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Now that he decided to go in, there was no hesitation, and the three immediately stepped into this ancient ruin.

As soon as I entered the ancient ruins, one after another suddenly, the breath of ancient beauty came up, grandiose, unusually powerful terrifying.

There are broken stone pillars standing there, and there are some strange patterns on the stone pillars, engraved with some incomprehensible rune and some ancient ominous beast, lifelike, but it looks unusually grim.

There are many buildings in this ancient ruin, which is like a labyrinth, reaching 4 through 8.

And there is a powerful force in it, there is a terrifying pressure, and entering it will make people feel like they have entered the slough, and they are bound by a powerful force. This feeling is very uncomfortable.

Qin Xiao soon discovered that on the stone pillars, on the walls, many runes, pictures and texts were actually related to Wushi Avenue.

There is an explanation of the true meaning of the avenue, an interpretation of the zero rule of the avenue, and a description of the application of the avenue, which is very delicate.

This should have been created by the Wusi group, but the ethnic group born without the rule of the beginning, just like the reincarnation family in the Great Dao of Reincarnation, the Wusi family naturally has a transcendent advantage over Wusi Avenue.

Therefore, the things left on these stone pillar walls will naturally have the help of incomparable gigantic for the cultivation of Wushi Avenue.

“Old Ancestor, the Wuci family’s cultivation of Wusi Avenue is indeed powerful. Among the ancient ruins, it can be seen everywhere’s explanation of Wusi Avenue, which is too powerful. If all these rune pictures are taken out If that’s the case, it’s a treasure of great value.” Changdingtian said with a little excitement.

Entering here, it feels like treasure everywhere.

It really makes people feel like they have dug a big treasure. This feeling is so wonderful.

Even Qin Yueya, whose talent comprehension is a little worse, was fascinated by watching for a while, and she also began to understand.

The explanation of these rune graphics is too in-depth description, which is definitely more difficult than a good Master guide.

With these aids, it becomes naturally easier to cultivate.

Qin Xiao also said slightly nodded: “It’s worthy of being a no-start family, and it really is a calamity. On the no-start one, it is absolutely unique.”

“However, you should not easily move these stone pillar walls. Nothing in it should be moved easily, so as not to touch the prohibition or the like.”

“From my inference, these should be just ordinary explanations, and there must be really powerful explanations.”

“Don’t worry, we are looking for it slowly. This is where the ruins of the Wushi people are located. There must be many useful things in it.”

Both Changdingtian and Qin Yueya followed Qin Xiao and walked through this ruin. The rune graphics are everywhere, and it seems to be just the decoration of the building here, which is not valuable at all. But these things, if you get a piece of God World, then you can certainly sell a sky-high price, and you will be madly robbed.

Changdingtian and Qin Yueya wanted to make a little bit of it. Some of the broken pieces wanted to be taken away, but if Qin Xiao was there, they didn’t dare to start easily, they could only force it.

This feeling is really uncomfortable.

Obviously seeing the big treasure, but unable to take it, I was very tormented.

“Hey, Old Ancestor Old Ancestor, look over there, there are a few scattered weapons. Very powerful breath, I feel it should be Dao.” Qin Yueya suddenly excited, pointing and pointing.

Qin Xiao had seen there early. Among the rubble there, there were indeed 7 weapons, 8 swords, a blade, and a long spear scattered across 7 vertical and 4 vertical.

However, there was a sword and a handful of damage, and the other 5 pieces were intact.

The powerful breath emanating from the 7 weapons can also be completely determined. These 7 weapons are indeed Tao weapons, and they are also good-quality Tao weapons.

A better Taoist weapon is also worth the price, enough to make Mighty God crazy.

There are 7 at once. If Mighty God comes in at this time, I am afraid that my eyes will be red immediately.

It’s just that for Qin Xiao, Dao Qi really has no appeal that’s all, so he doesn’t care much.

But Changdingtian and Qin Yueya were all excited, 7 pieces of Daoqi, even if those 2 pieces were damaged, there were 5 Daoqi. For them, this is definitely a great treasure.

If there wasn’t what Qin Xiao said just now, both of them must have flown over to collect the 2 pieces of track equipment.

“Old Ancestor, should we take these pieces of Taoqi? We shouldn’t touch any prohibitions,” Qin Yueya said again.

Qin Xiao looked at all around and did not notice anything.

He wouldn’t let them move those stone pillar stone walls, but he was also afraid of the danger that he didn’t even notice.

After all, intuition also told him that it is indeed not very simple, and there is definitely a potential danger.

Of course, it’s not that Qin Xiao is afraid of danger, but that he hasn’t got any benefits at present. If the ban is triggered, something will not be tried.

And as far as the current situation is concerned, Qin Xiao feels that this ancient ruin can even find opportunities that are of great help to him.

Therefore, they will not let Changdingtian easily touch the things inside. Be careful, there will always be no bad things.

However, these 7 Taoist devices should not matter.

In the eyes that Qin Yueya looked forward to very much, Qin Xiao said: “It’s okay, you go get it.”

“Huh, Old Ancestor is wise.” Qin Yueya jumped up in excitement immediately, and swiftly rushed past in the past, to be wild with joy, all 7 pieces of Tao Qi were put away.

The smile on his face was very strong, and he came over with a triumphant color, with a smug look: “hehe Old Ancestor, so that I won’t go home empty-handed, it’s a big gain.”

“His cousin’s repeated breakthroughs, the strength advanced by leaps and bounds, the harvest is huge. I came out with my cousin, I can’t get such a big harvest from my cousin, but I went back to nothing, and I have no face.”

“Hehe, now that I have 7 Taoist devices, I am not afraid of anything.”

Qin Xiao smiled the head, this little girl movie, I really thought about it.

However, this may also be the cuteness of this little girl.

There was no danger along the way. It was quiet all the way, and even made people feel like they wanted to relax their vigilance.

However, Changdingtian has always been very cautious in doing things, so even if there is no danger, he still does not relax.

But Qin Yueya has given up her vigilance.

Changdingtian reminded me a few times, but it didn’t have any effect, and I just didn’t bother to say it later. Anyway, there is really a danger, and Qin Yueya will not be expected to protect herself.

“Ah, someone!” Qin Yueya suddenly cried out in shock.


Qin Xiao and Changdingtian’s eyes quickly looked over, and they really saw a silhouette standing in front of a stone pillar not far away.

Standing there, the cloak on the body fluttered against the wind, and the hunting hunt rang.

Looking at it from here, I can only see one back, but I also feel that there is a strong breath from that silhouette, and the scared Qin Yueya quickly hides behind the sky.

Qin Xiao scanned that silhouette and said, “Don’t be afraid, it’s a dead man. Let’s go, let’s go over and see.”

“Ah? Dead man? Oh, scared to death, it turned out to be a dead man.” Listening to this, Qin Yueya was relaxed, pats chest, just walked over.

Soon, three people came to that silhouette and approached, but it really surprised Qin Yueya.

“Huh, why is it so terrifying? The flesh on my body has been bitten off that many? Each and everyone is there, what is going on?” Qin Yueya couldn’t bear to look straight.

Qin Xiao also felt a little strange, and his eyes fell on this silhouette.

I saw that this person was totally unrecognizable and could not recognize what he looked like. The face and body were eaten out of the holes of each and everyone, and only half of them were gone.

Many places have exposed the bones of Sensen.

This look is indeed a bit weird, and it is scary.

“Old Ancestor, this person should be a Mighty God. From the point of view of breath, I don’t know how long it has been since I died here. I’m afraid we can’t even imagine it.”

“And the corpse has never decayed, enough to see is a Mighty God.”

“There is also this armor. From the breath, it is obviously a Tao weapon, but it is already dilapidated and ruined.”

“It’s just strange that his body was eaten like this. It’s really weird. Mighty God’s body, that’s not something that can be nibbled. Old Ancestor, what the hell is this?” Changdingtian The puzzled look.

Qin Xiao looked at it carefully, and then said: “There are indeed a few things that can gnaw the Mighty God’s body. Xu Dacheng’s life and strange life can be done.”

“But this one is strange. Although it was eaten, it was not completely eaten. If it is the life of those insects that eat the body of Mighty God, then it should be the entire body. Eat right.”

“And-I feel like someone gnawed it out.”


Did someone chew it out?

These words actually shocked Changdingtian and Qin Yueya.

Qin Yueya, in particular, grabbed the clothing corner of Changdingtian nervously, and looked at Qin Xiao with a terrified expression: “Old Ancestor, don’t say so scary, people are timid.”

“Is it possible that, are there still people alive in this ancient ruin? The at start clan not at all is extinct, and it is impossible to live in this ruin?”

“Does the Wusi tribe have such terrifying? Even the corpse nibbles? Then, shouldn’t we live people eat them directly?”

Changdingtian looked at Qin Xiao in a puzzling way. There were a lot of cannibalism, but I had never heard of Mighty God’s body.

Besides, even Mighty God can’t bite Mighty God’s body?

How can it move Mighty God’s body?

Strange, too weird.

Qin Xiao shook the head said: “I don’t know, I’m also puzzled. Some situations are really unclear. But as far as this corpse is concerned, it was indeed bitten out by someone. wound.”

“It’s just, I really didn’t figure it out, who would even bite Mighty God’s body?”

“There is no such possibility for the Wusi tribe. If the Wusi tribe is still there, then this ancient ruin will not be the same. And here, there is obviously no breath of life, it is a dead zone, not like There is also a living being.”

“I don’t understand, I don’t understand.”

Even Qin Xiao didn’t understand anything, and even Changdingtian did not understand it.

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