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The war continued, and the war broke out.

The overall situation of God World is still not optimistic, and it is still under suppression.

Relying on Five Great Holy Lands as a camp, and with the help of Holy Land’s endless years of deployment, it can only resist.

But this background will eventually run out. Such a large amount of consumption is obviously difficult to support for a long time.

The Temple of Recklessness and Celestial Court Island are okay, the situation of the other Three Great Holy Lands is very bad. I have seen the defeat, and I am afraid that it will not last for too long.

Celestial Court Island is indeed a disaster, and its heritage is also extremely terrifying, and various means have come out frequently, which is shocking all over the world.

Celestial Court Island’s strength is indeed beyond all expectations.

This kind of power is absolutely detached, far beyond the other Four Great Holy Lands, and even beyond the sum of the other Four Great Holy Lands.

Although Celestial Court Island has always shown people with a strong image, showing weakness with mysterious power.

Celestial Court Island has always been recognized as the head of the 8 Great Holy Land. Since the status of Celestial Court Island has been a cosmic era, no one can shake it.

It has always been unique, and its position is so transcendent.

But no one knows how powerful Celestial Court Island is. Now, the details of the Celestial Court Island are slowly revealed, and finally it is clear to the true face of the Celestial Court Island and the power of the Celestial Court Island.

Against the Celestial Court Island is the demonic beast universe. In the face of the powerful demonic beast universe, the Celestial Court Island can even resist the fierce offensive, and has always been steadily suppressing the opponent.

At most, it is the outcome of 2 defeats and injuries, and the two sides retreat.

Most of the time, it ended in the victory of Celestial Court Island.

The island of Celestial Court fully displays the style of God World and the morale that God World deserves.

The situation in the Manghuang Temple was not so good, although it was said that a good start was made and a big victory came out.

But the succession was weak, and because of the great victory of the First Stage, the Demon 2 Clan became extremely crazy about the Mang Temple.

Under this madness, the Manghuang Temple naturally feels a little difficult to parry.

Rao said that there are a lot of details in the Manghuang Temple, but after all it still seems to be stretched.

Celestial Court Island and Reckless Temple are the main focus of the three-party coalition forces, so the power to deal with Celestial Court Island and Reckless Temple is also very strong.

3 The Allied Forces were frustrated on the island of Celestial Court, so they later focused on the Temple of Recklessness. The demonic beast universe also deployed its strength to deal with the Temple of Recklessness.

Their strategy is obviously to fight against the other Four Great Holy Lands to balance the Celestial Court Island.

After all, it’s simply not possible for Celestial Court Island to glow and heat. It is necessary to win the entire God World.

Four Great Holy Lands loses, as the Celestial Court Island family wins, in general, they still lose.

When the three-party coalition forces captured the other Four Great Holy Lands, then all the power was concentrated on the Celestial Court Island, which was certainly irresistible.

Not to mention waiting until this time, you just need to spend it, Celestial Court Island will still be irresistible.

The final battle is 10000 years.

In 10000, the losses to all parties were incomparably huge. There were countless deaths and injuries, and it was all Mighty God.

In the Temple of Recklessness, the Mighty God sacrificed in these 10000 years has surpassed the number of hundred thousand, and on average, at least ten Mighty Gods must be sacrificed each year.

Both Ye Junhe and Dan Chenjun’s Avatar are dead, leaving only the deity, which is tragic.

each and everyone Qin Xiao The familiar Mighty God is dead, a heroic sacrifice.

Ordinary Mighty God doesn’t even have the qualification to go to the battlefield, and when it goes up, it will only be cannon fodder, which is completely a death penalty, so there is no need for that.

Mighty God with a little strength, the sacred sacrifice of his former servants, rewarding God World with their lives and blood.

9 Dragon Heavenly Palace was the first to completely defeat the battle. Mighty God almost completely sacrificed and entered the battle of Sovereign level.

The battle of Mighty God has been lost, and the battle of the Sovereign level naturally makes the situation even less optimistic.

If the battle of the Sovereign level is lost, the 9 Heavenly Dragon Palace will be completely defeated, leaving only the 9-day Lord a lonely man.

Swire Jiang entered the second Sovereign level battle.

The Star Alliance did not last long and entered the Sovereign level battle.

Three Great Holy Lands have entered the Sovereign level battle.

The triumphant balance of the battle of luck has been seriously tilted towards the three-party coalition.

Three Great Holy Lands is on the verge of defeat, and there is no hope at all.

The last hope fell only on the island of Celestial Court and the Temple of Recklessness.

There is not much left of Mighty God in the Reckless Temple.

Under such circumstances, I am afraid that at most it will be able to support 3 5000 years.

3000 years if the situation is not good, 5000 years if it is better.

The loss of Celestial Court Island is also extremely heavy, but it is said that the background of Celestial Court Island is particularly strong that’s all.

But the demonic beast universe is also extremely crazy, biting the Celestial Court island without giving it a chance to breathe.

So even if the background of the Celestial Court island is more solid, judging from the current situation, it may be more than 10000 years old.

This is still the best situation, and may not really be able to be supported until 10000 years.

Because once the 9 Dragon Heavenly Palace defeated them completely, all the power will be concentrated to deal with Celestial Court Island. Once that time is reached, the situation is very difficult to say.

God World’s hopes are also shattered again and again.

3 The ferocity of the Allied Forces destroyed everything, and it also destroyed the hope of God World.

Hope, toward slim.

The battle of luck, God World wants to save it, unless there is a miracle.

In the depths of the Shrewd Shrine, a secret cultivation place.

With 10000 years of cultivation, with the help of broken heart, the improvement of everyone’s heart is naturally very fast.

In addition, Qin Xiao’s personal guidance gave everyone a boost.

I just want to make a big breakthrough in just 10000 years, but it is really weak.

After all, this is the improvement of great realm, not to mention the mental strength, just like upgrading from Spiritual God to Heavenly God level, it also takes a long time.

From the 3rd floor of the mental power to the 4th floor, the difficulty is equivalent to the upgrade from Heavenly God to Mighty God level.

Heavenly God became Mighty God. For 10000 years, haven’t you heard of such a monster?

So this time is a huge test for everyone.

This is totally impossible, because Qin Xiao’s guidance is there, so it has some probability.

But how big is such a probability, it still depends on the individual’s character.

Bang!! !

The powerful heart burst out, rushing for 9 days, making the whole space tremble violently.

If it weren’t for Qin Xiao’s full efforts to maintain the Formulation, then this powerful mental force could overflow.

Once the mental power spills out, I am afraid that it will stir up the entire reckless temple.

All the power was suppressed by Qin Xiao.

Stars Island Lord’s face showed a bit of joy, and everyone’s eyes also looked at Stars Island Lord.

He broke through, 4th floor!

It was the first breakthrough among ten people, one step ahead of everyone.

“Master Stars Island, congratulations on your first breakthrough, gratifying!” Qin Xiao said.

Stars Island Lord smiled and said, “Hehe, it’s not easy. After 10000 years of hard work and the guidance of the Lord of Mountains and Rivers, this step finally came out.”

“Cultivation of mental power is too difficult. It’s really magical. The absolute spiritual cultivation sacred relic.”

“And I feel that it’s much more powerful than the treasure of the universe. The inheritance left on the broken heart-the total feeling should be beyond the Universe Lord level, is it more powerful existence?”

“Haha, Lord Stars Island, don’t think about it. Your first breakthrough, gratifying. It seems, we have to work hard to do it.”

“Yeah, congratulations to the owner of Stars Island. I also feel that I am about to break through. I will work harder to strive for an early breakthrough.”

“I thought I would be the first person. Didn’t expect was preempted by your Stars Island owner, haha.”

“Let everyone continue to work hard, not to mention, continue to practice.”

Qin Xiao said with a straight face: “Regarding the broken heart, everyone should remember my words, and you must not disclose half a word to anyone.”

“No one can tell everything here.”

“Some things, when you know, I will naturally tell you. Now you don’t need to have that many thoughts. Your thoughts should all be placed on the cultivation. This is what you need to do.

“Now the final battle has been fought for 10000 years, and the situation of God World is also very clear to you. If you go on like this, it is estimated that for another 5000 years, our God World will be completely defeated.”

“So, everyone needs to work harder. You have God World’s hopes and sacred missions on your body. If you can all break through, you will be a cavalry. You will have ten people, and you will take turns to shine It will certainly be able to create some new styles.”

“The Lord of Stars Island is the first one, maybe it’s just that he’s grasped a little better that’s all. I believe you will certainly not show weakness.”

Everyone is heavily nodded, expressing their understanding.

“Master Stars Island, come with me.” Qin Xiao called on Stars Island Master, and the two left.

Stars Island Lord has broken through, so naturally there is no need to continue to practice. It should be invested in the battlefield, to glow and heat, to reverse the situation of God World.

Qin Xiao directly brought the owner of Stars Island to the Lord of Recklessness.

“I have seen Palace Lord!” Stars Island Lord saluted respectfully.

The Reckless Lord applauded the slightly nodded Lord Stars Island and said: “Stars, you are very good. In 10000 years, you broke through to the 4th floor of the mental power, and the first to complete this step.”

“The situation in our shrewd temple is very bad, and you are about to come in handy now.”

“You are an amazing soldier, and even a Divine Weapon. You should first prepare with the Lord of the Mountains and Rivers. The next round of war is about to begin, and you will be inserted into it.”

“However, remember that you must use your power to come out when must is critical. Must must be surprised to win with odds, understand?”

Stard Island Lord is nodded and solemnly said: “The disciple understands that the Palace Lord is at ease and everything listens to the Palace Lord’s arrangement.”

The Lord of Recklessness is nodded.

Qin Xiao took away the Stars Island master, gave the power stone to the Stars Island master, taught the Stars Island master how to use the power stone, let him adapt to the power stone, and then gave the body of Mighty God to the Stars Island master, let Let’s master it first and take a look at it.

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