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After resolving the worries, Qin Xiao has no worries, and can safely and confidently take over the black vortex objects.

Qin Xiao imposing manner soared, mobilizing the power of the entire Hongmeng universe, the power of Supreme, the powers of the Grand Dao, and pressed the black vortex celestial bodies together.

The black vortex celestial body is no longer powerful, but in the face of Qin Xiao, the Heavenly Venerable, and the master of Hongmeng Universe Source, in the face of the oppression of a universe, it is naturally weak and there is no way to contend.

Therefore, the conquest of this time is still smooth. The black vortex celestial body not at all hardly resists for a long time, it shows weakness and defeats.

Although the spiritual wisdom of this black vortex object is not open at the end, it already has a faint consciousness, knowing to submit to Qin Xiao.

With the surrender of the black vortex celestial body, Qin Xiao waved the black vortex celestial body into the within the body world within the realm. This thing stranded in his mind for many years, and now it is finally solved by the Great Perfection.

This can also be regarded as a major event. After the solution, Qin Xiao’s mood suddenly became more comfortable.

But always speaking of which, Qin Xiao still has to thank the black vortex celestial body.

Although the black vortex celestial body has always trapped the hometown of the hometown, it has also well protected the hometown of the hometown in this disaster.

If it were protected by black vortex celestial bodies, the native world of that hometown must have been destroyed, and no longer exist.

Even if Qin Xiao now has the ability to restore the original world of his hometown, he always feels that something will be missing.

Hometown has always been a forbidden place in Qin Xiao’s mind, and Qin Xiao is most concerned about.

After solving the black vortex celestial body, Qin Xiao put the hometown world back to its original place, and just keep its original beauty.

Although, with Qin Xiao’s current capabilities, it is entirely possible to put the hometown of the original world anywhere in the Hongmeng universe, or even into the Sacred Domain.

You can find a very rich territory to settle down, but Qin Xiao not at all did this, but kept it as it is.

Because of this, Qin Xiao feels that it is the most perfect, just keep what he should have.

The hometown of the original world is put back to the original place, but Qin Xiao also shot a lot of methods in the all around arrangement, which is enough to keep Sovereign from being close.

Of course, in fact, it is not necessary. After all, Qin Xiao is the master of the Universe Source, and he can instantly know everything happening in the Hongmeng universe.

He can arrive instantly in any place of Hongmeng universe.

Such a move is just to comfort that’s all.

After all, the plot of the hometown is still very important in Qin Xiao’s mind.

“Hometown, what a beautiful thing, what a wonderful memory. But for us, it can only be a distant memory, some remaining memories.” Looking at what Qin Xiao did, 100 Chufu Supo has several points of emotion.

Yu Young Master also feels a little bit emotional: “Yeah, it’s been too long, too long. It’s been too long for us to leave our hometown. It’s too long. I’ve almost forgotten what my hometown looks like.

“Hometown, to us, just exists in memory that’s all. Our hometown has also been destroyed long ago, everything is attributed to chaos and no longer exists.”

“Hometown is indeed a very warm harbor. It is indeed a very beautiful thing to make this memory last.”

100 Chuanfusu’s quiet sighed, but no matter how wonderful things are, they are far away, and they can’t go back.

Therefore, it can only survive in memory and continue Dipankara.

“Yeah, hometown, what a wonderful place. Hometown feelings can’t be replaced by anything.”

“Now Yuanyuan is my most nostalgic hometown. If I go to Sacred Domain in the future, Hongmeng Universe will be my most nostalgic hometown.”

“Great Thousand Worlds, 10000 things and 10000 things, live together. One side of the universe, Nine by Nine Returns to One, a reincarnation. Fortunately, our Hongmeng universe has transcended the reincarnation, no longer suffering from the era, no longer suffering Chaotic suffering.”

“And this is also the meaning of my struggle. All the goals of my struggle are for loved ones, friends, and homes.”

“Perhaps from now on, I want to really live for myself, and struggle, and run, and shine the Sacred Domain. Only in this way, I will feel that my life is very meaningful and worthwhile.” Qin Xiao is also nodded and said, but he also has new visions, new goals, and new fighting spirits.

This goal is too big and too grand.

100 Chuan Fusu looked at Qin Xiao, his eyes showed a little admiration.

Qin Xiao really admired him.

“Qin Xiao, I also have the same fighting spirit, the same goals, and the same longings. But I don’t have the talent potential and the good luck that you have.”

“However, there are some things that you need to strive for yourself. So in the future, I will take you as an example, take you as the target, and be the target of your host country. Follow your pace and move forward and then forward. “

“Sacred Domain has always been the place of my yearn for something even in dreams, and it should be our martial stage that glows and glows. Life can be short or brilliant.”

“If there is no pursuit, then life will be bleak, what is the point?” 100 Chuanfu Su also said.

He and Qin Xiao’s thoughts are obviously very similar, and the two of them also agreed.

The longing for Qin Xiao in my heart is temporarily suppressed, or I will solve the matter under my hands first.

Traveling to Sacred Domain is not that easy.

“Let’s go. Brother 100 Chuan, Young Master Yu, go to my hometown to see it.” Qin Xiao laughed and made a please gesture to 2 people.

Now Qin Xiao is Heavenly Venerable and the master of Universe Source, no matter which aspect can suppress Yu Young Master.

So now Yu Young Master can’t be arrogant in front of Qin Xiao, obviously low-key a lot, where dare to be like before?

Fortunately, Qin Xiao didn’t care about his previous things, otherwise Yu Young Master could drink a pot.

The 3 people stepped in one step and entered the Heavenly Dragon continent. They landed in the world of 9 continents and went directly to the city of 9 continents.

9 Chaucheng is now the center of power in the origin world.

Qin Xiao 3 people came to 9 Longzhou, pure brother, Changfeng, the summer palace, they each and everyone greeted them, they got the news already, so they also waited in 9 Zhoucheng early.

After Qin Xiao simply greeted them, he directly asked Chunjie to ask Gu Lingyue.

Over the years, Pure Brother has been responsible for taking care of and protecting Guling Moon.

Qin Xiao took Gu Lingyue to a garden, isolating everything and keeping no one close to it.

100 Chuanfu Su and Yu Young Master Qin Xiao let them walk around casually, entertaining them in line with the pure brother.

Garden, jade bed.

Gu Lingyue lay asleep on it, so peaceful.

After a hundreds of thousands of years, goodbye Gu Lingyue made Qin Xiao’s eyes sore.

Feeling of long absence, excitement of long absence.

“Gu Lingyue, you have been sleeping too long. I have been waiting for this moment, trying to reach this step. Now, I have finally succeeded.”

“Now, I will wake you up.”

Qin Xiao is now Heavenly Venerable, but the master of the Universe Source, it is natural to easily solve the poison of the ancient dream of 1000 months.

Qin Xiao just waved his hand, and a Strength of Source entered Gu Lingyue’s body, and it was easy to remove the poison of Gu Lingyue.

This situation may be a bit tricky for a Universe Lord, but for Qin Xiao, it is not difficult, with no difficulty.

After the poison was resolved, Gu Lingyue’s body finally began to have some movement, the eyelids began to move, and the hands began to move, which is a sign of recovery.

Qin Xiao’s mood also became more tense and excited.

Soon, Gu Lingyue’s eyes suddenly opened and met Qin Xiao 4’s eyes, instantly solidifying together.

Remember, the flower bloomed that year, and the first two met!

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