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“The feeling of very powerful, this is the strength of Heavenly Venerable. Heavenly Venerable, really is far from what the Universe Lord can match.”

Qin Xiao’s thoughts can easily cover the entire Hongmeng universe. Every small corner can be covered by Divine Consciousness, which can be viewed clearly.

Until now, in the eyes of Qin Xiao, Hongmeng universe is very vast and boundless, boundless and endless.

A Mighty God, I am afraid that after a lifetime, it is possible to walk through every corner of the Hongmeng universe.

Universe Lord Divine Consciousness, at most, can cover God World’s territory that’s all.

But God World’s territory is only in the entire Hongmeng universe, which is less than 10000 100000000.

Even more extensive is the sea of ​​darkness, the endless black sea, and all that adds up is called the universe.

Qin Xiao Now, Divine Consciousness can easily cover the entire Hongmeng universe, and can even extend beyond the Hongmeng universe and into the sea of ​​endless universe.

Under such Divine Consciousness, the Hongmeng universe is not that many anymore.

This is the transition of Life Level, everything becomes different.

Different realm, the horizon is really completely different. Qin Xiao also clearly felt that his level has already leapt to a higher level, and now his vision of things is completely different.

This is Heavenly Venerable, with heaven as its esteem and detached from the laws of the universe.

Looking back at Zhutian Avenue again, I feel that this is also a solemn.

But for Qin Xiao, what I see now is the broader sea of ​​stars, the Great Thousand Worlds of Connaught University, and a new world.

And in this new world, he was just the beginning, that’s all.

Just like he entered God World from within the realm into God World, everything is just the beginning that’s all.

Therefore, Qin Xiao was not too happy, but immediately entered a new contest.

Heavenly Venerable has been reached, and the Avenue of Heavens is under his control. The next step is to fight the will of Hongmeng Universe Source and become the master of the Hongmeng Universe Source.

This step is the most important thing, which is what Qin Xiao is most eager to do now. Even speaking, this desire is stronger than being Heavenly Venerable.

Of course, it cannot be Heavenly Venerable, and it is impossible to become the main source of the Hongmeng universe.

Heavenly Venerable, this is the most basic condition, if even this condition can not be met, then impossible has more words.

The chaotic return to the large array is still there, and the original will of the Hongmeng universe is too weak. This is the best time for Qin Xiao.

If you miss this opportunity, if you want to become the master of Universe Source, it will be 100 times 1000 times harder.

Continue, shock.

Qin Xiao has already gained the upper hand and is in a favorable position with Hongmeng Universe Source.

Moreover, Qin Xiao also has experience in this regard.

After all, he has become the master of the source world, and has controlled the source will of the source world.

It’s just that the origin of the Hongmeng universe is particularly powerful that’s all.

But Qin Xiao is also strong enough at this time, so in such a contest, Qin Xiao still has an advantage there.

In the contest of will, under the upper hand for a long time, Qin Xiao soon began to slowly infiltrate into it, to start to control the original will of the Hongmeng universe.

At this time, the original will of the Hongmeng universe is like a trapped beast, doing the final fight, the fight between life and death.

But no matter how much he fights, he can’t resist.

The formidable power of the chaotic return to the large array exploded to the extreme, and all the power exploded in the end.

After the explosion, the energy is exhausted, and the chaotic return to the large array will also lose its effectiveness.

So this last moment is the best opportunity for Qin Xiao to become the master of Hongmeng Universe Source. If you do not seize this good opportunity, you will also lose your chance to become Hongmeng Universe Lord.

“Shock, the final victory must be mine.”

“Come on, break out!”

Qin Xiao gritted his teeth, the determination in his eyes, the firm Power of Faith filled his chest.

Under the power of this desperate thought, Qin Xiao became more powerful.

Hong long long ! ! !

The final formidable power of the Chaos Return to Origins burst out, causing the entire Hongmeng universe to be violently turbulent.

Endless rays of light surge, endless wraiths are destroyed, and endless energy returns to chaos.

The surging power is like 100 Chuanahai, converging from 4 places.

The gathered forces finally merged together, and under the control of Qin Xiao, launched the last fierce offensive to Hongmeng Universe Source.

Hongmeng Universe Source will almost collapse under this powerful offensive.

On the verge of this collapse, Qin Xiao’s power came into being, taking the power of Heavenly Venerable, Supreme Power of Thought, and a powerful song of righteousness to rule these days.

Hongmeng Universe Source’s will is finally loose, and finally if he wants to submit to Qin Xiao.

Universe Source will, can be seen as an independent creature, a very weak creature, instinctive self-protection.

This is like Xiao Gu when he was young. At that time, Xiao Gu felt threatened and would struggle hard to resist.

This is an instinct consciousness.

But if the outside power is too strong, then Xiaogu can only submit to life, which is also an instinctive consciousness.

At this time, Hongmeng Universe Source will only submit to Qin Xiao to protect him.

“The time has come–“

Qin Xiao naturally has no hesitation. He integrated his Supreme Willpower into the Hongmeng Universe Source will, and directly refined the Hongmeng Universe Source will as part of his will.

Integrate your will with the Universe Source will, soul fusion with the soul of the universe, fusion of your Divine Physique with the universe, and fusion of your strength with the Avenue of Heaven.

Everything is merging.

Once fully integrated, basically, Qin Xiao can represent the entire Hongmeng Yuzhou.

That is, the universe is him, he is the universe, he is the only True God of the Hongmeng universe, and it is absolutely invincible in the Hongmeng universe.

This is the Lord of Origin.

This kind of power is far from being comparable to a Heavenly Venerable.

Therefore, the importance of this to Qin Xiao naturally goes without saying.

When the mouth is opened, everything will be easy, and everything will be logical. Where water flows, a canal is formed, there will be no more accidents.

For Qin Xiao, everything went smoothly.

Soon, Qin Xiao completely controlled Hongmeng Universe Source’s will and became the master of Universe Source.

The moment when he became the master of the Universe Source, Qin Xiao had a clearer understanding of the Hongmeng universe, and even the Lord of the Celestial Court did not know many situations that Qin Xiao knew instantly.

Qin Xiao has strength control and Sovereign power for all creatures in the Hongmeng universe.

This powerful feeling, the feeling of controlling all heavens, is really very close and wonderful.

Qin Xiao also clearly felt that he was the only True God in Hongmeng Universe. He said that the law follows, whoever he wants to die, he must die, even the Lord of the Celestial Court is no exception.

He wants this universe to have light, then this universe has light.

He wants the endless darkness of this universe, then this universe will be endless darkness.

Controlling all heavens, controlling everything, is wonderful.

At this time, everything in the entire Hongmeng universe is in Qin Xiao’s mind and mind.

At this moment, Qin Xiao really felt that he understood the Hongmeng universe, what is the understood universe, what is the understood Great Thousand Worlds, what is the understood avenue cultivation, what is the understood Daowei and the law, understood the survival rules of the Great Thousand Worlds.

Many things unknown to the world, through the will of Universe Source, Qin Xiao is also completely understood.

It also understood everything that happened from the first cosmic era to the present, understood all the universe lords born since the eight cosmic eras, and the stories of their rise and fall.

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