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The expression of Zuo Xiu Mo and Ju Ling Demon changed greatly, and the heart was not good. The two did not hesitate anymore, and immediately shot, Qi Qihe killed him.

If something goes wrong, it can only be done quickly. Let’s kill Ye Junhe first.

Ye Junhe is also the existence of Mighty God in the top 2 100 in the Heaven Ranking, standing at Peak level Mighty God. Such a Mighty God kills a statue, which is a big contribution.

3 Mighty God, the top 100 in the Heaven Ranking, were killed by Ye Junhe. Obviously, they wanted to kill Ye Junhe directly on the spot.

“Hmph, no matter how good you are against plot, it’s just a matter of playing mud!”

A coldly shouted voice came out abruptly, and a peerless edge was killed from in the sky. The terrifying power of destruction was really a big jump for Zuo Xiu 3 people, and the expression changed a lot.

At first glance, it was clear who the person killed was.

Seeing the person coming, the three people’s faces suddenly became very pale, and there was a little panic in their faces.

“Huayang Jun–“

No one else killed from Ye Junhe within the body world, it was Huayang Jun.

Hua Yangjun, although only ranked second on the list, but his strength is no one dares to question, it is definitely Sovereign level.

So Huayang Jun shot with a kill, and the three people of Shuxiu Demon naturally turned pale with fright. They also have self-knowledge. Even with the power of their three people, they will certainly not be Hua Yangjun’s opponent.

The situation suddenly reversed dramatically.

This is obviously a game, a game that has already been deployed by the Shrewd Temple.

“No no no, Lord Stars Island, don’t kill me, we have been in contact for so many years -” Old Man Youshan is now in the body of Avatar. He planned to leave the Temple of Maniac after this round of anti-Go.

But didn’t expect, he was seen through.

At this time, his life was completely in the hands of the Stars Island master. If only the Stars Island master had to shoot again, then he would definitely die.

“Hmph, old man You Shan, now you still have a face to say something like this?”

“I have been with you for so many years, that is my shame. You traitor, what kind of face do you speak? Don’t you feel ashamed?”

“Betrayal of the Shrewd Temple, Betrayal of God World, Betrayal of the entire Human Race, did you, the old man of Yushan, eat lard?

“I, I, I – I also have bitterness –” Old Man Youshan wanted to beg for mercy.

But when you become a traitor, there is a great deal of sin. What is the use of asking for mercy?

Old Man Youshan also knew that he was in a scourge today, dead end.

How could this be?

Obviously it is a seamless game, he has been hiding very well, how could it be leaked?

He really didn’t understand, and he was not willing.

“How did you find me? I have always been cautiously, and I haven’t leaked anything for so many years. How could you know?” Old Man Youshan still wondered.

Can’t understand this matter, he will not look away.

He really didn’t know what was wrong with him, it was totally unreasonable.

Starly Island Lord coldly snorted, said: “Since you want to understand, let me tell you.”

“You really have been hiding deep and deep all the time. You can play with everyone in the Temple of Maniac and play with everyone.”

“You are an old playboy, carefree, people will not think you have any sinister intentions.”

“It’s just that you count 1000 and 10000, but you don’t count the people. You think you can master everyone, but you neglect Qin Yi Young Master.”

“Qin Yi Young Master–“

The authorities were confused by the observers. At this time, they were pointed out, and the old man Youshan was also stunned. He immediately understood the key to the problem.

It’s just that he is still a little difficult to believe: “How could it be? Qin Yi Young Master is innocent, simple in mind, simply immature, and has no trace of caution for anyone.”

“And I have been laying out very early. I have played with Qin Yi Young Master skillfully since childhood and became a friend of forgotten year.”

“How did Qin Yi Young Master find me? I got along with Qin Yi Young Master, and I didn’t do anything wrong at all, why?”

“Hmph!” Coldly snorted, Lord Stars Island, said: “So you are smart, a clever person may become the victim of his own ingenuity. Do you really treat Qin Yi Young Master as a child? You really think Qin Yi Young Master is Not wary?”

“Qin Yi Young Master is also exceptionally intelligent, can you imagine it?”

“Qin Yi Young Master is very affectionate with Brother Shanhe. Do you really think that Qin Yi Young Master will be punished for being blamed by the Lord Shanhe?

“It can only be said that what you think is too naive, it was only intentionally revealed by Qin Yi Young Master, in order to test you that’s all. Since you were a child, you approached Qin Yi Young Master intentionally or unintentionally. Do you doubt your ulterior motives?”

“You have been getting along for a long time. If you have a sharp sense, you will naturally be able to find out some of your small moves.”

“Then try it again, then naturally it will be obvious at a glance. So, you often inquire into the situation of Qin Yi Young Master, and Qin Yi Young Master will tell you.”

“But what I told you is half true half false that’s all.”

“At this time, Qin Yi Young Master knew that you would announce Monster Race to the Erow, so we beating somebody at their own game that’s all.”


How could this be the case?

He Youshan old man always thought he was smart, but didn’t expect this time actually fell into the hands of a hairless brat, and was actually plot against.

Ridiculous, disgusting, it’s really a ridiculous thing.

Having said that, Lord Stars Island looked towards Zuo Xiu Mo and said, “Thank you for your chess pieces. You Shan Old Ancestor is your chess piece and our chess piece. In this battle, you are destined to be defeated. “

“The Mighty Gods in my rash temple, kill me, kill them, let them a debt of blood must be paid in blood.”

Kill Kill Kill ! ! !

The fighting intent of the Mighty Gods in the Reckless Temple is extremely high, and now they are completely reversed in terms of both quantity and strength, and in turn, they have overpowered the Monster Race.

Moreover, there are Huayangjun shots, and Stars Island main shots. Naturally, the rays of light are full, and the morale is pulled back in an instant, which is directly burst.

Monster Race The Ero family suffered a severe setback, and morale was low, and the situation was completely reversed.

“Hmph, the incompetent old Youshan, you broke our major event, you crime deserving ten thousand deaths.” Celestial Demon emperor coldly snorted.

The useless pieces are naturally discarded on the spot.

Stars Island sneered at Old Man Youshan with a sneer and said, “Have you heard? Do you think you are loyal? Do you think you are important?”

“To put it bluntly, you are just a chess piece that’s all, a tool used by others, and a cheap dog that others can use to lure you with the benefit of a short bear.”

“Once you have no value, you will be ruthlessly abandoned.”

“As a traitor, do you really think someone will appreciate you and reuse you?”

“Being a traitor for a while, and being a traitor for life, your life is completely nailed to the pillar of shame and spurned by the world.

“Your loved ones, your friends, your clansman, are ashamed of having you. You will be 10000 ancient sinners, and will be spurned by generations.”

“Do you really think that it is worthwhile to exchange the present situation for a momentary ambition? Looking back, what did you get?”

“Traitor, that is always a shame.”

“Hahaha !!!”

Old Man Youshan laughed in a seductive manner, laughing the helplessness of the vicissitudes and the ridicule of the world.

Until now, he clear comprehension came over.

Yeah, when you become a traitor, you want others to treat you well? But to use you that’s all, you are just a cheap dog that’s all your life.

When something happens, you will be kicked away immediately, abandoned you, and squeezed out the remaining value.

Yeah, now he understands it, it really is. Just before, I never understood that’s all.

This is how people are. When you are in darkness, you will never see the light, you will be lost in the darkness, and you will find no direction.

When a rays of light shines into this darkness, you can fully wake up.

But this kind of awakening is already too late, to no avail.

“Ridiculous and sad. Old Man Youshan struggled for half of the cosmic era. Didn’t expect finally ended up so miserable. Hahaha, my crime deserving ten thousand deaths, crime deserving ten thousand deaths!”

Old Man Youshan also had several points of remorse at this time, but everything was too late and it would be useless to say more.

Bang!! !

With a roar, the old man You Shan broke himself, and the soul Self-destruction died.

You Shan Old Ancestor is dead, Huayang Jun greatly showing divine might, directly beheaded and killed 3 people under the sword.

The power of the Reckless Shrine is becoming more and more brave, singing loudly, and fighting Monster Race. The Ero army is broken and exhausted.

In addition, the death of the three people of Zuo Xiu Mo has also seriously thwarted the army of the Eros of the Monster Race.

“Haha, let you just arrogant for a while, now it’s our turn.” Stars Island Lord laughed and rushed over.

Ye Junhe is also a strong killer.

Huayang Jun is even more in the lead, rays of light ten thousand zhang, shining across the sky.

In one shot, it was the blood light 4 splash scene, invincible divine might.

The situation at this time also turned into a one-sided slaughter, killing Monster Race. The Eros did not have much resistance, they could only be a fleeing escape.

In the end, after killing more than half of Mighty God of the Monster Race Eros, this battle is considered to be over, and the Monster Race Eros has suffered huge losses.

3 respected Mighty God in the top 100 in the Heaven Ranking, plus 120 respected Mighty God, such casualty data is really big.

In addition to the battlefields here, the situation in the other 5 battlefields is quite similar.

In a few vulnerable battlefields, the Shrewd Temple adopted a strategy of sacrifice by small forces.

Send a small force to fight in the past, and then these Mighty Gods are ready to sacrifice.

Change from small to big, to win the last big victory.

Ten of the six battlefields are impossible. Every place can be suppressed by force, so this tactic can only be used.

However, such tactics have indeed achieved extraordinary results.

In all ten battlefields, the Temple of Recklessness won a great victory and achieved brilliant results.

The 6 battlefields were defeated, but it didn’t matter. The 6 battlefields didn’t send much power, so the combined sacrifices were not as good as the sacrifices of the battlefields of the Erow of Monster Race.

This round of battle also took a full 100 years to calm down.

Monster Race The Eero family is a complete defeat with heavy casualties.

The Manghuang Temple won a great victory, the heroes returned, the whole people cheered and celebrated.

Celebrating for victory, but also paying tribute to the heroic sacrifice of the warriors.

These heroic sacrificed warriors are sacrificed for the entire God World. They are great and worthy of respect.

One side is happy and the other side is repressive and heavy, forming a stark contrast.

Over 9 days, the expressions of Lord Celestial Demon and Lord Ero were ugly to the extreme, and Yousen reached the extreme, staring at the distant Qin Xiao and the Lord of Recklessness with anger.

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