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“kill him!”

Someone in the crowd didn’t know who said something, and it seemed that the light had lit up the night.

Immediately, the group responded, and Hong Liang shouted loudly.

“Kill him! Kill him! Kill him!”

It’s just that Qin Xiao still had some hesitations, and he didn’t give up for a while.

Although he did want to kill Shi Jian before, but after more than 10000 years, Qin Xiao’s anger disappeared a lot.

At this time, it was much calmer. Bye bye Shi Jian, it was a little bit more hidden.

After all, how to say, Shi Jian has also followed him for nearly millions of years, and has always been his favorite discipline. For millions of years, how deep the feelings are, it goes without saying.

Even, Qin Xiao has always regarded Shi Jian as his son.

At this time, Qin Xiao wanted to kill Shi Jian personally, so that he couldn’t make it.

Seeing Qin Xiao’s hesitation, Aoba Sovereign said: “The Lord of Mountains and Rivers, treat these traitors, don’t be soft-hearted.”

“Betrayal, it’s a common anger between man and god, and it’s going to die out. It’s not to be left. It’s hard for civilians to be angry without killing him.”

“Knowing your value emotion, value friendship, and knowing you can’t bear it. If you can’t bear to do it yourself, then I will clean up the sect for you.”

Qin Xiao didn’t respond, and he still didn’t make up his mind.

Qin Xiao’s eyes fell on Shi Jian’s body, and at this moment his heart was extremely painful, unspeakable pain. No one can understand this pain.

“Hmph hum, Qin Xiao I think you are merely this, deserve you to betrayed by me. Indecisive, mother-in-law mother like a woman. To kill me, give me a happy, don’t dilly-dallying. , Lao Tzu admit defeat. Everyone is dead, Lao Tzu is not afraid of anything.”

“Hahaha, kill me quickly!” Shi Jian suddenly sneered, his face mocked, his expression twisted and mad.

When he was about to die, he dared to talk hard, and dared to be so rampant, it was a bold fanatic.

Everyone’s anger also burned again.

“Hmph, you’re courting death!” Aoba Sovereign is also a little unbearable, so he will shoot.

But it was stopped by Qin Xiao.

Qin Xiao said: “It’s always a master and disciple event. Even if you make a monstrous mistake, I also have an inescapable responsibility as a master.”

“It’s easy to kill you, but it’s hard to criticize.”

“Other people can bear me, but I will not bear anyone Qin Xiao. I live in the sky right, worthy of conscience.”

“Shi Jian, I think your deity is dead, don’t kill to the last one, destroy your Avatar. But you betray God World, the sin is very evil. Death sin is exempt, live sin is inescapable.

“I will drive you into a mangled prison and suffer endless suffering. With your strength, you should not easily die in a mangled prison.”

“Our master and disciple sentiment is gone.”

Reckless prison, this is God World’s most terrifying and most frightening prison.

Without Mighty God level of strength, they are not eligible to be imprisoned in the wild.

In the reckless prison, all the detained people are detained, and they will all be tortured by endless pain, and it is better to die than life.

All, many people prefer to die rather than imprisoned in imprisonment.

It was surprising to hear that Qin Xiao did not kill Shi Jian, and it was difficult for him to accept such punishment.

However, I heard that Qin Xiao was about to push Shi Jian into a violent prison.

The punishment of breaking into a barren prison is not easier than killing it directly. Life is better than death. What is the point of living?

Many people with great sins are directly tortured to death in miserable prisons, and miserable death.

It is a good choice to push Shi Jian into a violent prison, but it has also won the approval of many people.

Aoba Sovereign still wanted to say something, but since Qin Xiao decided that, then that’s all.

Breaking into a mangled prison, although not dying for a while, it is indeed more uncomfortable than death.

The terrifying of the arrogant prison, Aoba Sovereign is naturally the most clear.

“Qin Xiao, you are a hypocrite, you have the ability to kill me, kill me! Huh, he sent me into a violent prison, and slowly tortured me, making me die better than life. A hypocritical villain, villain!” Shi Jian scolded suddenly.

Shi Jianke is also a member of the Shrine of Manghuang Shrine, and naturally he is very clear about the terrifying of Mangkang Prison.

Qin Xiao waved his hand, and a team of reckless Legion quickly came over and brought Shi Jian down.

This is the end of Shi Jian’s business.

“Lord of the mountains and rivers, you don’t have to be sad for this kind of person, it’s not worth it.” Aoba Sovereign comforted.

Qin Xiao nodded left without saying a word.

After Qin Xiao left, Aoba Sovereign also left.

In the square, it cheered.

Deep in the wild.

“Mountains and rivers, you are here.” The reckless Lord greeted him.

Qin Xiao said: “Brother Reckless, so urgently called me over, is there anything wrong?”

Nodded, the Reckless Lord, said: “Shanhe, you should know the situation of God World now. We are only left with this last Five Great Holy Lands as the final defense, and now it is the last battle.”

“The last great decisive battle, that must be between us Universe Lord battle strength, that is the last Life and Death Battle, the battle of victory and defeat.”

“In this battle, Sovereign is no longer useful. But this battle will not come so soon.”

“At first, the battle of luck has not completely come to an end. Although the repression of Universe Source’s will on the different universe is already very small, there is still some repression there.”

“2. It’s also an inertia of thinking. For the time being, both of us have actually lost some weak forces. In general, our overall strength retention is at least 60%.”

“With such a large volume, if we directly decide the Life and Death Battle by our Universe Lord, then there will still be troubles.”

Qin Xiao nodded, he also knows that the final battle between life and death will certainly not be played so fast.

The key point is that the battle of luck has not completely ended.

The battle of luck is particularly important.

“According to our consensus, they will launch an offensive against our Five Great Holy Lands recently. It should have been the power of Mighty God in the early stage to attack our God World Five Great Holy Lands from all directions.”

“Now besieging our shrewd temple is the Lord of Celestial Demon and the army of the Eros. There are Lords of Celestial Demon and Lord of Erow sitting here. In terms of the number of Mighty God, they should have a certain advantage.”

“For our shrewd shrine, I estimate that there will be at least a dozen positions that can be attacked at the same time, so we must also be prepared accordingly, ready to face the battle at any time.”

“This is the final battle of luck, can we give God World a little more hope, this final battle is also particularly important. So, we can’t be sloppy, we must pay attention to it. Calling you today, too I would like to discuss with you to see how we can deal with this final dispute.”

Qin Xiao nodded, said: “Brother Reckless, I have also thought about this problem.”

“According to my estimation, they should attack our shrewd shrine from ten or six directions at the same time. If these sixteen directions are attacked at the same time, it will be difficult for our power to slow down each other and form a pair. One situation.”

“So, we have to divide the power of Mighty God into ten or six groups, and then one group should deal with one position, one group to one group to fight.”

“Ten or six groups are enough to disperse the power. How to arrange the power of each group in a reasonable way requires careful consideration.”

“The Lord of Celestial Demon, they must also be carefully arranged. Although we have a large disadvantage in terms of numbers, we are now retreating to the shrewd shrine. The large array of shrewd shrines helped us, and our advantage has shrunk a lot. .”

“If everyone equalizes their strength, it is estimated that they will fight together, that is, to kill a thousand enemies, need to sacrifice eight hundred of your own. So, if you want to win, you have to work hard on the arrangement. Now.”

Nodded said: “Yes, I think so too, so I came to see you and see what you think. We work together to formulate a strategic idea, and fight for the final battle can be 1%, or you can Let us have a little more time. In this case, our hopes will be greater.”

“If the situation of luck can be reversed, the Universe Source will be more oppressive to the tutor universe, and the tradeoff will be very beneficial to us.”

“Yeah, so we really have to pay attention to this final dispute. We should discuss this matter carefully. Otherwise, we will invite Elder Council to discuss it again.” Qin Xiao said.

The Reckless Lord shook his head and said: “The Elder Council proposal will not be held for the time being. The fewer people know this, the better.”

“You and I agreed on the plan, we know it on our own. In this final battle, let’s sit down and command ourselves. You command 8 groups, I command 8 groups. All designations are made by us.”

Qin Xiao eyebrows slightly frowned, is this time so arrogantly lord?

No one at Elder Council can believe it?

Think Qin Xiao is also relieved, this may not be believed or not, or be careful.

After all, this matter is too important. After the most contention, it may affect the final outcome.

Therefore, there really can’t be any hint of it. Otherwise, it would be a big loss.

“Okay, I understand Brother Becky, let’s discuss the strategy.” Qin Xiao was heavily nodded.

On the other side, in the enemy’s camp.

The Lord of Celestial Demon and Lord of Elo sit on the high throne, overlooking the entire temple of recklessness, the eyes of two people are full of strange nether glow, and their faces are full of sneers. .

“Celestial Demon, let’s start to act.” Lord Ero sneered at Sen Sen, a look that was determined to be.

The Lord of Celestial Demon smiled and looked at the Lord of Erow and said, “Erow, I know you have a lot of hands and eyes, and there are so many chess pieces. It seems that you have got the prepared information again at this time.”

“Haha, well, then everything is up to you, Lord of Erow.”

“Take this final battle, it will be the final battle between life and death.”

“As long as the battle of luck ends, the final battle of life and death will certainly belong to us.”

“This universe will soon change masters, and we will soon be the rulers of this universe, hahaha!”

The Lord of Eros sneered and said, “Celestial Demon, don’t be too happy. The destruction of God World does not mean that our war is over.”

“Finally, we still have to compete for the territory, we must divide the entire Hongmeng universe. Demonic beast universe, but it is still glare like a tiger watching his prey. We have to compete with the demonic beast universe, or it is equivalent to grab from the tiger’s mouth. Eat.”

“Hmph, even if it’s a snatch, it’s a good snatch.” The Lord of Celestial Demon sneered.

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