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“Young Master, as you can see, this is a complete map of Great Thousand Worlds. This basically shows the face of the entire Great Thousand Worlds.” Jing Yang said.

As Qin Xiao thought, this huge map is indeed a map of Great Thousand Worlds.

Looking at it this way, Qin Xiao is not so shocked. Doesn’t it seem to feel as expected?

It still costs 100 Chuanfusu Senior, who is still the Lord of Eero and the Lord of Machinery. They are all looking for Sacred Domain, and there is no way to find it for endless years.

Especially the 100 Chuanfu Su Senior, I don’t know how long I wandered in the endless sea of ​​the universe, and I still can’t find Sacred Domain.

Sacred Domain, simply like a legend.

Jing Yang pointed to the huge map to Qin Xiao: “Young Master, you see, there are 8 bigger places on this map, this is the 8 Sacred Domain.”

“8 big Sacred Domain!” Qin Xiao couldn’t help but move, it was Sacred Domain, surely Sacred Domain. This is also the first time Qin Xiao heard the news of Sacred Domain and confirmed the existence of Sacred Domain.

And beyond Qin Xiao’s imagination, there will be eight Sacred Domains.

Until now Qin Xiao imagined that Sacred Domain even if it really exists, it should be only one place, the most mysterious one, the core of the power of Great Thousand Worlds.

But didn’t expect, Sacred Domain has as many as eight.

What the shocking sun said completely refreshed Qin Xiao’s knowledge of Great Thousand Worlds. Sure enough, some of the information I learned about Great Thousand Worlds before was just catching the wind and catching the shadows. This is the real Great Thousand Worlds.

Qin Xiao also felt that his world had opened a new door. This kind of feeling was like when he was in the Heavenly Dragon continent, he knew everything about Understood God World’s Hongmeng universe.

A new door, a whole new world, is fully presented.

“Yes, the Young Master, the 8 Sacred Domains.” The nodded Jing Yang started one after another. “Young Master, you see here, this is the largest Sacred Domain among the 8 Sacred Domains, and also the 8 Sacred Domains.” The’Sacred Domain’ at the head of Domain is located in the center of the Great Thousand Worlds, representing the center of everything, the center of power.”

“Avenue Sacred Domain is also the first Sacred Domain born in Great Thousand Worlds. The oldest Sacred Domain and the most powerful Sacred Domain. In short, the power of Sacred Domain is stronger than the sum of the other seven Sacred Domains. “

“This position is much stronger than Celestial Court Island in your God World Five Great Holy Lands.”

“This is the Sovereign power of our Great Thousand Worlds. All cultivators are yearn for something even in dreams of the Sacred Domain.”

Looking at the area of ​​Sacred Domain, the Sacred Domain is the largest, and the area is almost the sum of the other seven Sacred Domains.

Daqing Sacred Domain, the best of everything, Qin Xiao silently recorded it in his heart.

Jing Yang continued: “Young Master, let’s talk about the closest Sacred Domain to us, right here, named Xianyu.”

Xianyu, Qin Xiao remembered this name. Although Jingyang said that it is the closest to Hongmeng Universe, Qin Xiao still has no idea about this recent one.

“The other six Sacred Domains are: Sword Repair Sacred Domain, Power Sacred Domain, Heart Sacred Domain, Dark Sacred Domain, Tech Sacred Domain, and Element Sacred Domain.”

While introducing Yang Jing, he also pointed out the specific location of Sacred Domain to make Qin Xiao understand better.

8 big Sacred Domain, Qin Xiao also took notes after one after another.

The eight Sacred Domains are far apart and scattered.

Like the furthest dark Sacred Domain, they have arrived at the periphery zone of this huge map.

“Young Master, in addition to the eight Sacred Domains, there are 8 smaller places. Each place is only about 1000% of Sacred Domain, and the larger one is 0.1%. These 1 places are Great Thousand Worlds’ 1000 Secret Realm.”

“The number of the Big 1000 Secret Realm has been fixed and unchanged since ancient times, it is the number of 1000, and it will never change.”

“However, the Big 1000 Secret Realm will not be immortal. If a Secret Realm is destroyed, a new Secret Realm will be born. Such a lifetime of death will never end. It will never change.”

“Our Great Thousand Worlds, only 8 Great Holy Land, are immutable and live with the Great Thousand Worlds. If the Great Thousand Worlds are not extinguished, then the 8 Great Holy Land will not be extinguished. The big 1000 Secret Realm , Endless years, there are also replacements. Endless universe, after 9 robbery will return to chaos. 9 universe era, too short.”

“So, all life, yearning for Sacred Domain, are eager to enter the Sacred Domain and avoid suffering from disaster.”

Although Qin Xiao hasn’t experienced the era catastrophe, the chaos catastrophe, and has not experienced the destruction of the universe.

However, from the mouth of his predecessors, Qin Xiao also understood many situations, and he also knows a lot about it.

For Universe Lord, their lifelong pursuit is Sacred Domain. If they can’t enter Sacred Domain, then when the chaos comes, they can only escape into the sea of ​​endless universe.

In the endless sea of ​​the universe, most will die.

Even if they can survive, most of them will be like 100 Chuanfu Su Seniors, endless drifting. If you are good luck, you will be able to enter a universe like 100 Chuanfusu, and live a dull day with 2 cosmic eras. If you are unlucky, it will be endless drifting until you die.

endless universe The sea is endless and dangerous.

In these circumstances, Qin Xiao also heard a lot from the 100 Chuanfu Su Senior, understood endless universe sea terrifying.

Sacred Domain is immortal, only to enter Sacred Domain, then there is no need to worry.

And not only the benefits in this regard, more benefits can be pursued on realm.

Since Sacred Domain exists, it is clear that there are still many realms in the universe lord realm, as well as a higher and wider world.

This gives the pursuit of the avenue a sense of never ending.

For Qin Xiao, this pursuit is also his desire.

People have to be alive.

In addition to family, friends, and clansman, Qin Xiao also lived for his pursuit, pursuing Supreme Avenue.

“Then where is our Hongmeng universe?” Qin Xiao asked.

Jing Yang pointed to a very small point on the map and said to Qin Xiao: “Young Master, our Hongmeng universe is here.”

“Here?” Qin Xiao looked closely, but it was a bit puzzled: “Jian Yang, if you look at it this way, our Hongmeng universe doesn’t seem to be far away from other universes? It seems to be far from the fairyland Not too far?”

The shocking sun shook the head and said: “Young Master, there are some situations you don’t understand. How big Great Thousand Worlds are, I’m afraid only the Holy Lord of Sacred Domain can make it clear. At least we must be unclear. This The map, in order to present the entire Great Thousand Worlds, must make a lot of changes.”

“Except for the eight major Sacred Domain and the largest 8 realm and the ratio of the endless universe, there is no change in the ratio. The distance between them is reduced by 1000 10000 10000 times. So the real distance is not as large as the Young Master. Dare to imagine.”

10000 10000 100000000 times-Hearing this huge number, Qin Xiao couldn’t help but be taken aback, which was a bit relieved.

Qin Xiao also took a rough look on the map. The closest to the Hongmeng universe is the demonic beast universe. If you say the distance, it is also relatively close. It is probably only a few diametric distances away from the Hongmeng universe. But zooming in 10000 10000 100000000 times, that is also a bit scary.

Except for the demonic beast universe, the nearest one has a diameter of more than 1000 Hongmeng universes, magnified by 10000 10000 100000000 times, and it is hard to imagine.

The Hongmeng universe is just a tiny point on this huge map, insignificant.

This feeling is like a grain of sand in the endless desert that’s all.

It would be even harder to imagine if you zoom in all distances on this map by 10000 10000 100000000 times.

Great Thousand Worlds, it really is too big, too big to be described by Qin Xiao simply.

Fortunately, Qin Xiao has a basic impression of Great Thousand Worlds at least in his mind. He knows what Great Thousand Worlds is like and how big it is.

8 Sacred Domain, 1000 Secret Realm, plus endless universe, constitute the entire Great Thousand Worlds.

In terms of Great Thousand Worlds, Hongmeng Universe is nothing more than a drop in the ocean.

“Young Master, you should have thought that the master is the person of Avenue Sacred Domain. The host’s enemy is also in Avenue Sacred Domain, so the master’s current 1st Step is to find a way to Avenue Sacred Domain.” Yang Yi said with a straight face.

“Avenue Sacred Domain ——” Qin Xiao nodded: “Then how do we go back to the Avenue Sacred Domain?”

“Flying alone, I am afraid that the Universe Lord has simply arrived at Sacred Domain, right?”

The nodded Sun said: “Yes, Young Master, there is almost no possibility that the Universe Lord can reach the Sacred Domain. So the master currently says that the first task is to transcend the Universe Lord, get rid of the shackles of the universe, and reach the higher realm. Only then will it work.”

“What realm is there on Universe Lord?” Qin Xiao was curiously asked.

Jing Yang said: “The Universe Lord is Heavenly Venerable when it goes up. As for the other things, it is better to talk to the Young Master in the future. Now the Young Master knows too much and it is not necessarily good for the Young Master. .”

“Everything about the master, just wait for the Young Master to reach the Sacred Domain, and I will talk to the Young Master in detail. If you cannot reach the Sacred Domain, then everything will be empty.”

“Now tell the owner more, the heavier the burden on the owner.”

“Young Master, let’s talk about how to get to the Sacred Domain first. If you want to fly, let alone the Universe Lord, Heavenly Venerable is almost impossible to reach any Sacred Domain.”

“The terror of the endless universe is probably not what Young Master can imagine. There is darkness and turbulence everywhere, and there are dangers everywhere. And in the endless universe, the direction is not clear. Sometimes the endless years are in one. They were trapped in the chaos until they died.”

“But Young Master does not have to worry about this issue. Since I can bring the master’s body to your Hongmeng universe, there is naturally a way to bring the master back to the Sacred Domain, but for the time being, Young Master can’t meet that condition. Master, you are still spare no effort to reach Heavenly Venerable first, so that you can talk about other things.”

Heavenly Venerable’s realm-Qin Xiao curl one’s lip, he is only a 4-step Heavenly God now-from Heavenly Venerable’s realm, I don’t know how many steps are left.

4 Steps There are Mighty God above Heavenly God, Sovereign above Great God, Universe Lord above Sovereign, and then upward, it is Heavenly Venerable.

Moreover, since Hongmengyu, since the opening of the first era, I am afraid that he has reached the Heavenly Venerable state, is it the only Death Valley owner?

If you want to achieve this realm, it is too difficult, too difficult, it is really going out of an unprecedented way.

But in Qin Xiao’s heart, there is also the pride of ten thousand zhang.

If you want to go this way, you have to fight.

Moreover, Qin Xiao has several points of confidence in himself, he is now on the path of Lord Death Valley, as long as he can continue to go on, that achievement Heavenly Venerable must be very promising.

6 controllers, if they can join together again, it should be Heavenly Venerable?

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