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This plan, in fact, Qin Xiao has already conceived in mind.

Until now, Qin Xiao feels that God World is confusing no matter where it is.

Although God World has Five Great Holy Lands governing its own territory, on the whole, God World is indeed a relatively stable peace and security.

But God World’s territory is too large, and Five Great Holy Lands’ energy is also limited. It is impossible to govern every corner and every soul.

Therefore, Five Great Holy Lands is also only in charge of the direction of the big, and then there are countless forces below to govern, each holding one side, each dominating the king.

The killing is rampant, ignoring Heavenly Dao and not entering the cycle.

With Five Great Holy Lands alone, there is no way to set the order of the iron. It must be Heavenly Dao order. Only Heavenly Dao can monitor every place of the Hongmeng universe at all times, covering every creature in the Hongmeng universe.

After talking with Reincarnation Race Chief, Qin Xiao returned to God World and summoned all the saints to the Temple of Mania.

Lord of the Celestial Court, Celestial Son, Huayang Jun, Lord of Recklessness, Hongchenke, 100 Chuanfusu and Yu Young Master, and Jingyang. Although Xiaogu is also in the Universe Lord realm, but Xiaogu’s thought is relatively simple, such meetings will not be allowed to participate.

Hongchenke their three people are not the people of Hongmeng universe, but now Qin Xiao has become the master of Hongmeng Universe Source. Hongmeng universe has no repulsion against them, and they are willing to join the camp of Hongmeng universe.

After all, their hometown has already been destroyed, and they are still willing to find a new place to live.

With Qin Xiao present, they can naturally be recognized by Hongmeng Universe Source’s will. With this’official’ identity, Hongchenke will have no worries.

Even speaking, Yu Young Master has begun to open up new territories, to establish his own power, and to bring sword cultivation into the Hongmeng universe.

Of course, Yu Young Master’s playfulness is heavier. Most of his actions are also playful that’s all.

“All of you, I have brought you together today. There is an important thing I want to discuss with you, and listen to everyone’s opinions to see how to operate it better.” Qin Xiao said first.

Everyone’s eyes fell on Qin Xiao’s body, but it was a little curious, what can make the mountain and river Venerable Lord pay such attention, what is it?

In the current identity of the Venerable Lord, he can decide everything about the Hongmeng universe, and he does not need to ask anyone at all.

“The road is vicissitudes, the world is like the Sea of ​​Bitterness, countless creatures are struggling in the Sea of ​​Bitterness, struggling forward, and striving to reach the other shore.”

“I have come from lowliness. I have experienced many hardships since I was a child. I have endured countless vicissitudes. I have been deeply touched by the 100 attitudes of the world.”

“We have a vast universe, chaotic avenues, weak reincarnations, full of killings, rampant evil, Heavenly Dao has no power, good and evil, no evil, fierce people, everywhere.”

“Going against Heavenly Dao, ignoring reincarnation, regardless of cause and effect, the road collapses, this is a very serious matter.”

“Eight cosmic eras are all in chaos, all disasters are happening, all are destruction, and they are not eternal, and cannot coexist with the heavens.”

“In the final analysis, I thought a lot, and summarized a lot, and now I want to hear your opinions.”

Hearing Qin Xiao’s words, everyone was deeply touched and agreed.

Lord of the Celestial Court first said: “Yes, our Hongmeng universe is now chaotic. The Heavenly Dao is powerless, reincarnation powerless, and creatures are not constrained by the heavens, not covered by the sky, and can act wilfully.”

“Although we Five Great Holy Lands also manage their territories, and set a lot of rules. But our Five Great Holy Lands has limited power, impossible face mask, at most can only lead the big direction that’s all.”

“To truly establish order, it still needs Heavenly Dao to stand up for power, reincarnation and life, Hongmeng’s rays of light cover every corner of the universe, every soul.”

“Our Hongmeng universe is now unified, and we really need a good order to govern the entire Hongmeng universe, so that our universe can develop rapidly and be strong in the fastest and most stable manner. One day, we may also Great Thousand Worlds.”

“Shanhe, you should now be Heavenly Dao Law who wants to rebuild the Hongmeng universe?”

Qin Xiao nodded said that it really means that.

The meaning of understood Qin Xiao, everyone is a little excited, this is a major event.

The rash leader laughed aloud: “Ha ha, mountains and rivers, this matter was discussed by me and Celestial Court a long time ago. We proposed a lot of ideas at the time, but in the end one after another failed.”

“Our vision is good, but it is too difficult and difficult to implement. It is not something that Five Great Holy Lands can do well.”

“Now that you are in the mountains and rivers, and the time is ripe, we can really think about it, plan it, and formulate a new order.”

Tianlingzi and Huayang Jun are also nodded. They naturally agree with this matter. This is a good thing, a good thing for the country and the people.

Everyone must agree on the general direction. The most important thing now is the detailed rules. How to formulate this rule is important.

The Lord of the Celestial Court and the Lord of the Celestial each airs his own views, who have expressed many ideas.

Hongchenke and 100 Chuanfusu also combined their own experiences and expressed some unique insights and ideas. The universe where Hongchenke was born is also chaotic, and it is not far from the Hongmeng universe.

The universe where 100 Chuanfusu was born is a bit better. The first 3 cosmic eras are more confusing. In the 4th cosmic era, 100 Chuanfusu and Yu Young Master 2 people established a unified universe, which only improved under their rule Many, continued until the 9th cosmic era, and finally went to chaos, all destruction.

And then Fanghua, which eventually disappeared into nothingness.

After all, the stunning sun is a Heavenly Venerable, but it is well-informed, and talks about some of the situations he has seen, especially illustrating the universe that he knows of the owner of the Universe Source.

It also strengthened the determination of everyone to reinvent samsara, correct the syllabus, and restore Heavenly Dao.

This is a plan for the permanent development of the Hongmeng universe and must be taken seriously.

Reinvent samsara so that all creatures must enter samsara and enter samsara after death. Even Mighty God Sovereign can’t surpass this iron law.

Only when you reach the Universe Lord can you truly transcend reincarnation, transcend Heavenly Dao, transcend everything.

Realign the heavenly syllabus, re-establish Heavenly Dao, punish evil and good, and have a cause and effect.

For evil, there must be a report, for the evil person to enter the reincarnation, then reincarnated as pigs, dogs and animals, wild beast.

For the sake of goodness, even if the ants enter the reincarnation, they can also be reincarnations, or even be noble, and Guanghua was born.

For extreme evil, Heavenly Dao lowered the punishment and was even beaten into reincarnation, forever unable to reincarnate.

Many details are listed after one after another. God World’s saints have discussed for 100 years before they are finally perfected.

There are other things that can be revised in the future. For the time being, they are all comprehensive and relatively complete.

Qin Xiao wrote down all the details one after another, and there was a little smile on his face. He said, “Okay, that’s the matter, I will invite everyone to join Land of Samsara again. Reinvent samsara together, realign the heavens, and restore Heavenly Dao.”

“By then, I believe that our Hongmeng universe will also open a new chapter and enter a new era, an eternal era.”

“We work together to lay a solid foundation for the future prosperity of our Hongmeng universe. It is foreseeable that the future of our Hongmeng universe is bright. The road for all of us will also go further and further.


All the saints laughed heartily, which is what everyone is looking forward to and working hard.

A group of like-minded people together, no matter what they do, are so beautiful.

After sending Gu Lingyue back to 9 Zhou Shi within the realm, Qin Xiao set out to complete his plan.

Invite all the saints together to land of Samsara.

Reincarnation Race Chang Cheng fearfully came out to greet the saints, and the saints came to him Land of Samsara, this is the first time ever.

Qin Xiao did not hesitate. Before coming to the heart of reincarnation, he began to reinvent reincarnation.

Supreme’s rays of light emanated from Qin Xiao’s body and suddenly enveloped the entire Land of Samsara.

The Avenues of the Heavens, Prestige of Primordial Chaos, flooded the entire Hongmeng, so that the entire universe was shrouded in Daowei, and all the creatures looked at the heavens with surprise and wonder, not knowing what happened.

The heart of reincarnation also exudes powerful rays of light, fused with the heavens.

“Marks of the heavens, enter the reincarnation, the might of Heaven, enter the reincarnation, the light of Hongmeng, enter the reincarnation!”

Qin Xiao Hongliang’s voice resembled the sound of Tao above 9 days, resounding through the entire Hongmeng universe, making all the creatures in the Hongmeng universe hear clearly.

This voice exudes the power of Supreme, so that all creatures kneel down involuntarily, worship and wait for the new order.

Endless rays of light poured into the heart of reincarnation, allowing the heart of reincarnation to merge with the Avenue of Heavens and the will of Hongmeng Universe Source and quickly become stronger.

The reincarnation of rays of light enters every corner of the Hongmeng universe and envelopes every soul.

It’s like there are countless thin threads that bind all life.

“Heavenly Dao, righteousness and righteousness, laws of the heavens, rewards and punishments of good and evil, Karmic Retribution. Samsara Reincarnation, everything stands!”

Qin Xiao’s voice echoed again in the Hongmeng universe, setting Supreme’s laws and spilling Supreme’s heavenly prestige.

Establish Heavenly Dao, the rule of law, the law of iron making!

The seal of Dao Dao entered all the souls of the Hongmeng universe in the depth of one’s soul, imprinted on it, so that all souls now know this Heavenly Dao Law.

The darkness faded and the light rose.

The cycle of reincarnation changes, and the era begins. When Hongmeng’s rays of light spread across the sky, a new order and a new era will follow.

Washing the world’s hostility, eliminating the world’s darkness, sweeping the world’s haze, let the light illuminate every corner, so that all life spirits feel warm and no longer fear.

Hongmeng universe, a cheer, all celebrate the beginning of a new era.

Hongmeng universe also officially entered the era of mountains and rivers.

Everything has changed, and the style of the entire Hongmeng universe is obviously different.

“Haha, it has changed, everything has changed, everything is on the right track. Okay, it’s really good.” Lord of the Celestial Court laughed heartily, and this mood cannot be expressed in words .

The Reckless Lord is also full of smiles: “Yes, very good. Celestial Court, this is what we dreamed of before, and now we finally have it.”

“I also believe that our Hongmeng universe will definitely stand at Peak of Great Thousand Worlds in the future. All this is just the beginning of that’s all.”

Everyone’s face was filled with joy.

Qin Xiao’s eyes fell on Reincarnation Race Chief, saying: “Reincarnation Race Chief, although you, the reincarnation race, do not need to guard the reincarnation for generations, but I have more important tasks to hand to you. In the future, reincarnation, Heavenly Dao’s The punishment is all left to you to manage, and you can punish on behalf of Heaven and execute Heavenly Dao.”

Reincarnation Race is always a respectful leader: “Xie Shanhe Venerable Lord has a great love, I will reincarnate a family, and I must striving to the utmost.”

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