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But think about it, Hong Chenke is relieved.

After all, it is Sacred Domain, where is it possible to go so easily?

If it is so easy, then he will not fall to this point.

In this case, he saw too much. The Lord of Eero, the Lord of Machinery, each of them encountered such a situation. They were unable to find the Sacred Domain. They have been drifting in the sea of ​​the endless universe, and finally entered the Hongmeng universe by chance.

All Universe Lords in the 8 universe eras of Hongmeng Universe are following this path, but only Death Valley Lord succeeds that’s all.

Lord Death Valley is indeed a special case.

Such a special case has never appeared in the universe of Hongchenke’s hometown. If the universe in his hometown has also appeared, it is estimated that he has already found a way into Sacred Domain.

It is precisely because there is no guidance from predecessors, everything has to be explored and explored on its own, so everything becomes unknown and becomes a mystery.

I have been searching, and there is no way to solve this mystery.

Now for Hong Chenke, the mystery was solved by his discipline, but it was only the mystery that’s all solved.

The difficult journey just opened a door that’s all. But there is still a long way to go.

Difficult, too difficult.

Especially in such an environment, let alone become Heavenly Venerable, even if it becomes a Universe Lord, it is almost impossible.

Even though Qin Xiao is indeed a peculiar evil, a talent against the sky, Heavenly Venerable is really unimaginable.

“Don’t the master of Tongshen Mountain leave some inheritance for you? There is no way to guide you to become Heavenly Venerable?” Hong Chenke said with a ray of hope again.

Although he did not quite clear the origin of Master Tongshen Mountain, but what is certain is that at least it is a Heavenly Venerable.

A respect for Heavenly Venerable, leaving inheritance, maybe there is a way to practice Heavenly Venerable.

However, Qin Xiao shook the head and said: “Master Tongshen Mountain has indeed left me a lot of things, and also left some of his inheritance. However-most of them have become Heavenly Venerable to practice. As far as I am concerned, there is no use at all, even the threshold is not reached.”

“So–becoming Heavenly Venerable is now the biggest test and the biggest challenge for me.”

“If you want to be Heavenly Venerable, you have to rely on my own efforts.”

The hope in Hongchenke’s heart fell into disappointment.

However, when I thought about it, I also comforted myself: “Also, how difficult is it to be a Heavenly Venerable? However, how about, at least, at least the direction is there, the road is there, and the hope is. “

“With hope, there is a direction of struggle, and there is a possibility of hard work, which is better than blindness before.”

“Anyway, at least it’s a big step forward, which is good news.”

“People do things, they do things in the sky. The next step is to see your personal character.”

Qin Xiao is solemnly nodded, and he will work hard without Master saying.

Hong Chenke’s expression suddenly became a little weird, and hesitated for a long while before saying: “Qin Xiao, there is a presumptuous request for the teacher. The teacher’s cultivation road may be temporarily broken. At least here, there is no possibility. further.”

“What the teacher asks for now is nothing more than the Sacred Domain. If you can’t reach the Sacred Domain, there will be no hope for the teacher’s next life, but the walking corpse is alive.”

“So, the hope of being a teacher now rests on you. If you can become Heavenly Venerable in the future and go to Sacred Domain, then bring it as a teacher.”

In the tone of Hong Chenke, it is a kind of request, even though it is entrusted with heavy trust.

Junior Brother asked the discipline, what a rare thing?

“Master is fast don’t say this, Master’s discipline will naturally follow the rules. The Master will do the same without saying. As long as the discipline can go to the Sacred Domain, it will definitely walk with the Master no matter what.”

“Now the discipline is working hard towards Heavenly Venerable cultivation. As for whether this step can be reached in the end, now the discipline can’t say anything about guarantees, it can only be done as best it can.”

“Anyway, this is a big opportunity for the discipline, and the discipline will definitely fight against everything.” Qin Xiao said solemnly.

Hong Chenke also expected that Qin Xiao would say so, and there was a bit of nodded gratification on his face: “Yeah, it can only be said that it is a big opportunity, but whether it can succeed, then it is not what it can say now. .”

“However, the teacher still has confidence in you.”

Qin Xiao also has confidence in himself has several points of it.

At least in cultivation, Qin Xiao has always had strong self-confidence.

Now, all I can do is fight.

“By Qin Xiao, there is one more thing for the teacher to tell you. You should know that the teacher has always kept himself out of the matter, not involved in the disaster of your God World, and does not participate in any battle. No one is guilty. .”

“It’s light for the teacher, and it’s a kind of be worldly-wise and play safe. I’ve experienced a lot for the teacher, so I’ve seen it lightly.”

“In the home universe of the teacher, all the disasters have been experienced by the teacher. The disaster of your God World is a normal thing under natural law that’s all. Therefore, the teacher has never wanted to join in, 2 don’t help. “

“Participating in this kind of battle, there is a possibility of falling. Because there is no one in the family, there is no need to worry about it. Naturally, there is no need to fight for anything. And this is also the reason why the teacher has always been outside. Your God World is still in the 3rd world and the other universe, so they are all clear. So, they never take the initiative to provoke the Master.”

“I tried to get it, but it was rejected by the Master.”

“After much experience, I don’t want to fight anymore.”

Hongchenke’s quiet way, Qin Xiao can understand this situation.

Just like the 100 Chuanfu Su Senior and Yu Young Master, they are also irrelevant, so they will not be involved in any matter, just want to live a quiet day in peace.

From the perspective of Master, Qin Xiao can fully understand.

Hongchenke looked at Qin Xiao and continued: “However, although Qin Xiao, the teacher will not be involved in the disaster of this time, but you will be a discipline for the teacher. Anyway, once you have something, Even if you are a teacher, you will surely help you.”

“Of course, being a teacher will only help you, and other things will not be controlled by the teacher.”

Qin Xiao smiled and said: “Thank you Master for your concern. If there is a Master, the discipline is enough to comfort. However, since the Master wants to stay out of the matter, it does not need to be involved.”

“I believe that if you give the discipline more time, the discipline will not be defeated so easily.”

Hongchenke nodded, said: “Well, that’s the case too. Give you time, it is estimated that you can create unlimited possibilities. This is still believed by the teacher.”

“However, things are not normal, and the worst plan is to be done. Anyway, as a teacher, you will always pay attention to you. You are in danger, and the teacher will never sit idly by.”

Master’s love, Qin Xiao can still feel it.

“By the Master, there is something in the discipline that I want to give to the Master, which is also a kind of filial piety for the discipline.” Qin Xiao suddenly said, waving, and 3 rays of light of the world flew out.

This is 3 treasures, exuding the treasures of the sacred Majesty.

As soon as the three treasures came out, the whole place of origin was suddenly sealed up, and they were subject to the Supreme’s sacred relic.

Hong Chenke’s eyes widened in an instant, and was surprised to fall on these 3 treasures. After a while, he was surprised and said: “This is-3 pieces of the universe treasure, Attack Type, defense type and speed type. , One for each type. The combination of 3 pieces of the same treasure together can form a set of impeccable treasures.”

“This, this, this is too expensive, Qin Xiao, you still put it away and leave it for your own use.”

“If you have these three treasures of the universe, then you are facing the Universe Lord, and you have several points of life-saving ability.”

“Being a teacher is not so weak, at least the life-saving ability is still there.”

Qin Xiao said: “Master, this is a filial piety of the discipline, you just accept it.”

“Since the disciple is taken out to honor the master, it means there is a disciple. The disciple has got the inheritance of the master of Tongshen Mountain. These details still exist.”

Listening to Qin Xiao’s words, Hong Chenke is also slightly moved.

Indeed, if he had these three treasures of the universe in his presence, he wouldn’t be afraid of anything even if he was facing the Lord of the Celestial Court?

The universe treasure is also a great treasure for the Universe Lord.

After thinking about it, Hongchenke took it over and said: “Well Qin Xiao, since it is your heart, then the teacher can only accept it with a cheeky face.”

“Ai, it’s didn’t expect. It’s such a scumbag for the teacher. Even the treasure of the discipline should be collected. The speaking of which is really ashamed, ashamed.”

Qin Xiao was laughed and said, “Junior Brother, why do you think so? The discipline is promising, Master, you should be happier.”

“The student surpasses the master, that blue should be happier. Just like the father gave birth to a great son, the son’s light, the son’s blessing, it should have been a very happy thing. “

“Disciple is capable and willing to let the Master shine in the light of the discipline. Isn’t the discipline also proud of it?”

Hongchenke laughed, that’s right.

I just felt that it was really weird.

But think about it, Hong Chenke is still relieved: “Qin Xiao you are right, you have this ability, because the teacher should really be proud of you.”

“It’s a good thing to dip your light for the teacher, it shows that you have the patience, you have a good time, you are beyond the teacher.”

“Haha, didn’t expect, my red dust guest has no achievement in collecting the discipline in his home universe, but in this foreign country, he can receive such a good discipline, hahaha!”

Can Master be proud of himself, is it something every discipline desires?

After being happy, Hongchenke said again: “Okay Qin Xiao, then the teacher will not disturb your cultivation, you can continue to work hard. For the teacher now, I pray for you.”

“Good Master, the discipline will see you next time, and the discipline will definitely work hard.” Qin Xiao solemnly nodded.

After sending away Hongchen, Qin Xiao continued to walk in the place of origin.

This walk is 100 years. These 100 years have not greatly promoted Qin Xiao’s cultivation, but it has made Qin Xiao’s heart purified and has many enlightenments.

Qin Xiao left the place of origin only a few hundred years later, preparing to go to the next Universe Secret Realm.

And the second place to go is the key place, and it is also the cultivation place where Qin Xiao really wants to go.

Qin Xiao did not delay, and rushed to the second destination, Wushi Island, as quickly as possible.

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