn’t like to be too high-key.

I used to be too high-profile in the world of 10000 things, but it caused a lot of trouble.

Of course, in addition to these halls, there are also halls such as cultivation technique hall, weapon hall and the like.

Qin Xiao is interested in the temple, which adds up to a dozen.

108 Palace, for Qin Xiao, has no interest at all, and it is estimated that he will not go in to see it.

The focus of Qin Xiao will still be on cultivation, as long as it can benefit his cultivation. Others, Qin Xiao is too lazy to manage.

After the introduction of the 108 Temple, Hao Jian took Qin Xiao entire group to the second area, the so-called 2 Valley area.

9 Valley area is relatively simple, after all, unlike the 108 temple that many.

3 mountains, 6 holes and 9 valleys are test areas. The difference between the names of 3 6 9 and 3 6 9 etc. presents three levels.

Obviously, different levels have different levels of difficulty. 9 Valley is obviously the lowest level and the least difficult level.

“Now, for the time being, the strength is still relatively weak, and even the 3 stars and 10000 objects have not been reached. So ah, you don’t want to go for the time being, the test place of 9 Valley. Otherwise, I am afraid that you will be abused ‘S suspicion is life, hehehe.” Hao Jian said.

Qin Xiao questioned a little and asked, “Is there such terrifying?”

Hao Jian’s nodded, indifferent expression said: “Of course there is such a terrifying, is this still a false failure? 9 Valley, from the first valley to the 9th valley, the difficulty of each valley is presented incrementally . Even in the 9th Valley, you are definitely going to be abused in minutes.”

“Don’t say it’s you 2 stars and 10000 objects, just the average 3 stars and 10000 objects. All you have to do is to be abused.”

“So, you don’t want to provoke lightly, I didn’t crack a joke with you.”

“As for 3 mountains and 6 holes, let alone these, let’s learn more slowly in the future.”

“3 mountains, 6 holes, 9 valleys and 108 houses. This is probably the case. The entire cultivation area, I also took you around, and you should be familiar with it.”

Hao Jian is indeed very enthusiastic, and everything is very clear.

So this way, let Qin Xiao they have a basic understanding of the cultivation area.

Knowing these things, everyone knows how to operate next.

Qin Xiao also said: “Hao Senior Brother Jian, please tell us some rules in the cultivation area, or unwritten rules. What should we pay attention to, and what are some of the privileges of our Core Disciple? These, we are not quite clear for the time being.”

“Oh, yes, yes, I’m just going to talk to you about these, you really want to figure out these.” Hao Jian immediately nodded and continued to start again.

“First talk about the rules in the cultivation area. The rules are actually very simple. It is absolutely forbidden to fight. To fight, you can go to the Qiu Room and the Dao Room, but you are not allowed to fight in other places.”

“If you dare to disobey, it will be punished at the slightest level, or even expelled from the Temple of Ten Thousands at the worst level, which is definitely not a joke.”

“It’s okay to fight a fight. It really takes 3 thoughts to do it.”

Everyone can think of this rule and understand it. It is normal.

After thinking about it, Hao Jian continued: “In general, except for this rule, there is nothing else in the cultivation area. speaking of which, the cultivation area is relatively free.”

“Well, there are some unwritten rules, but there is nothing. To put it bluntly is to speak with fists. I said so, and you should be able to understand it.”

Qin Xiao nodded is naturally understandable.

This means that the unwritten rules inside are set by the powerhouse, and the fist is big.

This is also normal, wherever you go.

In this way, it’s okay, there are very few rules.

Qin Xiao still prefers freedom, he is more satisfied with this environment.

Cultivation requires such an environment.

“Let’s focus on some of the privileges that your Core Disciple has, tsk tsk. When it comes to this, I have to envy jealousy.”

“Core Disciple, that treatment. Tsk tsk, but I’m going to die.”

Seeing Hao Jian’s slobbering look, it was another bitch.

This expression is a bit exaggerated, and Qin Xiao couldn’t help thinking, is there such an exaggeration?

After being envious, Hao Jiandao said: “cough cough, you have listened. As long as it is in our cultivation area, you can enter at any place and unlimited times. Cultivation technique The cultivation technique in the temple, you You can choose whatever you want. You can also choose any weapon in the weapon hall.”

“In a word, as long as you like it, you can do it. This is the privilege of Core Disciple.”

Qin Xiao The 6 of them heard nothing, and there was no surprise on their faces.

The dull look on his face seemed to have been thought of for a long time, and there was nothing to be happy about.

Seeing the reaction of Qin Xiao 6 people, Hao Jian was rather shocked. Looking at Qin Xiao 6 people, he said, “Hey, what expression do you guys have? Didn’t I say enough?”

Qin Xiao pouted and said casually: “Hao Senior Brother Jian, this privilege is very general? 108 Temple is nothing, can you allow the discipline to enter the cultivation?”

“3 mountains, 6 holes and 9 valleys, Hao Senior Brother Jian didn’t say that just now, with our current strength, it is best not to look for abuse. So 3 mountains, 6 holes and 9 valleys has nothing to do with us for the time being. “

“Cultivation technique chooses the cultivation technique arbitrarily. In fact, if you think about it carefully, there is no benefit. Being arbitrarily provocative does not mean that we will choose a lot of cultivation techniques to practice.”

“Cultivation technique is not about more, but about proficiency. It’s not very good to be able to master a few.”

“If it’s a weapon hall, then it doesn’t matter. It is estimated that everyone will not have much interest.”

“So, count it, is there nothing?”

Ziyue Princess Several of them are also nodded, expressing their agreement with Qin Xiao.

It is indeed so, no and so on.

“Uh–” Hao Jian was extremely irritated. After sweeping Qin Xiao 6 people several times, he said: “I have the urge to strangle you. You really are in the blessing and don’t know the blessing , I don’t know what’s going on here at all. Is this still nothing?”

“If this is not and so on, it would be strange. Since it is Core Disciple, how can the treatment be the same?”

“Hao Senior Brother Jian, but this treatment is indeed very general.” 1000 Xiaojun also said to disable to bear.

Hao Jian shook his head and said: “no no no, very unusual, very extraordinary.”

“Everything, there must be a comparison. First, there is a good saying. Without comparison, there is no harm. As long as there is a comparison, I will definitely be deeply hurt by you.”

“So tell you, do you know what common disciple is treated?”

Qin Xiao shook his head and said that he didn’t know.

Hao Jiangan coughed twice and looked hurt. He said: “Then listen well. I will tell you about the treatment of common disciple. You can compare it to understood.”

“Like common disciples like us, every 10000 years, you can enter up to 5 halls. With a period of 10000 years, you can only choose 5 of them. Moreover, each hall can only be entered a limited number of times. Years to ten years.”

“If we want to enter more temples and spend more time, then we must earn points and then go to the temple to redeem.”

“And in the cultivation area, there are not many ways to earn points, and the test of the three areas is the main way.”

“I said that, you should understand, how easy is our common disciple. Look at your treatment? You can enter all the halls, there are no limit to the number of times, do as one pleases, how cool?”

“We are worrying about points every day now, you won’t have this kind of trouble.”

Listening to Hao Jian saying this, Qin Xiao they have some understanding. In this comparison, their treatment is indeed very good.

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