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Road, everyone has chosen unanimously.

A series of plans have also been discussed and settled.

Thirty people, two soldiers divided into two roads, each with ten or five people. Each team was led by Qin Xiao and Mo Wangbei, and they approached 30 Shenghua from two directions.

Just like the two wings of a bird, you can take care of each other. If one side is attacked, you need to slow down, and the other team can quickly come over and respond.

If there is a big danger, the 2 teams can quickly spread the distance and disperse the enemy’s power.

Opening and closing like this is like 2 sharp blades. This tactic was also decided by Qin Xiao.

In terms of combat experience, Qin Xiao is of course no doubt, very rich.

In the large and small battles, Qin Xiao participated in too many.

Qin Xiao took a team of people and quickly approached San Shenghua. Now that the action is decided, there is naturally no hesitation.

Regardless of whether you are approaching quickly or slowly, you certainly cannot escape the perception of the three hidden forces.

Therefore, as long as they act, it will definitely be targeted, which is beyond doubt.

The facts also prove that this is the case. As soon as Qin Xiao acted, he noticed a pair of terrifying eyes staring at him in the dark. You Sen ice cold aura, also rushed over like a tide.

But this breath is still relatively convergent, so only Qin Xiao can perceive it, others not at all.

For others, there is no danger ahead, and they can’t detect it anyway.

The three hidden forces are very deep, and most people have no way to detect it.

Hidden breath, this is also the instinctive means of Demonic beast.

If Qin Xiao does not have so much experience and has a very strong ability to perceive, it will definitely be difficult to detect.

Getting closer and closer, Qin Xiao also clearly noticed that the hidden power was about to start.

“Brothers, have paid attention, ready to fight.” Qin Xiao transmitted sound to everyone.

Hearing everyone’s nerves when Qin Xiao said he was preparing to fight, they were all vigilant.

They knew that Qin Xiao wouldn’t crack a joke, saying there was a fight, it must be in danger.

“Um, underground!” Qin Xiao Meiyu suddenly picked up, feeling that there was movement coming from the underground, breath also passed from the underground, and moved quickly underground.

Qin Xiao immediately understood, there is something hidden in the ground.

It can move so quickly in the underground, this is what the hell thing? Will shield art?

“Go back!”

Qin Xiao suddenly drank and made everyone back.

While he was drinking, the sword in his hand slammed down on the ground.

When everyone heard Qin Xiao’s words, without any hesitation, they immediately backed away and distanced themselves from Qin Xiao.

And Qin Xiao was slammed on the ground, and the powerful sword energy was shaken away, turning into a sharp edge of one after another into the ground.

Immortal strength is turbulent, and the sword is sharp. A sword fell, and the ground cracked quickly, cracking the ground after one after another.

The sharp edges of one after another sword energy flashed in the ground fissures, which were obviously formed by these sword energy sharp edges.

It can be seen how powerful this might of a single sword is. Although this sword Qin Xiao not at all uses Jinghong Sword’s Immortal Technique, but it can’t destroy this might of a single sword.

In the cultivation of immortal dao, although Qin Xiao is a 4-step Sovereign, it has also reached the extreme of 4-step Sovereign, which is only a small step away from the universe, that’s all.

Most important understanding of immortal dao, Qin Xiao has many aspects, different from ordinary people.

With more understanding, it can exert more powerful force.

You can mobilize the might of Heaven, for me to use, into the sword, so that the sword becomes more powerful.

A seemingly ordinary sword, but it contains a lot of things in it, there are a lot of immortal dao formidable power in it.

The so-called Immortal Technique cultivation technique is actually an application of immortal dao Xianwei. A little deeper, it is the application of immortal dao law.

Qin Xiao started to create cultivation techniques when he was very weak, so there are many perceptions and understandings, then Qin Xiao can be used in actual combat to strengthen his own methods.

peng!! !!

Qin Xiao’s sword fell, a loud noise suddenly exploded, and a silhouette burst out of the ground.

This is a Demonic beast about 30 feet long, with a body like a mouse. 4 legs are not long, but the body is very thick, but the head is also very long, and there is a thick and powerful tail. On his head, there is a horn like a barb of fangs.

The whole body is covered with fresh slices of earth-yellow, each of which is larger than the mouth of the bowl, bright and shining, reflecting the nether glow of the cold man.

This Demonic beast is not huge, and the portrait is not terrifying, even at first glance, it will feel a little cute.

But no one dared to really think so, that is the way of courting death. The Demonic beast in front of him radiated a powerful air of killing.

Qin Xiao’s sword just now did not cause any harm to him.

Qin Xiao’s eyes fell on this demonic beast. He obviously didn’t know what exactly this demonic beast came from.

However, it was soon recognized by someone: “It is a beetle, born with a shield Divine Ability, appear and disappear unpredictably, extremely difficult to be captured.”

“The strongest of the earth beast is his defense. It is said that it is difficult to hurt the earth beast. It will shield the ground and the body defense is very strong. Even if the attack power is weaker, it is difficult to deal with him thing.”

“Earth beast?” Qin Xiao, what is the origin of the demonic beast before understood?

However, Qin Xiao has not heard of it. After listening to such an explanation, it can be regarded as a general understanding of what capabilities this earth beast has.

The defense is strong, this Qin Xiao has already felt it.

Innate Divine Ability with shield technique, this Qin Xiao has also learned.

With these two methods on your body, it is really not easy to deal with him.

“It seems that we can’t come by hard, we can only outsmart. Our purpose is not to kill this beast, just to defeat him and run away. Or, don’t need to run away, just need to Just suppress it.”

“Earth beasts have a strong defensive ability and strong escape ability. But this world is fair. Since God has given the earth beasts 2 different talents, it will certainly not give too much.”

“So, if I guess right, his attack must be the weakness.”

“Strong, I won’t touch you hard. Weak, I will stare.”

Qin Xiao thought about it, and immediately thought about how to deal with it.

After having a countermeasure, Qin Xiao did not hesitate, and immediately said to everyone: “Earth beasts will shield the earth, everyone should be careful and follow my previous plan.”

“Attack is his weakness, so he hides as soon as he attacks. As soon as he hides, we attack, not confronting him directly, and pressing him with our strengths.”

“Brothers, let’s do it together!”

With Qin Xiao’s order, everyone did not hesitate, and everyone who had already prepared for the battle quickly shot.

Qin Xiao was naturally the first shot, a sword was killed, and a strange sharp edge was blooming, a piece of shock.

Jinghong Sword Art, Jianke Jinghong.

Although Qin Xiao hasn’t trained Jinghong Sword Art to the extreme, it can also play a bit of a shocking trend.

Everyone’s offensives were all attacked at the same time, just like a gigantic wave rushing to the earth beast.

The earth beast did not hide, but used its body to resist the offensive of everyone, and at the same time issued a low roar, killing one person.

The target he chose was obviously not Qin Xiao.

Bang bang bang!! !

Everyone’s offensives fell together, as if they were 5 thunder bombs, facing the ground armor beast was a mad bombing, like one after another thunder and lightning struck the ground armor beast, arousing a series of chaos The spark came out.

The speed of the earth beast is also fast, and it has avoided a lot of offensives.

All other forces were taken over, but not at all hurt him. He even ignored those attacks and bit his target.

It is not others who are targeted by the earth beasts.

At this time, seeing the earth beast was not affected by anything in general, and brought him with a sensation of ice and cold, and suddenly let the karma sink, and it felt like Death God was approaching him Let him smell the terrifying danger coming.

This is Death Aura!

This time, it really scared Karma Wong, and under the impact of this terrifying breath, Karen Wuji’s face suddenly became cold and pale.

“Be careful, get nowhere!”

“No return, no hurry!”

Others also realized the danger and shouted suddenly.

Where do you not know that there is danger in karma? But at this moment, his body seemed to be a bit uncomfortable. Where is it so easy to avoid?

Moreover, the speed of the beast beast is too fast, so there is a feeling that there is no way to avoid karma, and it is completely stared at.

Therefore, karma can only be subconsciously retreated quickly, but the earth beast chased down at a faster speed.

Under such circumstances, there is no way for karma to escape.

“Hmph, beast, get away!”

And at the time of this crisis, suddenly an immortal cable appeared out of thin air, and the lightning flew over, and suddenly bound the earth beast directly.

The other end of Xiansuo was held by Qin Xiao in his hand, and then pulled hard to directly pull back the earth beast.

In this way, it is possible to cut off the ground beast and then kill the karma.

Karma had to gasp for this, and quickly stepped aside and retreated to the crowd, which made him relaxed and felt cold sweat.

“Hu ——It was really too dangerous just now. It scared me to death. I almost died in the mouth of this beast.” Afterwards, there was still some fear in karma.

If the last moment is not Qin Xiao’s timely shot, then he may really die in the hands of the earth beast.

Even if it does not die, it may be a serious injury.

Fortunately, Qin Xiao took a strong shot, and one trick was to stop the beast from that place.

Qin Xiao’s move is Xian Suo.

This is also the first time Qin Xiao has used Xian Suo in combat, and the effect is quite good.

“Roar!!!!” The earth beast beast roared angrily, fiercely glared at Qin Xiao, hissing: “The humble and small Human Race, just because of your immortal rope technique, also wants to be tied Live me?”

“Hmph hum, your immortal technique is far from home, has several points of fire Hou. This power, I want to restrain me.”

After all, the ground beast suddenly drilled to the ground, and directly into the ground. The powerful force brought Xiansuo into it.

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