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However, there is no beginning Taoist monument, but the essence of Wushi Avenue lies in the essence of the Tao, the foundation stone of the Tao, and the inheritance of the Avenue.

It means that there is a no-controller who teaches and teaches by example, and he unreservedly imparts his whole life’s insights, and the teaching is very delicate.

Such a cultivation environment naturally has a huge help for the cultivator.

In other words, even if is innate talent is a little bit worse, it will be somewhat understood. Talents with a slightly better talent will realize greatness.

The talent comprehension is evil-level, it is simply a gluttonous meal, which can absorb nutrients as much as possible, quickly improve the essence, and complete the things that others cannot accomplish in millions of years in a very short time.

The talent compehension of Changdingtian is extremely strong, so the speed of cultivation of Wubei Dao monument is naturally extremely fast.

The monument left by the controller is considered to be in Holy Land, and it is definitely the treasure of the town palace.

What’s more, the monuments without beginning here are not just as simple as those left by the controller. These monuments are also born from the beginning without beginning, which is itself a sacred relic.

Therefore, the combination of the two will complement each other and achieve a wonderful effect.

Regardless of whether it is Changdingtian or Qin Yueya, the gains are great, and the speed of improvement is also extremely fast. It has reached the point of being unimaginable, and even they themselves are incredible.

These two people are enjoying a gluttonous meal. For Qin Xiao, it is a big meal.

9 Taoist monuments, he sensed the passing of one after another. The direction and path contained in each Taoist monument are different. Countless thin directions finally came to the same end point, gathered together, and finally broke through to the top.

The road of the controller is too difficult.

In a very simple analogy, the 6-Layer realm of the avenue itself is a practice of Daowei. Just like an ordinary person’s training of power, training power, the power is raised to the extreme, that is, it has only powerful power.

But one’s true strength is not purely measured by strength.

If there is a body of power, then I am probably a big boss.

True strength, in fact, strength is not the most important, the most important is your use of strength, many clever use. For example, what is 4 2 pulling 1000 jins, Hitting the Cow Behind the Mountain, using softness to strengthen, combining both rigidity and softness, Lifting The Heavy As Though It Was Light, inch of strength… wait, countless pairs of power Skills used in order to better use the power and maximize the power.

You can’t do it without skills, and you can’t do it with strength.

These two are complementary, and only by combining with each other can they exert their strong enough strength.

When both of them have reached the point of reaching their peak, it is the Great Perfection, which has reached an extreme.

The controller is the extreme of the avenue.

In the blink of an eye, Qin Xiao’s many insights finally completed a gathering. Quantitative change caused qualitative change, and qualitative change promoted a breakthrough. In one fell swoop, Qin Xiao stepped into the primary application level.

The use of no beginning, and finally has a pioneering improvement, took this 1st Step, the most critical step, then the road behind will also go more smoothly.

Qin Xiao’s cultivation is different from most cultivators. He first practiced the realm of the avenue itself to the 6th floor Great Perfection, and then came to practice and use level.

In fact, these two are complementary and can also be cultivated at the same time. Qin Xiao’s kind of, it is even more simple, 2 separate paths, he walked separately, so that it will not interfere with each other, it will be more pure.

This method is actually more beneficial.

Just to say, how many people can train a top grade avenue to the 6th floor?

It can be said that it is as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns.

Therefore, the overwhelming majority of cultivators, which will not be cultivated in this way, are all two cultivations at the same time. Although such a path is a little more complicated, for many people, this is no choice but to do so.

In Qin Xiao’s case, the situation is a bit different. The path he takes is also a path that others cannot.

Not to mention being alone, it is at least difficult to find him again.

“The use of No Beginning Road has finally stepped into the threshold. The next cultivation will also become smoother.” Qin Xiao pouted, and the mood is also good.

This 1000-year accumulation is to impact this level.

Kung fu pays off, but it is also very smooth.

The road goes smoothly, and then it will naturally be accessible.

Qin Xiao’s eyes fell on a Taoist monument, which was different from the other 8 monuments. The other 8 monuments were all intact, except that the monument was damaged .

“The broken monument, who can destroy the monument, and took away half of the damage?” Qin Xiao was also surprised.

Qin Xiao, a Wubei Dao monument, has also been carefully inspected. It is a strange stone, a thing born in heaven and earth, and a living thing in Wushi Avenue, which is unbreakable.

Even if Qin Xiao shot with all his strength, he would not dare to say that he could destroy a monument without beginning.

is it possible that it is the Universe Lord who destroyed that monument without beginning?

shook the head, this unknown history has passed the endless years, who can find out the truth?

Qin Xiao is too lazy to think about anything, and it has nothing to do with him. He only needs to appreciate cultivation.

For 1000 years, this Land of Inheritance was as calm as ever, with no waves at all, as if there were indeed no dangers inside.

However, Qin Xiao’s vigilance has not been relaxed for a moment. The more this is the case, the less Qin Xiao can relax his vigilance, the more he feels that there is a danger of terrifying hidden in the dark.

Qin Xiao always has a bad feeling, so he dare not care.

“Hmm–” Qin Xiao suddenly moved in his heart, remembering something like that.

When he moved his hand, a broken piece of incomplete beginning stone flew out of his palm. It was the broken piece of incomplete beginning stone monument that Qin Xiao asked Qin Xiao from 9 Dragon Lord.

Qin Xiao learned from the mouth of the Lord of Recklessness that this broken monument without beginning was obtained by the Lord of 9 Dragons a long time ago in a piece of Land of Primal Chaos and has always been regarded as the town palace of Heavenly Palace of 9 Dragons.

Qin Xiao discovered that the broken piece of Wusi Dao monument of the Land of Inheritance of the Wuqi family is the same as the fracture of this piece of Wuxi Dao monument in his hand.

Take it out and see, the fracture is completely consistent.

And as soon as it was taken out, the two broken pieces of the beginningless steles obviously had a strong feeling, attracted each other, and wanted to attract the other to the past.

Qin Xiao’s broken piece of incomplete Taoist monument even wanted to get rid of Qin Xiao’s hand, but it was firmly grasped by Qin Xiao to prevent him from getting rid of it.

The power to break free is really very powerful. I am afraid that Mighty God, who has suffered a little, will be difficult to control.

Such a discovery also made Qin Xiao happy: “The original 9 Dragon Lord’s broken piece of no-start Taoist monument was really broken from the inheritance of the Nobei family.”

“These two monuments without beginning Dao want to be 2 and become the same. Should I restore them to their original state?”

This problem also had to be carefully considered by Qin Xiao. After all, this broken monument without beginning is not his, but the 9 Dragon Lord.

After using it, he agreed to return it to 9 Dragon Lord.

If you make this piece of Wuqi Dao monument into 2 into one, what else can you give back to 9 Dragon Lord?

Qin Xiao cannot naturally do things that are not trustworthy.

9 The Lord of the Dragon trusts himself so much, and sees himself. Even the treasure of the 9 Dragon Heavenly Palace is brought out to give him a sense of cultivation. This is a great kindness.

So, how can Qin Xiao do such a thing?

However, if you do not combine the two pieces of broken Wuqi Dao monument into one, then this Qiu Dao monument is incomplete, and the effect will naturally be much worse.

In fact, Qin Xiao has discovered this problem before, so this problem is also a problem that Qin Xiao has to consider now.

After hesitating for a while, Qin Xiao clenched the teeth: “No matter what that many are, let’s talk about 2 together again and again. When I first learn about cultivation, then I’ll see if I can find a way to give all these monuments without beginning Take away.”

“These inheritances are invaluable treasures, and all of them are treasures of the palace. If you can take them all away, it will be a big gain. For our God World, it is also a great thing.”

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