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Qin Xiao dispelled his cover-up power, and revealed his true appearance.

For Qin Xiao’s true content, Changdingtian and Qin Yueya naturally know it. Qin Xiao’s breath is actively released, so that Changdingtian and Qin Yueya can feel it.

A person’s appearance can be changed at will, but the breath is unique and will not change.

Moreover, there is no way to imitate it.

Of course, if is a Spiritual God wants to imitate the breath of a spirit, there must be no problem.

In the case of huge disparities in strength, that can be done.

But Qin Xiao’s strength has reached that level. Even Lord of the Celestial Court can’t imitate Qin Xiao’s breath.

Therefore, according to the breath, you can also fully confirm that the person in front of you is Qin Xiao, authentic.

There is no doubt about Changdingtian, but it is now more confirmed. Qin Yueya’s trace of doubt, at this time, naturally also completely dissipated, Qin Xiao Old Ancestor is right.

They grew up so big, but the first time I saw Qin Xiao Old Ancestor, and didn’t expect to be here.

Thinking that she still called Qin Xiao Old Ancestor a bad person before, Qin Yueya was also a little ashamed and embarrassed, and her face was blushing.

“Okay, let’s get up.” Qin Xiao laughed. He didn’t like people kneeling at him.

However, Changdingtian and Qin Yueya are descendants of 9 Zhoucheng. As an Old Ancestor, he can feel at ease with a big gift.

Changdingtian and Qin Yueya only stood up. At this time, in front of Qin Xiao, he naturally seemed to have several points of restraint, not as random as before.

Right now, after all, they are admired and admired in mind until now, and regarded as an Old Ancestor of faith. They until now, all yearn for something even in dreams can see the Old Ancestor side.

At this moment, I finally got my wish.

The glory of Old Ancestor can shine for 9 days and reflect in ten places.

Under Qin Xiao’s divine splendor, they are all like devout believers.

Seeing the two people being very stubborn, Qin Xiao waved his hands and said, “Don’t be nervous, just like before, I’ve always been easy-going.”

“Don’t you know that you are Qin Xiao Old Ancestor before?” Qin Yueya whispered.

Qin Xiao tapped a little on Qin Yueya’s head, said with a smile: “You little girl movie, you still know.”

“Hu huh, Old Ancestor, this is not the guilt of the unknowing.” Qin Yueya looked at Qin Xiao with a weak face and a grievance.

If she knew that Senior was Qin Xiao Old Ancestor, she would not be as rude as she used to be with 100 guts.

“Haha!” Qin Xiao couldn’t help laughing, and the mood was indeed very good.

“Those who do not know are not guilty, just feel free.”

Qin Xiao looked towards the sky, and slightly nodded approves: “Yes, the test just now, you can come out of the sword of mountains and rivers in crisis, proving that your talent potential is indeed good.”

Changdingtian looked grateful and respectful: “Thanks also to Old Ancestor for guiding me, otherwise I would definitely not be able to break through. All this is still thanks to Old Ancestor.”

Qin Xiao said: “The main reason is that you have this talent potential. If you don’t have enough perception, then I will point you again and it will definitely not help.”

“This is the case on the cultivation path. The most important thing is to rely on yourself. The external force of the opportunity is not the most important one. It is only the auxiliary means. The auxiliary means are very important, but the most important thing is to rely on yourself.”

“Otherwise, even if you are given the best assistance, you may not be able to walk out of this step.”

“Old Ancestor, I was in the engulfing field before, and the last moment is Old Ancestor. Did you guide me?” Changdingtian said again, and he is now very sure that when he was in the engulfing field, the last light came. Helping him to step into the threshold of Wushi Avenue all at once is definitely related to Old Ancestor.

Qin Xiao nodded and said: “Yes, the last time I gave you a shot to guide you. Your perception is pretty good. With some guidance, you can walk out of the quagmire. If you can make good use of it If you do, your progress will be greater and the road to growth will be smoother.”

“What you lack right now is still some training. For you now, more training is needed. Although the training of life and death is very dangerous, it is also very necessary.”

“The road to cultivation is originally the road against the sky, the road is full of hardships and roughness, the road is the road to the thorns and thorns. It has been difficult to grow up in the greenhouse.

Nodded, said in the face of Changdingtian: “Old Ancestor said that the teachings of Old Ancestor must be remembered in mind. It’s just Old Ancestor-I and my cousin -“

Speaking of which, Changdingtian also has some questions about how to proceed.

Qin Yueya also had a flush of blush on her face, like a child doing something wrong.

Facing Old Ancestor, it made her feel more shy and nervous than facing her parents.

After all, the authority of Old Ancestor is unquestionable. In 9 Chaucheng, there must be a way to speak, and no one dares to defy it.

So now, Qin Yueya is also eager to hear what Old Ancestor thinks about her and her cousin.

If Old Ancestor did not agree with them, then they could only be separated temporarily.

But in Qin Yueya’s heart, she still longed for the support of Old Ancestor. In this case, the rest of the family would dare not say anything. Then she and her cousin can open and aboveboard together in the future, without having to think about what other people are saying, or worrying about being scolded by their elders.

Qin Xiao, where can’t see the 2 people’s careful thinking?

Qin Xiao couldn’t help laughing, and said, “What do you mean by yourself?”

Changdingtian clenched his teeth, and then he summoned the courage to say: “Old Ancestor, I think that the affairs of men and women do not necessarily affect our cultivation, and may even have a certain role in promoting our cultivation.”

“We will not be excessive attention to details prevents one from making progress, the main energy will still be on cultivation, and will not affect cultivation because of the feelings of men and women.”

“My cousin and I really love each other. We have already made a mountain alliance pledge and must be together. No force can stop us, and we cannot break us up.”

“We are now more than 30000 years old and not too young. So, we–“

“How are you?” Qin Xiao continued to ask with a smile.

“So we, would like to invite Old Ancestor to rule for us.” Changdingtian finally said what he had always wanted to say.

Qin Yueya also looked at Qin Xiao with a longing look and said, “Old Ancestor, you are the master for us. My cousin and I love each other sincerely, and we will never desert the cultivation. We will encourage each other , Supervise each other. If there is no cousin, I feel that I don’t want to cultivate anymore. I want to cultivate with my cousin and let my cousin teach me.”

Qin Xiao pouted: “Since this is the case, what’s the problem?”

What’s the problem?

Qin Xiao’s words made Changdingtian and Qin Yueya both slightly stunned. After a while, they reacted violently, and there was a surprise in their faces.

“Old Ancestor, so, do you agree with us?” Changdingtian’s voice trembled slightly, and some asked with confusion.

Qin Xiao nodded and said: “Yes, I agree with you. My views on men and women are actually the same as yours, and I don’t think that the feelings of men and women will affect practice. So, do whatever you want. I will handle other matters for you.”

“Of course, the premise is that you are sure that it will not affect your practice. After all, you are still young and you can come to Japan to grow up. You can decide these things yourself.”

“The road is your own. No one can make a decision for you. You can think clearly and make a good decision. That’s enough. Others, if you don’t, you need to pay more attention to it.”

Qin Xiao’s words also gave 2 people a peace of mind.

With the support of Qin Xiao Old Ancestor, who else would say they?

Changdingtian was also excited, and quickly thanked: “Thank you Old Ancestor, thank you Old Ancestor for success!”

“Old Ancestor, I adore you dead, thank you Old Ancestor.” Qin Yueya was also excited, very excited.

Looking at these two people, Qin Xiao couldn’t help but laughed.

Young is good.

Although he is not very old, he is now an Old Ancestor-level character, and he can’t do anything so capricious.

Qin Xiao suddenly moved, two things appeared.

On the left hand is a beautiful and delicate bracelet, made of strange metals and precious stones, with colorful and very beautiful.

It’s the kind of magic that makes women like it at first glance, as if there is a kind of magic that can’t be said.

“Wow, what a beautiful bracelet. It’s so beautiful and beautiful. This is the most beautiful bracelet I’ve ever seen.” Women have no resistance to beautiful things. Qin Yueya saw her bracelet and her eyes Straightened up, staring at the bracelet, blooming strange rays of light.

On Qin Xiao’s right hand, it is a cloak, but it seems to be ordinary, there is no glory. Only the material and grade can’t feel it.

It seems to be just an ordinary thing, but it seems not ordinary, but he can’t see through it and can’t recognize it.

The same is true for that bracelet, which looks ordinary but feels very unusual.

Very strange feeling.

Qin Xiao handed the bracelet to Qin Yueya and said to her: “This bracelet is for you. For the first time, I will be an Old Ancestor. I have to show it.”

Qin Yueya suddenly took the bracelet and put it on her hand immediately, admiring it admirably.

This bracelet is more beautiful on her hand.

Qin Yueya laughed at Hehe: “Thank you Old Ancestor for the gift, but how can this Old Ancestor not see through this bracelet, what exactly is the treasure of this grade? Is it Taoism? It feels not like it.”

Qin Xiao shook the head said: “It’s not a Taoist, it’s just an ordinary thing that’s all. It’s nothing but good-looking, but it’s somewhat special that’s all. But this bracelet, you will always wear it in the future.”

“Ah? Not even a device?” Qin Yueya grunted her mouth, her expression somewhat disappointed.

She thought that Old Ancestor shot, that would definitely not be stingy?

Not to mention Daoqi, even if it is sacred relic, it is not a big deal for Old Ancestor, right?

No matter how bad it is, you should get a universe Rare Item or something.

But in addition to being beautiful, what is this bracelet?

Seeing Qin Yueya, Changdingtian could not help pulling her.

“Oh, it’s not Tao Qi, it’s not Tao Qi, as long as it is sent by Old Ancestor, then I like it. Hehe, I will definitely wear it all the time.” Qin Yueya also immediately changed his mouth.

Qin Xiao couldn’t help but shook the head, this little girl, really straightforward.

However, Qin Xiao’s shot is naturally so stingy. That bracelet, but the very strange universe treasure treasure, formidable power is not under a sacred relic. However, Qin Xiao is not willing to let Qin Yueya know that’s all, so as not to rely too much on treasure.

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